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Banned shows????

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hi, do any of you know what all shows are banned from tv due to the racial content? i'd like to buy them on video if possible for my fathers christmas..thnaks,keith

Offline kinderscenen

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"The Yoke's On Me" (1943) was banned on SOME stations due to racial content, but I had no problems seeing it on TV several times--in fact, none of the "propaganda" shorts were banned in my neck of the woods. Whether or not all of them were released on video, I'm not certain.

From memory, The Yoke's On Me and No Dough, Boys seemed to be the only ones that were specific in their targets. The Japanese weren't treated with the same sort of "humor" (?!) as the Germans were, so I'm not sure if any of the shorts that poked fun at the Nazis were banned. I'm assuming they weren't.

The shorts that used "stereotyped" black characters weren't banned either. 

Hope this helps!


Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!

Offline CurlySteve

Were the Stooges banned from german theaters during 1936 from on? Cause im pretty sure hitler didnt find that funny when moe inpersonated him.


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do you mean any banned show or just the 3 stooges ??

Offline CurlySteve

I mean the 3 stooges.I didnt think hitler though it was funny when Moe inpersonated him.

Swine Forkbeard

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I have a question about The Yoke's on Me, which I only saw one time when I was a kid.  The only thing that stands out is one line of dialogue that floored me, in an "I can't believe they got away with that" kind of way.  It was a scene where they perform what today's audiences would regard as a racially insensitive minstrel show where Moe says something to the effect of "It sounds like you ejaculated a mouthful."  Does anyone remember this, or did I imagine it?

Offline shemps#1

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v. e·jac·u·lat·ed, e·jac·u·lat·ing, e·jac·u·lates
v. tr.

   1. To eject or discharge abruptly, especially to discharge (semen) in orgasm.
   2. To utter suddenly and passionately; exclaim.



n : the thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract [syn: semen, seed, seminal fluid, cum] v 1: utter impulsively; "He blurted out the secret"; "He blundered his stupid ideas" [syn: blurt out, blurt, blunder out, blunder] 2: eject semen
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Swine Forkbeard

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Thank you for the patronizing response.  I'm well aware the word has more than one application, but was wondering how such a tawdry (and, one would think, intentional) double-entendre could make it past the censors in 1944.  Plus, you didn't answer my question about whether my recollection is accurate.

 Pissing off the Admin is an easy way to get banned. S#1

Pilsner Panther

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Thank you for the patronizing response.  I'm well aware the word has more than one application, but was wondering how such a tawdry (and, one would think, intentional) double-intendre could make it past the censors in 1944.  Plus, you didn't answer my question about whether my recollection is accurate.

Hold on a minute, I thought that the Patronzing Response Department was closed for the upcoming holiday weekend. I'll have to check with the manager there, Helen Waite. Every time I need to talk to someone, they tell me to go to Helen Waite.

That gag is so old, it's grown a long grey beard.


I do happen to remember the Stooges' "You ejaculated a mouthful" line; I think Moe says it, but I can't recall the short. Anyone?

We'll have an answer immediately if not sooner, from one of the Stooge "expoits."


Offline BeAStooge

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wondering how such a tawdry (and, one would think, intentional) double-entendre could make it past the censors in 1944.  Plus, you didn't answer my question about whether my recollection is accurate.

The line is from UNCIVIL WAR BIRDS (1946).

I seriously doubt that it was intended as a double-entendre.  Just a fancy way of saying "said," in line with the exaggerated southern accents / speech patterns used by the characters.  I've seen Jules White's copy of the final shooting script, and there is nothing that implies otherwise.

Offline shemps#1

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My post was in no way patronizing. I also figured there was no double-entendre and therefore figured you didn't know what the other meaning of the word was, since you didn't mention anything about a double-entendre. My patience with newbies is running real thin, and the last thing I need is some two-post wonder mouthing off to me. Goodbye.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline JazzBill

Hold on a minute, I thought that the Patronzing Response Department was closed for the upcoming holiday weekend. I'll have to check with the manager there, Helen Waite. Every time I need to talk to someone, they tell me to go to Helen Waite.

That gag is so old, it's grown a long grey beard.


I do happen to remember the Stooges' "You ejaculated a mouthful" line; I think Moe says it, but I can't recall the short. Anyone?

We'll have an answer immediately if not sooner, from one of the Stooge "expoits."


I didn't get a chance to answer this because of my work hours, but "BeAStooge" took care of that. I'm just curious of your opinion of this short, as compared to Buster Keatons version, "Mooching Through Georgia" (which was done before the Stooges did it) Even though this was made in Curly's sick time, he seemed like he was in pretty good shape for this one. But that being said, I kind of liked the Keaton version a little better. It seemed to move a little smoother and wasn't as offensive. I was curious if they used the "ejaculated " bit in the Keaton version, so I just watched it. They didn't.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline jrvass

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Snips... the Stooges' "You ejaculated a mouthful" line;

Want to have some fun? Try to use that line in a conversation at work, and check out the reaction from the others in the room!  :o

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Chissalini

For awhile, the scene in Uncivil Warriers, where the baby is hown was deleted (banned).


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Actually, I have never seen "Uncivil Warriors" uncut on any TV station. 


