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Who's The Best of the One-Liners?

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Beyond Curly's "I'm tryin' to think, but nothin' happens", certain stand-up comics develop great one-liners to use in their act, such as Henny Youngman and Rodney Dangerfield. And the question of whose material is better comes to mind. I know Rodney's work is more gritty than Henny's, and that may make Rodney's stuff seem funnier, but still its hard to answer by reading a sampling of each others' work. You may even have someone else in mind that deserves to be counted in the list of one-line givers, so suggest away.

I'll let you figure it out ... enjoy!

Henny Youngman

One guy says, “What’s the latest dope on Wall Street”?, and the other says, “My son”.

I got a mother-in-law that’s so neat; she puts paper under the cuckoo clock.

I said to my mother-in-law, “My house is your house”, so last week she sold it.

You know, once I wanted to become an atheist, but I had to give it up … they have no holidays.

After my physical, I asked the doctor, “How do I stand”?, and the doctor says, “That’s what puzzles me”.

I take my wife everywhere, but she finds her way home.

My wife has a nice, even disposition … miserable all the time.

I bought my wife a mink outfit … a rifle and trap.

I have a grandson who’s ten years old … he’ll be eleven if I let him.

A guy says, “Your dog just bit me”, and the owner says, “That’s funny, he’s usually very particular”.

A man says to a friend, “Look at this nice poodle I got for my wife”, and the friend says, “I’d say that was a pretty good trade”.

There’s two gamblers coming out of church, one says to the other, “Look, it Hallelujah, not Hialeah”.

A drunk walks up to a parking meter, drops in a dime, the arrow goes to sixty, and he says, “Gee, I lost a hundred pounds”.

I got a brother-in-law who’s a karate expert and he joined the army, and the first time he saluted, he killed himself.

I have a brother-in-law that I wish I knew what trade he was in, so I’d know what kind of work he’s out of.

I have a brother-in-law who says he’s a diamond cutter … a diamond cutter, hah! … He mows the lawn at Yankee Stadium.

My wife says she’s a light eater … that’s right, as soon as it’s light, she starts to eat.

My wife went to the beauty parlor for a mud-pack … for two days she looked great, then the mud fell off.

I just found a labor-saving device … a rich old lady.

I’ve got a wonderful doctor … if you can’t afford the operation, he touches up the x-rays.

I went to the doctor and said, “Doc, it hurts when I lift my arm like this”, he says, “Don’t do that”.

The jockey hit the horse, the horse turned around and said, “What are you hitting me for, there’s nobody behind us?”

Do you wanna have some real laughs, folks? … send a telegram saying, “Ignore first wire”.

You know I never had a penny to my name, so I changed my name.

Did you know Jack the Ripper was never killed? … he’s doing my laundry!

Here’s how to beat the gambling in Las Vegas … when you get off the airplane, walk right into the propellers.

Did you hear about the nearsighted snake who fell in love with a piece of rope?

There was a fire in a hotel in Miami Beach, and the woman shouted, “Help, fire … Cha-cha-cha!”

There’s a new Volkswagen with four gears, the fourth one is for going through Jewish neighborhoods.

Whenever I’m on a bus and I see an empty seat, I’ll point it out to a woman, then I’ll race her for it.

I’m so nearsighted; I can’t even see my contact lenses.

I flew my own plane for two years, then the rubber band broke.

My wife is learning how to drive, and when the road turns when she does, it’s a coincidence.

Last night I ordered an entire meal in French and even the waiter was surprised … it was a Chinese restaurant.

Two kangaroos are talking, and one says to the other, “Gee, I hope it doesn’t rain today, I just hate it when the kids play inside.”

A couple in Hollywood got married, then divorced, then re-married … the divorce didn’t work out.

I love Hollywood, I go every year to attend Zsa-Zsa Gabor’s wedding.

She’s been married so many times, she has rice marks on her face.

Martha Ray’s been married seven times, she has a wash-and-wear bridal gown.

Martha Ray kissed me, I lost my head completely.

There was a girl banging on my hotel room door all night, I finally had to let her out of the room.

I don’t want to say my hotel room is small, but when I put the key in the keyhole, I break the window.

