Film & Shorts Discussions => Abbott and Costello => Topic started by: metaldams on February 27, 2020, 06:55:57 PM
Our Abbott and Costello journey continues with ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE KILLER, BORIS KARLOFF and we’ll discuss the elephant in the room right away - a complete waste of Boris Karloff. After coming off the success of ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN, it’s natural Universal would want to continue horror themed Universal films and the name of Boris Karloff is a very obvious marquee attraction. He was Universal’s top drawing horror star in the glory days, but the problem here is he’s used as an after thought. It was very shortly before filming began that they even decided to use Karloff, giving him a mystic swami part that was originally meant for a female. It’s very much an ensemble role with only one major scene of interest, that being the hypnotist scene with Lou Costello. It’s funny, for years in the forties Karloff got all the good major studio roles while Lugosi had a handful of butler red herring roles not worthy of his talents. In the case of initial Bud and Lou roles, things get reversed as Lugosi plays a signature Dracula role and Karloff plays - this. Still, Universal puts Karloff’s name in the title, exploitation at its finest. At least Karloff gets a better role next time he meets Bud and Lou.
Then there’s the whole murder mystery thing. Don’t even try to get me to explain the plot of this thing. Whatever part of the brain that is neurologically wired for such things does not exist in my skull. Even the classier mysteries like Charlie Chan and Sherlock Holmes I can enjoy on a superficial level, but the intricacies of the plot are beyond me. I think the problem is all the clues get explained away in a few sentences, Scooby Doo style, towards the end and A&CMTKBK (acronyms prevent carpal tunnel) is no exception. The Karloff suicide scene, the Lenore Aubert champagne scene, somehow they all tie into this jumbled mess. Taken on their own, they’re OK, but plot wise nothing really develops out of them. Really a shame in Aubert’s case, as she worked so well with Lou in A&CMF. Even the whole “romantic couple” just played out like one red herring, not really my thing.
OK, so I’ve said nothing positive about this movie for two whole paragraphs, yet overall, I like it. My reasoning for liking it is because it is simply an excuse for Lou Costello scare reactions. Scare reactions are one of the things Lou Costello was put on this Earth for, and he does plenty of them here. Reacting to dead corpses, playing up his innocence in a pandering style, reacting to the detox potion he is given, Lou is hyperactive and energetic throughout. The plot doesn’t matter so much in a Bud and Lou film when Lou is on fire like this and he carries the whole movie. Even the infamous suicide scene with Karloff is being carried by Lou. Hardly classic Boris in and of itself, what Boris does do is give Lou someone to work off of. The physical comedy and somnambulistic state Lou portrays here are an absolute riot. Using the knife as nail trimmers, the spray gun, the backward jumps with the noose and ledge, very well written and funny stuff. So is Lou conveying his complicated booby traps. Bud is OK with what he has but is not given that much like he had in say, AFRICA SCREAMS. However, Lou is awesome here and the main reason to watch this movie. Lou being hyperactive and scared is like watching The Three Stooges with tools - you don’t need plot as an excuse. Lou even makes a scene in drag funny, something I normally don’t care for yet he makes it work here. If you think Lou doesn’t help this movie, try imagining this script with Brown and Carney! I do have to add, that cave Lou is in towards the end is pretty friggin’ cool, so points for that as well.
A&CMTKBK is not going win any writing rewards and due to a lack of Boris, a severe disappointment for monster fans who don’t care for Bud and Lou by themselves. For this particular Bud and Lou fan, I cherish this as an opportunity to watch Lou go crazy and that’s enough to entertain me for 80 minutes. Beats the heck out of MEXICAN HAYRIDE.
This is one of my favorite A&C movies, and ironically my brother and I just watched this one yesterday morning! As you noted, the film has its faults, but Lou is certainly in top form. :)
And I agree - Boris is sadly under used, but he's still great when he's interacting with Lou. I love it when he hypnotizes Lou at the door to Mike Relia's room. ("You never saw me. You never saw me. I wasn't here!")
This is one of my favorite A&C movies, and ironically my brother and I just watched this one yesterday morning! As you noted, the film has its faults, but Lou is certainly in top form. :)
And I agree - Boris is sadly under used, but he's still great when he's interacting with Lou. I love it when he hypnotizes Lou at the door to Mike Relia's room. ("You never saw me. You never saw me. I wasn't here!")
Glad you like this one, Rob. Yes, a must for any Lou fan.
Boris Karloff red herring as opposed to the powerty row turkeys of Bela "Dracula" Lugosi. Slap Boris' name on the marquee & no matter how dull the movie, it probably did good box office for Universal....
Well, count me on the side that dislikes this film. If you’re a fan of scared reactions from Costello, then I guess I can kind of see why it’s so popular, but he did that in quite a few other films, and in those films he didn’t have to do it while pretending to play cards with corpses (shudders). Luckily, it’s not the worst Abbott and Costello film. Oh no, Abbott and Costello still had a couple years before they hit rock bottom with their abomination of a hillbilly comedy.
Well, count me on the side that dislikes this film. If you’re a fan of scared reactions from Costello, then I guess I can kind of see why it’s so popular, but he did that in quite a few other films, and in those films he didn’t have to do it while pretending to play cards with corpses (shudders). Luckily, it’s not the worst Abbott and Costello film. Oh no, Abbott and Costello still had a couple years before they hit rock bottom with their abomination of a hillbilly comedy.
I haven’t watched COMIN’ ROUND THE MOUNTAIN in a long time so the memory is foggy, but the idea of Lou being with his underage cousin is no doubt creepy. I’ll watch it again to see how it plays out before review.
MAJOR SPOLER ALERT*******************************************************************************
I never liked this one as a kid, and rarely watched it straight through when it was shown locally roughly twice a year. When it came out on DVD in one of those Universal "best of" sets I liked it a lot. It's no A&C MEET FRANKENSTEIN, but it is pretty good. What's nice is that it is a bit of a change of pace for the boys. With 36 films, it is nice to see one that doesn't follow the same-old, same-old formula.
MAJOR SPOLER ALERT******************
Boris Karloff is NOT the killer -- Alan Mowbray is. I guess the title A&C MEET THE KILLER, ALAN MOWBRAY didn't fly with the Universal brass. Did people back in 1949 think that a comedy/murder mystery would give away the murderer in the title, anyway?
This is one of many false titles for A&C. I guess they were the pre-cursor to today's click-bait.
In case you don't know:
A&C did not GO TO MARS.
They never met FRANKENSTEIN.
There is not a hayride to be found in MEXICAN HAYRIDE.
No one PARDONed anyone's SARONG.
No one SCREAMed in AFRICA.
Boris Karloff is NOT the killer -- Alan Mowbray is. I guess the title A&C MEET THE KILLER, ALAN MOWBRAY didn't fly with the Universal brass. Did people back in 1949 think that a comedy/murder mystery would give away the murderer in the title, anyway?
I am convinced that the title of this film was supposed to be ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE KILLER, with Karloff's name added to the title card due to his audience popularity, and somebody goofed and made his name part of the title itself, which (as you noted) doesn't really make sense.
I am convinced that the title of this film was supposed to be ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE KILLER, with Karloff's name added to the title card due to his audience popularity, and somebody goofed and made his name part of the title itself, which (as you noted) doesn't really make sense.
As valid a theory as anything.