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adding fan comments to episodes guide

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Offline Shemoeley Fine

When clicking on a title of a 2-reeler the page chosen always has an abundance of information including fan comments. I've noticed that the comments are months and even years old, cool, however I have on 4 different ocassions on 4 different shorts, adding comments only to see them not included. The comments appear on my personal file archives under comments, so if I wanted to see recent fan comments on the shorts, I would have to figure out who has posted comments and then click on their profile to see them.  Are the moderators no longer accepting fans comments for general viewing any more?
If it is a question of space, how about deleted the oldest entries to make room for newer ones as I am sure there is always new observations of note worth reading as new members or repititive viewing results in additional info.

Shemoeley Fine
Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline Dunrobin

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Fan comments on the episode pages are moderated, meaning that a new comment will not appear to the public until either one of the Global Moderator or I approve it.  I try to check for new submittals at least once a day, so it rarely takes longer than 24 hours before one of us has taken a look at it.  I usually approve them as soon as I take a look, although I may occasionally "clean up" an entry's format before approving it.  I normal approve all of them, unless it's a really pointless post (for example, if it is just something like "Great short!")

The fan comments are one of the oldest features of the site, and actually predate the message boards.  At one point, though, they were blended into the message boads, and they ended up getting filled with garbage posts (I remember one prize idiot who made posts consisting of just "Clowns gonna get me!" over and over again, up to 100 times in a single post!)  There were also several "flamewars" and other assorted nonsense.  When I re-launched the site on Curly's bithday last year (it was down for a couple of months, after I screwed up the database and had to rebuild it), I left the comments off at first while I cleaned out most of the crap.  When I relaunched them a few month's later, I made them strictly moderated so that won't happen again.

To make it easier for everyone to see what's been added to the site, I've put a new section on the Home page called "Recent Updates', which will also list any new fan comments that have been submitted within the past 2 weeks.  There's also a link to it on the Home menu, at the top of every page.

Offline Guada

I had yesterday posted a comment on Cookoo Cavaliers and I hope to see it added because I consider it important for the fans.
I identified one of the girls that acted in that short, the one that played "Pepita", she is Blanca Vischer and also acted in "Boobs in arms" (uncredited as well).
Blanca Vischer was born in Guatemala but few is known about her. She acted in 1934 with Carlos Gardel, the most famous tango singer, in the Paramount movie "El tango en Broadway".

Offline shemps#1

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I saw the submission and had to reject it; you're English needs some work. We're pretty picky about what goes through.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Guada

Oh sorry, I'll post it again trying to do it better. Of course you have the last word. Congratulations on the site.

Offline shemps#1

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I liked all of the background info you gave, and it's gone now! Try again, with the background info on Ms. Vischer included; I can't really improve a one-sentence comment.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown