Is there a disease going around for you long-timers? Maybe it's more like a mental condition where something affects you so badly that you think you see it everywhere. I'd say you are probably just able to see IP#s in Lurkerland, but non-mods see this Slipp too. The only thing I can think of for treatment would be to relax and recite "Slipp is long gone as an active poster" as a mantra, over and over for as long as it takes. It might be a few days or a few weeks, but you'll soon be as good as new.
In the meantime, you mods can still keep your eyes peeled and remain ready to ban any "newbie" who you know for sure is Slipp. He must have been a pretty constant and annoying pest to have affected you so.
IP numbers are easy enough to get around, for any halfway-determined troll... there are other "fingerprints" by which one can be identified, but I don't want to give away any trade secrets.
Affected by the pest? No, it's more like playing Whack-A-Mole to wait for him to pop up again: sooner or later, he always does, whenever he manages to "Slipp" out of his padded cell.
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