Film & Shorts Discussions => The Three Stooges - Curly Years => Topic started by: Dunrobin on April 27, 2013, 08:00:13 PM
Each week, we (meaning metaldams) will be creating a new thread on this board to start a discussion on one of the 190 Columbia short subjects, in chronological order beginning with Woman Haters. All members are encouraged to join in the discussions. (Don't forget that everything you need for reference is on the appropriate episode pages on the site, and once a discussion thread has been started there will be links to it on that episode's page.)
There will only be one thread per episode, so the discussions will remain open indefinitely to allow less frequent visitors a chance to participate.
If you post one short a week that will take 4 years to get through them all.
If you post one short a week that will take 4 years to get through them all.
Just under 3 years and 8 months, but who's countin'? ;)
If you post one short a week that will take 4 years to get through them all.
Which will probably mean more discussion the next four years than the last four years. Try joining in.
Just under 3 years and 8 months, but who's countin'? ;)
Yeah... better than waiting 140 years, 6 months and 17 days for $62 to grow to $500 at the bank. :D
Sounds like a great idea to revitalize this message board. I will definitely be participating.
Sounds great. Let's get started
I just want to thank every single one of you who's participating in these discussions. This has been successful well beyond what I imagined. I look forward to every Saturday morning or Friday night watching a short, writing about it, and then reading about what you all have to say. There's been some great posts from you guys, so thank you all. We're not even 10 percent through yet, so I hope you all hang on for the ride.
Thank you for heading this up.
I will be on away this coming week (woo hoo!), so because of my schedule, I have started the DIZZY DOCTORS thread early, and 3 DUMB CLUCKS will be started a day later than usual, the morning of Sunday the 22nd.
I will be on away this coming week (woo hoo!), so because of my schedule, I have started the DIZZY DOCTORS thread early, and 3 DUMB CLUCKS will be started a day later than usual, the morning of Sunday the 22nd.
Are you going on vacation, Doug? ;)
Are you going on vacation, Doug? ;)
North Carolina with my Mom's side of the family the first week, and the second week, minus a Tuesday I have to work (I have to work 11 days a month to make bonuses), I'm just going to stay home and watch movies all day. It shall be glorious, but alas, two more days of work are still in my way, and I have to actually go minutes after typing this.
North Carolina with my Mom's side of the family the first week, and the second week, minus a Tuesday I have to work (I have to work 11 days a month to make bonuses), I'm just going to stay home and watch movies all day. It shall be glorious, but alas, two more days of work are still in my way, and I have to actually go minutes after typing this.
Ah, vacations! I remember those. (Last one I took was when my brother and I drove out to Idaho in July 2006 to visit our Dad.)
Have fun, and enjoy the time off! [pie]
Ah, vacations! I remember those. (Last one I took was when my brother and I drove out to Idaho in July 2006 to visit our Dad.)
You need to get away more Rob! A little time away does wonders.
You need to get away more Rob! A little time away does wonders.
Agree completely!
When I was younger I was a real nomad. I never stayed anywhere more than a year or two at a stretch, and suffered from extreme wanderlust ever Spring. That came to a screeching halt when we moved out here into the countryside 21 years ago. I guess it was what I was always looking for.
I joke about never taking a vacation, or that my retirement plan is an early grave, but I can't really complain. Physically speaking, I have a very relaxing life. I live in the peaceful, quiet countryside. I work from home, at the hours I choose, and it's stuff I love doing, even when I'm under the gun. My only real "complaint" is that I isolated myself living in the closet for so long, and living out here makes it a bit harder to get more sociable again. (There is a complete lack of gay bars in my rural county. Go figure.)
I am hoping to finally get my (not so fat) ass to the Fan Club meeting next Spring, though, and finally meeting some of you guys. ;)
I haven't taken vacation in over a year and it's murder. That's because I've been switching jobs. Hopefully, next summer, I can take vacation since I'll be at my current job for over a year by then. I'm going to fight to get a two week vacation....
I haven't taken vacation in over a year and it's murder. That's because I've been switching jobs. Hopefully, next summer, I can take vacation since I'll be at my current job for over a year by then. I'm going to fight to get a two week vacation....
Go for it, life's too short, enjoy what you can. Switching jobs, I mean in this crazy world, that's common these days. I'm in my mid 30's and I'm working the first job in my life where I'm about to receive a promotion and earn financial incentives for doing a good job. Every other place I've worked no longer exists either through the entire department being shut down or mergers, so there was never any upward mobility. Good luck to you.
I was unemployed from from early May - early December 2012, which is anything but a vacation, but the last time I had a vacation while working was exactly two years ago. Literally the week after I got back there was a company meeting saying 90 percent of the company was about to be let go within six months.
When I was younger I was a real nomad. I never stayed anywhere more than a year or two at a stretch, and suffered from extreme wanderlust ever Spring. That came to a screeching halt when we moved out here into the countryside 21 years ago. I guess it was what I was always looking for.
I joke about never taking a vacation, or that my retirement plan is an early grave, but I can't really complain. Physically speaking, I have a very relaxing life. I live in the peaceful, quiet countryside. I work from home, at the hours I choose, and it's stuff I love doing, even when I'm under the gun. My only real "complaint" is that I isolated myself living in the closet for so long, and living out here makes it a bit harder to get more sociable again. (There is a complete lack of gay bars in my rural county. Go figure.)
I am hoping to finally get my (not so fat) ass to the Fan Club meeting next Spring, though, and finally meeting some of you guys. ;)
My job is anything but relaxing, but it pays and in less than a year I will be 100 percent debt free and will start saving money. Unless if I ever start a family, I will probably be opposite of you, living a relatively reclusive life in my twenties but living it up in my forties and fifties. Why not if I save my money wisely and avoid debt?
I am hoping to finally get my (not so fat) ass to the Fan Club meeting next Spring, though, and finally meeting some of you guys. ;)
If you go next spring you won't meet anyone. The meeting has been changed to every other year so the next meeting isn't till spring of 2015. (Congrats on the weight loss)
We did seem to lose a few members but hopefully some of you other regulars could pitch in (yes I'm talking to you). I think this is a cool idea but there are very few responses in the GOOFS AND SADDLES thread. Next week's short I'm REALLY looking forward to discussing, but if we continue to get minimal responses for another month or so, I will close this due to lack of enthusiasm, which quite frankly would be pretty lame. Hopefully you numbskulls will join in, give you an extra excuse to watch the shorts, at least.
The weekly discussion's possible end has been exaggerated. Thanks to you guys contributing. While I still would like to see a few more people involved, we got just enough now to make it worth it, so let's keep it up and get to 190.....and then features and solo shorts...maybe cartoons, and then some of the random stuff in the filmography where Derita was suspected to wolf down the matzoh balls at the catering table.
Yes, please keep it open. Hopefully more participation will commence as time goes by.
The weekly discussion's possible end has been exaggerated. Thanks to you guys contributing. While I still would like to see a few more people involved, we got just enough now to make it worth it, so let's keep it up and get to 190.....and then features and solo shorts...maybe cartoons, and then some of the random stuff in the filmography where Derita was suspected to wolf down the matzoh balls at the catering table.
That part about Derita was funny.
That part about Derita was funny.
Yes, please keep it open. Hopefully more participation will commence as time goes by.
I wonder what happened to Dr. Hugo.....
The weekly discussion's possible end has been exaggerated. Thanks to you guys contributing. While I still would like to see a few more people involved, we got just enough now to make it worth it, so let's keep it up and get to 190.....and then features and solo shorts...maybe cartoons, and then some of the random stuff in the filmography where Derita was suspected to wolf down the matzoh balls at the catering table.
Glad to hear. Please don't pull the plug. I like reading what people think about these episodes. I added a whole bunch of posts today on past episodes. Apologies for not being active on a weekly basis, but will try going forward. I hope we make it to 190. I am anxious to hear what people have to say when we eventually get to the Shemp and Besser episodes.
Glad to hear. Please don't pull the plug. I like reading what people think about these episodes. I added a whole bunch of posts today on past episodes. Apologies for not being active on a weekly basis, but will try going forward. I hope we make it to 190. I am anxious to hear what people have to say when we eventually get to the Shemp and Besser episodes.
Hey, thanks for bringing some old threads to life. I was hoping this would happen, as there's no need for threads to stop once we get to the next short. I will be busy tomorrow with my social life (I'm open to trying new things [pie] ), so the next entry will be tonight.
Just another thank you to everybody participating. The old posts getting new life breathed into them is a great sign, and something I hoped would happen. This is the most fun I've had posting here in years, and I see no sign of this thing slowing down. We got some prime Curly ahead of us, and we haven't even gotten to Shemp yet. Enjoy the ride.
Well, I missed it by a day, but yesterday was the one year anniversary of these weekly episode discussions beginning. I went into this not being sure if it would work, but this has been better than I ever imagined, and I literally think in the middle of every week what short I get to watch and review next. This has become a ritual for me. Thanks again to all you regulars who have made this worthwhile, and I hope even more people join in.
I gotta say, though, it will be an interesting change of pace once we get to Shemp, especially after the sick Curly era. Less than a year until we talk Shemp, but we still have plenty of good Curly to go.
You're doing a great job with these. My life has some sort of meaning besides the boring routines!
It's going to be a slow process, but I'm going to try to decorate the old threads with title and lobby cards, so keep checking back the old threads.
I don't know how many people here are Marx Brothers fans, but I think it would be cool to have similar discussion threads on the Marx Bros. movies. There's only 13 of them so it shouldn't take long to cover them all if it is one movie per week. I just think it would be interesting to see people's opinions on the Paramount pictures vs. the MGM ones.
I don't know how many people here are Marx Brothers fans, but I think it would be cool to have similar discussion threads on the Marx Bros. movies. There's only 13 of them so it shouldn't take long to cover them all if it is one movie per week. I just think it would be interesting to see people's opinions on the Paramount pictures vs. the MGM ones.
Larrys#1, I'm cool with it. Are you able to start new topics in the weekly episode discussion section? If so, and if you want to start with THE COCOANUTS, whenever you're ready. If you can't start a new topic, I'll see if I can get in touch with Rob to make it so you can. If you'd like me to start the threads, give me a week or two, I need to find a day of the week that works for me. My work schedule has been fluctuating like crazy lately.
Please let me know how you want to work it out, and we'll do what needs to be done.
Larrys#1, I'm cool with it. Are you able to start new topics in the weekly episode discussion section? If so, and if you want to start with THE COCOANUTS, whenever you're ready. If you can't start a new topic, I'll see if I can get in touch with Rob to make it so you can. If you'd like me to start the threads, give me a week or two, I need to find a day of the week that works for me. My work schedule has been fluctuating like crazy lately.
Please let me know how you want to work it out, and we'll do what needs to be done.
Sorry for the late reply. Been so busy. I just checked and no, I cannot start new topics there. Is there a way you can just start a new category for this? I just don't feel right interfering with the "Weekly Episode Discussion" category because it seems to make more sense to leave that category specifically for the 190 episodes....
Sorry for the late reply. Been so busy. I just checked and no, I cannot start new topics there. Is there a way you can just start a new category for this? I just don't feel right interfering with the "Weekly Episode Discussion" category because it seems to make more sense to leave that category specifically for the 190 episodes....
I'm cool with the Marx films being discussed in the weekly episode thread. I'll aim for Tuesday, a week from today, to watch and review THE COCOANUTS and if it gets a decent amount of responses, I'll continue with all thirteen films. If not, I'll stop there.
Anybody want to raise their hand in advance and say they'll participate?
Sure... sounds good to me. Yeah, if no responses, I have no problem calling it quits. It's probably a long shot anyway since I don't expect that there are many Marx Bros fans here, but maybe I'll be surprised. The comedy of the Marx Bros is a very different ballgame compared to the stooges so I can understand if not many people here are into them.
Would someone want to do similar discussions threads for Laurel & Hardy and Abbott & Costello?
Would someone want to do similar discussions threads for Laurel & Hardy and Abbott & Costello?
If I live long enough, sure. The Marx Brothers will be easy, only 13 films, but I'll consider other groups when we're done with The Three Stooges.
By the way, I lied about Tuesday, the Marx Brothers will be the next 13 Sunday nights. Always a period of time where I'm not busy, and it will delay the coming pre Monday morning blues.