This hotel is so elegant; Room Service has an unlisted number.

I walked into my hotel room and found a strange girl, I said to her, “I’ll give you just 48 hours to get outa here”.

Business was so bad in the club I was playing last night; the orchestra was playing “Tea for One”.

Have you tried vodka and carrot juice? … you get drunk just as fast, but your eyesight gets better.

The first part of our marriage was very happy, but then on the way back from the ceremony …

My mother-in-law needed a blood transfusion, but we couldn’t find a tiger.

My mother-in-law will never live to be as old as she looks.

When I met my wife, I was amazed at how her hair went halfway down her back … too bad it didn’t grow on her head.

I wanted to send my brother-in-law a gift, but I couldn’t figure out how to wrap up a saloon.

Did you hear about the Gypsy who doesn’t read the tea leaves? … she reads the lemons.

My father used to talk to me and say, “Listen, stupid” … he always called me Listen.

A lady driving hits a guy and yells “Watch out!”, the guy says, “Why, are you coming back?”

You show me a guy who’s got both feet planted firmly on the ground, and I’ll show you a guy who can’t get his pants on.

Take my wife … please!

I only gamble for laughs, and last week I laughed away my car.

My mother-in-law has a parrot that weighs 400 pounds, and it says, “Polly wants a cracker … NOW!”

Rodney Dangerfield

I get no respect at all … when I was a baby, I was breast-fed by my father.

Last night I looked up my family tree, I found out I was the sap.

My old man was dumb, he worked in a bank, and they caught him stealing pens.

I went to the bar and said to the bartender, “Surprise me”, and he showed me a picture of my wife naked.

I got no sex life, my wife cut me down to once a month, but I know two guys she cut out completely.

I told one of them, “Who said you could fool around with my wife”, he said, “Everybody”.

Last night my wife said she wanted to have sex in the back seat of the car, and she wanted me to drive.

I just signed a new contract with General Motors for two years, I bought a car.

A car and a girl are very much alike … how many times on a cold morning when you really needed it, she won’t turn over.

I just did a one-nighter in Milwaukee, and she was lovely.

My girl told me she was a world traveler, then she told me what a trip costs, and I said, “We live in two different worlds”.

At a wild party we played a new version of Russian Roulette, we passed around six girls, and one of them had VD.

People ask, “Are you a leg man, a breast man, or an ass man”, I figure I’m an ass man, because people are always saying to me, “You’re an ASS, man!”

I’ll tell you what’s embarrassing, you see a great ass, you follow it and it turns out to be a guy.

I went to a place where they were dancing naked and they wouldn’t let me in because I didn’t have on a tie and a jacket.

I asked the cab driver where I could get some action, and he took me to my house.

I saw a guy jogging naked in front of my house and asked him why and he said, “Because you came home early”.

Last night I went to a discount massage parlor … it was self service.

The only reason I get any girls at all is because of who I am … a rapist.

I know I’m not a sexy guy, when I put on my underwear this morning, I could hear the Fruit-of-the-Loom guys giggling.

I’m a bad love maker … you know I caught a Peeping-Tom booing me?

I’m at the age now that “shooting up” means the enema bag.

I’m at the age that I want two girls at once, so that if I fall asleep, they got each other to talk to.

Your getting old when you walk past a cemetery and two guys chase after you with shovels.

Eating has replaced sex for me … in fact; I had a mirror installed over my kitchen table.

My kid walked in on me eating dinner, and I covered my main dish with my napkin.

My wife had a mirror put in over our bed because she said she liked to watch herself laugh.

There are certain times I like sex … like after a cigarette.

My wife doesn’t smoke after sex, she says one drag is enough.

I gotta lose some weight, I was so fat, when I got my shoes shined, I had to take the guy’s word for it.

I told my dentist my teeth were getting yellow, and he told me to wear a brown necktie.

My psychiatrist told me I was going crazy, I said I wanted a second opinion, he said, “Okay, you’re ugly too!”

He told me to lay on the couch, face down.

I know I’m ugly; I stuck my head out of the window and got arrested for mooning.