The station here in Chicago used to ban the following:


There were many other shorts (Id say approximately 20-30) where they cut scenes out (scissors on the nose, drinking gas etc.) It wasn't until the early 80s when we got cable that I first saw these all uncut on WTBS out of Atlanta. They did show BACK FROM THE FRONT for some time but eventually pulled it out of rotation too.

Offline JazzBill

The station here in Chicago used to ban the following:


There were many other shorts (Id say approximately 20-30) where they cut scenes out (scissors on the nose, drinking gas etc.) It wasn't until the early 80s when we got cable that I first saw these all uncut on WTBS out of Atlanta. They did show BACK FROM THE FRONT for some time but eventually pulled it out of rotation too.
“Stooge-a-palooza” on WCIU in Chicago runs all 190 shorts now. I even got "The Yokes On Me" from them.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Sadistic Stooge

“Stooge-a-palooza” on WCIU in Chicago runs all 190 shorts now. I even got "The Yokes On Me" from them.

Im from chicago and stooge-a-palooza on ch 26 WCIU is the best place to watch them . I ask rich koz on my space not to long ago, if they are every going to show the stooges movies from the 60's . He told me they want to but cant b/c starz has the tv rights to  them for now ...  I hate tv rights :( back in the 80's to mid 90's stations could show what they want , now it's all about money they dont think about the movie fans at all ..

Oh well maybe some day money wont matter , lol yeah right  :laugh:

Offline shemps#1

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Im from chicago and stooge-a-palooza on ch 26 WCIU is the best place to watch them . I ask rich koz on my space not to long ago, if they are every going to show the stooges movies from the 60's . He told me they want to but cant b/c starz has the tv rights to  them for now ...  I hate tv rights :( back in the 80's to mid 90's stations could show what they want , now it's all about money they dont think about the movie fans at all ..

Oh well maybe some day money wont matter , lol yeah right  :laugh:

Actually it has always been "all about the money". Stations cannot throw anything they want to on the air, for the most part they pay a broadcasting fee, or as in the case of Starz and the Derita pictures they pay for an exclusive broadcast license which them the sole right to broadcast the movies. There are some instances where the owner of a program will pay a station for a block of time in which to broadcast their show (infomercials, for instance). There are also times when programming is provided to a station free of charge, such as Fox sending the Simpsons to its local affiliates.

Please capitalize when needed.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Sadistic Stooge

Sorry about the Caps , sometime I get lazy  ;)

Offline Hammond Eggar

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Perhaps I'm wrong, but it seems that They Stooge to Conga was banned.  If not banned, then certainly taken out of rotation by many stations over the use of excessive violence.  The shoe spike-in-the-eye bit was pretty rough, even by Stooges standards.  As for racial clips, it seems I've seen edited copies of Termites of 1938 aired due to the African-American maid who looks up the phone number for the ACME Escort service. [pie]
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams." - Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder, 1971)

Offline Moe Hailstone

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The only short that I have recorded that had any censoring to it was "Three Arabian Nuts".  When Shemp would talk to the Genie, they would make the word he said silent.  I never knew what it was until I read on this site that he's calling the Genie "Amos".  Seems like a lame censor job to me.
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Offline IFleecem

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Yes, They Stooge To Conga was rarely seen in the 90's I know. Think I saw it once on a crappy station with lousy reception (mostly audio as the video left much to be desired) but I remember the title screen. The editing on this short is what I think bans it sometimes. In the original script I heard that the spike (tv?) was supposed to gouge Moe's ear once but not go into his eye. I heard that it was supposed to be edited out of the final print.

I Fleecem

Offline McSnuff20

I actually mentioned this in a post way back but let me repeat. Growing up in the early 60's I'd watch the Stooges 3 every morning and loved 'em. Anyway my favorite was Uncivil Warriors and when Moe comes back with the baby you can tell that they cut something out, but it was done well. Can you imagine my shock when years later I'm watching this on some station and they show the little kid and what Moe says about having him down the beach all summer. I nearly fell off my chair and my sister, who watched them with me, still can't believe how it was edited back then.

In Movie Maniacs I grew up with the edited version ever since I can remember and never knew any different.  When they show the stooges showing what they know about kissing with the girls and one of the girls gives Curley a long smooch, I couldn't believe they cut it out for years. Since I had only seen the edited version I'm surprise that version was still around. In the one with Slip and they're on a train when the lion goes after the guy shining shoes, that scene when he's screaming out the window was cut but only recently. I was surprised to see recently Some More of Somoa and Hi ya Amos Hi Ya Andy how's lightning.

Offline Waldo Twitchell

I taped the shorts off local TV in Las Vegas back in the early 80s. They showed all 190 films as I recall, but three prints had edits - Three Little Sew and Sews, Cookoo Cavaliers and I Can Hardly Wait. The former had a scene at the beginning with Curly drinking from a jug of gasoline and making a comment about Prohibition. Cavaliers was missing the scene of Curly's routine serving a drink behind the bar (just after the Stooges arrived in Cucaracha).
I Can Hardly Wait had a line cut when the Stooges arrive at the dentist to have Curly's tooth pulled.

I recall that TBS in Atlanta had these scenes intact in their prints from the mid-80s or so, at least for 3 Little Sew and Sews. These scenes were also uncut in the VHS releases which came out in the late 80s/early90s? There were 3 shorts per tape with a tagline of "Uncouth!" "Uncut!"

So, I had watched these shorts for several years with those missing scenes.