I placed THE COCOANUTS review in the Weekly Episode Discussion section, so I hope you guys and occasional gal will respond to it. Whether I continue or not with The Marx Brothers depends on if it gets responses, and I hope it does, as I really enjoyed watching and reviewing this film. So consider a response a vote, and for once in this world, your vote really counts. Hail Freedonia!
I placed THE COCOANUTS review in the Weekly Episode Discussion section, so I hope you guys and occasional gal will respond to it. Whether I continue or not with The Marx Brothers depends on if it gets responses, and I hope it does, as I really enjoyed watching and reviewing this film. So consider a response a vote, and for once in this world, your vote really counts. Hail Freedonia!
As Chico Marx would say, "My idea was a no good." Ah well, it was worth a shot. Too bad there aren't any other Marx fans here. I think their comedy is great. All Marx Bros (except Zeppo, of course) brings about a unique style of comedy. I was looking forward to voicing my opinion on all 13 films but I'm afraid that ain't gonna happen...
As Chico Marx would say, "My idea was a no good." Ah well, it was worth a shot. Too bad there aren't any other Marx fans here. I think their comedy is great. All Marx Bros (except Zeppo, of course) brings about a unique style of comedy. I was looking forward to voicing my opinion on all 13 films but I'm afraid that ain't gonna happen...
There was a time when we could discuss tons of classic comedy here, including The Marx Brothers. I actually gained my interest of other classic comedians on Stooge message boards. Then it devolved into a time where you couldn't even get a Stooge conversation going, nevermind other comedians. These days we're at least back to talking the Stooges, thank God. I'll wait the rest of the week, but barring some more interest in the Marx Brothers post in the next few days, I'll just be thankful we can at least discuss the 190 shorts.
There was a time when we could discuss tons of classic comedy here, including The Marx Brothers.
That's a darn shame. I wonder why it ain't like that anymore.
I myself like what little I have seen of the Marx brothers (I feel certain I have seen more than the one I LOVE LUCY episode...), but I don't have time to view them. Maybe in two years I will have watched some, but what's to say we're even alive then? [3stooges]
I myself like what little I have seen of the Marx brothers (I feel certain I have seen more than the one I LOVE LUCY episode...), but I don't have time to view them. Maybe in two years I will have watched some, but what's to say we're even alive then? [3stooges]
What are you, in your early 20's? I was about your age when I expanded beyond the Stooges and into other comedians of the teens through 40's, walking barefoot through the snow and fighting off T-Rex's to get the latest clam shelled cased VHS tapes. Watching SHERLOCK, JR. from Buster Keaton was one of the great holy shit moments of my life.
If you folks go back, you'll see I decided to give a rating on a scale of 1 - 10 for each film I reviewed. I think overall I've been pretty kind, keeping in mind a middle of the road Stooge film gets a 7 from me because I like middle of the road Stooge films better than the average movie. A few of these get genuinely low ratings, but not many. I figured some people like neat little ratings to sum things up, so for those folks, go back to the old reviews and enjoy.
Also, for the record, I will do the Laurel and Hardy shorts when we're done with The Marx Brothers no matter the reception. The more I've thought about it, I figure while responses and conversation are certainly preferred, just writing about these films gives me enjoyment, and the reviews will be there for a long time as long as Dunrobin decides to keep the board going, which I hope he does. Any conversation will be great, but even without it, if any review can inspire one of you guys to check out something new, mission accomplished. So expect me to continue writing two weekly comedy reviews as long as both this board and my body exist. I've got plenty of old comedies to write about to last me a while.
Will you ever review the Ritz Brothers movies and the Martin & Lewis movies?
Will you ever review the Ritz Brothers movies and the Martin & Lewis movies?
There are a lot of others I would get to first, I mean a lot. Sorry to say Luke, I'm not a big fan of either team. I suppose it's possible someday, but the Laurel and Hardy sound shorts will come after the Marx features, and after that I plan to do some batch of Keaton films, either shorts or features. Depending on how long this site and I go, I'm open to do both teams someday. I will say that Martin and Lewis serve as the most recent team/comedian whose work I would possibly review.
Just curious, how many Ritz films do you have? I've only seen two myself.
There are a lot of others I would get to first, I mean a lot. Sorry to say Luke, I'm not a big fan of either team. I suppose it's possible someday, but the Laurel and Hardy sound shorts will come after the Marx features, and after that I plan to do some batch of Keaton films, either shorts or features. Depending on how long this site and I go, I'm open to do both teams someday. I will say that Martin and Lewis serve as the most recent team/comedian whose work I would possibly review.
Just curious, how many Ritz films do you have? I've only seen two myself.
All of them have been released on DVD except 5 of them. Fox still has to release one more and the other 4 have to be released by Universal. I have seen all of them though. Which 2 have you seen?
All of them have been released on DVD except 5 of them. Fox still has to release one more and the other 4 have to be released by Universal. I have seen all of them though. Which 2 have you seen?
Being a Bela Lugosi fan, definitely THE GORILLA, which is easy too find as it's public domain, STRAIGHT PLACE AND SHOW, and HOTEL ANCHOVY, so that's three, not two.
Are you going to review the Abbott & Costello movies and the Abbott & Costello Show episodes?
Are you going to review the Abbott & Costello movies and the Abbott & Costello Show episodes?
Most likely at some point, yes. I can see those films generating interest.
I'd like to see discussions on the Our Gang-Little Rascals shorts.
I'd like to see discussions on the Our Gang-Little Rascals shorts.
Somewhere down the road I'm open to that. Unless there's an overwhelming amount of requests for one comedian or comedy team, the plan now is Laurel and Hardy sounds shorts after the Marx Brothers, and then probably Buster Keaton, since I'm a huge fan of his. Still, this can change, so like I said, you guys overwhelm me with requests, and I have the films, I'll respond.
Random question: Any W.C. Fields fans here? He's another one whose films I'd love to get to. If you were to ask me at gunpoint, I'd call him the funniest man who ever lived.
@Metaldams- I notice the Marx Bros discussions have died down quite a bit. Can't say I'm surprised since the Marx films go downhill from this point on. So, I wouldn't mind one bit if you wanted to stop doing these. No sense in giving you more work if people aren't interested. You are certainly free to continue if you'd like, but please don't feel like you have to for my sake.
@Metaldams- I notice the Marx Bros discussions have died down quite a bit. Can't say I'm surprised since the Marx films go downhill from this point on. So, I wouldn't mind one bit if you wanted to stop doing these. No sense in giving you more work if people aren't interested. You are certainly free to continue if you'd like, but please don't feel like you have to for my sake.
I'd prefer more responses, obviously, but I look forward to watching these films every week and it's a good writing exercise, so I'll keep trucking. I don't view this as work. Work is the B.S. they pay me for every two weeks. I genuinely enjoy writing these reviews. I thank you for your responses and idea to do this.
OK, I've had a change of heart. Instead of doing just the 40 Roach sound shorts, I will instead do every Laurel and Hardy film from THE SECOND HUNDRED YEARS all the way to ATOLL K, or UTOPIA, or whatever the heck their last film is called in your territory. I realize the silents may get few or even zero replies, but I think it will be awesome doing every film in order, and since the silents should coincide with the Shemp reviews, I figure a better chance they'll get some views. I have a few ideas in store to make this work well, so I hope to hear from you all, and I'm REALLY looking forward to this. Mucho epicness!
I'd prefer more responses, obviously, but I look forward to watching these films every week and it's a good writing exercise, so I'll keep trucking. I don't view this as work. Work is the B.S. they pay me for every two weeks. I genuinely enjoy writing these reviews. I thank you for your responses and idea to do this.
Yeah, keep 'em up, Metal, I enjoy reading your take on these movies, even if I haven't made time to offer my own thoughts on some of them yet (in the case of ROOM SERVICE it's because I haven't seen that one in so long and my memory is hazy, although I intend to revisit that one soon out of curiosity). Especially looking forward to your comments on the later "downward slide" movies. Perversely, I tend to enjoy reading reviews of a group's less well-regarded work more than the undisputed classics, as it's usually more interesting to do a post-mortem into why something didn't work than to just list a bunch of scenes that everyone agrees are great.
Yeah, keep 'em up, Metal, I enjoy reading your take on these movies, even if I haven't made time to offer my own thoughts on some of them yet (in the case of ROOM SERVICE it's because I haven't seen that one in so long and my memory is hazy, although I intend to revisit that one soon out of curiosity). Especially looking forward to your comments on the later "downward slide" movies. Perversely, I tend to enjoy reading reviews of a group's less well-regarded work more than the undisputed classics, as it's usually more interesting to do a post-mortem into why something didn't work than to just list a bunch of scenes that everyone agrees are great.
Thanks for the kind words, Seamus. I have the same feeling about you reading about "downward slide" movie reviews. I even try to find ways to challenge the staus quo opinions on these films if possible, but alas, it's not always possible.
By the way, I know you stated you're a Laurel and Hardy fan. Do you have the silent shorts as well? Just curious, I'm trying to get a gague of what this early round of reviewing is going to be like.
By the way, I know you stated you're a Laurel and Hardy fan. Do you have the silent shorts as well? Just curious, I'm trying to get a gague of what this early round of reviewing is going to be like.
Unfortunately no. I've only seen one of L&H's silent shorts, but this might be a good excuse to give them a look. I think a few of them are scattered across different disks on Netflix, so I can snag them from there.
Unfortunately no. I've only seen one of L&H's silent shorts, but this might be a good excuse to give them a look. I think a few of them are scattered across different disks on Netflix, so I can snag them from there.
Well, when possible, I do plan on posting YouTube clips, along with the reviews, even complete shorts when possible.
There is a 10 volume set I spent a chunk of change on for each piece about 10 or 15 years ago (entitled The Lost Films) that's even harder to find and more expensive these days. Amazingly, at the time, the silents were easier to find than the talkies. Now it's a reverse scenario.
I'm not sure if you will do Abbott and Costello after Laurel and Hardy. Shemp and Joe Besser did appear in some of the Abbott and Costello movies and Joe Besser did appear in the Abbott and Costello Show.
I'm not sure if you will do Abbott and Costello after Laurel and Hardy. Shemp and Joe Besser did appear in some of the Abbott and Costello movies and Joe Besser did appear in the Abbott and Costello Show.
Oh yeah, I'm aware of all that. I like Bud and Lou, but I like Stan and Ollie even more. I'll probably get around to Bud and Lou when we're done with The Stooges and Laurel and Hardy, but that's a while from now.
Oh yeah, I'm aware of all that. I like Bud and Lou, but I like Stan and Ollie even more. I'll probably get around to Bud and Lou when we're done with The Stooges and Laurel and Hardy, but that's a while from now.
Looks like we have a lot of fun planned ahead....
Guys and gals, in the future and periodically for past reviews, I will be posting trailers, and when possible, complete films, along with other assorted things from YouTube, and will report here. First update, the trailer to AT THE CIRCUS is now in the review thread for that film.
I love reading your reviews, but I just don't know what to add to them because I am not good conversationalist.
Random question: Any W.C. Fields fans here? He's another one whose films I'd love to get to. If you were to ask me at gunpoint, I'd call him the funniest man who ever lived.
Wow! What a statement! I am not familiar with his work. The items I watched (the one where Shemp is the bartender) I was not impressed.
Please link me to videos that you love that supports your opinion, I would love to watch them and maybe change my mind on him.
Wow! What a statement! I am not familiar with his work. The items I watched (the one where Shemp is the bartender) I was not impressed.
Please link me to videos that you love that supports your opinion, I would love to watch them and maybe change my mind on him.
This is one of his movies which I enjoy, "Million Dollar Legs." It's a satire of the 1932 Olympics, but it's much funnier than that makes it sound. It's only about an hour long. (
I love reading your reviews, but I just don't know what to add to them because I am not good conversationalist.
Just write something you enjoy about the Stooges, or about whatever the subject is. For example, if you like WC Fields, tell everyone which WC Fields movie is your favorite. That's a good start because that's what people are talking about here in this thread.
I love reading your reviews, but I just don't know what to add to them because I am not good conversationalist.
Luke, just state your opinion and a gag or two that makes you laugh. Keep it simple, nobody is expecting Shakespeare...and thanks for the compliment.
Wow! What a statement! I am not familiar with his work. The items I watched (the one where Shemp is the bartender) I was not impressed.
Please link me to videos that you love that supports your opinion, I would love to watch them and maybe change my mind on him.