I was an ugly kid, I worked in a pet store and everyone kept asking how big I’d get.

One year they tried to make me the poster boy for birth control.

My mother never breast fed me, she told me she liked me as a friend.

My mother had morning sickness after I was born.

My old man didn’t like my looks, either; he carried around the picture of the kid who came with the wallet.

On Halloween, my old man told me to put jockey shorts on my head and go as an ass.

Do you know what real class is? … its when you’re alone and you fart and say, “excuse me”.

I got a cousin who is gay, and I kid him by saying on the family tree, he’s in the fruit section.

He was so disappointed when he went to London and found out Big Ben was a clock.

In school, other kids were dissecting frogs, he was opening flies.

I tried marijuana only once, I didn’t know what I was doing, I was on cocaine.

I tried marijuana and got so hungry I smoked half the joint and ate the other half.

I’m a bad drinker, when I drink, the next day I do two things; I try to locate my car, and bring back the car I took.

You know you’re drunk when you take a leak and your fly isn’t open.

I lost 1000 bucks in Vegas gambling, but I got even, I stole 400 Sweet-and-Low packets.

I was so poor, my rich aunt died, and in the will I owed her 20 dollars.

I had to wear my father’s hand-me-downs, it was weird, I had to unzip my pants to blow my nose.

We were poor, at Christmas time we didn’t have tinsel, we used to wait for Grandpa to sneeze.

As a kid I had pimples and I fell asleep in the library, when I woke up there was a blind man reading my face.

The first time I hitchhiked I got beat up – I used the wrong finger.

I gave my kid a B-B gun for Christmas; he gave me a sweatshirt with a bull’s eye printed on the back.

The other day I told my kid about the birds and the bees, he told me about my wife and the butcher.

My kid drives me nuts; yesterday he put Crazy Glue in my Preparation H.

I got a mean kid, he scotch tapes worms to the sidewalk, and then watches the birds get hernias.

In public school, my daughter was voted most likely to conceive.

Kids start out having sex so young that now they have birth control pills shaped like Fred Flintstone.

I was scared the first time I had sex … I was all alone.

I got good-looking kids though … thank God my wife cheats on me.

I got a dog whose favorite bone is in my arm.

What a dog, last night he went four times on the paper and three times I was reading it.

I’m tired of hearing about sex … sex, sex, sex … I’ve had it up to here, well, not lately.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Pilsner Panther

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That's a long list... I'll have to give it some thought before I add any. One of Moe's lines from "Micro-Phonies" always cracks me up, and I've never seen it mentioned here:

Symona Boniface: (referring to Curly in drag): "Does the Senorita need to freshen up?"

Moe: "Oh no, she always looks like that."


And a few from Oscar Levant, who was a wit rather than a comedian:

"I never let my children leave the dinner table until they've finished their martinis."

"I knew Doris Day before she became a virgin."

"Zsa Zsa Gabor has discovered the secret of perpetual middle age."

"Nixon carries a big mouth and swings a little stick."

"I love Leonard Bernstein, but not as much as he loves himself."

"In this picture, I played opposite Nannette Fabray. I treated her atrociously, just as if she was my real wife."

I just finished reading a biography of Levant, and those all stuck in my mind.

Offline jrvass

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I hadn't heard a lot of the Youngman quips.  :D

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Wild Hyacinth

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 Personaly I think that both tell very funny oneliners,but it was the way Rodney delivered his jokes that put him over the top.Pulling his coller,the twiching, you just look at him and laugh.


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RODNEY DANGERFIELD is by far the best one liner in the world followed closely by HENNY YOUNGMAN.

Offline percytheslice

Being from down under, here in Aussie we reckon the king of TV comedy Graham gra gra Kennedy was the greatest.

Anyone else ever hear of him?  :D

Pilsner Panther

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Being from down under, here in Aussie we reckon the king of TV comedy Graham gra gra Kennedy was the greatest.

Anyone else ever hear of him?  :D

No, not me. We get very little non-American TV here, not even from Canada. The one exception is our Public Broadcasting, which carries some BBC material. That's the reason Monty Python became popular in the U.S.; otherwise, we never would have heard of them!

