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The President Of The United States Is Crazier Than A Whole Nest Of Bedbugs!

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Offline JazzBill

Holy FREAKING cow!!!!  What the hell did I miss????  :(
We lost Pilsner Panther. It doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong. He added a lot of character to the site. I'm going to miss Pils. He was a very big part of why I started hanging here in the first place. Along with Rob and Jim, (S#1) I felt very welcome when I started posting here. I hope he re-considers his decision.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline sgt ladylove

We lost Pilsner Panther. It doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong. He added a lot of character to the site. I'm going to miss Pils. He was a very big part of why I started hanging here in the first place. Along with Rob and Jim, (S#1) I felt very welcome when I started posting here. I hope he re-considers his decision.
I feel a bit out of place for saying this, since I am SO new to the site, but I think everyone's decision was a bit premature. 

There's NO way around it.  No matter how mature, secure, well-grounded an individual you matter how often a topic is revisited, at some point when you talk about religion or politics...or any sensitive subject... you're likely going to lose it.  There may be sixty different posts where you've calmly discussed your beliefs and had excellent point/counter-point discussions with no blood whatsoever.  Often times, it just takes ONE post that rubs someone the completely wrong way and the whole powder-keg of a topic blows out of control.  ONE post, out of a THOUSAND different posts, and we spit off a string of obscenities and insults that would be otherwise UNHEARD OF at any other time.  I know because I've done it, and I've been so sorry of the consequences it brings.

It retrospect, as an objective observer, what I think should have been done was for the topic to be locked and all decisions regarding replacements, etc. put on hold.  Give everyone the chance to cool off without making any decisions whatsoever.  In a week, this whole discussion would have seemed utterly hilarious and everything could have easily slipped back to normal.  As it stands, Pilsner leaves in a puff of smoke and his awesome Pilsner Picks forum freakin' disappears overnight.  Was all of this really necessary?  Over this??  Did he have to be replaced instantly before ALL HELL broke loose on the forum?

I guess what's done is done, and Pilsner has already been substituted less than 24 hours after a mere scuffle...but for future reference I would give people permission to lose their cool once in awhile without drastic consequences.  Because Pilsner was, and is, an excellent member who deserves to be cut some slack.

Sorry for being forward.  Just my two cents.

Offline shemps#1

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Pilsner was not thrown off of the site, he threw himself off. He deleted his account, took his mp3's down, and left a note saying Pilsner's Picks was closed.

Without going into detail Pils is going through a tough time right now, and despite all of this he is always welcome back. Doug has already said he would gladly step down as Global Moderator if Pils came back and wanted the position back. From the email contact I have had with Pils he might not want the job if/when he comes back. Being a Global Mod can be very taxing and difficult, and you end up making more enemies than friends.

The simple fact of the matter is I need the extra help, or I'll go insane. Having a two GM system works best because just knowing that there is another GM lets me know that I don't have to handle every little thing that comes my way, that if I don't want to deal with something there is someone else that will handle it.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Bruckman

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What makes you think we here in Canukistan are not exposed and subjected to the visual evidence?

Meaning: you aren't subjected to a constant series of blunders and gaffes on the CBC  News or The National or whatever CTV has to offer for international coverage, whereas here, more coverage = more chances to watch Bush stumble over his own rhetoric.

On the other hand, I doubt most of us here could even name the current PM or how long he's been in office. (I can, but I don't count).
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Offline Dunrobin

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Meaning: you aren't subjected to a constant series of blunders and gaffes on the CBC  News or The National or whatever CTV has to offer for international coverage, whereas here, more coverage = more chances to watch Bush stumble over his own rhetoric.

On the other hand, broadcast signals don't just stop because of national boundries, and I know that back in the days when I lived in Buffalo, NY, people in Ontario got all the American channels too.  CNN, FauxNews, etc. aren't exclusive to the U.S., either.

On the other hand, I doubt most of us here could even name the current PM or how long he's been in office. (I can, but I don't count).

I have to admit that I am not really sure, myself.  Harper?  I used to always know who was the Canadian PM, but I haven't been paying as much attention to Canadian politics in the past few years as I used to.