The above is the porch sequence I posted from IT'S A GIFT (1934) in the classic comedy thread. It slowly builds up and to me it's one of the funniest scenes in any movie ever.
This other sequence is from THE OLD FASHIONED WAY (1934) and showcases W.C. Fields as a juggler. He would probably be happy I am showing you this, because W.C. Fields started his career juggling, and developed a comic routine and character around it.
Bear in mind, his style is VERY different from The Three Stooges. Much slower paced, but that works for him.
By the way, it kills me when he comes out with the cleaver. :laugh:
By the way, it kills me when he comes out with the cleaver. :laugh:
You and me both, and by the way, MILLION DOLLAR LEGS is one of the few Fields talkies I haven't seen. I will remedy this soon.
Random question: as fun as it's been talking about Curly, who here is getting pumped for Shemp? I know I am! We're getting close.
Random question: as fun as it's been talking about Curly, who here is getting pumped for Shemp? I know I am! We're getting close.
As you can tell by my username, I love Shemp way more than Curly! So, I am very excited!! I'm also very excited for Half-Wits Holiday because its Emil Sitka's first appearance!!!!
I'm pretty stoked that we're getting closer to the Shemp era. A lot of good discussion should come from that--just like there will no doubt be scintillating talk when we get to the "back of Joe Palma's Head" and Joe Besser... ;)
I'm pretty stoked that we're getting closer to the Shemp era. A lot of good discussion should come from that--just like there will no doubt be scintillating talk when we get to the "back of Joe Palma's Head" and Joe Besser... ;)
I wonder if we're doing the Joe DeRita era..
I wonder if we're doing the Joe DeRita era..
I forgot to answer this. The five Columbia Derita features will directly follow SAPPY BULLFIGHTERS, and after this there will be random other features the boys appeared in, all the Columbia solo shorts, and selected Shemp Vitaphone shorts.
I forgot to answer this. The five Columbia Derita features will directly follow SAPPY BULLFIGHTERS, and after this there will be random other features the boys appeared in, all the Columbia solo shorts, and selected Shemp Vitaphone shorts.
If you're ever having any stress/seeking help with the selection of these shorts, may I suggest for " random other features",
STAR-SPANGLED SALESMAN ( even though The Boys cameo in it)
Selected episodes of THE NEW 3 STOOGES
I also would suggest the Ted Healy shorts, except I think that would've been a better idea for earlier. And, for the Shemp movies, could we possibly do the 2 Fatty Arbuckle shorts he was in? ( If you were to pick 1, I would pick In The Dough. He has a more prominent role.)
If you're ever having any stress/seeking help with the selection of these shorts, may I suggest for " random other features",
STAR-SPANGLED SALESMAN ( even though The Boys cameo in it)
Selected episodes of THE NEW 3 STOOGES
I also would suggest the Ted Healy shorts, except I think that would've been a better idea for earlier. And, for the Shemp movies, could we possibly do the 2 Fatty Arbuckle shorts he was in? ( If you were to pick 1, I would pick In The Dough. He has a more prominent role.)
Oh yeah, the Healy shorts as well. If/when we get there, the films with more prominent roles will be discussed. Expect stuff like SWING PARADE OF 1946, MEET THE BARON, SOUP TO NUTS, but don't expect MY SISTER EILEEN and 4 FOR TEXAS. The exact list and order will be decided when the time comes, we have a way to go.
Oh yeah, the Healy shorts as well. If/when we get there, the films with more prominent roles will be discussed. Expect stuff like SWING PARADE OF 1946, MEET THE BARON, SOUP TO NUTS, but don't expect MY SISTER EILEEN and 4 FOR TEXAS. The exact list and order will be decided when the time comes, we have a way to go.
Yeah, no kidding! We have about 2 years until their assorted features!!
A youtube link to the entire DUCK SOUP film has been posted in the corresponding thread, though it can only be watched on PCs and not mobile devices. If you are Marx Brothers deficient, take a chance, watch the film, and throw in a comment or two. This masterpiece deserves more discussion.,5394.0.html
All the Laurel and Hardy silents where they are not really a team have been watched and been given brief reviews. Click the link below.,5432.0.html
Tomorrow night will be the NIGHT IN CASABLANCA review, next week will be a Laurel and Hardy surprise, the final installment of the Marx Brothers in LOVE HAPPY, and our usual Stooge review. Then the week after we will get into the meat of the Laurel and Hardy films where classics are made and they're truly a team. DUCK SOUP and DO DETECTIVES THINK? are the first two shorts to get real reviews instead of brief write ups as I feel they were truly a team in them, and then we go from THE SECOND HUNDRED YEARS forward in chronological order. I hope you guys will join in or at least enjoying reading these. I will post YouTube clips for you guys who haven't seen these films before.
I realize the Laurel and Hardy silent films, especially the pre-team shorts, may be hard to generate discussion due to them not being cheap and easy to access, at least on DVD or Blu-Ray in the States. That said, for you guys and gals not familiar with these shorts, I just added YouTube links to each short (yes, they're all available), so check them out if you're interested. Eleven shorts are covered in this one thread.,5432.0.html
I realize the Laurel and Hardy silent films, especially the pre-team shorts, may be hard to generate discussion due to them not being cheap and easy to access, at least on DVD or Blu-Ray in the States. That said, for you guys and gals not familiar with these shorts, I just added YouTube links to each short (yes, they're all available), so check them out if you're interested. Eleven shorts are covered in this one thread.,5432.0.html
I'm not adding to that one thread, as I'm busy at work creating a YouTube channel and do not have the time to watch all of those shorts. In the past, I have watched The Lucky Dog, Flying Elephants, and Sugar Daddies except that was a very long time ago. I believe I also watched Sailors, Beware! but I'm not sure.
I'm not adding to that one thread, as I'm busy at work creating a YouTube channel and do not have the time to watch all of those shorts. In the past, I have watched The Lucky Dog, Flying Elephants, and Sugar Daddies except that was a very long time ago. I believe I also watched Sailors, Beware! but I'm not sure.
No problem, participate whenever you want and post us to your YouTube channel when it's ready.
No problem, participate whenever you want and post us to your YouTube channel when it's ready.
It's really turned into my son's YouTube account, anyways.. Anyhow, I was wondering if we could do the Our Gang/The Little Rascals shorts right after Buster Keaton.
It's really turned into my son's YouTube account, anyways.. Anyhow, I was wondering if we could do the Our Gang/The Little Rascals shorts right after Buster Keaton.
That's a LONG way off. I'll consider it, though. I have to admit I'm more a casual Our Ganf fan than I am of the major clowns, but I have the set of the Roach films (the one people complain about because of the Blackhawk prints), and can easily buy the MGM set. If I do those films, it won't be at a level of expertise, more like a second and third viewing (and in the MGM case, first), but that actually would be a cool challenge. I'll consider it, and it will give me time to hunt down silents as well.
That's a LONG way off. I'll consider it, though. I have to admit I'm more a casual Our Ganf fan than I am of the major clowns, but I have the set of the Roach films (the one people complain about because of the Blackhawk prints), and can easily buy the MGM set. If I do those films, it won't be at a level of expertise, more like a second and third viewing (and in the MGM case, first), but that actually would be a cool challenge. I'll consider it, and it will give me time to hunt down silents as well.
The silent are more likely to find on YouTube than on DVD. They have various sets of the many public domain silents on Amazon, while a complete collection of them has sadly not been made so far. Yes, I do understand that's a long time into the future, as I tried to count the number of L&H movies and Keaton movies, and judging by my count, that would be around 4 years into the near future. Well, in 2019, we'll be saying, " That went by real quick!"
Nothing of great value to add, except to say that it will probably be a month or a little less than a month until we'll be cracking open the Shemp years on the weekly discussions. I think it will be great fun (I hate fun)....
Just a quick question for Metaldams: This is incredibly far in the future, except I like to plan ahead. When the Stooges discussion is over and the L&H discussion is still going on, will you do the Buster Keaton discussion in place for the Stooges discussion. There was also some brief talk with me, you, and a few others about a possible Our Gang/The Little Rascals discussion. When the L&H discussion is over, will the Our Gang/The Little Rascals discussion take the L&H discussion's place? This may sound a bit confusing.
Believe it or not, the only Shemp I have seen since we started this discussion is his Vitaphone shorts. Friday night will be the first time in about two years since I've seen a Shemp Stooge short, so needless to say, I'm pretty excited! Friday can't get here soon enough.
I have a question.. I saw your brief comment on the Half-Wits Holiday board concerning Stop, Look, and Laugh! I was just wondering if when we review the Healy shorts and some assorted features, will we do Stop, Look, and Laugh!?
I have a question.. I saw your brief comment on the Half-Wits Holiday board concerning Stop, Look, and Laugh! I was just wondering if when we review the Healy shorts and some assorted features, will we do Stop, Look, and Laugh!?
We will never do STOP, LOOK, and LAUGH; or at least I won't. The film's a waste of time to me, but if somebody wants to start a thread on it in the general discussion thread, knock yourself out. It will probably get more views and comments than BIG BUSINESS. ;)
We will never do STOP, LOOK, and LAUGH; or at least I won't. The film's a waste of time to me, but if somebody wants to start a thread on it in the general discussion thread, knock yourself out. It will probably get more views and comments than BIG BUSINESS. ;)
Yep, probably. ;) Well, I'll have to watch the movie again before I start a thread about it.. Don't get me wrong, Paul Winchell is a great ventriloquist and I do enjoy his sequences, except a ventriloquist mixed with The Three Stooges mixed with chimps just doesn't mesh very well, in my opinion.
We will never do STOP, LOOK, and LAUGH; or at least I won't. The film's a waste of time to me, but if somebody wants to start a thread on it in the general discussion thread, knock yourself out. It will probably get more views and comments than BIG BUSINESS. ;)
While I don't mind that you forgo STOP, LOOK, and LAUGH, I hope you consider doing the DeRita flicks when we get to them. While they may not be as good, it's still fun to review and read what people have to say about them...
While I don't mind that you forgo STOP, LOOK, and LAUGH, I hope you consider doing the DeRita flicks when we get to them. While they may not be as good, it's still fun to review and read what people have to say about them...
The Derita features, no matter what one may think of their quality, have something new to offer and will be interesting to discuss. HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL will follow SAPPPY BULLFIGHTERS.
What about GOLD RAIDERS and other such films? I assume those will come after the DeRita films?
What about GOLD RAIDERS and other such films? I assume those will come after the DeRita films?
Exactly. After the 190, I will do the five Columbia Derita features, then go from SOUP TO NUTS to KOOKS TOUR in order, doing films I feel important enough to review and leaving out the tiny cameos. I haven't figured out how to handle the cartoons yet, but that's way off. GOLD RAIDERS will have its day.
....and after KOOK'S TOUR, then solo shorts.
Discovering this Emil Sitka website, which contains articles, usually with diary entries Sitka wrote himself at the time of filming (!), I've decided to include the links to any film Sitka was in the corresponding short thread. Some really good, first hand accounts here, and I've went back and included the one for HALF-WITS HOLIDAY, so go back to that thread and check it out. It appears most of the cast was unaware of Curly's condition outside of the boys and Jules White.
The Derita features, no matter what one may think of their quality, have something new to offer and will be interesting to discuss. HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL will follow SAPPPY BULLFIGHTERS.
Perfect.... sounds good.
Discovering this Emil Sitka website, which contains articles, usually with diary entries Sitka wrote himself at the time of filming (!), I've decided to include the links to any film Sitka was in the corresponding short thread. Some really good, first hand accounts here, and I've went back and included the one for HALF-WITS HOLIDAY, so go back to that thread and check it out. It appears most of the cast was unaware of Curly's condition outside of the boys and Jules White.
I claim to rights to that bit in ALL GUMMED UP and BUBBLE TROUBLE! [pie] :police:
I claim to rights to that bit in ALL GUMMED UP and BUBBLE TROUBLE! [pie] :police:
If I don't mention it in my initial killjoy....then you better damn well make it good when you bring it up. I'm trusting you, make it receive my rubber stamp of approval. :police:
It looks like Red Sox Vs. Yankees will be on MLB network, so if my review is a few hours later tomorrow night, you know why. Looking forward to ALL GUMMED UP and talking to you guys as usual.
...delay of games due to lights out in the stadium, it's 11:20 PM, even I have my limits. Time to watch ALL GUMMED UP. Review in about and hour to 90 minutes top.
