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Aim, Fire & Scoot

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Offline pipboytaylor

Thought I would make a comment after watching this Columbia short last night off of the "Rare Treasures" dvd. FIrst time I have ever seen "Aim, FIre & Scoot." I was not impressed. I have always given Joe Besser some credit with the Stooges due to the latter years, stooge aging, lesser scripts and short quality with those last two stooge years. After seeing "Aim, Fire & Scoot" my eyes were opened wide as to the true difference in talent. I had always taken the talent of Curly & Shemp for granted being a long time stooge fan. Comparing Besser's performance and that of his sidekick "Hawthorne" to that of Curly in "Boobs In Arms", man it is just no contest! The army scenes of doing the "manuel of arms" comparison between Besser & Curly. Curly just kills it! So much more charisma and energy. It just wasn't until seeing Besser's bland and weak routine that it hit me. It sure does make me appreciate the comedy of Curly and Shemp a lot more. Besser is more suited to have been a supporting player only and he did have his moments in those roles. The "Hawthorne" character/actor was just plain unfunny. He had no place in comedy. Three obvious levels of talent. "Fraidy Cat" was another obvious day (Dizzy Detectives) and night performance remake.

I have viewed all of the Shemp Columbia shorts and many of them were funny and memorable! I am enjoying the collection though. I hope everyone else that picked up this dvd set is enjoying them as well.

Offline metaldams

I think the Bessers held my interest because I'm a Stooge fan and interested in Columbia comedy shorts, but I can't really argue with anything you said.  Joe Besser is best suited as a comic relief or supporting character like Stinky, he just can't carry a film by himself based on what I've seen.  Still, at least he has a character, unlike Derita.  I would say the whole idea of a man child comic was perfected by Harry Langdon, and Besser is best as Stinky when he completely rids himself of the man part and completely becomes the child.

As for Hawthorne, he freakishly looks like my best friend, so I can't look at him the way the average comedy fan does.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline falsealarms

AIM FIRE SCOOT is not where I'd point someone new to the Besser solos. It's one of the weaker ones as far as I'm concerned. SPIES AND GUYS, FIRE CHASER (superior to the original), and GI DOOD IT (also superior to the original) are my favorites. These three are genuinely good shorts.

I agree with FRAIDY CAT - the weakest Besser solo. The remake (HOOK A CROOK) is also weak but gets bonus points for a GREAT little spot by Dudley Dickerson.