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P Nis

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Offline Bruckman

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Not to steal Sgt Ladylove's thunder, but here's Slipp as P Nis trying to prove he isn't P Nis after he's fucked himself over by putting an Islipp post under his P Nis moniker. (He couldn't right the problem because he omitted registering the P Nis username). That left him nothing but denying what he'd just done. As Slipp himself says (about 2/3 of the way down), "Bravicimo!"

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P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/11/02 0:40)
Reply  HEAR YE!...HEAR YE! A special announcement
(ding, ding, ding)

I, Sir P of Nis do declare that on Thursday, the 12th day of June, in the Year Of Our Lord 2002 a.d., that I will take sickdrjoe's suggestion to prove that I am beyond a shadow of a doubt, NOT this 'Slipp' character by registering and posting at this 'stoogeworld' place, regardless of whether or not anyone tells me what the devil 'stoogeworld' is. It will be sometime between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

I'm telling you all this to give you time to prepare. Wake the neighbors and phone the kids, because the P-Man's coming to town! We all remember how my arrival at this site took everyone by storm. Your jaws hit the floor at the mere glimpse of my charm, charisma and awesome masculinity. You were were speachless... face it, you were totally BLOWN AWAY! But now that you know I'm coming, you'll be able to take it.

Now, if nobody will tell me what 'stoogeworld' is, could you at least tell me what the webmaster thinks of the kind profanity and vulgarity that I tend to post? I want to show the utmost respect for him/her and his/her rules.

Don't forget...mark your calendars! This is bigger than Lewis vs Tyson!

P Nis- the pleasure is all mine... all the time.
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(6/11/02 0:50)
Reply  Re
 OK, somebody give me a wake up call, since it's my day off.

Incidentally, June 12 is Wed. So do you mean Wed the 12th or Thurs the 13th?

A certain guy with whom I was acquainted from Michigan used to have trouble with days and dates too--among other things [idiomatic Spanish, geography, grammar, spelling, etc.]
P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/11/02 1:27)
Reply  Re: Re
 Thank you, Sir Bruckman the 64th. I meant Thursday the 13th.
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Posts: 61
(6/11/02 3:10)
Reply  RE
 Well SLIPP/P Nis, it's kind of obvious that at the time you say you are going to post at Stoogeworld is a time you have planned to be on another computer. The fact that you're waiting a few days to do this is also yet ANOTHER dead giveaway that P Nis = Angillus = Meditran = Mrs. Cox = Bunionhead = ISLIPP.
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(6/11/02 3:37)
Reply  re
 PRO - grams!!!

Git -cha PRO -grams heah!
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(6/11/02 4:22)
Reply  Re:
 P Nis- I'm the guy that they think you are. I'm breaking my promise ONE TIME ONLY to never even look at this site again to talk to you so I can BEG you to fit your plan into your schedule for today, Tuesday the 11th. I don't like your post name OR your style and I NEVER want to be associated with you. You post the most disgusting stuff I've ever seen. Does your mom know about this?

PLEASE, Nis- do this for MY reputation and YOUR individuality.
Shemp Shady
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Posts: 16
(6/11/02 4:33)
Reply  Re: Re:

How, SLIPP, would you know that P Nis even HAS a mom unless you were P Nis heemself!?!?!?

Defense rests, your hono(u)r!
Yogi Berra: "When you get to a fork in the road, take it."

Edited by: Shemp Shady at: 6/11/02 7:22:00 am
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Posts: 13
(6/11/02 6:28)
Reply  Re
 Slipp's going to have his "abuerro" make the post Thurs. to further throw us off the track. [And won't her face be red when she has to post under the name P Nis].

"Slipp, you have the right to remain silent. Anthing you say can and will be used against you in a court of the nFo. You have the right to an attorney and a fair hearing; if you cannot afford an attorney we will find CurlyCue 12 and appoint him to defend you."

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Posts: 34
(6/11/02 11:10)
  Re: Re
 I bet Slipp is frantically e-mailing Kevin over at Stoogeworld to have his ban lifted.
"A mental mind fuck can be nice."
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Posts: 96
(6/11/02 11:28)
Reply  Re
 Slipp, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you. S hit, stuff other people say will be used against you! You have the right to a sham trial as a formality before we work you over in shifts with nail-studded two-by-fours; if you cannot afford an attorney then you should've gotten a job at some point.

Yes, you have the right to remain silent and yet despite this, you will act as your own attorney and bullshit the jury for hour after hour, spewing forth new gold for the archive like a lunatic off his meds, babbling to strangers on the street, dressed in pajama bottoms and an earmuff hat with flaps.