The ALL GUMMED UP review is now ready, and the game is still on! 15 innings and counting.
Are you going to review to silent and sound versions of Double Whoopee and the silent and sound versions of Unaccustomed As We Are?
Are you going to review to silent and sound versions of Double Whoopee and the silent and sound versions of Unaccustomed As We Are?
As separate entries? No. Worth a mention in the main entries? Yes, which is also how I'll handle foreign language versions.
As separate entries? No. Worth a mention in the main entries? Yes, which is also how I'll handle foreign language versions.
Yeah, I was wondering what you were going to do about the foreign language versions.
I know I'm looking ahead a bit, but since we are into the Shemp years, I have to ask Metal when or if the tv pilot Jerks of All Trades will come up in the rotation?
Diesel, JERKS OF ALL TRADES will not be part of the 190, but will be discussed after the 190 shorts and five Derita Columbia features as Stooge films I feel the Stooges are prominent enough for review (so SOUP TO NUTS will follow THE OUTLAWS IS COMING).
Funny, I have more people asking about Laurel and Hardy reviews than commenting on them! [pie] At least you're reading them.
Since even the guy who reviews Stooge shorts every week has plans on the occasional weekend, this week the Stooge review will be Thursday night and Laurel and Hardy review Friday night. Adjust your comedy clocks.
Are you going to review Hollywood Party and do you consider it a Laurel and Hardy film or a Three Stooges film?
Are you going to review Hollywood Party and do you consider it a Laurel and Hardy film or a Three Stooges film?
I've been wrestling with this one. First off, I have never seen the entire film, just the Laurel and Hardy and Stooge parts. It definitely won't be a main entry, but I might find a way to throw it in there once the main body of work for both teams is done. It would be a nice meeting of both worlds, though I don't believe they ever appear together, sadly.
I'm thinking about this because I just finished watching it--but I have to say, now that we are into the Shemp years, the forthcoming discussion about "Lady Godiva" should be fun. I think we're still a few months away from it, but fun nonetheless... :D
I'm thinking about this because I just finished watching it--but I have to say, now that we are into the Shemp years, the forthcoming discussion about "Lady Godiva" should be fun. I think we're still a few months away from it, but fun nonetheless... :D
I'm looking forward to late 40's and early 50's Shemp, period. That's the most fascinating Shemp stuff overall in my eyes. But yeah, the style of acting you are looking forward to discussing is something a termite can feast on.
....and this weekend, SQUAREHEADS OF THE ROUNDTABLE and TWO TARS! One of the better one two punches I'll probably end up doing.
Thank you to you guys who are reading these Laurel and Hardy silent reviews. The latest review of HABEAS CORPUS is linked below. As a reminder, even though in 1929 with strict release order, there were some silents released after talkies, I've decided to do all the silents as a group first, then go to the talkies. The silents were all filmed before the talkies anyway, in spite of release order. We have eight more silents to go. I'm hoping things will pick up more once we get to the talkies as far as views and replies go, as they are more famous and more available, so you guys waiting for the talkies, we have two months to go. In the meantime, I'm hoping you guys find these silent reviews fun, educational, or maybe a little of both. I know I'm enjoying this batch of films, and unlike the Stooge and Marx stuff I've reviewed, I haven't seen these silents one million times, so there is a relative freshness factor involved. Again, latest review, linked below, and all of these shorts are available on YouTube, and I provide the links, so if you REALLY wanna check them out....,5513.0.html
Later today I'll be including a review and YouTube link to Laurel and Hardy's BIG BUSINESS. It is considered their masterpiece as far as silent shorts go, and even if you don't regularly participate in the Laurel and Hardy discussions, I would love to hear a few different opinions on this short, even if it's, "Metaldams, these guys aren't funny, now when do we get to SELF MADE MAIDS?" That said, I can't see anybody not finding BIG BUSINESS funny, I almost guarantee you'll enjoy it. So please, if you have the time, spend twenty minutes to watch it and post a few sentences in response.
Only three more silents left for Laurel and Hardy, then we get to the more readily available talkies. I know a couple of you have stated you have access to the talkies and not the silents, is that the case with more of you too? Anyway, while this is definitely the deepest I have gone into the Stan and Ollie silents (past viewings have been more spread out), and I've had tons of fun watching these, the talking Hal Roach era, what they're most known for, is coming up, and this should be real fun. The silents I'm doing as a group, but the talking era will be chronological, so the features will come in as they are thrown in between shorts.
Looking forward to this upcoming batch of Shemp shorts, as I think the late 40's and early 50's have some films that have lots of different opinions and should lead to good conversation. This is a batch of films I admire as a group.
PERFECT DAY for Laurel and Hardy will be tomorrow as scheduled, but my next Stooge review where we start the fifties will be Wednesday night. Have a very busy four day weekend where I'll be visiting my old home town and Boston. Looking forward to it.
Metal, the Sox are in the cellar and Joe Tecce's has closed. There's really no reason to go to Boston at all.
Metal, the Sox are in the cellar and Joe Tecce's has closed. There's really no reason to go to Boston at all.
Still follow the Sox for the young guys and because following the Sox is what I do, but I'm not going to a game. Just visiting the city for a few hours. Going with my seven year old nephew, who's never been there.
Last time I was at Fenway was in 2010. The only game of a four game series Boston beat Texas. Extra inning walk off sac fly from Kevin Youkilis, who also tied the game one out away from defeat to take it to extras.
Next Laurel and Hardy review will be in a few hours. Just about back from vacation. I saw a Dodo Bird. My life rocks!
Very busy weekend coming, hanging out with not one, not two, but three groups of friends. No doubt this tarnishes my hard earned reputation as a crazed recluse. Aiming for late Friday night/early Saturday morning for the Stooge review and Sunday morning for Laurel and Hardy, but ultimately they will happen when they happen. For you Stooge fans not checking out the Laurel and Hardy reviews, it's a Stooge history lesson this week, as THE LAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE is the original IF A BODY MEETS A BODY. Check it out, but not before watching last week's HOG WILD, a genuine masterpiece.
Very busy weekend coming, hanging out with not one, not two, but three groups of friends. No doubt this tarnishes my hard earned reputation as a crazed recluse. Aiming for late Friday night/early Saturday morning for the Stooge review and Sunday morning for Laurel and Hardy, but ultimately they will happen when they happen. For you Stooge fans not checking out the Laurel and Hardy reviews, it's a Stooge history lesson this week, as THE LAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE is the original IF A BODY MEETS A BODY. Check it out, but not before watching last week's HOG WILD, a genuine masterpiece.
No worries Metal--I don't think I have much to add about this week's stooge short anyway. What I'm really looking forward to is next week when--dare I say--we enter what I would call the "Golden Age" of Shemp shorts.....
The BE BIG! review has been edited in. Looking forward to possible counter opinions, and even you souls who agree.
Laughing Gravy review is now ready for viewing.
Starting this week, the Laurel and Hardy reviews will be moved to Monday nights.
Well, a streak is about to end. I plan on taking a week off from reviewing. I've been doing this non stop for years, am going through some personal stuff, and just need a week off. Planning to come back refreshed a week from this Monday with the next Laurel and Hardy short and then starting in 1952 for the Stooges.
Get recharged, get re-energized. I really appreciate the effort and output of these reviews. Very well done. Take your time, come back when the time is right.
Get recharged, get re-energized. I really appreciate the effort and output of these reviews. Very well done. Take your time, come back when the time is right.
I appreciate it Kopfy.
My A MISSED FORTUNE review is now edited in, check it out.
The Laurel and Hardy HELPMATES review has been edited in. Do yourself a favor if you haven't followed the Laurel and Hardy stuff. Click on the link below, watch the link I provided above the review, and enjoy. An all-time classic.,5639.0.html
LISTEN, JUDGE review now up; and CORNY CASANOVAS will definitely be the day after Christmas, meaning Saturday, so don't expect the review page before then. I think most of us, myself included, will be busy this Friday.
Hi Metaldams, how come I can't look at the older posts? The board only goes to four pages, so I can't read the previous shorts.
Hi Metaldams, how come I can't look at the older posts? The board only goes to four pages, so I can't read the previous shorts.
There are four pages worth of reviews, nothing more than that. They're all there. Was there one you were looking for you couldn't find?
Nevermind. I found it. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.
Nevermind. I found it. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience.
No need to apologize, I'm just thrilled people such as yourself are referencing old threads.
First off, next Stooge review a few hours after I type this.
Secondly, my apologies to those who are into it, but I am now going to stop the Laurel and Hardy reviews. It's a combination of two reviews a week being a bit much and the response to the Laurel and Hardy reviews have been minimal as of late. I'm glad Paul Payne became a fan and thanks to those who read and those who posted, but my energies will be strictly Stooges as far as reviews go.
Not surprised. Keep up the great work.
Not surprised. Keep up the great work.
When THE MUSIC BOX can't get a discussion, it's time to pack it in...and thanks. Doing one review a week now, the energy levels should be higher.
As a mostly-lurker, I really enjoyed your L&H reviews while they lasted anyway. I'd hoped to participate more frequently but started falling behind on my weekly L&H viewing because I'm terrible at keeping to a schedule, even a low-commitment schedule like one short a week (only just now watched COME CLEAN, which you reviewed weeks ago).
As a mostly-lurker, I really enjoyed your L&H reviews while they lasted anyway. I'd hoped to participate more frequently but started falling behind on my weekly L&H viewing because I'm terrible at keeping to a schedule, even a low-commitment schedule like one short a week (only just now watched COME CLEAN, which you reviewed weeks ago).
Thanks Seamus.
On a personal level, I'm now watching Laurel and Hardy films in order back to back instead of once a week. It's been a marathon this weekend, probably watching seven or eight shorts and one feature....and the weekend's not through.
Must be liberating to cut loose on them without having to regulate your viewing for a weekly review.
The weekly discussions set me on course to watch L&H in order again myself, but in opposite-of-a-marathon fashion (like one every couple weeks). They're competing with the other in-order viewing projects I have going on - MST3K, Rockford Files, Kolchak (really keeping my finger on the pulse of the modern TV landscape, clearly) - not to mention Neflix and TCM stuff.
Hopefully sometime soon I can get around to watching the Laurel and Hardy shorts so that maybe we can get the ship sailing again!
Time sure does fly, don't it? Seems like just yesterday, the weekly discussions started with Woman Haters.
I've never attempted to ever watching the stooges in chronological order, just knowing that it would not be too long before I got to "the back of Joe Palma's head" and Joe Besser. Metal, you have my sympathies in the weeks to come.
Time sure does fly, don't it? Seems like just yesterday, the weekly discussions started with Woman Haters.
I've never attempted to ever watching the stooges in chronological order, just knowing that it would not be too long before I got to "the back of Joe Palma's head" and Joe Besser. Metal, you have my sympathies in the weeks to come.
LOL! Gotta be honest, between a slew of remakes and the fact my personal life is slowly getting more interesting, I admit the enthusiasm ain't what it used to be for this, but I will persevere. Next review coming up a few hours after typing this, gotta do my Saturday morning Denny's breakfast first.
I've never attempted to ever watching the stooges in chronological order, just knowing that it would not be too long before I got to "the back of Joe Palma's head" and Joe Besser. Metal, you have my sympathies in the weeks to come.
The first time or three when I watched the DVDs, I did view them in order, but having to go through 77 Shemps and 16 Joes without Curly, I hit on a brainstorm. "Anything in his brain is a storm." Quite simply, I watch the volumes in this order: 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7, 4, 8.
Going to make it an early Saturday one this week.
Going to make it an early Saturday one this week.
I must say that I've been in on this for over 2 years (you for over 3), and I'm still having fun!
I must say that I've been in on this for over 2 years (you for over 3), and I'm still having fun!
Good to hear it, man. You and roughly a half dozen or so others are the reason I'm still doing this. I think I'm actually going to finish this this too, about to grab a coffee and watch the next short now.
