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Volume 7 Comparison Screenshots

luke795 · 60 · 23121

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Offline jjknap

I couldn't agree more metaldams :)

It is so nice to have all the shorts in chronological order and restored.   :D

Offline Stooges#1

I just watched Goof on the Roof and I have to say apart from this shot:

I really didnt see any major issues with it. The top of the boys heads were cropped in alot of the scenes, but it wasnt so distracting that the short was ruined as a result.

Overal, up to this point the whole set is amazing. My only grip is the menu of Disc 2:

The shorts are listed as
12 Spooks!
13 Spooks! 3-d version
14 Pardon My Backfire
15 Pardon My Backfire 3-d version

All up it lists 24 shorts but in reality there were 22 shorts from 1952-1954.

I would've prefered:
12 Spooks!
12 Spooks! 3-D version
13 Pardon My Backfire
13 Pardon My Backfire 3-D version

Offline locoboymakesgood

  • I Loves Gravy!
  • Numbskull
  • ****
Money well spent in my opinion.
Considering just a couple of years ago we had the choice of paying $30 for a disc with 4 shorts on it versus $20 retail for 3 years worth of shorts, digitally remastered, and looking fucking beautiful... I agree 110%.

These DVDs are the prize of my collection.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)


  • Guest
I thought I'd add one more picture to show a breakdown of the 3-d effect. If we separate the left and right images, we get this:

It appears that the anaglyph process used for these shorts relied heavily upon edge-enhancement, which might explain the weird, overblown colour artifacts on the magenta/green outlines, and would certainly account for some of the image blur. Half-colour anaglyphs like these tend to yield less 3-d separation and more stable viewing image (what appears as the b&w image), depending upon optimisation. Looks like a great compromise was made in this case, no?

Journey to the Center of the Earth had the similar trioscopics anaglyph process applied with much better results, no jagged edges and no colour artifacting on the green/magenta edges.

MPEG encoding isn't very friendly to this 3-d process either, I should say, and is probably a huge deterrent to these two Stooge shorts. If one could put two pure left and right images together in an anaglyph and save it to an avi, or some lossless format, where red is red and green or blue is, you know, it'd look stellar compared to what you see above.

Offline Smaug

I get a good 3d effect using the crossed eyes method on the top 2 screens, wouldn't want to cross them for 16 minutes, though. Haven't got my set yet, next payday, low-to-no entertainment budget here....sigh. :(

Offline Bob Furmanek

You can see the amount of ghosting in the right eye image which shouldn't be there. It's perfectly clear in the original dual-strip version.

Offline Smaug

And just a tad in the left eye image. Also, as someone mentioned,you can see the black robes they wore to 'float' their heads (not really a bad thing, just more detail i guess).   Could you see that in the dual strip version?  My 3D experience is limited to the early 80s re-release of "House of Wax" and "Friday the 13th Part 3". And viewmaster. Gonna see "Avatar" in 3D even if it hairlips the Governor (sorry, moms' expression, not sure why that came out).

Offline Bob Furmanek

Yes, the robes are evident in dual-strip and the sepia version.

Offline Clayhammer366

So when (if) is Vol. 8 expected to be released?
And this other charge, chicken stealing; I'm not gonna make these poor unfortunates the victims of your prejudice & guesswork...

Offline dimelives

Clearly not before the end of the year. Considering the length of time Vol 7 took to release, I'd speculate that it'll hit shelves somewhere around March or April... I'm thinkin...