Offline Bruckman

  • Musclehead, juice addict, synthol abuser, and Booby Dupe
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Well, I'm sort of surmising that the avg. Canadian isn't close enough to the border to pick up US broadcasting too freely, and doesn't have a big selection of US channels on cable - which is the scenario out West, but not in a place like Niagara Falls or Hamilton. In Saskatoon, we picked up a few US channels from Detroit via cable (the 3 major networks) but all the other programming brought in was Canadian or Canadianized versions of US programming (e.g. we got MuchMusic instead of MTV).

Yep, Stephen Harper is the current PM - has been since January. The previous PM, Paul Martin (who I liked, but I also think Harper has a lot going for him) was ousted after a vote of no confidence was returned. Don't you wish we could turn in a vote of "No Confidence" on Bush and elect someone else? One of the privileges of the parliamentary system.
"If it wasn't for fear i wouldn't get out of bed in the morning" - Forrest Griffin

Offline sgt ladylove

Don't you wish we could turn in a vote of "No Confidence" on Bush and elect someone else? One of the privileges of the parliamentary system.
Wouldn't make any difference.  People disliked Bush even during the last election, but voted for him anyway because he was a "known quantity".

Just goes to show that the average American would rather have the surgeon who botched his surgery re-do it rather than let a new guy take a crack.  "Sure, I know this doctor sucks, but at least I know how MUCH he sucks."

We Americans are weird creatures.

Offline sushigirl

Overwhelming military might doesn't really work against determined resistence/guerilla movements. 

Hi DR, I am sure this was entirely the reason why Germany could not conquer the resistence/guerilla movements in the Balkans in WWII

Offline sushigirl

Meaning: you aren't subjected to a constant series of blunders and gaffes on the CBC  News or The National or whatever CTV has to offer for international coverage, whereas here, more coverage = more chances to watch Bush stumble over his own rhetoric.

On the other hand, I doubt most of us here could even name the current PM or how long he's been in office. (I can, but I don't count).

We receive endless U.S Stations: Fox~CNN~ABC~CBS~ etc. etc. plus ours [owned by the same whose money has no borders].... At least you are lucky ....we get them ALL. Our PM is Bu$h-North and for the next term we are importing Diebolt, that will then mean a majority gubbermint

Offline Bangsmith

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Go to the Google homepage, search the word "failure" and check out the first search result!!!!!!!!!!! [nuts] [nuts] [nuts]
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline Dunrobin

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Go to the Google homepage, search the word "failure" and check out the first search result!!!!!!!!!!! [nuts] [nuts] [nuts]

That's funny, but completely wrong.  Bush is a "failure" only is you were silly enough to believe that Republicans like him were for small government.  But if you realize that their goal has been to expand the size and scope of the Federal government, and build a police state on the foundations laid by his predecessors, he's been doing a "fantastic" job.

More's the pity, if you believe in Liberty as the Founding Fathers did.   Neo-Cons like Bush and Cheney have the audacity to call themselves "Patriots," when they are really Traitors.   >:(

Offline Bangsmith

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My sister e-mailed me this morning with that info! I couldn't help posting it, even though the word "failure" does not necessarily apply to him("Jerk" is a better word). Michael Moore is a couple slots down, by the way! You just gotta love Googlebombers!!!!!
Small government doesn't mean shit to me if it runs in tandem with Big Business. In the end, one or both will have the power to kick our asses and keep us quiet if we let them!!!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!

Offline sushigirl

.....In the end, one or both will have the power to kick our asses and keep us quiet if we let them!!!

If we don't let them ~~ I am sure they will have ways too ~~  ::) :o

Offline Bangsmith

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True, I suppose! Burma, Nigeria, post-1949 China, the Soviet Union, '80's Argentina/Uruguay/Chile--- those people didn't have much choice, but some did, and couldn't see what was coming, like Belarus, Nazi Germany and most of the former Communist Eastern Europe. Even so, dickhead governments can be changed after we've "let them". The former Czechoslovakia, Poland, East Germany, Serbia/Montenegro, Ukraine, Georgia, Taiwan, Chile---all had their dictatorial governments overthrown bloodlessly because everyone stuck together. If it ever gets that bad here, hopefully we can do the same thing here, whether or not we had "let them" ruin our lives!
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking 'til you do "suck seed"!!