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Cover Image
Curly Howard with his pooches, mid-1940s. The miniature schnauzer on the left is Shorty, a dog he purchased while on the road in 1940.

SPRING 2025   -   Editor: Gary Lassin

  This Issue Available ($3.00 US, PPD)

by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 2
  • Top:  "Ogg and Zogg don't take kindly to producer Norman Maurer's instructions on the set of THE THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT (1962)."
  • Bottom:  "Maurer celebrates his 38th birthday on the set of THE OUTLAWS IS COMING as Moe and other cast and crew members look on, May 13, 1964."

News Flashes...
by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 3
  • Growing Up Stooge, a new book by Joan Howard Maurer, with Jeff Lenburg, is now published by BearManor Media.  Penned prior to her 2021 death, the book tells Joan's story of growing up as Moe's daughter.  Available in hardcover and softcover.
  • The 1st printing of A Tour de Farce:  The Complete History of The Three Stooges on the Road is sold out, but a 2nd printing is now available.  Written by Gary Lassin and published by The Stoogeum, this 2nd edition includes a new 2-page addendum with a dozen newly discovered appearances, some updated photo captions with newly identified people, an improved index, and a more rigid spine for durability.
  • American Mythology has published two new issues of its Stooge comic book series... The Three Stooges: New Year's Nitwits (4 variant covers) and The Little Stooges (3 variant covers).  The former contains both a new story plus reprints of stories from 1960s Stooges comic books; the latter is a reprint of 1972's The Little Stooges # 1.

Have Slapstick, Will Travel: The Three Stooges Meet Lottie Brunn and the Corn Palace
by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 4 - 7

The story of Moe, Larry and Curly Joe's summer 1961 personal appearances, highlighting in detail their September 17 - 23, 1961 booking at the Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD alongside female juggler Lottie Brun.  The Boys made a promotional television guest spot on the Kernal Korn Show, a TV host who played the Stooges' shorts on KORN-TV.

Three Stooges Supporting Players, The: Mini-Biographical Profiles
by Journal Staff
Page(s): 8 - 13
  • Lucille Porcett
  • Stanley Price
  • Bertha Priestley
  • John Rand
  • Norma Randall
  • Rebel Randall
  • Arthur Rankin
  • Frances Raymond

Dewey, Cheatem, (Lord, Bernds, Black, Chase) & Howe: The 26th (Vingt-Sixieme) Three Stooges Big Screen Event
by Anthony 'Shemp Shady' Eden
Page(s): 14

A review of the 26th annual Three Stooges film festival held at the Alex Theater in Glendale, CA on Thanksgiving weekend.

Bulletin Board
Page(s): 15

Fan classified advertisements

Stooge Trivia
by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 15

Trivia Q&A

Rare Photo
by Gary Lassin
Page(s): 16

"The Boys were the featured entertainers at the Columbia Pictures sales convention at the Drake Hotel in Chicago, June 1936.  Here they pose for a photo op with some of the lucky attendees."

  This Issue Available ($3.00 US, PPD)

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