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Booby Dupes (1945)

metaldams · 33 · 15312

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Offline metaldams

While Curly may not have been what he was in 1940, he is still noticeably better here and in IDIOTS DE LUXE (I really don’t see major issues in the latter) than he was in the final 12 shorts and yes, the filming dates support this.  IF A BODY MEETS A BODY was filmed a bit later and was the start of a new season of filming.  Very noticeable difference between BODY and IDIOTS, and I don’t notice much difference between IDIOTS and BOOBY DUPES.

A lot of people over the years see a sick Curly in IDIOTS DE LUXE compared to the previous few shorts that preceded it.  You guys are not alone.  I just don’t see it.

BOOBY DUPES 9/27 - 9/30 1944
IDIOTS DE LUXE 10/5 - 10/9 1944

Five month gap

IF A BODY MEETS A BODY 3/9 - 3/13 1945

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

While Curly may not have been what he was in 1940, he is still noticeably better here and in IDIOTS DE LUXE (I really don’t see major issues in the latter) than he was in the final 12 shorts and yes, the filming dates support this.  IF A BODY MEETS A BODY was filmed a bit later and was the start of a new season of filming.  Very noticeable difference between BODY and IDIOTS, and I don’t notice much difference between IDIOTS and BOOBY DUPES.

A lot of people over the years see a sick Curly in IDIOTS DE LUXE compared to the previous few shorts that preceded it.  You guys are not alone.  I just don’t see it.

BOOBY DUPES 9/27 - 9/30 1944
IDIOTS DE LUXE 10/5 - 10/9 1944

Five month gap

IF A BODY MEETS A BODY 3/9 - 3/13 1945

I didn't think Curly was starting to slip until Busy Buddies which was filmed in November 1943 and released in March 1944, while Curly wasn't at his prime in his mid 1940's pre-stroke films I agree there was a huge noticeable difference in Curly from "Idiots" to "Body", I thought Curly may been a tad worse in "Idiots" than "Booby" but it was nothing compared to what you would see in most of his shorts starting with "Body",  I also wonder if Curly has his stroke before or after the filming of "Rockin' In The Rockies" which was filmed in December 1944, my guess would be before because he didn't look as sick in "Rockin' In The Rockies" as he did in "Body".

Offline metaldams

I didn't think Curly was starting to slip until Busy Buddies which was filmed in November 1943 and released in March 1944, while Curly wasn't at his prime in his mid 1940's pre-stroke films I agree there was a huge noticeable difference in Curly from "Idiots" to "Body", I thought Curly may been a tad worse in "Idiots" than "Booby" but it was nothing compared to what you would see in most of his shorts starting with "Body",  I also wonder if Curly has his stroke before or after the filming of "Rockin' In The Rockies" which was filmed in December 1944, my guess would be before because he didn't look as sick in "Rockin' In The Rockies" as he did in "Body".

According to Wikipedia, Moe made Curly check into the hospital on January 23, 1945, so after ROCKIES, before BODY. 
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Curly is starting to falter just a bit here, but I rank it as one of the better "later Curly" shorts.  As I move on in the countdown, each short becomes a little more enjoyable.  The true classics are still to come!

#98. Booby Dupes

Offline Dee-Bee

I'm on my second round viewing all 190 shorts in order, and this happens to be where I am right now, so I might as well drop a comment. I like this short a lot. It doesn't have that manic, madcap energy that's found in some of their shorts (especially some of the earliest ones), the atmosphere seems calmer, but it's just as funny. The obvious low budget for the water scenes just adds to its charm for me.

I always get a kick out of the times where they're referred to on screen as the Stooges. If you think about it (more deeply than anyone involved certainly intended), the implication of it is stranger here than usual. In the past shorts where they've identified themselves as such, they were entertainers - and then there's the one time Bud Jamison's character said they remind him of the Three Stooges, again implying that "the Three Stooges" are known figures of some sort. Moe yelling "hey, we're the Stooges" as he does here shows that he thinks people would know who the Stooges are, but if they're recognizable figures, what are they doing working as lowly fishmongers? I know, you're not supposed to think about it, but it's fun.

As a record collector, I was paying special attention to the opening scene, and I noticed the record that Moe throws away is not the same one that comes back and hits him. I can't figure out what the first one is, it's not a label I recognize, which is rare - but the one that comes flying back is a Columbia 'gold band' disc, which would have been made between 1917 and 1923, and thus was quite old when the short was filmed. The second one that he smashes over Curly's head appears to be a Victor record from the same era. For anyone who hasn't dealt with old 78s, they're fragile, and the shattering they do on screen is definitely real. That said, those blue label Columbias are unusually thick and tough for 78s, so that one might have been a bit painful for poor Curly!

Offline metaldams

Nice catch with the record label - that’s a detail I wouldn’t even think to ponder.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline I. Cheatam

      I'm going to get an early start this week, as I have Black Friday off from work.  ;D.

     BOOBY DUPES will go down as the last Del Lord directed Curly short and he only has one more short left with Shemp, but that's not for another few years.  From this point forward, the Hugh McCollum unit of the shorts department will belong to some young guy named Edward Bernds.  I have to say, even though the later Del Lord shorts are not up to his own incredibly high standards, he ends his Curly run here on a pretty good note, as I do enjoy this short.

      Like a few other Stooge films, including the short we'll be discussing in two weeks, BOOBY DUPES takes some ideas from a Laurel and Hardy film, in this case the classic TOWED IN A HOLE.  The ideas are the fresh fish sales pitch and the idea of purchasing a boat and fixing it up.  Naturally, Stan and Ollie get a chance to milk the fixing the boat gag at a much slower pace than The Three Stooges, while Moe, Larry, and Curly go for the quick, fast paced knocks.  I appreciate both styles, though I have to admit Stan and Ollie's interpretation stands out much more in their filmography as special than the Stooge interpretation, which feels like standard Stooge fare, but hey, I like standard Stooge fare.

      My favorite part of this film, however, is when they are actually in the water.  This part has a beautifully bizzare, low budget feel to it.  I love that fake looking fish that shoots water into Curly's face, and at one point, Curly does this gurgling noise that never fails to crack me up.  Also, dig Curly's energy in this scene, two shorts later and this kind of performance would be unthinkable out of him.  There's also Larry's out the blue "shut up" to Moe, one of those wonderful Larry moments that seem so random yet is perfect.

      What else works?  Well, I love Moe's mock nyuking towards Curly at the beginning before he demolishes Curly with the records (folks, you can't do slapstick with digital streaming and MP3's, another argument for physical product), and then there's that funny little rhythmic sequence they do at the beginning.  Funny how bass and head don't rhyme.  God bless the Production Code.  Oh yeah, Rebel Randall is in this short too, and even though she appears in a couple of  Shemp solo shorts as well this short, this is her only appearance with The Three Stooges and, that about covers it. I need a cigarette, and I don't even smoke.


Are you talking to me? No, I'm talking to the fish. Don't call me a fish!

Offline I. Cheatam

The last short with Curly at full strength and Del Lord's penultimate Stooge outing. Apart from the shoehorned beach scene, "Booby Dupes" is great fun and criminally underrated. In retrospect, it feels like the end of an era.


And I think the ice cream cart was an obvious setpiece when Vernon is catapulted away by Curly.