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Gerald Ford dead at 93

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Offline shemps#1

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I should add that Ventura running may be a pipe dream since he is currently out of the country and has said "this country is going to shit", but I would support anyone with a like platform.
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Offline Bangsmith

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I am a registered Green, so I tend to support those with sound environmental policies. I disagree with some of the Green Party's platforms(affirmative action being one) but I think the environment is an overlooked issue in the mainstream, because the rich fatcats would make less profits if they had to clean up after themselves. If Bush and other career liars had their way, there would be oil rigs instead of forests(and tundra!). Also, the Green Party strongly emphasizes INDIVIDUALITY, which most left-leaning organizations are weak on. The Libertarians are a close second as far as my support goes. I used to support Ralph Nader until he decided to run as a Reform Party candidate the last time. Any party that fields Pat Buchanon as a candidate is not to be supported!
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Offline jrvass

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I am a registered Green, so I tend to support those with sound environmental policies. I disagree with some of the Green Party's platforms(affirmative action being one) but I think the environment is an overlooked issue in the mainstream, because the rich fatcats would make less profits if they had to clean up after themselves. If Bush and other career liars had their way, there would be oil rigs instead of forests(and tundra!). Also, the Green Party strongly emphasizes INDIVIDUALITY, which most left-leaning organizations are weak on. The Libertarians are a close second as far as my support goes. I used to support Ralph Nader until he decided to run as a Reform Party candidate the last time. Any party that fields Pat Buchanon as a candidate is not to be supported!

You sir, are hopeless. I hope that you either walk to work or ride a fucking electic bus that plugs into nuclear power to recharge. You must be an unemployed white male citizen, since you disagree with affirmative action.

The Chinese drill for oil off our coasts for oil... Thanks to Cuba! We can't drill there thanks to the "Greenies" and the Everglades, etc. Hell off of all our coasts thanks to Congress. Offshore Gulf (OK!), Anywhere else? (NO!).

Oh well. Everyone cannot be saved from their own stupidity. I suggest reading Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams (Google it) for salvation!

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Offline jrvass

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Now THAT I can agree with!!!

One of Saddam's atty's confirms he has been executed... 10:55 EST.

Now off to find the You-Tube video of him dancing on the end of the rope!  :D

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline jrvass

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Well I would support Jesse Ventura if he ran for President, and here's why:

1. He wouldn't suck Saudi cock for oil like the Bushes. Instead he would actually look for alternatives instead of blowing smoke up our asses, like GW has.

2. He would put an end to "The War on Drugs" since it is an unwinnable "war" and has been a huge drain on the economy for almost 100 years.

3. End the Federal Income Tax in favor of a flat Sales Tax, which thusly would not favor the richest of the rich. In fact, they would have to pay more because they purchase more.

4. He believes in individual responsibility for unhealthy life style choices (smoking, drinking, narcotics), meaning no Govt restrictions on what someone wants to do with their own body.

5. Put an end to pork barrel spending and return any surplus to the people automatically.

6. Most importantly, Ventura would lessen Govt influence on private life, which means cutting back on the power that Govt. wields.

I never said Ford becoming President was unconstitional. I referred to Nixon "wiping his ass with the Constitution" by wiretapping that room in the Watergate to spy on his "enemies". He disregarded the Constitution in an effort to keep tabs on and silence anyone that didn't agree with him (John Lennon for example) and overstepped his bounds. Nixon paved the way for all of the dictatorial assholes we have had since, and for that he deserved to pay for his crimes.

Dammit! Fuck IE 7.0! Click the wrong fucking button and a whole post is lost to the ages! Quickly!

Jesse is cool. Never get elected.

1. Blame that on Congress. Maybe I am dumb and it is better for us to buy our oil on the Middle East market against China & India while ours remain in the ground. I dunno. But the Chicoms are drilling for oil off the Cuba coast. 90 miles away. I'd put a Super Sucker oil rig off Miami and drain the damn oil fields while they fiddle fuck around. We can't thanks to congress. We can drill in the Gulf. But not off our coasts or in ANWR. Thanks to Congress. Teddy Kennedy blocks fucking windmills on the Cape Cod coast... because they spoil his constituents "view"! I saw 2 windmills on the Straits of Mackinaw (google it) this year. Fucking ugly. But I imagine they are on private land.

2. Tax the shit, just like liquor. Make it free to the homeless so they OD. And I will pay the bill.

3. Yes!

4. OK. I would still like a "safety net" for indigents/unemployed. Begging for health care while unemployed sucks. BTDT. The problem is all the fucking ambulance chasing lawyers driving up the costs of health care, and their insurance. Thanks to Lawyer John Edwards (Sen-D), in his past life... you will be hard pressed to find an OB-GYN in his state (NC or SC, whatever). They can't get insurance at a rate that is worthwhile to continue their practices. Damn Sad. "Hey lady, go to Virginia or Georgia. Or have the baby in a Twp. Fire-Rescue truck. I can't afford the premiums if I have another fucked-up, old woman, test-tube baby...salad-spoon delivery... high-risk pregnancy... what should have been an abortion.... delivery... of some (S#1 helps here!) ...FUCKTARD!" :D

5. This was signed into law by GWB with the help of bloggers. Piss & moan to your Congress-critters to your heart's content. See: (this is where the post went {blink})!

6. I agree with Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, and you. The only thing I need from the Feds is to "provide for the common defense". Most of the rest is lawyers mentally masturbating at our expense.

Although, it'd be cool to own a slave... I guess that would be a good amendment to keep. Most people would not be as benevolent as me!  :D

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline jrvass

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One of Saddam's atty's confirms he has been executed... 10:55 EST.

Now off to find the You-Tube video of him dancing on the end of the rope!  :D


"Swing it Saddam... Swing It!"

Or converted for your clicking pleasure:

Real crappy cell phone video of the hanging of Saddam that our weak-kneed media won't show to us! Taken from under the platform by the 13 steps.

Not gory, more gratifying!

I knew it would be posted on the internut within a day or 2! I should have tried to bet with people, Dammit!


This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!