But if God didn't want you to be constantly prodded and cruelly experimented on, he wouldn't have made you a laboratory rat.

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 6/15/02 8:33:47 am
P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/11/02 11:46)
Reply  Re: Re
 Alright. You untrusting mother $@#%$ asked for it. Im going to squeeze it into my schedule today. Look for a post from me at Stoogeworld in the next 2-3 hours (probably sooner than 3 hours).

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Posts: 35
(6/11/02 11:51)
  Re: Re
 Uh huh.........
"A mental mind fuck can be nice."
Unregistered User
(6/11/02 14:23)
Reply  Re Hear Ye
 (sound of unrestrained hee-hawing)
Steven Pigeon   
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Posts: 10
(6/11/02 14:51)
That's good, that's good ... FOR ME TO POOP ON!

Edited by: Steven Pigeon   at: 7/4/05 8:26
Gordon Shumway who is Alf
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(6/11/02 14:59)

Edited by: Gordon Shumway who is Alf at: 7/4/05 8:19
Steven Pigeon   
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Posts: 11
(6/11/02 15:00)

Edited by: Steven Pigeon   at: 7/4/05 8:26
P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/11/02 15:11)
Reply  Re: Re Hear Ye
 Forget about it, gang. I registered at Stoogeworld, but it can't seem to remember that I registered and so it's not letting me post.

Screw it. I'll just leave this board for good. I don't need this @#%$ anyway.

24*7...good luck with your boy band. I'm pulling for you. I'm also pulling for me....pulling...grabbing....rubbing...

P Nis.... Choosy moms choose Jizz
P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/11/02 15:50)
Reply  Re: Re hear ye!
 HOLD IT! Never mind that last post! I posted at Stoogeworld...READ IT AND WEEP.

Everyone get in single file now...line up to kiss my ass!

P Nis- I'm no dildo...I'm the real McCoy!
Steven Pigeon   
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Posts: 12
(6/11/02 16:02)

Edited by: Steven Pigeon   at: 7/4/05 8:26
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Posts: 103
(6/12/02 8:36)
The only two people in forum history so culturally out-of-it that they would try to exhort others in 2002 by referring to them as 'gang' : Slipp & P Nis. Again, the one great Slippian theme - longing for the protective facelessness of being a cog in a machine, for external validation to countermand his own self-loathing, for being accepted and subsumed by The Group - continues unabated.

In other ways, though, Slipp is cracking under the strain and he knows it. He's been pantsed and rear-admiralled so often by now ( girls are knocking books out of his hand in the hallways!) that for some months he has defined 'victory' down to "continue denying long after being found out"...thus, he has meticulously denied any links between his most recent characters. Slipp denies being Meditran till he's blue in the face; Meditran & Bunionhead arrive with denigrating remarks about Slipp (thus they just "couldn't" be him!); P Nis claims never to have even HEARD the name Slipp.

Yet the MAIN component of the Slippian mind shines through: he's weak and stupid, incapable of juggling more than one continuity with any credibility for very long. Thus NOW "Nis" claims to have been "Meditran" and a long time Stooge-board stalker (inadvertantly admitting to about two dozen lies told on THIS board) ....furthermore, after "Nis" claimed half-a-dozen times to have no knowledge whatsoever of Slipp, for some reason Slipp 'returns' to admonish Nis [who never once claimed to be him] to 'cut it out'.

Over and over he makes these same Polish-joke mistakes. This ammonia-reeking cumstain of a 'man' can't keep any of his stories consistent or believable. ALL of his 'personas' write in the exact same voice - some throw in mild PG-13 cuss words like Nis, some pepper the stew with absurd Ed Woodian "Spanish" phrases like Bunionhead, and I can't even remember what Angillus' sad parlor trick was. Who can even bother keeping track of these manifestations of his damaged brain? Iss ALL velicimo, homes.

The bottom line is if you encounter a post that reads like a car-accident blend of Forrest J Ackerman, Mario Cantone and that Dear Abby pamphlet Sex Tips For Sensible's Slipp, no matter what the name says and especially if they introduce themselves by bashing Slipp.

Sigh; nobody else can mimic the Echo Meister. (You'd have to have something very heavy land on your head to even try.)

"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 6/15/02 8:36:59 am
Registered User
Posts: 4
(6/12/02 9:00)
Reply  Re: Re hear ye!
 Another P Nis-Slipp similarity: Both signed off with their username and a remark of some kind:
P Nis - I'm no dildo...I'm the real McCoy!

