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Soup to Helen

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Offline Kirk Robbin

I watch "Soup to Nuts" every year on New Year's day, and I always end up catching something new. Last year I posted about "One Pair Of Pants At A Time." This year I noticed something kind of subliminal. When Ted hitches a ride with the boys on the fire truck, they go pick up some girls. Moe's girl climbs on, and he says, "Come'ere Helen." I didn't get a close-enough look to see if she was actually making a cameo, or if he just ad-libbed the name. Anybody know?
Kirk Robbin

"Hey Moe! I`m not me!"
"That`s fine grammar for ya, I`m not me!" -(Three Missing Links, 1938)

Offline Shemp_Diesel

All three girls in that scene were the actual wives of Moe, Larry, and Shemp.
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.