Film & Shorts Discussions => The Three Stooges - Shemp Years => Topic started by: metaldams on June 03, 2016, 07:32:04 PM
Watch BEDLAM IN PARADISE in the link above
Talk about a rarity, a recycle job that is a 100% acceptable alternate version of a classic! The problem with most recycles is there is very little new footage, and when there is new footage, what we get are these lame five second inserts that move the plot along with one or two two minute scenes that hardly stand out as classic, not here.
BEDLAM IN PARADISE has roughly half new footage that plot wise, is intertwined perfectly, and also includes lots of great comedy. The first few minutes has Shemp's death scene, which is actually quite funny, and it even uses a nice effect showing his soul going to Heaven. After this, we get Shemp in Heaven doing battle with Satan, played by Phil Van Zandt. What does Satan use to tempt Shemp? Helen Blazes, in a great campy dance scene that shows even the dark side's got legs. A classic, funny, and memorable scene, something we do not see often in these recycles. Yes, BEDLAM IN PARADISE is missing Sam McDaniel, but the Helen Blazes stuff makes up for it. Overall, I am going to give a rating I never thought I'd give again. BEDLAM IN PARADISE manages to take an already classic short and somehow make it it's own, staying classic in the process. A rare feat.
Well, here I am, the first--and maybe only--party pooper about this particular recycle. As far as "Retreads" go, I will admit this is one of the better ones, but better than Heavenly Daze--not in my book.
I admit, like Of Cash and Hash, the new footage here in Bedlam does look like some thought was put into it as far as trying to create some laughs and maybe improving upon the original as opposed to just churning out a quickie recycle job to sell to the theater owners back in those days who thought they were getting "new" stooge films--but, maybe I'm getting a bit sidetracked.
The opening footage with Shemp dying to me was passable at best--not terrible by any means, but nothing that really tears me up, as opposed to something we'll discuss much later, that being Husbands Beware. The dance with Helen Blazes may be the highpoint of this particular recycle.
But, again, the problem with many of these recycles for me is when the old footage pops up--not that the old stuff isn't funny, but again, if I wanted to see the old footage, I'll just pop in the disc for the original. Also, there are a lot of strange cuts in this one--for instance, the old footage where Moe asks Shemp to give him a smash on the chin & convince him.
Also--I bring this up again--entirely deleting the great "Sam McDaniel"; bad sauce my friends.
I didn't think I would do this much griping about this particular short--again, as far as the rehashes go, not terrible, but for me Heavenly Daze will always be light years ahead of Bedlam...
5 out of 10 pokes....
Also--I bring this up again--entirely deleting the great "Sam McDaniel"; bad sauce my friends.
If Jules had included Sam, then Columbia would have had to pay Sam for it; it's why bit roles are always cut out of most stock jobs.
The opening footage with Shemp dying to me was passable at best--not terrible by any means, but nothing that really tears me up, as opposed to something we'll discuss much later, that being Husbands Beware. The dance with Helen Blazes may be the highpoint of this particular recycle.
This will be interesting as HUSBANDS BEWARE will likely get told to BURN IN HELLTM.
Now I'm going to ride a more middle line here on BEDLAM IN PARADISE. As far as stock jobs go, it's the cat's meow and one of the few I will ever say "yeah, I wanna watch this short instead of the original."
More to come...
This is about as high as I will be on these stock jobs. The big problem with BEDLAM is that it unnecessarily trims a minute of footage from HEAVENLY that easily could have stayed. If BEDLAM was fine at 16.9, then why does this have to be 15.9? They chopped so much of the swanky apartment stuff that the plot loses its cohesion.
The shot of Shemp swallowing the thermometer is one of those fantastic ROTFL moments, especially when one can easily see that the thermometer is fake. We get Helen Blazes, but I don't care for music/song/dance scenes much unless they're a few second snippet like in A DUCKING WE WILL GO. And we get another excellent performance from Phil Van Zandt, who belongs next to Bud, Vernon, Emil, and Kenneth as those 100% guaranteed awesome male co-stars.
Classic? Not quite. Worth watching for its own merits? YES!
8/10 [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke]
This one may not be inferior to the one from which most of its footage is taken, but I can't see that it is any improvement on it, except in that it omits the stupid business of the cowboy in the picture on the wall in I. Fleecem's office coming to life and shooting at Moe and Larry. Helen Blazes and Mr. Heller are all right as far as they go; Shemp gets a "See dat?" moment with the Adversary; and Shemp's "heebeebeebee" death scene has some mildly funny moments. But we lose the dialogue of Sir Larryington and Sir Moeington. Meh.
