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July 4: A Promise Betrayed

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Offline Dunrobin

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"Because I do it with one small ship, I am called a terrorist.   You do it with a whole fleet and are called an emperor."
– A pirate, from St. Augustine's 'City of God'

July 4: A Promise Betrayed
by David MacGregor

In the early 80s I was in New Zealand. I was an ardent admirer and supporter of the USA and everything American. So much so, that one particular evening I deliberately took myself on to the streets of Auckland City to take on the mindless hordes who were marching up the main street in protest at the visits of American nuclear-powered warships to New Zealand waters.

I was livid. I can recall yelling and arguing with various left wing toadies, trying in vain to counter their assertion that such ships were dangerous. Of course, the real reason I was angry was that I knew the root of these protests was anti-Americanism. If ever anyone hated America's freedoms, it was these people!

I loved America, because it was the first country explicitly formed on the basis of a document asserting the rights of the individual - The Declaration of Independence. Because it was the true land of opportunity. And because it shone like a beacon of hope in an otherwise dismal, socialist world.

I view that document as a global treasure. It asserts man's sovereignty - anywhere and everywhere. It is a world first.  Nowhere and no time in previous history has such a declaration been made on behalf of the rights of man. Nowhere has anyone audaciously suggested that man is sovereign over his own life.

To say, as it does, that we all have unalienable rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" - is to say what history has hitherto suppressed and denied. And because of this, it is a truly radical document.

The greatness of America was built upon the greatness of itsfounding principles - The Declaration of Independence.

Boy, how times have changed!

Americans still celebrate July 4, Independence Day, but judging from actual reality, it would appear the majority have either forgotten what those words really mean, or don't care any more.

It would seem that Americans are more concerned with flag-waving and patriotic slogans, as expressions of the July 4 spirit, than concern for the principles that mark that day as unique. Form has replaced substance. Slogans have replaced thinking. Spin has replaced truth.

How did all this happen?

Well, America's abandonment of freedom as a guiding principle did not happen over night. It was a slow process of erosion and decay - a gradualist departure from the ideals that made it great in the first place.

But if one can put an exact time on the open declaration of this decay, it was the USA's response to 9/11.

I was in London at the time, heading back to my hotel after a few hours of shopping. I noticed all these people standing in front of a shop window. It turned out they were all watching multiple television screens, which were simultaneously announcing that the USA had been attacked and that planes had crashed into the World Trade Center. The images were literally "out of this world"!

I was like everybody else, shocked and angered - and appalled that such a thing could happen. At first, I could hardly bring myself to believe it!

Little did I know that this event would trigger a major catastrophe for both the USA and the world at large - the declaration of the "war on terror".

I see this Declaration of War as the complete opposite to the earlier Declaration of Independence. One opened the door to human advancement and progress. The other opened the door to possible human annihilation.

The first declaration is about individual freedom. The second declaration is about human slavery.

It seems the world turned, in one breath, from a place of hope and fulfilled dreams, to one of horror and despair. And the reason for this sea change in the world's psyche was America's turning from being the champion of freedom to an active proponent of its demise - all in the name of protecting freedom.

Millions of words have already been written on the war on terror, so I will simply say that a war on terror, is a war on an idea.  A war on a strategy. It cannot be won. It can only lead to more and more degradation and decline, as ever-expanding draconian legislation is enacted in the futile attempt to stamp out terror.

One may as well stamp out evil. It's a fool's game. War won't eliminate terror, but it can certainly eliminate freedom.

Like I said, the erosion of individual liberty has been a "work in progress" - a series of small steps in the wrong direction.  It didn't start yesterday - and in fact probably started the day after the original Declaration was signed!

Every minor loss of freedom sets a precedent for the next one.  One law here, one regulation there. One tax increase here, one property rights violation there. Over time, the situation becomes like the veritable frog in boiling water - which ends up dying because the water temperature was heated gradually, so it didn't notice the impending danger.

But the war on terror has brought this process to an entirely new stage - the overt, in-your-face abandonment of any pretence of freedom - all in the pursuit of fabled security.

And that's the deal the world is being offered. Your freedom for your security. A trade made in hell. Except, it's not honestly stated. No politician is actually saying "give up your freedom in exchange for security". No, what they ARE saying is that this war on terror is necessary, precisely to ensure freedom!

War, I venture to say, is not a human activity at all - not if you consider humans as individuals. War can only be fought by states - or humans in the collective sense. Sure, individuals often resort to violence, but it is limited to one on one, or a few against the others. Only the state can bring individuals together on mass - and turn the propensity for a fist fight into a potential nuclear holocaust.

