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Steven's Curly Shuffle

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Offline archiezappa

This is my son doing his impression of Curly Howard of The Three Stooges.  You can't say I'm not raising my kids right!  Enjoy!

Steven's Curly Shuffle

Offline Dunrobin

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Offline locoboymakesgood


Is this what you guys do in Alabama?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline jrvass

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I wanna see the video of the eyepokes using his younger siblings or playmates!

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Moron4392

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Dear Sir: (Archiezappa): [pie]

Just would like to say sir your son is doing Curly poifectly.  Keep up the good work sir in raising your kids in the Stooges World.  Only place sir to be.  In closing sir please enjoy the remaining portion of your weekend and may your week upcoming be a poifect one.

In closing sir I do have to agree with the gentlemen (JRVASS) it would be fun to see the video of him doing the eyepokes.

Diane Elizabeth Hoekstra
Moron4392 [3stooges]

Offline archiezappa

That was sort of a spontaneous video.  I just happened to have my camera ready when he decided to do that.  I'll need to try and catch them doing eyepokes and faceslaps.  And, possibly, a food fight.  Although I don't think my wife would go for that one.   ;) 

And, yes, this is what we do in Alabama.  In between watching Stooges movies, of course.   ;D