
Film & Shorts Discussions => The Three Stooges - Shemp Years => Topic started by: metaldams on April 22, 2016, 08:27:20 PM

Title: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: metaldams on April 22, 2016, 08:27:20 PM

Watch KNUTZY KNIGHTS in the link above


      Another remake, this time of a true classic in SQUAREHEADS OF THE ROUNDTABLE.  Look, it's hard to rate this thing too low when the old footage is this good, but there's not really much added to what we already know.  The first five minutes are really of most interest.  The boys do a pleasant scene playing comics trying to cheer up Princess Elaine, played by Christine McIntyre.  The bit where Larry in drag cries buckets of tears and Moe uses the windshield wiper is fun to watch, as is Shemp's swollen hand bit.  The rest of the new footage lacks little in comedy and is mostly for plot purposes. 

      I was premature a few weeks ago, but this is truly Vernon Dent's last new role.  I already said my praises, but since then, I have re watched the W.C. Fields classic, YOU'RE TELLING ME from 1934, and who has a small scene?  A very rotund Vernon Dent, doing an Eastern European accent and even a bit of physical comedy with The a Great Man.  Dent worked with so many legends and always enlightened their films.  Sad here to see him at the end, basically doing copy and paste jobs for plot development.


Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Shemp_Diesel on April 22, 2016, 09:10:47 PM
Well, as I said last week & I'll trot it out here again--this is another "nondescript" Shemp rehash that does very little for me. Very light on new footage & what new footage there is, is passable at best.

At least next week, we have a pretty good "original" to discuss....

3 out 10...

Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: BeatleShemp on April 22, 2016, 09:33:29 PM
I generally tend to favor the Felix Adler screenplays in the remakes over Jack White's.  So I think the new bit with the Stooges entertaining at the beginning was pretty funny. I think the weaving of stock footage between Harold Bauer and Joe Palma playing Sir Satchell was pretty poor though. An so-so remake. There are worse to come.
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Big Chief Apumtagribonitz on April 23, 2016, 01:14:35 AM
I saw that Fields movie So's Your Old Man, and Vernon Dent was for sure rotund in it.  Bud Jamison was in a Fields movie as well, The Dentist, if I'm not mistaken.
     I don't care how much spare change was  to be wrung out of it,  remaking Squareheads was sacrilege.
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: metaldams on April 23, 2016, 05:53:00 AM
I saw that Fields movie So's Your Old Man, and Vernon Dent was for sure rotund in it.  Bud Jamison was in a Fields movie as well, The Dentist, if I'm not mistaken.
     I don't care how much spare change was  to be wrung out of it,  remaking Squareheads was sacrilege.

Never saw SO'S YOUR OLD MAN, but reading plot details, it appears to be a silent version of YOU'RE TELLING ME.  I have seen RUNNING WILD, the silent version on MAN ON THE FLYING TRAPEZE, and yes, Bud Jamison, as well as Dorothy Granger, are in THE DENTIST. 
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Big Chief Apumtagribonitz on April 23, 2016, 11:42:50 AM
My error.  It is You're Telling Me.  The whole movie is on youTube.  Fields was a good actor when he needed to be, idiosyncratic of course , as well as a master of schtick comedy.  He does a lot of both in this one.
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Paul Pain on April 23, 2016, 02:42:07 PM
There isn't much to say here as the new footage doesn't really contribute to the plot much at all.  The new opening scene is pretty good, but that's about it.  Nothing really good for new footage of Vernon Dent here.  Really, just an awful little thing.

Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Kopfy2013 on April 23, 2016, 03:14:56 PM
So there is fresh Christine and Vernon scenes?  I was wondering ...

I like the old one better... as stated opening scene is good ...

Also good that they got Mahoney to come back and shoot some scenes.

I give it a 5.
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Big Chief Apumtagribonitz on April 24, 2016, 01:02:15 AM
Del Henderson is also in You're Telling Me, in a fairly big part as the Mayor.
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Dr. Hugo Gansamacher on April 30, 2016, 09:12:47 AM
Moe: This is a fine how-d'ye-do!
Shemp: (brightly, offering hand) How d'ye do?

The sort of thing that makes me laugh.
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: metaldams on April 30, 2016, 10:15:17 AM
Looking at this poster and SHOT IN THE FRONTIER's poster, am I sensing a leg theme around this time?  LOL
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80 on December 17, 2017, 01:28:33 PM
An okay remake because the new footage was enjoyable and enjoyed Shemp's hand becoming huge and swollen (although that gag was done better in "Loose Loot"), also is it just me or was this the only stooge short (not counting stock footage) where Jacques O'Mahoney appears in a Jules White directed stooge short? I do notice the rest of the episodes he appeared in were directed by Edward Bernds which made me wonder how Jacques O'Mahoney felt about Jules White.

I give this short a 5/10, I wish it had new footage available in the middle of the short as well as the end of the short.
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: archiezappa on December 18, 2017, 06:34:03 PM
I still think it's funny that they used "Sextet From Lucy" again. Can they sing it? They can't even say it!
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Daddy Dewdrop on November 04, 2021, 01:52:09 PM
Another solid Shemp recycle job.

#115. Knutzy Knights
Title: Re: Knutzy Knights (1954)
Post by: Allen Champion on November 04, 2021, 11:18:51 PM
The underhanded and unprofessional artistic theft of Edward Bernds by Jules Blite continues.  Why the Director's Guild didn't put a stop to this kind of thing just Bernds me up. 
The juxtaposition of each director's footage lets all the world see who is the superior comedy creator.   Don't be Knutz, be a Squarehead--support Edward Bernds!