War puts everything up for grabs - including enshrined freedoms.  Nothing can stand against the state as a war machine. And if you try you are a traitor.

War reveals the very worst in human nature. Men, who at home wouldn't hurt a fly, will turn into butchers, torturers and rapists in the theatre of war. Individual responsibility is replaced by the obedience to authority. Individual conscience is replaced by herd instinct.

War is the health of the state. States need war. They need it to instil a sense of fear and insecurity. Like any effective protection racketeer, you can hardly expect your clients to hand over their money and freedom, unless there is a demonstrated need for the services you are offering.

War is the ultimate "create fear - provide protection" racket.

The "war on terror" is diabolically clever for a number of reasons: first because the enemy can be anywhere, which causes more fear; secondly because the war is never-ending, as terror (like evil) will likely be with us forever; thirdly such a war cannot be measured or graded for success. It is undefinable, malleable - the perfect tool for the nascent totalitarian.

There's a well-known phenomenon in politics. It's when a party promises one thing, and surreptitiously goes ahead and does another. It's much more likely for a leftist government to succeed in bringing about rightist policies. And vice versa, for a rightist government to implement leftist policies. For example: a leftist government is more likely to succeed in getting industrial relations laws changed, in favour of the free market, than a rightist one. This is because liberals are wary of a right wing party's intentions and will scrutinise every move. Whereas their faith in their own party's ideological slogans blinds them to its actual actions.

You can see this all over the world, from the US Republican Party's embrace and furtherance of socialist, welfare state policies, to the UK Labour Party's embrace of neo-Thatcherist economic policies, to the radical surge toward the free market which New Zealand underwent in 1984 - under a Labour government!

It seems that people's defences are down when their "own" people are in control.

Well, the same phenomenon is happening on an international scale.  If any number of people were asked to name the freest country on earth, I'm sure the majority would immediately say, "the USA!".  And it is precisely because of this reputation, that the leaders of that country can now be pushing a totalitarian platform. No one expects the "land of the free" to be promoters of, and the catalyst for, a "world of the slaves".

On this memorable day, July 4, I ask all right-thinking Americans to consider the true meaning of their founding charter. I urge them to compare their country as it was, to the one it is becoming - under the banner of the "war on terror".

A country at war is never a free country. Yes, it's possible to fight a war to secure freedom - as was the original American war of Independence. But a war on terror is a different type of animal altogether. A war on terror is not a war to secure freedom, but to obliterate it. Not overnight. Not at once. But gradually, step by step - one lost freedom at a time.

There is one glimmer of hope, and that's the fact there IS such a thing as the true American "spirit" - the sense of life that knows, understands and values true freedom.

America has many such people with the freedom spirit. And all it needs is for this force for freedom to wake up and take action - before it's too late.

July 4 is a time to celebrate freedom and all that entails. Let us hope that enough Americans grasp the true meaning of it, and realise that the course the USA has currently set itself is not about freedom, but about slavery.

America is both the hope and fear of the entire world. Its size and power make it capable of influencing the entire planet for good, or ill. The America of the Founding Fathers is the hope - but the USA of the "war on terror" is the fear.

Where it chooses to go from here, remains to be seen. But there is always a choice.

Yours in freedom

David MacGregor

SOURCE:  The SovereignLife Report - To subscribe go to:

Offline Dunrobin

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I posted this here, instead of in Dunrobin's Rants as I normally would, because I want to make sure as many people see and read this as possible.  Mr. MacGregor expresses my own sentiments more eloquently than I could do.

There is one glimmer of hope, and that's the fact there IS such a thing as the true American "spirit" - the sense of life that knows, understands and values true freedom.

America has many such people with the freedom spirit. And all it needs is for this force for freedom to wake up and take action - before it's too late.

July 4 is a time to celebrate freedom and all that entails. Let us hope that enough Americans grasp the true meaning of it, and realise that the course the USA has currently set itself is not about freedom, but about slavery.

America is both the hope and fear of the entire world. Its size and power make it capable of influencing the entire planet for good, or ill. The America of the Founding Fathers is the hope - but the USA of the "war on terror" is the fear.

Where it chooses to go from here, remains to be seen. But there is always a choice.

Frankly, I think we're pretty screwed, and that we are doomed to undergo some very hard times in the not-too-distant future before the concepts of individual freedom, liberty and self-responsibility become dominant in American again.  But I would dearly like to be proven wrong about that.