How very strange. Better consult abuerro!
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P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/12/02 10:29)
Reply  Re: re
 Both of you shut your pie-holes. Now that I made it known (to deaf ears, I guess) that I'm not Slipp, 'm highly insulted to be called by his name.


Joe- you astound me. You're really a piece of work. There you sat in front of your computer for all that time, offering your analysis of the situation. Who are you really, anyway? Dr. Joyce Brothers? You're analysis is way off base. I was Meditran, Slipp wasn't. Slipp was probably Bunionhead (who I've never heard of beforecoming to this board. He probably used that character at Stoogeworld or some other Stooges site. I've only been to the C3 one myself, until yesterday). I was NOT Bunionhead. Angillus is a mystery to me. I saw his name in other posts. He might've been Slipp, but he wasn't me. So you wasted your time typing all that bullshit. Do somethg more constructive next time, like learning to potty train yourself.
P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/12/02 14:24)
Reply  WOW!
 Why, Nis! This is the only good pot you've made here yet! I'll give you a HUGE round of applause as soon as I submit this post! Bravicimo!
Unregistered User
(6/12/02 14:31)
Reply  Speakers
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Posts: 61
(6/12/02 14:41)
Reply  WHAT???

Nis- have you flipped now, too? WHAT WAS THAT? Are you trying to impersonate me and play on the "Slipp is insane" angle at the same time? You are truly an idiot. GET A FREAKIN' LIFE, LOSER! And don't you EVER say "Bravicimo" or "Velicimo" again. Those are MY ines.

But- you're right. For once, you did make a great post (your second above). For that, I salute you.
Registered User
Posts: 106
(6/12/02 15:28)
  Re: WHAT???
 Way to figure out ya f u c k e d up two minutes too late, Slipp.

Jesus, 'battling' you is like beating Stephen Hawking in a foot race.
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 6/12/02 3:28:59 pm
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(6/12/02 15:32)
Reply  re:
 How naive. THAT'S AN IMPOSTER. I've already said that.
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Posts: 108
(6/12/02 15:48)
 No. What's 'naive' is still thinking you're clever after being spotted, outed & denigrated by twelve year old posters.

Leave us not mince words. The kids on this board - the BJRs, the Eggheads & Slick Chicks - would all kill themselves asap if they woke up one day inhabiting your body & living your "life". And they'd be right to do it!

Think about that, Slipp. Teenagers pity you....when they're not openly repulsed by your conduct. If I had a dog that humped my leg for approval as often as you hump ours, I'd gas the yapping little fu ck er!
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"

Edited by: sickdrjoe at: 6/15/02 8:39:56 am
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Posts: 6
(6/12/02 16:01)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Verrrrry bad idea to use a 2nd ID that's not registered - one little mistake - and it can't be fixed.
Fortune favors the intelligent. That's why this charade isn't working.
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Posts: 66
(6/12/02 16:53)
Reply  Re: Re:
 DrJoe- I've never claimed to be clever. I've never claimed to be a rocket scientist, but I'm far from being stupid. Now whether or not you believe me I could give a flying crap. I WILL PROVE my innocence if it KILLS me.

-Or my name isnt Larimore!
Tha Puckstoppa
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Posts: 8
(6/13/02 0:02)
Reply  Re: Re:
 I believe I.Slipp. All of you need t shut the @#%$ up!

You havn't PROVED ANYTHING!!!!

P Nis
Unregistered User
(6/13/02 0:36)
Reply  Re:
 Ahem. WHO needs to shut the @#%$ up? Slipp...that's who.
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Posts: 70
(6/13/02 0:41)
Reply  RE
 "Now whether or not you believe me I could give a flying crap. I WILL PROVE my innocence if it KILLS me."

SLIPP contradicts himself in two consecutive sentences.

SLIPP is hellbent on trying to give himself credibility on these boards while a sane person would've given up by now. The harder he tries to get out of the rope, the tighter it gets.

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Posts: 112
(6/13/02 8:42)
 Fortune favors the intelligent.

Slipp, I think I've located the epitaph for your tombstone; ideal for people who trip over toilets in their living room and crack their skulls open.
"I look at you, bless God, and I see money!"
Registered User
Posts: 9
(6/13/02 11:24)
Reply  Re: Re
 This is the only good pot you've made here yet!

Freudian slip(p)?
Registered User
Posts: 71
(6/13/02 13:37)
Reply  Re:

Those sentences were not contradictory. I was saying that even though I don't care what he thinks, I'm going to prove my innocence only to clear my name.