Offline JazzBill

RODNEY DANGERFIELD is by far the best one liner in the world followed closely by HENNY YOUNGMAN.
Which one is it ? Was Rodney the funniest by far or followed closely by Henny ?
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline percytheslice


Tell me you get Fawlty Towers with John Cleese ex Monty Python.
One of the great alltime 1/2 hour comedys

Pilsner Panther

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Tell me you get Fawlty Towers with John Cleese ex Monty Python.
One of the great alltime 1/2 hour comedys

No, not any more. The PBS station here used to broadcast it, but it was taken off about five years ago. I'm really going to have to buy some of the DVD's, that's on my "To Do" list.

"Whatever you do, don't mention the war!"

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Pilsner Panther

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No one's mentioned Groucho Marx yet? He was the Daddy of all the one-liner comics, and he influenced everyone who came after him. Even Bugs Bunny has some Groucho-like mannerisms.

Blonde: "Oh, darling, hug me closer! Closer!"

Groucho: "If I hug you any closer, I'll be in back of you!"

("A Day At the Races," 1937)

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Offline Dunrobin

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No, not me. We get very little non-American TV here, not even from Canada. The one exception is our Public Broadcasting, which carries some BBC material. That's the reason Monty Python became popular in the U.S.; otherwise, we never would have heard of them!

That was certainly true back in the 70's, but you guys in San Francisco have heard of cable TV, satellite dishes, etc., haven't you?  BBC America?


Tell me you get Fawlty Towers with John Cleese ex Monty Python.
One of the great alltime 1/2 hour comedys

I can't say that I've ever heard of Graham Kennedy, percy.  Is he an Australian comedian, or is he from Britain?

I certainly love Monty Python and Fawlty Towers.  "Basil Fawlty" is probably John Cleese's best character ever, at least for outright insane behavior.  Probably my favorite episode was "The Germans", although they are all hysterical.  Too bad there were only 18 episodes made.  (I need to get them on DVD, too - my VHS tapes are wearing out they've been viewed so often!)   ;D

Pilsner Panther

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John Cleese as Basil Fawlty is even more hilarious if you've ever run a hotel front desk yourself (I have).

That show is actually close to the Stooges comedy style in depicting the sheer incompetence of the characters, and all the trouble they cause—usually, without knowing about it themselves. Very Stooge-like.


Sort of like the arrogant horse's patootie who came up with the totally annoying, unneeded "last edit" thingy. I'd like to "last edit" that jerkoff with my size 19 boot.

Groucho and Chico Marx (in a rare radio transcript) will be making a brief guest appearance over at Pilsner's Picks.

After I calm down, that is. If I ever see a "last edit" notice on one of my posts again, I'm out of here, and I mean it.

 [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown] [thumbsdown]

To make it even clearer, this bullpuckey has to stop immediately if not sooner, or you'll be losing a long-time contributor:

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Offline Shemoeley Fine

In my book, the best one-liner as well as ad-libber I have experienced is Groucho Marx. His retorts to contestants on You Bet Your Life rank as some of the funniest stuff ever!  Don Rickles has a rep for great ad-libbed one liners as does Jonathan Winters but IMO Groucho is in a class all to himself.

Although not known for his ad libs I'll never forget a great comedic moment of the early 70's when the Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson was still 90 minutes long. The show began as per usual and one of the announced guests was George Gobel, about 15 minutes into the show, unannounced, Dean Martin, Bob Hope and another comedian or 2 showed up as they had just finish filming a show in the adjacent NBC sound stage in "Beautiful Downtown Burbank", just a few years ago when I was in a band opening for Doc Severinsen, I learned that they were really drinking that night, everyone was on fire,  one great line after another, the show fell apart from its script for that night, anyhow about 10 minutes before the show ended Johnny exclaims, "Oh my gosh, I forgot to bring on George Gobel", he then promptly introduced George who strolled onto stage, sat down at the end of the couch and said, "did you ever feel like the world is a tuxedo and you're a pair of brown shoes?", every one fell down on the floor laughing their arses off, Hope who had just taken a sip of his libation blew his drink out of his mouth spraying Dino next to him...way too funny.