"Take my hand, I'm for Bedlam in Paradise, ..." No, that has nothing to do with my opinion of this short vs. Heavenly Daze; it's just that I always think of the song "Stranger in Paradise" when I see the title of this short.
The death scene with Shemp, Phil Van Zandt as the Devil himself, and Helen Blazes are all okay. Besides the cutback of Lord Larryington and Sir Moeington's hoi-polloi dialogue, along with Sam McDaniel missing for royalty purposes, the one big problem I've always had with the remake is the counting of the money at I. Fleecem's office. It is the missing "18 to 21" for graduation from school, as Shemp says "Robber!" when Moe has only counted to 4. That they could have included.
One more thing: At the end, when Shemp starts to write the letter, he says "Dear Uncle Mortimer," when one can see clearly that he is mouthing the words "Dear Ma."
I like this one. Slight improvement on original.
I give it a strong 7.
Shemp D and Dr Hugo speak for me: meh. Metal: 10/10? Really? Up there with Dizzy Doctors and Who Done It? You might try moving up to a slightly more expensive brand of Muscatel.
On other fronts, isn't this the one where Phil Van Zandt was dead by the time it was released?
Unless I'm mistaken Big Chief--and this is coming off the top of my head--I believe Philip Van Zandt's last short was Fifi Blows Her Top...
I'm sure you're right...that was just a stab on my part as well.
Speaking of sad endings: if you google Vernon Dent, you'll find the usual hundred or so photos to skim through. You'll find one that I'm sure is the last one taken before he died. At least I hope it's the last one taken before he died. Warning: you will not be able to un-see it. I was also surprised to learn that he made it, IIRC, all the way to 1965.
I'm sure you're right...that was just a stab on my part as well.
Speaking of sad endings: if you google Vernon Dent, you'll find the usual hundred or so photos to skim through. You'll find one that I'm sure is the last one taken before he died. At least I hope it's the last one taken before he died. Warning: you will not be able to un-see it. I was also surprised to learn that he made it, IIRC, all the way to 1965.
That wasn't Vernon Dent. It was the obituary photo of some random guy whose first name happened to be Vernon, but had an entirely different last name.
God, I hope so. That was grim.
Shemp D and Dr Hugo speak for me: meh. Metal: 10/10? Really? Up there with Dizzy Doctors and Who Done It? You might try moving up to a slightly more expensive brand of Muscatel.
On other fronts, isn't this the one where Phil Van Zandt was dead by the time it was released?
My defense of the 10 is I give HEAVENLY DAZE a 10 and I find BEDLAM IN PARADISE to have enough new worthwhile footage to give a strong alternative to the original. This is a very rare happening, but I stand by my rating.
In that case, God bless you, bro. Stay strong.
Coming in at #151 on my list, we have "Bedlam In Paradise." IMO, this is just a slightly below average recycle job of one of my favorite Shemp shorts, "Heavenly Daze." Not much to say, other than the original is much better.
#151. Bedlam In Paradise
I came across something interesting today — a 2015 online interview with Bedlam's Helen Blazes herself (Sylvia Lewis). Extra good news — apparently Lewis (born in 1931) is still with us.
In the interview, Lewis recounts some of her career highlights, and a few paragraphs are devoted to her experience on this Stooges film. It doesn't necessarily tell us things that we don't already know, but it does confirm some interesting things about Jules White, and Lewis has some sweet things to say about Shemp.
In any event, have a look: (
I came across something interesting today — a 2015 online interview with Bedlam's Helen Blazes herself (Sylvia Lewis). Extra good news — apparently Lewis (born in 1931) is still with us.
In the interview, Lewis recounts some of her career highlights, and a few paragraphs are devoted to her experience on this Stooges film. It doesn't necessarily tell us things that we don't already know, but it does confirm some interesting things about Jules White, and Lewis has some sweet things to say about Shemp.
In any event, have a look: (
Fantastic find, Umday. Sounds like speed was the motto on the set and for what little time they had in the mid 50’s, I’m not surprised.
I came across something interesting today — a 2015 online interview with Bedlam's Helen Blazes herself (Sylvia Lewis). Extra good news — apparently Lewis (born in 1931) is still with us.
I have just realized that I've been in lust with Sylvia for years, but never connected her name to her 50's work. My first (and forever lasting) impression came from The Dick Van Dyke show reruns. Watching her dance alongside Mary Tyler Moore was drool-worthy. The most shocking thing, howevers, was that Dick Van D kept up with them both...step for step.
Good news! Utube has multiple dance scenes featuring Miss Sylvia...including the above mentioned DVanD show. :D