Well folks, all things, including the Weekly Episode Discussions, must come to and end.....we're just not there yet. However, I have come up with an exit strategy. What was always guaranteed is I will do all 190 and the five Columbia Derita features. I was on the fence about the solo shorts, not so sure if they would get enough responses. Well, I have figured something out. Instead of doing twenty three weeks of solo shorts as stand alone weeks, perhaps a few of you remember I used to review Marx Bros. and Laurel and Hardy films, and I'd do two reviews a week. That's how this is going to play out. When things look bleak during the week we do the zombie Shemp short, SCHEMING SCHEMERS, we will start doing Columbia solo shorts to make things more interesting, so back to two shorts a week for the final twenty three weeks. If my counting is correct, this will take us all the way to Christmas weekend, AKA, my 38th birthday.
What happens after the final review, I don't know. If you guys want to see me review some Buster Keaton or somebody else, which I'd love to do, you have about eight months to lobby for it. If the demand is there, I'll continue reviewing other people, but if not, it's been one Hell of a run, and I thank all of you, especially the regulars, for making this one crazy journey. Ah, but we're not done yet, several stock footage, Bessers, features, solo shorts, and even a few Shemp originals to go.
Well folks, all things, including the Weekly Episode Discussions, must come to and end.....we're just not there yet. However, I have come up with an exit strategy. What was always guaranteed is I will do all 190 and the five Columbia Derita features. I was on the fence about the solo shorts, not so sure if they would get enough responses. Well, I have figured something out. Instead of doing twenty three weeks of solo shorts as stand alone weeks, perhaps a few of you remember I used to review Marx Bros. and Laurel and Hardy films, and I'd do two reviews a week. That's how this is going to play out. When things look bleak during the week we do the zombie Shemp short, SCHEMING SCHEMERS, we will start doing Columbia solo shorts to make things more interesting, so back to two shorts a week for the final twenty three weeks. If my counting is correct, this will take us all the way to Christmas weekend, AKA, my 38th birthday.
What happens after the final review, I don't know. If you guys want to see me review some Buster Keaton or somebody else, which I'd love to do, you have about eight months to lobby for it. If the demand is there, I'll continue reviewing other people, but if not, it's been one Hell of a run, and I thank all of you, especially the regulars, for making this one crazy journey. Ah, but we're not done yet, several stock footage, Bessers, features, solo shorts, and even a few Shemp originals to go.
Are these just the Shemp solo efforts because there are some good efforts from DeRita and Besser as well? We've got Rockin' in the Rockies, Jerks of All Trades, Gold Raiders, 6 DeRita features, Kook's Tour, and Scrapbook
the zombie Shemp short, SCHEMING SCHEMERS.
So are you going to do the Three Stooges solo shorts or finish the Laurel and Hardy shorts and movies?
Are these just the Shemp solo efforts because there are some good efforts from DeRita and Besser as well? We've got Rockin' in the Rockies, Jerks of All Trades, Gold Raiders, 6 DeRita features, Kook's Tour, and Scrapbook
All Shemp, Besser, and Derita Columbia solos, which is 23 in all, and the five Derita Columbia features. Can't bring myself to watch Snow White again, and honestly, title aside, I consider the Stooges supporting players there. I'm just keeping it simple and doing the main body of Columbia films.
So are you going to do the Three Stooges solo shorts or finish the Laurel and Hardy shorts and movies?
No Laurel and Hardy. I announced a while ago, cancelled due to lack of interest. When it takes months for THE MUSIC BOX to get one response, time to move on.
All Shemp, Besser, and Derita Columbia solos, which is 23 in all, and the five Derita Columbia features. Can't bring myself to watch Snow White again, and honestly, title aside, I consider the Stooges supporting players there. I'm just keeping it simple and doing the main body of Columbia films.
You're doing great, Metal, don't stop now. I said I wouldn't be watching the clip-fests or the Bessers, since they're so depressing, but if you're going to stick them out, so will I. I'll try to contribute every week, some way or another. By the time we get to Outlaws is Coming, it may be just you and me, but as I've said I like the Curly-Joes, so I'll slog through the Bessers and the Dead Shemps just to get there. ( Zombie Shemp is a good name, too. ) The drop off in participation here is a good barometer of how really awful these things are...truly no one even at this site, the best stooge site in the world, wants to sit through them. Perhaps those of us who remain can imitate the writers and producers of these last travesties, and just stay drunk through the whole mess.
I'll tell you what, I'll continue as I have planned, and if the demand is there enough after OUTLAWS and the last solo, I'll do other films. I'll play it by ear.
You're doing great, Metal, don't stop now. I said I wouldn't be watching the clip-fests or the Bessers, since they're so depressing, but if you're going to stick them out, so will I. I'll try to contribute every week, some way or another. By the time we get to Outlaws is Coming, it may be just you and me, but as I've said I like the Curly-Joes, so I'll slog through the Bessers and the Dead Shemps just to get there. ( Zombie Shemp is a good name, too. ) The drop off in participation here is a good barometer of how really awful these things are...truly no one even at this site, the best stooge site in the world, wants to sit through them. Perhaps those of us who remain can imitate the writers and producers of these last travesties, and just stay drunk through the whole mess.
Thanks Big Chief. I actually think the conversations should get more interesting with Besser and Derita in the fold. Love 'em or hate 'em, they warrant strong opinion. I am right now in the toughest phase as far as reviewing goes, but I'll slug it out. I admit there is one of these stock footage jobs I can think of that's pretty good because the new footage is so interesting, yet that's few and far between.
DeRita's films should be interesting if only because of the length, meaning there is more to discuss. I look forward to watching most of those for the first time ever.
Big Chief, at least we are allowed to have negative opinions unlike the Three Stooges Unite Facebook group, where you get thrown out for saying anything bad about the shorts or Besser (not that anything is wrong with Besser himself, although there is plenty wrong with the horse epics). And they're really rotten in that the admins then post threads naming those thrown out and mocking them... really a bunch of idiots who can just throw quotes around without a single intelligent thought most of the time.
DeRita's films should be interesting if only because of the length, meaning there is more to discuss. I look forward to watching most of those for the first time ever.
Big Chief, at least we are allowed to have negative opinions unlike the Three Stooges Unite Facebook group, where you get thrown out for saying anything bad about the shorts or Besser (not that anything is wrong with Besser himself, although there is plenty wrong with the horse epics). And they're really rotten in that the admins then post threads naming those thrown out and mocking them... really a bunch of idiots who can just throw quotes around without a single intelligent thought most of the time.
Is this Three Stooges Unite Facebook group linked to C3 or just from fans? I'm not a Facebook guy, so I don't know much about it.
I've never heard of that site, either. I just quick- posted an extremely witty and erudite post that vanished - trust me, it was a masterpiece - if any of you find it and know how to retrieve it, please do. I've lost a few on Quick Post, which this one was - no more quick posts for me.
O K here's one more try at an abbreviated quick-post:
Films like Jerks of all Trades and Gold Raiders are very difficult to find, as opposed to the classics that we all saw again and again in our youth. To see those, you would have to pony up bucks for a set that you know is third-rate stooges. If they're on YouTube, you're watching not the original movie, and not even a TV show ( which you could watch with your gang and laugh with your gang ) but alone in front of your computer, which, let's face it, sucks. This limits the audience, to say the least - I would guess that the number of stoogeophiles who have seen Gold Raiders is less than 10 per cent of those that have seen, say, We Want Our Mummy. We are now at a very low number of reviewers, since these films have not been seen nor valued nor reviewed nor remembered by very many people at all. There are completists out there who, bless them, want every last foot of film that exists, and I think we are in their territory now, since entertainment-and/or-comedy wise, we are in the pits. I'm hanging on until the Curly-Joes, which I think are a major leap up, albeit in a different direction, from what was going on since 1953.
This entry ended up being twice as long as the one that got accidentally erased. I picked a fine week to give up crystal meth.
And, oh, yes, by the way, the stooge routines in Gold Raiders are excellent, and the rest of the movie would work well as an OTC substitute for Ambien.
This entry ended up being twice as long as the one that got accidentally erased. I picked a fine week to give up crystal meth.
And, oh, yes, by the way, the stooge routines in Gold Raiders are excellent, and the rest of the movie would work well as an OTC substitute for Ambien.
It's the heroin :D [pie]
But Gold Raiders is shown on AMC from time-to-time... more frequently than they show any Besser shorts, for sure. JERKS, on the other hand, I think we have enough diehards who'd go searching for it as it is on the web in enough corners.
And I watch every short of my computer! Why I oughta... [3stooges]
Is this Three Stooges Unite Facebook group linked to C3 or just from fans? I'm not a Facebook guy, so I don't know much about it.
Just from fans, I think...
Almost caught upon on Laurel & Hardy! I have a movie to watch, I believe, to officially be "up to date." I refuse to watch CHICKENS COME HOME because that kind of plot drives me insane because they just... are stupid.
Review will be early, Thursday night. Let's just say I have a lot of plans this weekend. [yay]
Well, early or late, this week might be another nondescript Shemp time-waster. I'm not sure, it's been awhile since I watched Scotched in Scotland....
There isn't any chance I could get you to resume L&H reviews, especially with your plans for the Fake Shemp shorts on?
There isn't any chance I could get you to resume L&H reviews, especially with your plans for the Fake Shemp shorts on?
Give me a few weeks to think it over. I'm happy I made a fan out of you, and I'll reconsider. It would be nice to hear interest from a few more members to make it worthwhile. I've been busier on weekends, in a good way, so if I do this, I want to make sure the interest is there.
Hard to believe we've been doing Shemp for over a year! At the current pace, we'll be discussing COMMOTION ON THE OCEAN around my birthday.
BLUNDER BOYS review will most likely be tonight. How bittersweet this one will be.
I'm going to try to review all of the Stooges, Marx Brothers and Laurel and Hardy shorts and features in the Weekly Episode Discussions before the Stooges discussion ends. I just figured that I would say that in here so that it doesn't seem weird that I'm bumping up a ton of old threads.
I'm going to try to review all of the Stooges, Marx Brothers and Laurel and Hardy shorts and features in the Weekly Episode Discussions before the Stooges discussion ends. I just figured that I would say that in here so that it doesn't seem weird that I'm bumping up a ton of old threads.
Bumping old threads is more than welcome :)
Serious question - Am I the only one looking forward to getting to the Besser shorts? Weak series of films, but man, the potential discussion should be passionate.
Serious question - Am I the only one looking forward to getting to the Besser shorts? Weak series of films, but man, the potential discussion should be passionate.
I look forward to every short, but I am anticipating these to see what people say as too many people judge those shorts for the wrong reasons. I'm sure we'll see some during the first one.
Serious question - Am I the only one looking forward to getting to the Besser shorts? Weak series of films, but man, the potential discussion should be passionate.
It's often said that "hate" is an easier emotion to express than "love," so the Besser era should be interesting from that standpoint. I know many times I've said in the past that I don't "hate" Besser--I just really loathe the majority of the films he made as a stooge.
Again, Joe Besser should spark some heated debate....
Serious question - Am I the only one looking forward to getting to the Besser shorts? Weak series of films, but man, the potential discussion should be passionate.
When we get to the Besser shorts, I am ready. Ready to release all of the hatred that I have been storing inside of me. The Besser shorts suck. I know some people that do like Joe Besser, but I can think of about.... zero... good Joe Besser shorts that have been made by The Three Stooges. The DeRita discussion is also going to be very interesting.
When THE OUTLAWS IS COMING is done, so am I. I'm not sure if it was assumed by you guys or not, but that will really be it and it's been what, four years? We have a few months to go, so if anybody else wants to pick up the mantle starting reviews on other films, let me know and I'll see what I can do about getting you access. I'll participate as well if you review something I'm interested in.
Like Big Papi, I've officially announced my retirement. Looking at what we have ahead, his final season is better than mine. [pie]. All kidding aside, looking forward to what's ahead, and I will start the solo Columbia shorts soon. Whether I do all 23 depends on the participation.
Please do the Curly Joes before the solo shorts. I think they're more relevant to a Three Stooges website.
Please do the Curly Joes before the solo shorts. I think they're more relevant to a Three Stooges website.
The solo shorts will be done at the same time as Besser and Derita films, back to two a week. The Shemp Columbia's are good and it would be nice to review some good stuff in this stretch. Again, no promises I do all 23, we'll see how people respond.
When THE OUTLAWS IS COMING is done, so am I. I'm not sure if it was assumed by you guys or not, but that will really be it and it's been what, four years? We have a few months to go, so if anybody else wants to pick up the mantle starting reviews on other films, let me know and I'll see what I can do about getting you access. I'll participate as well if you review something I'm interested in.