The Founding Fathers tried to warn us - repeatedly - that government is inherently dangerous, and will quickly grow out of control, like a cancer, unless kept in close check.  Unfortunately, although the Founding Fathers were wise men, they left too many loopholes in the Constitution of 1787, and things started going wrong only a generation or two after them, when Lincoln and the Republicans destroyed the principles enshrined in the Decalration of Independence and the Constitution.  In the 20th century government got completely out of control - largely through the efforts of Woodrow Wilson and the two Roosevelts - and the mercantilist empire advocated by Hamilton, Clay and Lincoln replaced the Republic the Founders had established.

Today, with their "War on Terror", Bush and the Republicans are again expanding the power of the government, and shredding the last remenants of our natural Rights and liberty, and the mercantilism of Lincoln has evolved into full-blown fascism.

It will not last.  Politicians, while inevitably corrupt, are also fairly foolish and short-sighted.  Centralized control over a large nation and its economy does not work, and never has.  The old Soviet Union is an excellent example, and it would have collapsed even sooner than it did if it hadn't been propped up by outsiders (including, ironically, by our own government) for many decades.

I've been working on my own attempt to correct the mistakes and loopholes in the Constitution, over the years, and the result is available for review and discussion on my personal site,  Everyone who is interested in invited to participate.

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Government authorized ways to celebrate your freedoms, this 4th of July

As we go out to celebrate our freedom this 4th of July, let's go over a few things to make your celebration a success.

Before leaving home make sure you check the color coded Homeland Security alert status. Be especially careful if it is orange or red. Don't worry about yellow. It's always yellow.

Don't use any illegal fireworks in your 4th Celebration. It is for your own safety. And the founding father's implemented a government to protect you from yourselves. Didn't they? Besides, fireworks are explosive devices and you might be considered a terrorist with weapons of mass destruction. And although the government can't find any in Iraq, you can rest assured they will find them in your car trunk. But don't worry, getting arrested, imprisoned indefinitely without formal charges, and a 5 year wait before the secret tribunal trial per the Patriot Act is a breeze. It's that secret summary execution that should make you nervous.

Make sure you are buckled up in your seat belts, there will be roadblocks and checkpoints to make sure you comply. It is for the children.

If you are an airline employee, lighten up for the holiday, you can always look for a job tomorrow. Maybe you could transfer over to a Federal Airport Security Screener job. Big demand for those jobs and you don't have to be smart.

If you are a Halliburton employee, then celebrate, you probably have a raise coming from the Iraqi contract windfall.

If celebrating on any public property, make no mention of religious ideals. Government is god there. You will be aprehended.

Have your papers ready as you approach the holiday police checkpoints.

Don't criticize the President, or other government officials, you might be in violation of the Patriot Act and considered a possible terrorist.

Don't mention the Constitution in any district court, or you could be held in contempt.

If your children get out of line this holiday, do not discipline them, or they may be kidnapped by the Dept. of Social Services and held hostage until you receive approved psychological therapy and are deemed acceptable.

Show compassion this Independence Day by bringing an illegal immigrant to your celebration, or by hugging a tree.

If an election is occurring in your locality within the next 90 days, do not talk about or publicly support any candidate, as that is no longer lawful. Keep your mouth shut.

If an officer asks to search your vehicle at the "seat belt" checks, do not be belligerent and demand a search warrant. Standing up for your fourth amendment rights is anti-social and not in tune with the new American way. Are you with Al Qaeda or something?

Do not get upset when the searching officer will not help you pick up your belongings that he has strewn all over the highway as he searched your vehicle. It is not in his job description and complaining will get you charged with obstructing justice.

Keep your guns at home. You are not going hunting and besides, What on earth do guns have to do with American Independence? Better yet, turn your guns into the authorities to let them know that you are a true patriotic American.

Better yet, just STAY at home. BUT do not assume that you are safe, because you are at home. If a government bureaucrat shows up at your home, he will probably be flashing a badge at you. This makes him look like a constitutional law enforcement officer. He may even be armed. Do not ask to see a warrant, and then tell him to leave if he does not have one. They will put a siege around your house. If you do not come out soon enough, they may invade, with guns drawn, or even set your house on fire.

For more information, do a Google search using keywords like "Symbionese Liberation Army", "Philadelphia MOVE group", "Gordon Kahl", "The Order", "Robert Matthews", "Covenant of the Sword and Arm of the Lord", "Randy Weaver" , "Branch Davidian", or "Elian Gonzalez".

If you are counting on your congressman to protect you, understand that the average congressman is ALSO afraid to resist.

For more information, do a Google search using keywords like "George Hanson" , "James Trafficant" or "Larry McDonald".

