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Stooge actions with dummies

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Offline Shemp_Diesel

Here's one I just discovered today while watching volume 3. The beginning of Loco Boy Makes Good...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

Here's one I just discovered today while watching volume 3. The beginning of Loco Boy Makes Good...

That is actually one of my favorites---it makes me cackle out loud. I would have mentioned it in my first post but I could not remember in which short it occurs and could not figure out a way to search for it. Thanks for finding it.

I think there are several shorts in which a dummy is used for a Stooge's leg on which the foot gets twisted round and round (e.g., Curly in Grips, Gripes, and Groans), but I think that the extreme of cruelty to dummies is attained in Fuelin' Around, when the dummy representing Shemp gets its neck as well as its legs absurdly twisted and stretched (starting around 6:00 in the video below). During the action, voice that sounds more like Popeye the Sailor Man than Shemp says, "My neck! You're killing me! My ne-e-eck!"


Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

This is one of the best (hmm, I think I've said that a few times already . . . ): from Busy Buddies. Moe sends Curly through a fence to milk a supposed "cow," actually a bull, on the other side. Twice we hear a moo, a crunch, and then we see a dummy fly through the air, land head-first, and turn into Curly. Both spills are in the first minute of the video below. (There is a third attempt, but it ends with Curly hanging from overhead wires.)


The second landing of the dummy is a rare instance in which the action looks continuous, as if it were actually Curly being thrown through the air, and I think is all the funnier for it.

Offline Boid Brain

Dummy's landing head first propelled at great heights over fences was best show when a basketball bomb propelled those "three poor professors" over a 20' fence. Super service at it's best.

The spinning bed dummy jettison was demonstrated nicely in "Cactus Makes Perfect" by their huge, manly Mom. "You WOULD take it!" Slap!

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

Dummy's landing head first propelled at great heights over fences was best show when a basketball bomb propelled those "three poor professors" over a 20' fence. Super service at it's best.

The spinning bed dummy jettison was demonstrated nicely in "Cactus Makes Perfect" by their huge, manly Mom. "You WOULD take it!" Slap!

Oh, sleeping beauty, eh? I'll have to do everything myself, I guess! [3stooges]

The explosive transportation of the professors is at 8:25 in the first video below (with a bit of sound delay, unfortunately)---though it looks to me as though they land feet-first, which is not as funny as head-first. The spinning bed is in the second one at 1:35.



Offline OldFred

My favorite Stooge 'dummies' bits are from the 'Sweet Pie & Pie'. The sequence comes up between the 5:20 to 6:20 and 8:30 to 9:58 parts of the film.


Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

My favorite Stooge 'dummies' bits are from the 'Sweet Pie & Pie'. The sequence comes up between the 5:20 to 6:20 and 8:30 to 9:58 parts of the film.

Nice selection---especially the first bit, in which the women get flung. I would be more specific about the time location, though: say 6:10 to 6:20.

Offline OldFred

Nice selection---especially the first bit, in which the women get flung. I would be more specific about the time location, though: say 6:10 to 6:20.

Oh, taking me illiterately, eh?  Why you! [pie]

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

There was reference to Cactus Makes Perfect earlier in this thread--the scene at the beginning in which dummies are flung off the spinning bed. Watching the short again, I noted another bit of dummy action: when Curly is drawn flying through the air by his gold-seeking arrow and goes head-first into the boards covering the opening to the mine shaft. The sequence starts around 1:15 and the dummy is on screen for only about 1 second (but still made me laugh!) around 1:42 in the clip below.


Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

Also, Loco Boy Makes Good, besides the hilarious opening cited earlier, in which three Stooge dummies come flying out the door of the Happy Haven Hotel (0:35), contains a second dummy action, when Larry gets thrown into a vat of paint (8:40):


The cry of alarm in Larry's voice that accompanies the flight of the dummy is pretty sweet. Gotta love those dummies!  :D