Like Big Papi, I've officially announced my retirement. Looking at what we have ahead, his final season is better than mine. [pie]. All kidding aside, looking forward to what's ahead, and I will start the solo Columbia shorts soon. Whether I do all 23 depends on the participation.
Four [three for me, because I was late to the party] years of awesome fun though! I'd gladly lead as there are a few shows out there I have a lot of in depth knowledge about, plus there are others where I can easily find the films online to do so.
Four [three for me, because I was late to the party] years of awesome fun though! I'd gladly lead as there are a few shows out there I have a lot of in depth knowledge about, plus there are others where I can easily find the films online to do so.
What would you do, out of curiosity? ...and yeah, when the time comes, I'll ask about access for you to start threads in this section.
What would you do, out of curiosity? ...and yeah, when the time comes, I'll ask about access for you to start threads in this section.
I think I'd start by finishing Laurel & Hardy. After that, maybe the "Ted Healy & His Stooges" shorts. I'd also want to explore the other Stooge films that aren't going to be covered here: Jerks of All Trades, Gold Raiders, Kook's Tour, and the like.
I think I'd start by finishing Laurel & Hardy. After that, maybe the "Ted Healy & His Stooges" shorts. I'd also want to explore the other Stooge films that aren't going to be covered here: Jerks of All Trades, Gold Raiders, Kook's Tour, and the like.
Can't speak for others, but I'd participate. I'll say something to Rob about getting you access to start threads when the time comes.
Can't speak for others, but I'd participate. I'll say something to Rob about getting you access to start threads when the time comes.
I would also like to maybe participate. I know I'm fairly new to this forum but I would be willing to help in any way, shape, or form. I've seen a lot of Weekly Episode Discussions and I would be willing to do any sort of discussions. I knew it sounded like you liked Buster Keaton and W.C. Fields. While I haven't seen much of either, I would be willing to give it a try as I have seen enough of each of them. I have also been a lifelong Laurel and Hardy fan, and I could assist Paul Pain if he needs it.
Curlyfan, you might like to start by joining in the weekly episode discussions currently going on. If you can contribute wit and wisdom to the junk we're currently discussing, you'll find the proposed films very pleasant, indeed.
Curlyfan, you might like to start by joining in the weekly episode discussions currently going on. If you can contribute wit and wisdom to the junk we're currently discussing, you'll find the proposed films very pleasant, indeed.
Okay! Although I have probably joined this forum at the least interesting time in the Weekly Episode Discussions ("Fake Shemps" and Joe Bessers), I will definitely bring my thoughts into the table and, just warning everybody out there, I might get a little....ummm....angry.
Okay! Although I have probably joined this forum at the least interesting time in the Weekly Episode Discussions ("Fake Shemps" and Joe Bessers), I will definitely bring my thoughts into the table and, just warning everybody out there, I might get a little....ummm....angry.
I thought you said that you used to be another poster but forgot your password?
I thought you said that you used to be another poster but forgot your password?
Yes. And, even then I was kind of at a bad spot in the Weekly Episode Discussions. I experienced the 1946-1947. A few gems, but mostly the shorts had us all wishing that Curly had been better. I left right about when Shemp came in.
Yes. And, even then I was kind of at a bad spot in the Weekly Episode Discussions. I experienced the 1946-1947. A few gems, but mostly the shorts had us all wishing that Curly had been better. I left right about when Shemp came in.
It's OK to comment on previously discussed threads, no need to limit yourself to the current reviews.
Yes. And, even then I was kind of at a bad spot in the Weekly Episode Discussions. I experienced the 1946-1947. A few gems, but mostly the shorts had us all wishing that Curly had been better. I left right about when Shemp came in.
It's OK to comment on previously discussed threads, no need to limit yourself to the current reviews.
It's fun when someone can spur a discussion on an old thread. Sometimes one of us will have an epiphany and share it, and it generates some insightful responses.
I would also like to maybe participate. I know I'm fairly new to this forum but I would be willing to help in any way, shape, or form. I've seen a lot of Weekly Episode Discussions and I would be willing to do any sort of discussions. I knew it sounded like you liked Buster Keaton and W.C. Fields. While I haven't seen much of either, I would be willing to give it a try as I have seen enough of each of them. I have also been a lifelong Laurel and Hardy fan, and I could assist Paul Pain if he needs it.
I would love to do Keaton and Fields, two comics I am a major fan of (I'm in a big Keaton phase now), as well as finish Laurel and Hardy. That said, while doing the latter was worth it for getting Paul Payne to be a fan, I just don't think the interest is there overall to continue with other non Stooge comics. It's disappointing, but it is what it is. I've been posting on Stooge boards for 16 years now (!), and maybe the first five years would have been good for a Keaton discussion, but not anymore. When THE MUSIC BOX takes forever to get a response, I decided to stay strictly Stooges.
It's fun when someone can spur a discussion on an old thread. Sometimes one of us will have an epiphany and share it, and it generates some insightful responses.
I would love to do Keaton and Fields, two comics I am a major fan of (I'm in a big Keaton phase now), as well as finish Laurel and Hardy. That said, while doing the latter was worth it for getting Paul Payne to be a fan, I just don't think the interest is there overall to continue with other non Stooge comics. It's disappointing, but it is what it is. I've been posting on Stooge boards for 16 years now (!), and maybe the first five years would have been good for a Keaton discussion, but not anymore. When THE MUSIC BOX takes forever to get a response, I decided to stay strictly Stooges.
That makes me sad. Been looking at this forum for almost 2 years, and I always loved seeing everybody's insights about other classic comedy teams. I would be a contributor to the Laurel and Hardy boards, and I could maybe try to generate more interest in the Laurel and Hardy discussions.
I know of a solid Facebook group that might be able to draw a few folks in here; most of them will frown that some of us don't like Besser (bashing any Stooge is an automatic bad), but they might add some numbers down the stretch. I know most of us aren't social media users, but do you mind if I share?
I don't know how Metaldams would feel about this as well, but I mean, I could try to do some convincing at my Sons of the Desert meetings (a Laurel and Hardy society). I'm not sure how people would react, considering that most of the members are in their 60's throughout their 90's, and they probably don't have social media too.
I don't know how Metaldams would feel about this as well, but I mean, I could try to do some convincing at my Sons of the Desert meetings (a Laurel and Hardy society). I'm not sure how people would react, considering that most of the members are in their 60's throughout their 90's, and they probably don't have social media too.
You sound like a kid in his 20s. [pie]
You sound like a kid in his 20s. [pie]
Sorry, that was the thing I was trying not to achieve! :)
We need people in their 20's. Bring some friends. Brush aside cranky old bastards like me.
Sorry, that was the thing I was trying not to achieve! :)
Fear not. I'm turning 23 next month :P
We need people in their 20's. Bring some friends. Brush aside cranky old bastards like me.
We want you too! You keep us in line!
We need people in their 20's. Bring some friends. Brush aside cranky old bastards like me.
Any fans of ay age are welcome into this forum!
Guys, thanks. Any fans you can get would be cool. As for me, I'm 37, kind of in the middle.
Guys, thanks. Any fans you can get would be cool. As for me, I'm 37, kind of in the middle.
I'm hoping that you, or Paul Pain, would be able to start up the L&H discussions. I enjoyed adding my 2 cents to the reviews, and I'm going back and reviewing all of the Laurel and Hardy movies. I would be a frequent contributor to the discussions.
I'm hoping that you, or Paul Pain, would be able to start up the L&H discussions. I enjoyed adding my 2 cents to the reviews, and I'm going back and reviewing all of the Laurel and Hardy movies. I would be a frequent contributor to the discussions.
Don't worry. L&H will be returning soon :)
Don't worry. L&H will be returning soon :)
Good! The L&H discussion ended before two of my favorite movies, Sons of the Desert and Way Out West.
Good! The L&H discussion ended before two of my favorite movies, Sons of the Desert and Way Out West.
Just keep in mind that "soon" refers to sometime after we're done with the Stooge movies.
Just keep in mind that "soon" refers to sometime after we're done with the Stooge movies.
Yes. I figured that. If my calculations end up being correct, we should be done with the Columbia short films around March or May of 2017. Are you going to be doing the Ted Healy films and other assorted Stooge films before the L&H discussion picks up again?
Yes. I figured that. If my calculations end up being correct, we should be done with the Columbia short films around March or May of 2017. Are you going to be doing the Ted Healy films and other assorted Stooge films before the L&H discussion picks up again?
We'll take a poll later to determine what order things will be done in, but Healy is on the agenda. We're going to do as many things I can find on Youtube or other such sites, as I haven't the budget at this stage of life to be making such investments on DVD collections. :)
I posted the link to this site in a Facebook group with over 10,000 members. We got one person to join... he logged off 1 minute later and hasn't shown up again since :'(
It's a start.
On Tuesday, I will start reviewing Shemp Columbia solo shorts in addition to the regular weekend Stooge reviews. Whether I do Besser and Derita solo depends on the response the nine Shemp films get. Personally, I'm looking forward to reviewing fun films that have substance again.
On Tuesday, I will start reviewing Shemp Columbia solo shorts in addition to the regular weekend Stooge reviews. Whether I do Besser and Derita solo depends on the response the nine Shemp films get. Personally, I'm looking forward to reviewing fun films that have substance again.
Yeah. I am probably going to contribute thoughts to the solo Shemp Columbia shorts, because I didn't get around to commenting on the "Back of Joe Palma's Head" shorts for, y'know.... obvious reasons. Those shorts do really stink. Anyhow, I'm interested to see your thoughts on the Columbia shorts. I haven't seen all of them, and I've only seen a few Shemp, Besser and Derita shorts.
On Tuesday, I will start reviewing Shemp Columbia solo shorts in addition to the regular weekend Stooge reviews. Whether I do Besser and Derita solo depends on the response the nine Shemp films get. Personally, I'm looking forward to reviewing fun films that have substance again.
Even if it is just two or three of us, it is, at least, a diversion from the Stooge horror awaiting us the next 26 weeks... It will be interesting to hear people's opinions of the solos and different opinions on what ails the Besser and DeRita eras.
Thanks for the responses and discussion for that Shemp solo. If this keeps up, we'll definitely get to the Besser and Derita solo shorts.
Thanks for the responses and discussion for that Shemp solo. If this keeps up, we'll definitely get to the Besser and Derita solo shorts.
It should be interesting as we explore routines that were trademark routines for Howard, Besser, or DeRita and ripped off for Three Stooges scripts and vice versa.
They might be considered deeper cuts than the Columbia shorts, but I'd enjoy some Shemp Vitaphone discussions too, if the Columbia discussions work out. Although the quality of the shorts themselves vary, it's fun watching a youthful and energetic Shemp ad-libbing like a maniac and blowing everyone else off the page.
They might be considered deeper cuts than the Columbia shorts, but I'd enjoy some Shemp Vitaphone discussions too, if the Columbia discussions work out. Although the quality of the shorts themselves vary, it's fun watching a youthful and energetic Shemp ad-libbing like a maniac and blowing everyone else off the page.
Maybe it's something we can consider when we get to the metaldams A.D. reviews.
Yo, to all da bitches and playas out there in Stoogeland, we need some excitement in dis house. Joseph "Muthafuckin'" Besser is about to be discussed, letz bring da roof down. Who else here is as excited as I am? I'm fired up, let's do this.
Yo, to all da bitches and playas out there in Stoogeland, we need some excitement in dis house. Joseph "Muthafuckin'" Besser is about to be discussed, letz bring da roof down. Who else here is as excited as I am? I'm fired up, let's do this.
Ha ha--I don't know how "exciting" Besser will be, but it should be more interesting than recycles and "Dead Shemps." That first Besser short should be curious, like rubber-necking at a car accident...
Yo, to all da bitches and playas out there in Stoogeland, we need some excitement in dis house. Joseph "Muthafuckin'" Besser is about to be discussed, letz bring da roof down. Who else here is as excited as I am? I'm fired up, let's do this.
Ha ha--I don't know how "exciting" Besser will be, but it should be more interesting than recycles and "Dead Shemps." That first Besser short should be curious, like rubber-necking at a car accident...
As I have said elsewhere, Besser will be interesting because every range of the spectrum is covered: bad remakes, good remakes, sucky originals, good originals, and 4 shorts that make you wonder how high the writer was at the time.