"...a sane person would've given up by now. The harder he tries to get out of the rope, the more he tightens it."

You must not watch/read detective or superhero shows/books. Often the detective or hero ends up framed and and incarcerated, only to escape and prove his innocence.

DrJoe- you may or may not get your own epitaph, but if/when everyone you ever knew ever found out what kind of disgusting slime you really are, I can assure you, you won't like your epitaph. And when you have that epitaph, the worms won't eat your rotting corpse just because their hungry, but also because even THEY will realize how low you are (grave depth notwidthstaning) and they'll enjoy ripping you to shreds.
2 the world
Unregistered User
(6/13/02 13:38)
Reply  ur a loser
 you @#%$ you think peaolpe belaive you they dont homie boy. go suck a dick.
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Posts: 75
(6/13/02 13:53)
Reply  Re:
 Woah! Someone's spelling teacher should go to the guilloteen! Get a life and show it "2 the world".
Registered User
Posts: 42
(6/13/02 13:55)
  Re: Re:
 <<Woah! Someone's spelling teacher should go to the guilloteen!>>

uh....I think you mean GUILLOTINE.
"A mental mind fuck can be nice."
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Posts: 18
(6/13/02 16:58)
  Re: Re:
Sir Simon Milligan...Master of funk...AND EVIL.
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Posts: 28
(6/13/02 20:51)
Reply  Re: Re:
 Slipp was out pissing on fire hydrants and humping people's legs during spelling class. WAIT A MINUTE he did that today too!
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Bruckman!   :laugh:  Beeeeautiful!!!

I made a new post for the S-A, following your wisdom in format and including ALL posts, rather than a choice few.  Now that I look at it, it probably could have simply been added to this post.  You can use your judgment if you simply want to move it here.  The reason why I did not post a link to the 2/47 original is because the moment attention is drawn to a SLIPP post anywhere, that post has the tendency to miraculously disappear.  I would suggest that many of his posts get archived before they're lost forever.

I was not on the boards when the whole SLIPP suicide scandal broke out, but I do remember being around for the aftermath.  I remember when sickdrjoe truly felt sympathy for SLIPP when he saw the alleged article that he had died.  I remember him making a mention of SLIPP "shuffling off his mortal coil" and how he had no bad feelings anymore.  I think those brilliant posts are gone forever.  They either get erased by the webmaster, or people go in and edit/delete their old posts (like Steve Pigeon).  Let's keep the legend alive, shall we?

Offline shemps#1

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(7/15/06 22:31)
   New Post Re: Re: You know, Nosey, it's a good thing you aren't on these boards anymore. You don't know a "fu ck up" from a hole in the wall. All your "friends" would've laughed at you for praising something for brilliance that they recognize as garbage.

You turned on ISLIPP with the rest of these losers, when they had no merit to turn on him in the first place, starting back in 2000/1. You ruined his plans to end the ISLIPP legacy himself once and for all with the fake death newspaper article and therefore bringing peace to all the message boards by ending the ISLIPP vs everyone war, something he wanted to do for the good of all the boards. You took up the identity of Puckstoppa to deceive him and destroy this plan. You even made a forum on your own message board (which rightfully went down like a turd flushed down the toilet) to document "Slipp's greatest moments" on the old C3 board. You sir, were a menace, a sh it-stirrer and a backstabber besides (first being on ISLIPP's side on the old C3 board).

The boards are better off without you. And to prove it you left the Stoogeworld board after Kevin made you a moderator, you left your Golden Stooge Award followers hanging and you never contacted your "friends" to let them know you are alright. To quote Curly from "Idol Roomers", "You'd better get outta here, you coward, or I'll rip your arms off and beat ya to death with 'em".

I still can't believe how people blindly followed the popular guy (sickdrjerk) in the beginning and turned against the innocent guy (ISLIPP) he was attacking. You caused the "Great War". The blood of the casualties (departing posters, defunct boards) are on your hands. If only you could understand what you've done. If only you could've understood ISLIPP better from the start. There would be no Herbolsheimer, no Bunionhead, no Superstooge, no Angillus, no fake suicide, no fake shooting death, no thinking ISLIPP is insane, etc, etc and etc He would still be among you as a regular poster at your currsent patronized Stooge boards and you'd be accepting of him as such. The boards would've been such a happier place.

P Nis was brilliance though. Even though he feuded with ISLIPP, he had a funny username and a unique sense of humor. We salute you, Nis! Let's now have a moment of silence for P Nis, a poster who left us much too soon....

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown