
General Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: falsealarms on November 23, 2005, 11:51:10 PM

Title: Who Stole the Stooges?
Post by: falsealarms on November 23, 2005, 11:51:10 PM
This is absurd, but I thought I'd share.

Who stole the Stooges?
By Jerri Brouse
For The Daily Item

MIFFLINBURG — For the past 18 months, Bill and Leslie Cooper have been trying to solve a mystery — who stole the Three Stooges?

The Stooges — three 3-foot high plastic figures that stood on the patio at the Coopers' bar, Mike & Dot's II — disappeared about 18 months ago. Since then, the Coopers and their friends have been driving themselves crazy wondering "¦ whodunit?

Mr. Cooper was reunited with Larry, Moe and Curly, late on Oct. 29, when they arrived — alone — in a chauffeured white limousine. He thought for sure he'd find out then, but the limo driver said the arrangements were made anonymously.

Why the Stooges were taken is no secret. About a month or so after their disappearance, the Coopers received a "ransom note" in the mail explaining that someone was disappointed in them.

"It said that the person felt the Stooges were being neglected, so they were sending them off to travel the world," Mr. Cooper said.

He knew immediately that the letter was a joke and was amused. Then, after a few more weeks went by, the Coopers received another letter with photos of the Stooges enjoying themselves somewhere in the South. The letters and photos continued to come and the Coopers began posting updates on a bulletin in the bar for all to enjoy.

The regular patrons became amused with the prank as well and often checked in to see what Larry, Moe and Curly were up to.

During their year and a half adventure, the Stooges made appearances in Oregon, North Carolina, New Mexico, Washington, Florida and California.

"They were in California so long Curly had to get a driver's license," Mr. Cooper joked.

The three helped clean up after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and even made it overseas.

"They served on secret mission in Germany," said Mr. Cooper. "When they tired of traveling by train, they rented an RV."

The Stooges sponsored a hole in the bar's annual golf tournament and sent a money order to pay for it.

Each time he received a letter, Mr. Cooper said he'd try to figure out again who took the statues, but the clues were few and far between.

"Each letter had the right postage marks from where they said they were at," he said. "Whoever did it was very clever. It took a lot of time to pull off something like this."

The individuals responsible for sending the Stooges on their round-the-world adventure were in the bar Saturday night to see their grand return and were thrilled with the outcome.

"I thought it went perfectly," said the prankster. "We were hoping for a full bar with regular customers who were familiar with the Stooges' disappearance."

Mrs. Cooper was home recovering from an illness and missed their arrival, but said she would "see the boys soon." The prankster, who is determined to remain anonymous, said they'd never done anything like this before, but thought it would be fun.

"The Coopers are very community-minded," said the prankster. "They raised $18,000 for their local charities. They love doing that sort of thing and I think Bill is a born people person. He is very spontaneous, always joking and teasing and they both love a good prank."

The idea for the prank came from a newspaper article about someone who had their lawn rabbit stolen and sent on a similar adventure. While lunching on the patio one day, the prankster and his or her lunch partner decided to go for it. One climbed over the fence and the other handed over the Stooges.

The next morning, Mr. Cooper was angry to find his statues gone, but once it became clear it was a joke, he found the humor in it.

One thing he's not joking about, though, is his desire to find out the identity of the pranksters.

Mr. and Mrs. Cooper came close to figuring it out on several occasions, but they kept coming up short. Some regular patrons are even convinced that the Coopers themselves removed the Stooges to create interest.

"We had nothing to do with it," said Mr. Cooper.

Mr. Cooper is dying to know just who pulled this prank and said he hopes those responsible will come forward.

"If I don't find out I'll be rolling over in my grave," he said. "This has been incredible — it's been a real kick for the community. "

According to the prankster, though, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper will just have to go on wondering.

"Nope we won't tell," said the prankster. "It will be more fun if we keep them guessing. They may form a final conclusion at some point, but I think it will be more fun if the mystery goes on."

Whether the Stooges are home to stay is another mystery. In his or her final letter to the Coopers announcing the Stooges impending return, the prankster said they'd only be back for a short time.

Jerri Brouse is a freelance writer who lives in Lewisburg. E-mail her at
Title: Re: Who Stole the Stooges?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on November 24, 2005, 12:00:30 AM
I thought I'd posted this already...

"It's deja vu all over again!" — Yogi Berra

I'm not going to delete your post, but please look at the board once in a while to see what's already there.

Title: Re: Who Stole the Stooges?
Post by: falsealarms on November 24, 2005, 01:16:46 AM
I apologize if it was posted already; I rarely double-post. I didn't see it on the first page, so I thought it was safe.