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Filmography Ratings

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Offline shemps#1

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I have been going through all of the Columbia shorts and Derita features in the Filmography due to a Mult (one person with multiple accounts) "stuffing the ballot box" as it were. Along the way I have noticed some shorts that have received 4 Poke ratings from other people besides his Mults and it leaves me scratching my rapidly balding head. I'm thinking that perhaps that members of this site are sometimes not giving what their true rating of a short should be but are instead over-compensating so as to try to get the overall average rating of the short to where they think it should be.

This not only does a disservice to people looking at the Filmography but is odious as well. You as an individual member do not have the right to try to determine what the average of a particular short should be: that is up to the Community at large. So please, in the interest of fairness please rate the shorts as you would rate them if you were the only person to rate them and not to jack up (or down) the overall average. The Filmography is the meat and potatoes of this site and its integrity should be kept in tact.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown