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Suggested Video for YouTube

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Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
  • Team Stooge
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • Vici Kid
I have an EXCELLENT idea for you aspiring video makers!! ANY of you Stooge fans out there that is able to make videos ... listen up!

Here is my vision (of course, you may do with it what you will ... it is only a storyboard)
Our newly elected president Barack Obama is on Marine One (A Helicopter), and for comedic sake, let's have the pilot be a black man also. The copter experiences problems and crash lands in a swamp. The president and his pilot leap out of the copter and get mired in the swamp. With no other recourse, they call for help.

(Reference: Blazing Saddles)
[Obama, to Pilot] What is it that ain't exactly water, and ain't exactly earth?
[Obama & Pilot] SWWWAAMMMPPP!!!
(A rescue Helicopter soon arrives, and a swarthy general and his aide exits the craft.)
[General] Awww, dag-nabbit! A Swamp!! We're in trouble now!
[Obama, to his pilot] THEY in trouble!
[The General says on his walkie-talkie, "Let's pick up!"]
The rescue copter circles and descends over the fallen copter, lets loose several ropes with winches and hauls it away, leaving the president and his pilot mired in the swamp.
[General] Hot-Damn, THAT sure was lucky! We almost lost a 4 million dollar copter!!

(you may embellish upon this theme as far as possible ... perhaps a "Blazing Presidency" movie ... eh??!)
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.