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Spaceballs: The Moronika Topic

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Offline J_Kasumi

Hey, gang. So, I figured I'd create a post to discuss what is one of the best films ever made, and my personal favorite movie of all time. And that's Spaceballs by Mel Brooks. I've legitimately watched this film over a thousand times in my life and it always cracks me up. From the casting of Rick Moranis as Dark Helmet to the late John Candy as Barf. This movie has always cracked me up with laughter. The plot is a great parody on science fiction, in fact, I even love other films by Mel Brooks. Mel Brooks has always cracked me up. Fun fact, Spaceballs was the first picture I ever saw as a kid in 1993. It cracked me up then, and still does. I can't help but laugh every time I watch it. If you get a chance, the movie is on the Wayback Machine. I'd love to see if anyone else here loves the film. Oh, and #maytheschwartzbewithyou!
A railfan, Trekkie, Stoogie, among too many other interests to list here.