
Film & Shorts Discussions => Random Comedy Reviews => Topic started by: metaldams on October 22, 2022, 09:03:52 AM

Title: Master Minds (1949) - The Bowery Boys
Post by: metaldams on October 22, 2022, 09:03:52 AM

Watch MASTER MINDS on Tubi.

      MASTER MINDS is a 1949 Bowery Boys film that is the second one reviewed on this site and definitely fits into the horror comedy mode.  1949 was such a barren year for horror in general one can actually make a legit argument that MASTER MINDS is the best horror related movie of the year, period.  The director of this film is Jean Yarbrough and I can think of few people more qualified for the job.  Not only does he have comedy experience directing Abbott and Costello, but he was also a b horror director, directing some of the latter day Universal horrors as well as some Monogram films.  This is the man responsible for THE DEVIL BAT, after all, which means the auteur crowd tends to avoid his work, but not I.

      Speaking of horror credentials, we get a serious monster in this one.  A huge Neanderthal like creature covered in fur played by none other than Glenn Strange.  The man who played Universal’s Frankenstein Monster for the last three films, he makes a wonderful physical presence here, carried not only by his natural screen presence, but through a fantastic make up job by none other than Jack Pierce.  Jack Pierce was the man responsible for all the Universal Monsters and his work here really gives this film some credibility.  There is also a really cool lab with lots of lightning bolts of electricity at all the right moments.  How does one enter the lab?  Through either a haunted house or below a grave underground, so yes, MASTER MINDS is a winner in the horror department.

      As far as The Bowery Boys go, another good effort and one of Huntz Hall’s great performances.  The story goes that whenever Huntz eats candy, his tooth aches which causes him to go into a trance and have Nostradamus like powers in predicting the future.  Leo Gorcey sees dollar signs and uses Huntz’s new found powers for a carnival act, complete with Leo doing a great carnival barker act which shows off his abilities.

      A mad scientist, played by Alan Napier (!), has a Neanderthal man, played by Strange he wants to give human intellect.  Hearing of Huntz’s powers, he kidnaps him and does a brain swapping scene like GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN.  This is where all the cool electrical comes in.  We get the joy of seeing big and hairy Glenn Strange dubbed and pantomiming Huntz Hall’s mannerisms while Huntz himself does an awesome job playing this growling, feral, Mr. Hyde type beast.  Both actors do a fantastic and hysterical jobs playing roles you wouldn’t think suit them.

      So if you’re the type who likes old horror movies and any Three Stooges short where the boys are running around in a hallway being chased by Duke York, I can’t see how this one will disappoint.  As far as watching arrangements.  It is available on Tubi, which is legal and a safe site.  I have Peacock and Tubi comes with that.  If you don’t have Peacock, I’m not sure if you have to download a Tubi or if it’s just available on the site, but it is free - thanks to the commercials every twenty minutes.  You can also pay $1.99 to rent it on Amazon Prime or you can buy The Bowery Boys Collection Vol. 1 DVD set.  Definitely find a way to see this one, a fun film for sure.
Title: Re: Master Minds (1949) - The Bowery Boys
Post by: Tony Bensley on October 30, 2022, 10:19:46 PM

Watch MASTER MINDS on Tubi.

      MASTER MINDS is a 1949 Bowery Boys film that is the second one reviewed on this site and definitely fits into the horror comedy mode.  1949 was such a barren year for horror in general one can actually make a legit argument that MASTER MINDS is the best horror related movie of the year, period.  The director of this film is Jean Yarbrough and I can think of few people more qualified for the job.  Not only does he have comedy experience directing Abbott and Costello, but he was also a b horror director, directing some of the latter day Universal horrors as well as some Monogram films.  This is the man responsible for THE DEVIL BAT, after all, which means the auteur crowd tends to avoid his work, but not I.

      Speaking of horror credentials, we get a serious monster in this one.  A huge Neanderthal like creature covered in fur played by none other than Glenn Strange.  The man who played Universal’s Frankenstein Monster for the last three films, he makes a wonderful physical presence here, carried not only by his natural screen presence, but through a fantastic make up job by none other than Jack Pierce.  Jack Pierce was the man responsible for all the Universal Monsters and his work here really gives this film some credibility.  There is also a really cool lab with lots of lightning bolts of electricity at all the right moments.  How does one enter the lab?  Through either a haunted house or below a grave underground, so yes, MASTER MINDS is a winner in the horror department.

      As far as The Bowery Boys go, another good effort and one of Huntz Hall’s great performances.  The story goes that whenever Huntz eats candy, his tooth aches which causes him to go into a trance and have Nostradamus like powers in predicting the future.  Leo Gorcey sees dollar signs and uses Huntz’s new found powers for a carnival act, complete with Leo doing a great carnival barker act which shows off his abilities.

      A mad scientist, played by Alan Napier (!), has a Neanderthal man, played by Strange he wants to give human intellect.  Hearing of Huntz’s powers, he kidnaps him and does a brain swapping scene like GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN.  This is where all the cool electrical comes in.  We get the joy of seeing big and hairy Glenn Strange dubbed and pantomiming Huntz Hall’s mannerisms while Huntz himself does an awesome job playing this growling, feral, Mr. Hyde type beast.  Both actors do a fantastic and hysterical jobs playing roles you wouldn’t think suit them.

      So if you’re the type who likes old horror movies and any Three Stooges short where the boys are running around in a hallway being chased by Duke York, I can’t see how this one will disappoint.  As far as watching arrangements.  It is available on Tubi, which is legal and a safe site.  I have Peacock and Tubi comes with that.  If you don’t have Peacock, I’m not sure if you have to download a Tubi or if it’s just available on the site, but it is free - thanks to the commercials every twenty minutes.  You can also pay $1.99 to rent it on Amazon Prime or you can buy The Bowery Boys Collection Vol. 1 DVD set.  Definitely find a way to see this one, a fun film for sure.
This is one of my favorite Bowery Boys features for all of the reasons you state. I don't think I was previously aware that Jack Pierce did the makeup work for this film, but it sure is up to his usual standard, and is but one of MASTERMINDS many many attributes! I may try and watch this gem of a feature again tomorrow on my Bowery Boys DVD sets, as it is always a joy to see again and again!!

CHEERS!  [pie]
Title: Re: Master Minds (1949) - The Bowery Boys
Post by: metaldams on October 31, 2022, 03:50:18 PM
This is one of my favorite Bowery Boys features for all of the reasons you state. I don't think I was previously aware that Jack Pierce did the makeup work for this film, but it sure is up to his usual standard, and is but one of MASTERMINDS many many attributes! I may try and watch this gem of a feature again tomorrow on my Bowery Boys DVD sets, as it is always a joy to see again and again!!

CHEERS!  [pie]

Cool man, glad I inspired you to revisit.  A very cool Halloween film.