Groucho once interviewed an older Italian gentleman, as was his custom he would queery contestants about their lives before they played the quiz portion, he asked the gent if he was married to which he replied yes, how long", 13 years, how many kids?, 11.  Groucho asked, "11 kids, hmmmm, what do you attribute that to?', the signor stated, "I love my wife", Groucho held his cigar and while giving it his famous shake retorts, " I love my cigar too, but I take it out once in a awhile!"   How that got past the 1950's censor board, I'll never know.


Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline percytheslice

Graham Kennedy was an Aussie TV comedy king in the 60's & 70' with his own tonight show like Carson, Leno etc.

Only 12 episodes of Fawlty Towers, 6 in 1975 and 6 in 1979. Wow lucky guy you must have found a hidden stash.

In Oz we have the boxed set of all 12 eps. With your dollars it would cost only 20 bucks.

Offline Dunrobin

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Quote from: percytheslice
Only 12 episodes of Fawlty Towers, 6 in 1975 and 6 in 1979. Wow lucky guy you must have found a hidden stash.

You're right.  I was going by memory at work early, and for some reason I thought I had 8 on each tape, instead of 6.  The Detroit PBS had a Fawlty Towers marathon around 16 years ago, and I videotaped them.

You know, I don't think I ever realized that there was a 4 year gap between the two seasons.  Learn something new every day.   ;)

Thanks for the info on Graham Kennedy.  I did a search and found his biography on the Museum of Broadcast Communictions web site.   Here's an excerpt:

When Queen Elizabeth was shown in a news item visiting Hong Kong in 1989, Kennedy remarked that for a woman her age she didn't have bad breasts, a purposely outrageously sexist comment, directed at a figure traditionally revered by Anglo-Australians. The night following the San Francisco earthquake, Kennedy and John Mangos staged a mock earthquake in the studio, with the ceiling apparently falling in on them. This piece of comic by-play was discussed in the press for some days. "Quality" papers such as the Sydney Morning Herald debated how distasteful it was. Kennedy was here calling on an aspect of carnivalesque, uncrowning the monster death with laughter. Such comedy usually remains verbal and underground, but Kennedy brought it to television.

When I saw Kennedy's picture (below left), I thought he seemed familiar and that I had seen him in something, but then I realized who he reminded me of - American character actor Tom Poston (on the right).


Offline percytheslice

Nice one Rob
In closing on G Kennedy - he finally got kicked off Oz TV in the late 70's cos one night on his late show he repeatedly uttered the now famous crow call - aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrk, which sounded suspiciously like something else.

Offline goofontheroof

Good to see another aussie here... where abouts are you?.. melbourne calling here.

my fave one-liner: in Ducking they did go. - Curly "my mind's blank" just after Moe said "well, thats for what you were thinking" to Larry  ;D

Offline percytheslice

Hey Goof
Yeah Melbourne as well. Lets fly the flag for the mighty aussies and how good are we getting the miners out alive.
Now the most important question.......tell me you are mad Collingwood like me.

Offline goofontheroof

Nah, i'm an Essendon person

(Live in Preston though!)

Offline percytheslice

Wantirna Sth for me. Anzac Day was a ripper game. Do you have a VHS or DVD of "An Ache in Every Stake" - I cant get a copy anywhere, best place is JB HiFi for 3 Stooges disks.
Now I better get back to work......ho hum

Offline goofontheroof

I went to the Anzac day game and it was great.

Actually, email at the address eblow and we can take this off the list. I have the 3DVD set that's at JB. The black box one that has that episode. I can set you up with it.

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
  • Team Stooge
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  • Vici Kid
No one's mentioned Groucho Marx yet? He was the Daddy of all the one-liner comics, and he influenced everyone who came after him. Even Bugs Bunny has some Groucho-like mannerisms.

Blonde: "Oh, darling, hug me closer! Closer!"

Groucho: "If I hug you any closer, I'll be in back of you!"

("A Day At the Races," 1937)

After viewing a few episodes of You Bet Your Life, I agree with Pilsner that Groucho should be crowned the Best of the One-Liners. We'll form a committee to design the crown and plaque.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.