My reviews for A MERRY MIX-UP, MR. NOISY, and SPACE SHIP SAPPY are up, and not all echo popular opinion. Hope you enjoy. Back to regularly scheduled reviewing tomorrow.
Taking a half day off work tomorrow, so I'll do the final Shemp solo review Wednesday afternoon.
The next short review will be tomorrow afternoon. Only nine more shorts to go, wow!
The next short review will be tomorrow afternoon. Only nine more shorts to go, wow!
And Besser remakes galore! ::)
Next review will be Friday afternoon.
The final Derita solo review will be Wednesday night.
The final Derita solo review will be Wednesday night.
I will be surprised if you can do this one lucid.
This week, Besser solo tomorrow afternoon, Sweet and Hot Saturday morning. The heat is on! Oh yeah!
Question - will these episode discussion threads still be open, say... next year? I'm in the process of going through all of the classic comedy films I own (the Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, Our Gang, etc.) chronologically, and would like to add my thoughts on our boys' films once I get around to them. Haven't quite made it to 1934 yet, but I'm on my way!
Been enjoying reading the comments thus far, and am especially interested to hear everyone's thoughts on the Curly-Joe era features once you get around to them!
Question - will these episode discussion threads still be open, say... next year?
Yes ;D
Next review Friday afternoon.
I'm really busy this week, so I am going to skip the Besser solo review and do it next week. SAPPPY BULLFIGHTERS will be late this week or this weekend.
My work schedule is being switched on me, so I'm aiming for the Besser solo short review Wednesday morning and HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL Friday night. Really looking forward to the latter.
Are you done with the Joe Besser solo shorts?
Are you done with the Joe Besser solo shorts?
Yes. Lack of responses and views, and since all but one left are recycles, I'm gonna stop where I have.
I apologize... I thought I had replied, but hadn't.
It's not you Paul, I appreciate your input.
What I'll do is this - I'll review the one Besser solo left that's original, and for the four recycles, when I rewatch them, I'll throw a brief comment in the thread of the original. I actually wish I did that for the Shemp recycles, those got monotonous after a while.
My Three Stooges in Orbit review has now been posted. Can't believe there's only two films left! What a journey it's been.
My THE THREE STOOGES GO AROUND THE WORLD IN A DAZE review is edited in, for those who are interested. 195 films down, 1 to go. Still can't believe it.
This weekend I'll be reviewing THE OUTLAWS IS COMING! and then I've finished every major Stooge film. I want to thank everybody who has participated, especially you fellow knuckleheads who have participated from beginning to end. It's been a lot of fun.
I'm passing the baton to Paul Pain at this point, who will be doing Buster Keaton films, and I know he'll do a great job. I urge you guys who are Buster fans to participate, and for you guys who don't know Buster, also participate. Paul will be posting YouTube links to the films, so you'll be able to watch. Trust me, Buster is someone every Stooge fan should explore.
Absolutely a bizarre feeling I have no Stooge short to review this weekend! I'll get used to it.
Absolutely a bizarre feeling I have no Stooge short to review this weekend! I'll get used to it.
Speaking of which, tomorrow my review for THE BUTCHER BOY will go up. This is exciting!
Speaking of which, tomorrow my review for THE BUTCHER BOY will go up. This is exciting!
Nice! I'll definitely give my two cents.
Nice! I'll definitely give my two cents.
As will I! I hope to be an active contributor in the Keaton discussions as well as other discussions that we may have in the future and kind of expand my knowledge of slapstick comedy to more than just comedy teams and maybe find out some cool solo acts along the way. I've seen a couple films of Keaton's, so out of the all of the silent comedians, I think I've seen more of him but I'm excited to see more of his films!
I am traveling, so this week's review will happen tonight.
My review of THE ROUGH HOUSE is now up.
Once again, problems occurring that will make this week's review happen tonight and next week's tomorrow night.
Will pitch in my Keaton review soon, just feeling like shit this week. Ah, the advantage of not starting these things, I can review any time I desire.
With all the chaos in my life that is always associated with Easter, this week's review is going to be posted tomorrow (the 17th).
With all the chaos in my life that is always associated with Easter, this week's review is going to be posted tomorrow (the 17th).
Cool, I'll post for sure.
Hope everyone's having a good Easter.
Think I'm gonna do a two-fer in reviewing Keaton this weekend and catch up. Again, nice thing about not starting these is I can go my own pace.
This weekend we will, as scheduled, be reviewing THE PLAY HOUSE. Since we are doing Keaton reviews, happy birthday to Beatrice Blinn!
Both of my next reviews will be Sunday. Just been busy as Hell lately working a night shift (though back to day in a few weeks), having plans, and focusing on my bass playing when I do have free time. Looking forward to both Keaton shorts.
Paul, not sure if you made a decision and can't remember an answer for this - any word if you'll continue to the features?
Paul, not sure if you made a decision and can't remember an answer for this - any word if you'll continue to the features?
We will certainly do the silent features. After that, we might do the Columbias because it's hard to find his MGM and Educational stuff online.
My apologies for the late reviews, hoping to get a two-fer in on Sunday, assuming Paul has the next short done by then. Working the night shift for the past few weeks has screwed up my energy, should be back to normal hours soon, knock on wood.
Paul Pain hasn't been around in a while, hoping he's OK (maybe school's beginning). Hope there's another Keaton review soon.
Apologies folks, but I was Irma'd. Reviews resume this Saturday.
Apologies folks, but I was Irma'd. Reviews resume this Saturday.
Damn, that's right. I hope everything's OK.
Apologies folks, but I was Irma'd. Reviews resume this Saturday.
Sorry to hear about that. I also hope everything's alright.
Yeah, it's all good now, but I was without power for 3 days.
I was Irma'ed too. I live in Naples, Fl. House seriously damaged. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. I'm only back on line for the first time today.
I was Irma'ed too. I live in Naples, Fl. House seriously damaged. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. I'm only back on line for the first time today.
Man, sorry to hear about that too. Best of luck to you and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
Thanks, U S.,we're hanging in.
And by the way, if anyone should ask, hurricanes containing tornadoes...they seriously suck.
Glad you're OK, Big Chief!
I was Irma'ed too. I live in Naples, Fl. House seriously damaged. One day at a time, one foot in front of the other. I'm only back on line for the first time today.
Big Chief, I'm glad to hear that you're all right! I'm surprised to discovered that, in our tiny little group here, we have two Floridians! But I'm up in Pasco County.
Pasco County is north of Tampa, right? I've seen it on Cops, but I never have figured out quite where it is.
Pasco County is north of Tampa, right? I've seen it on Cops, but I never have figured out quite where it is.
Yep! It's the county immediately north of Tampa! So, there're about 3 and a half hours between us!
My Aunt is in Boca Raton. She lost cable, power and wi-fi but and lost some shingles but is OK. My nephew lives in the western part of a Florida and did not get effected.
Crazy stuff happening, hope things get normal sooner than later.
Yeah, things are normal. Get ready for THE LOVE NEST review; I probably will do it this evening.
Should be another two-fer weekend with reviewing. Damn work schedule is tiring me to do it this week. Looking forward to both films and especially starting the features.
I would eventually love to do the MGM and Educational shorts too, assuming Umbrella Sam has access and can participate. I have an idea where I'd review those and have a way to keep Paul active too, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. We have time to plan this out.
Umbrella Sam, I'm assuming you have access to the MGM and Educational shorts, right?
I would eventually love to do the MGM and Educational shorts too, assuming Umbrella Sam has access and can participate. I have an idea where I'd review those and have a way to keep Paul active too, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. We have time to plan this out.
Umbrella Sam, I'm assuming you have access to the MGM and Educational shorts, right?
I have access to the Educational shorts and will be able to rent some of the MGM features.
I would eventually love to do the MGM and Educational shorts too, assuming Umbrella Sam has access and can participate. I have an idea where I'd review those and have a way to keep Paul active too, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. We have time to plan this out.
Umbrella Sam, I'm assuming you have access to the MGM and Educational shorts, right?
I can get many of the Educational shorts on YouTube. Last week, I asked if folks wanted to do the Educationals, and no one answered! If you're looking for a new project, feel free to take over that phase. Columbia's are mine though! [pie]
Paul, I'm curious. Assuming you own a TV, do you have both cable and DVR? On Wednesday, they're showing Keaton films on TCM to celebrate his birthday and several of them are his MGM films.
Paul, I'm curious. Assuming you own a TV, do you have both cable and DVR? On Wednesday, they're showing Keaton films on TCM to celebrate his birthday and several of them are his MGM films.
No [cry]
Hoping for a two fer this Sunday/Monday. After next week, my schedule should be fairly normal again.
Hoping Sunday will be a two fer, and hopefully after this will be on schedule with reviews.
We only have three more films to go until we get to the end of Keaton's independent run and into MGM. Of the MGM features, just two, SPEAK EASILY and PARLOR BEDROOM AND BATH are public domain and should be viewable on YouTube? At least with those two, we should get all three of us participating. The others? Well, the way I want to do it is the week after STEAMBOAT BILL, JR.; I'll dive right into THE CAMERAMAN (an absolute must see), and go into the other MGM features, and if Paul wants to start the Educationals or Columbias the same week I start the MGM's, I think that would work out. It would be a shame to mostly ignore the MGM period. What do you guys think?
....and if you're willing to spend about thirty dollars, here's a link to a DVD set which has the first three MGM features, audio commentaries, and a documentary about the MGM years. A fantastic set.
We only have three more films to go until we get to the end of Keaton's independent run and into MGM. Of the MGM features, just two, SPEAK EASILY and PARLOR BEDROOM AND BATH are public domain and should be viewable on YouTube? At least with those two, we should get all three of us participating. The others? Well, the way I want to do it is the week after STEAMBOAT BILL, JR.; I'll dive right into THE CAMERAMAN (an absolute must see), and go into the other MGM features, and if Paul wants to start the Educationals or Columbias the same week I start the MGM's, I think that would work out. It would be a shame to mostly ignore the MGM period. What do you guys think?
....and if you're willing to spend about thirty dollars, here's a link to a DVD set which has the first three MGM features, audio commentaries, and a documentary about the MGM years. A fantastic set.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Some of the MGM films are available on iTunes, so the only one I may have to get ahead of time is THE PASSIONATE PLUMBER. I'm curious if we're also planning on talking about those three foreign features he did, as well as his later independent shorts? I'd love to talk about THE RAILRODDER.
Sounds like a good idea to me. Some of the MGM films are available on iTunes, so the only one I may have to get ahead of time is THE PASSIONATE PLUMBER. I'm curious if we're also planning on talking about those three foreign features he did, as well as his later independent shorts? I'd love to talk about THE RAILRODDER.
Post Columbia is difficult to sort out. As far the foreign films, I've only seen and own one of them. Should hunt the other down if possible, but I'd do those as well if I can get them.
Post-Columbia is really tough. FILM is hard to find, but THE RAILRODDER is everywhere. Even the Educational's aren't guaranteed to be online.
I'm up for doing the shorts while metaldams leads the MGM features.
FILM used to be on YouTube, I saw it numerous times, but that was years ago. It's gone now?
OK, we have one more independent feature to go, and then the MGM films. Here's the list:
* means public domain and should be able to view on YouTube. For the others, which ones do you have access to?Umbrella Sam, from your comments I gather you've seen THE CAMERAMAN but not SPITE MARRIAGE.
As far as the three post MGM foreign features, I've only seen THE INVADER, which I own and can review. The other two? Never have seen them and don't know where to hunt down copies with English subtitles! Yes, they're foreign language. If I can hunt down reviewable copies, I'll also review them.
Obviously, Paul can continue with Educational and/or Columbia shorts while I tackle the features, but I'm thinking some reviews of mine may get no reply.
OK, we have one more independent feature to go, and then the MGM films. Here's the list:
* means public domain and should be able to view on YouTube. For the others, which ones do you have access to?Umbrella Sam, from your comments I gather you've seen THE CAMERAMAN but not SPITE MARRIAGE.
As far as the three post MGM foreign features, I've only seen THE INVADER, which I own and can review. The other two? Never have seen them and don't know where to hunt down copies with English subtitles! Yes, they're foreign language. If I can hunt down reviewable copies, I'll also review them.
Obviously, Paul can continue with Educational and/or Columbia shorts while I tackle the features, but I'm thinking some reviews of mine may get no reply.
