
General Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dunrobin on October 14, 2005, 08:49:20 PM

Title: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: Dunrobin on October 14, 2005, 08:49:20 PM
Next Saturday, October 22nd, will be the 102nd anniversary of Curly Howard's birth.  Personally, I think his birthday should be made a "National Holiday," along with the birthdays of Moe, Larry and Shemp.
My neice and nephew are planning to throw Curly a birthday party - complete with cake and ice cream!  :occasion15:
I'm planning on a Curly marathon - maybe with a "Halloween" theme - and my own means of celebration.   :occasion14:   [pot]
So what are you going to do to celebrate?  :occasion16:
Title: Re: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: FineBari3 on October 18, 2005, 03:46:48 PM
Next Saturday, October 22nd, will be the 102nd anniversary of Curly Howard's birth.  Personally, I think his birthday should be made a "National Holiday," along with the birthdays of Moe, Larry and Shemp.
My neice and nephew are planning to throw Curly a birthday party - complete with cake and ice cream!  :occasion15:
I'm planning on a Curly marathon - maybe with a "Halloween" theme - and my own means of celebration.   :occasion14:   [pot]
So what are you going to do to celebrate?  :occasion16:

Yeeaahhhh!!!! I like the way you think (and party!)!!!!  :icon_thumleft:

I usually have a beer on any of the Boy's birthdays, and if I'm in a bar, I will announce a toast! (Haven't done that in a coupla years....)

Title: Re: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: Giff me dat fill-em! on October 18, 2005, 06:00:52 PM
Dunrobin ...

When you decide on a playlist for the marathon, please post it here for us. We might just watch along with you!
Title: Re: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: ZEKE on October 23, 2005, 02:00:27 PM
Title: Re: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: Shemoeley Fine on October 23, 2005, 02:28:01 PM
I played the Curley Shuffle 3 times in-a-row and attempted to do my best Curley Shuffle moves following the directions of the picture cover sleeve.

Back in 1975 or was it 1976, I visited the gravesite of Jerry in East L.A, a very modest marker and just down the cementary road from Curley in the mauseleum I saw the Shemp niche. he's pretty high up on the wall and also has a simple marker.  I never made it to Moe's site in West L A or Larry's wherevver he may be laid to rest.

Title: Re: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: Dunrobin on October 23, 2005, 06:21:50 PM
My apologies, Gff - I didn't see this when you posted it.  I didn't really follow a set line-up yesterday; I just grabbed a few of my "Curly" tapes and threw them in the VCR.  (Ironically, I wound up including Phony Express and Playing the Ponies, which I notice were on Spike TV's schedule.)

I am putting together a "playlist" for Halloween in another thread (  You're certainly more than welcome to use it as a playlist of your own.   ;D
Title: Re: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: Pilsner Panther on October 23, 2005, 09:34:29 PM
I'm just offering an artistic tribute, in my own modest way—

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Title: Re: What are YOU doing for Curly's birthday?
Post by: CURLYFAN on October 23, 2005, 09:44:53 PM
AWESOME picture now if we can just get MOE, LARRY, SHEMP & DIRITA on that mountain it will be complete and we can call it MOUNTSTOOGEMORE