If celebrating at the mall in Washington DC. you are probably safe as the mall is now monitored by hundreds of surveillance cameras, watched by federal security forces. Don't do anything that you wouldn't want them to see.

Bring lots of cash with you, there will be many taxes, fines, and fees to pay as you celebrate your freedoms this day.

Do not leave home without your driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, welfare card, medicare card, medical records, W-2 Form, and two others forms of ID. You may be asked for them at the police checkpoints. Better yet, get micro-chipped, and avoid the hassle of carrying around your papers.

Bring your library card, the FBI may ask you for it.

Do not put any "anti-government" bumper stickers on your car. Especially not anything about the right to keep and bear arms. Police have been trained by the FBI in "bumper sticker profiling". This attracts their attention at the check points, and makes you look like a terrorist.

With regard to "bumper sticker profiling" you should be especially aware of the fact that "They will get my gun, when they pry it from my cold dead fingers" is no longer mere semantics. At WACO, and at RUBY RIDGE, we learned that they WILL kill you to take your guns.

ALSO, be careful not to have any unauthorized THOUGHTS. There are now serious penalties for "thought crime". Be aware that "civil forfeiture" laws make it possible to take anything that you own, by alleging that it was "intended" to be used for the commission of a crime. This could include transporting, or storing, a gun. If "civil forfeiture" proceedings are initiated against you, then you will have the burden of proof, to show that your thoughts were in compliance with government standards.

Get to know some politicians, and bureacrats, so that you might be able to head off the taking of your private property to be given to private developers for "public good".

If traveling by air, this Independence Day, do not give the airport screeners a hard time. They are feeling you up, and molesting your daughter, and wife, for the security of America. If you complain you could be arrested. You don't support Bin Laden do you?

Keep an eye on your fellow Americans as you celebrate this 4th of July. If you see anything suspicious, take notes so that when you get home you can call and report them to the Homeland Security Office. And remember you are not a nosey snitch, you are a great American Patriot.

Do not mention the signers of the Declaration of Independence this 4th of July. Mentioning these white subversive terrorists is not popular and could get you in big trouble. Besides what do these guys have to do with the 4th of July anyway?

Do not leave home without one or more little plastic American flags made by political slaves in Communist China. Make sure you have one flying from the antennae of your vehicle. You don't want to seem un-American do you?

Do not take a copy of the Declaration of Independence with you as it advocates the overthrow of tyrannical government. It is a terrorist document and will be confiscated at the holiday police checkpoints. Same advice for the Constitution.

And remember, as you leave home for your 4th of July outing, that the second you stepped out of your door that you probably broke hundreds of federal, state, and local laws that you are probably unaware of. However, if you tow the line, you will not be charged.

Don't even think about taxes on this great day. The 50 per cent government confiscation of your income at the threat of imprisonment or at the point of a gun should not even cross your mind as you revel in your freedom. After all, April 15th is a long way off.

And whatever you do, do not let on that you really know that true freedom died a long time ago in America, just have fun for the day and then go home and stick your head back in the sand and pretend America is not becoming a socialist police state.

Now go out there and celebrate your freedom, and liberty, and have a great sanitized, politically correct, and government approved and authorized Independence Day!

If you have a few decades with nothing better to do, study up on "administrative law".

Laws are now made by the unelected bureaucrats, in hundreds of "administrative agencies". If you are charged with violating one of these "laws" you will not get a trial by a jury of your peers. You will be tried by the agency that made the charge.

I hope this message gets past the Department of Homeland security approved internet filter. How else can they protect us from unauthorized thught?

Now go out and celebrate your freedom, and have a great Independence Day!

HOMELAND SECURITY ADVISORY This transmission screened prior to receipt by addressee pursuant to applicable sections of the USA PATRIOT Act.


None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Our forefathers are crying. Our forefathers are angry. Our forefathers are loading their muskets and heading for The Green. America........ Wake the hell up.



independence usa tyranny


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  • Guest
i was born on the 4th of july, but i would give it all back to see Emperor Bush and all his cronies on the gallows......and hopefully...unlike the stooges, the rope would not break........ ;D---wheres booth or oswald when you really need them?

Offline kinderscenen

I always wondered how people could swallow all of this "War on Terror", and apparently, this is how. Using constant comparisons of how Americans (well, Westerners) have it better than the poor souls in Iraq or Afghanistan, the masses (most of them) tend not to question the necessity of this war, or how it can even be won.

It's almost too good to be true--a war that has millions upon millions of enemies, all of which are different from most Americans, which plays into our fears of anyone who's "different." While politicians are short sighted, their short sightedness could have long lasting consequences.

Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!