
General Boards => Events and TV => Topic started by: BeAStooge on January 13, 2006, 05:32:23 PM

Title: Stooges' Hollywood Location Filming Sites
Post by: BeAStooge on January 13, 2006, 05:32:23 PM
January 26, Jim Pauley will do a presentation in Hollywood on his Stooges film location research (The Three Stooges Journal, ).

"Three Stooges Hollywood Area Film Locations, Then and Now"
Presented by Jim Pauley
The Hollywood Heritage Museum
2100 North Highland Avenue  (across from the Hollywood Bowl)
Hollywood, CA
Thursday, January 26, 2006  7:30pm to 10:30pm

Moe, Larry and Curly as iceman attempting to carry ice up a very steep set of stairs during a very hot day.  This film has what Stooges fans consider the "Holy Grail" of Stooges Film Locations, the set of stairs located in the Silver Lake area.

The boys involved in a golf tournament.  This short has many outdoor locations in the Echo Park Area.

8:10PM  Hollywood studio history expert Marc Wanamaker will discuss and show slides on the studios that the Stooges worked out of.
8:30PM  Hollywood Heritage member Jim Pauley's presentation: "Three Stooges Hollywood Area Film Locations, Then and Now"
9:30PM  HOI POLLOI (1935)
The boys in a contest to become gentleman.  This short utilizes Larchmont Blvd., a street used in a few Stooges shorts.
9:50PM  FALSE ALARMS (1936)
The boys are Firemen.  Numerous outdoor locations can be seen in this film.
10:10PM  Beverly Warren, a supporting actress from the 1946 Stooges film short THREE LOAN WOLVES, will be in the audience.  As a special treat this film will be shown, followed by a quick Q&A with Beverly.
The evening will end at approximately 10:30PM.
Title: Re: Stooges' Hollywood Location Filming Sites
Post by: ChrisBungoStudios on September 05, 2024, 11:44:21 AM
My contribution to the topic... Here's an excerpt from my filming locations video documentary on FALSE ALARMS. Click image to view larger version. Complete documentary is on my website: (

Title: Re: Stooges' Hollywood Location Filming Sites
Post by: Kopfy2013 on September 05, 2024, 01:50:59 PM
Nice.  I will check it out.
Title: Re: Stooges' Hollywood Location Filming Sites
Post by: ChrisBungoStudios on September 05, 2024, 02:33:10 PM
Nice.  I will check it out.

Hope you like it! :-)