
General Boards => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Dunrobin on April 06, 2018, 11:38:39 AM

Title: A New Look for Moronika, too!
Post by: Dunrobin on April 06, 2018, 11:38:39 AM
I've installed a new, responsive theme to the forum that is mobile-device friendly, and I've set it to be the forum's default theme.  I've got the options set to let members choose which theme they use, but I didn't change anyone who had the former theme selected.  (About 130 people must have had the "default" theme picked, so it looks as though they were automatically switched over.)  The old theme is called "Vertex" and the new theme is called "Studio".

To switch over to the new theme, go into your Profile and then click on the "Look and Layout" link under Modify Profile in the sidebar.  A.t the top of that page it will display the current theme you are using; click on the "Change" link to the right to select the theme you prefer.  NOTE:  The new theme is available at the top of the list as "Forum or Board Default" (if you choose this option the theme will automatically update if it is switched in the future), and it is also listed at the bottom of the page as "Studio."

Feel free to choose whichever works best for you, but I would encourage everyone to give the new default theme a try.  I think you'll like it.  :)

Title: Re: A New Look for Moronika, too!
Post by: metaldams on April 06, 2018, 09:38:23 PM
The new board itself I'm kind of neutral on, except the personal message section seems to be easier to navigate.
Title: Re: A New Look for Moronika, too!
Post by: Dunrobin on April 07, 2018, 03:32:56 PM
I've decided to give members even more choices for the forum theme, so I looked for other HTML5/CSS3/Responsive themes and installed several more.  Here the ones you can choose from, as of this post:

1.  Studio (the current forum default theme):

2. Curve (the SMF Default theme.  Non-responsive.):

3. Core (the original SMF theme.  Non-responsive.):

4. Vertex (the former Moronika default theme - most members are still set to this one.  Non-responsive.):

5. DeepBlue:

6. Karanlik-Lord:

6. ModernStyle (this one has several color variants):






6. Yansima:
Title: Re: A New Look for Moronika, too!
Post by: Paul Pain on April 11, 2018, 09:56:55 AM
I like the new default theme myself.  It looks clean, just as the old one did.