Yes, I’ve seen THE CAMERAMAN but not SPITE MARRIAGE. As far as which MGM films I have access to, I have access to all of them except for THE PASSIONATE PLUMBER. If you still want to review that one, maybe in the future I can catch it on TCM or something and come back to that thread and review it. The rest of them, though, I should be able to contribute once we get to them.
Mostly for Paul Pain but also for anyone else who may be interested; next week's Keaton film; PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH (1931) is one of the two MGM films that are public domain and therefore available on YouTube.
Mostly for Paul Pain but also for anyone else who may be interested; next week's Keaton film; PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH (1931) is one of the two MGM films that are public domain and therefore available on YouTube.
I've seen this one a few times over the decades, but I'll reserve my opinions until you post your PARLOR, BEDROOM, AND BATH (1931) review.
CHEERS! [pie]
I've seen this one a few times over the decades, but I'll reserve my opinions until you post your PARLOR, BEDROOM, AND BATH (1931) review.
CHEERS! [pie]
Thanks, looking forward to it!
Next Keaton review will either be Sunday or Monday night
PARLOR, BEDROOM AND BATH review from Buster Keaton is now up with YouTube video attached, so please watch and review if you get a chance. Definitely an interesting film.
First off, my review for THE PASSIONATE PLUMBER is up.
Secondly, next week's review, SPEAK EASILY, is public domain, so a YouTube link will be available for all to view. Hope to see some thoughts, as by memory and reputation, it's the best of Keaton's MGM talkies. It also has prime Thelma Todd in it doing her thing. Interested to see if my latest viewing agrees with my memory of it.
My review for SPEAK EASILY is up. This one is on YouTube and is definitely worth watching, so I hope to see some opinions this week.
Final Keaton MGM review will be up tomorrow night. Paul, are you starting the Columbias next week?
Final Keaton MGM review will be up tomorrow night. Paul, are you starting the Columbias next week?
Yes sirree! I figure you can do Educationals, and I'll find someething else to review afterwards.
Yes sirree! I figure you can do Educationals, and I'll find someething else to review afterwards.
You do the Columbia shorts starting next week, and of course I'll pitch in. I'll take at least a few weeks off from starting reviews and get to the Educational shorts when I'm refreshed.
MOOCHING THROUGH GEORGIA thread will go up tomorrow.
MOOCHING THROUGH GEORGIA thread will go up tomorrow.
I am truly sorry about this. My Saturday, after I posted that, turned out to be about 100 times crazier than I had planned.
I am truly sorry about this. My Saturday, after I posted that, turned out to be about 100 times crazier than I had planned.
I hope everything's OK. Post it whenever you can, I know what it's like where some weeks I'm more up for it than others.
I hope everything's OK. Post it whenever you can, I know what it's like where some weeks I'm more up for it than others.
It's all OK. I'm just busy.
My review for MOOCHING THROUGH GEORGIA will show up in the next few days, but more importantly, two other things to say.
1.) In the next week or two, I will start posting reviews of Keaton Educational comedy shorts.
2.) I am retiring the rating system. After reviewing what's gotta be what, roughly 300 films by this point, my 8/10 vs. 7/10 is becoming mind numbing. There are degrees where I can't tell the difference anymore, so I'm just going to let my typed thoughts speak for themselves.
I have not forgotten you, my followers! Review thread to come tonight!
Review is up.
OK, made a decision. When Paul's done with the Columbia Keatons, I will switch back and forth with one week of Keaton Educational shorts and one week of.....Laurel and Hardy. Yes, I will try to finish what I started, with Sam here, I should have at least some commentary. [pie]
Good choice.
I want to apologize for everything. I am ultra busy as of late, so getting these reviews up is very difficult.
I have access to the Keaton Columbias through DVD and will do my next review soon, but since they've been taken down it made me think about what I want to do going forward. Stuff not on YouTube, like I believe is the case with Laurel and Hardy talkies, may not be on YouTube, so Big Chief, Paul, Umbrella, and anyone else, do you guys have access to this stuff? Weeks of potential no responses are a bummer.
Harold Lloyd two reelers and Chaplin Mutual shorts are old enough to be public domain, so no risk of those being taken down. Considering doing those next if you guys don't have access to Laurel and Hardy, as well as Keaton Educaional, assuming they don't get taken down.
I have the L & H Essential Collection, so I have all of the sound shorts and many of the features.
I also have the Laurel and Hardy Essential Collection as well as BABES IN TOYLAND, and BONNIE SCOTLAND and THE DEVIL’S BROTHER are both available for rental on iTunes, so I should be good with Laurel and Hardy for the Hal Roach era at least.
I have access to the Keaton Columbias through DVD and will do my next review soon, but since they've been taken down it made me think about what I want to do going forward. Stuff not on YouTube, like I believe is the case with Laurel and Hardy talkies, may not be on YouTube, so Big Chief, Paul, Umbrella, and anyone else, do you guys have access to this stuff? Weeks of potential no responses are a bummer.
Harold Lloyd two reelers and Chaplin Mutual shorts are old enough to be public domain, so no risk of those being taken down. Considering doing those next if you guys don't have access to Laurel and Hardy, as well as Keaton Educaional, assuming they don't get taken down.
L&H are all over DailyMotion, I believe.
So I'll do the entire Roach era for sure, but skip Fox since people don't seem to have access to those films....unless you guys buy them. I have both sets, and while not their best work, definitely more enjoyable than pre DVD release reputation. Worth checking out.
Going to try to get a review in, probably Laurel and Hardy, this weekend.
Going to try to get a review in, probably Laurel and Hardy, this weekend.
Cool. Looking forward to it.
Hoping to finally have my review of Laurel and Hardy's THE CHIMP up sometime this week. Like Paul, my life's been pretty busy as of late too....too busy. But the review should be up in the next few days.
It's been a while, but the newest Laurel and Hardy review is up!
I apologize for not being more consistent with the reviews. But, life's hectic often. Good news is that in a few months I will be moving out and starting Ph.D. school, so I should have some regularity to my schedule then.
I apologize for not being more consistent with the reviews. But, life's hectic often. Good news is that in a few months I will be moving out and starting Ph.D. school, so I should have some regularity to my schedule then.
Take your time, life happens. I'll be busting out Laurel and Hardy reviews in the mean time and once you finish the three or four Columbia Keaton shorts left, I'll mix in the Educational shorts.
I will be trying to get the next Keaton review up this week.
Hey folks, need a hand. I am looking for the clip or entire episode whereby Curly "volunteers". As I vaguely recall the boys are in the Army, the Drill Sargent is pacing back and forth with his head down and states that he needs a Volunteer. Naturally, Larry and Mo take a huge step back and when the Sargent looks up, he believes that Curly has willingly volunteered. Please assist. THANKS.
Gents Without Cents (1944)....
Going to try and get the next Laurel and Hardy review this weekend. This time it's a short, but after this week, a feature!
Apologies for the delay, will get my next review up next weekend, especially since Paul's latest Keaton review is up. Ever have everything go to Hell at the same time, even the car? Oy vey. Will be back to normal soon.
I am in delay as I psychologically recover from having my Ph.D. dreams crushed once again... this time permanently.
I am in delay as I psychologically recover from having my Ph.D. dreams crushed once again... this time permanently.
Paul, sorry to hear it, man. I know it's a lot of work trying to get a P.H.D. Take all the time you need, but ironically, you only have one more short to go. Still, take your time.
My latest Laurel and Hardy is now up.
I am in delay as I psychologically recover from having my Ph.D. dreams crushed once again... this time permanently.
My condolences to you, Paul - goes without saying that much of the PhD is dependent on the project and advisor - don't know if that was your case, but I know there are lousy projects that make it through and solid ones that don't. Anyway, my hat's off to you for trying - not many individuals do.
My condolences to you, Paul - goes without saying that much of the PhD is dependent on the project and advisor - don't know if that was your case, but I know there are lousy projects that make it through and solid ones that don't. Anyway, my hat's off to you for trying - not many individuals do.
Couldn't find a professor who had research funding
I am in delay as I psychologically recover from having my Ph.D. dreams crushed once again... this time permanently.
Sorry to hear about that. Take as much time as you need, Paul.
The first Educational era Keaton short review is now up, so we'll officially be rotating from that to a Laurel and Hardy film week by week for the next several months.
Going to get the next Laurel and Hardy review in Monday or Tuesday.
New Laurel and Hardy review up, next Keaton this weekend.
Currently traveling. I'm hoping to do both reviews this weekend when I get home.
I have finally secured a position for my future. I should be really in tune with things starting this January.
I'm sure it will make you the heartthrob of millions.
I have finally secured a position for my future. I should be really in tune with things starting this January.
Congrats! I hope you're happy with what you'll be doing. At age 39 I've finally found a job I can at least stomach and it has made a huge difference in my demeanor. May happiness and fulfillment with what you do come your way, then the money, leggy supermodels, luxurious mansions, and servants will follow. [pie]. Good luck, and get a good blu ray player and a ton of classic comedy films to review after a few paychecks.
Gonna have one of my two fer weekends with both Buster and Laurel and Hardy getting a review. I should have the time....4 day weekend. Just don't expect Friday night....seeing Glenn Hughes in concert. \m/
Laurel and Hardy review up. Keaton coming shortly.
What better way to celebrate my 25th (August 28th, for those nyuk-nyuks wondering) than by watching three of my favorite, if not my top three, Curly shorts: DISORDER IN THE COURT, MEN IN BLACK, and THEY STOOGE TO CONGA.
What better way to celebrate my 25th (August 28th, for those nyuk-nyuks wondering) than by watching three of my favorite, if not my top three, Curly shorts: DISORDER IN THE COURT, MEN IN BLACK, and THEY STOOGE TO CONGA.
Happy belated birthday, Paul.
As a late gift, the latest Keaton review is now up. [pie]
New Laurel and Hardy turkey review up.
Going to be another two-fer Friday coming up with Laurel and Hardy/Keaton.
Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy reviews both up!
In two weeks the next film for the Laurel and Hardy spot would be The Devil's Brother, a feature. I'm debating whether to do it or not and it depends on how you guys respond. Due to Warners owning it, along with Bohemian Girl, it's on a different DVD set than the 10 disc set and doesn't appear to be available online as far as I can tell. So Chief, Sam, Paul, since only you three guys normally respond, do any of you guys have access to The Devil's Brother or Bohemian Girl? If so, I'll do it, if not, I'll skip and go to the next short. I do have a copy myself.
Sorry, I don't have either, I wish I did, I loved both when I was a kid.
Yes, I have access to both of them. Really looking forward to THE DEVIL’S BROTHER, as I’ve heard some really good things about it. Apparently BONNIE SCTOLAND has some narrative problems, though.
I will do THE DEVIL'S BROTHER next week. Chief, hopefully my review brings on old memories of seeing it and Sam, look forward to your fresh take. It is an interesting film worth discussing, that's for sure.
New Keaton review now up.
And a special note for... a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Larry Fine!
And a special note for... a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Larry Fine!
I have a friend who was born five days after Larry died and another friend I just figured out was born a couple of weeks after Oliver Hardy died. Sheesh! I'm born 364 days after Chaplin's death.
Speaking of Ollie, latest Laurel and Hardy review up.
Aiming to make this coming weekend a two review weekend. Between October being a horror movie month for me and The Red Sox making the ALCS, I've admittedly not been in a comedy mood as of late, though I'm sure that will change in the coming weeks.
Both new Keaton and L&H reviews up.
Another 2 fer review weekend is coming up. Now that the World Series is over and horror movie month is ending, things should be back to normal with my comedy reviews and general viewing,
Boston Strong !
Boston Strong !
Damn right, from a childhood of cursed to an adulthood of spoiled. I prefer the latter.
The irony is I was planning on the next Keaton review Saturday morning. Then the 7:20 marathon of game 3 came, ending 3:15 AM. No way I was getting up at a decent hour, and I had plans the rest of the day.
Watching the Bosox win the World Series is, in my opinion, an ironclad alibi.
Latest Keaton review up. Will get the next Laurel and Hardy review Sunday morning.
Review of BUSY BODIES from Laurel and Hardy now up, and it's one of their greatest shorts. Hope you watch and review.
The latest Keaton and....Mack Sennett review up.
New Laurel and Hardy review up....I'm back in a weekly rhythm again! This week it's DIRTY WORK.
Next Keaton review in a day or two, Laurel and Hardy as scheduled this weekend.
New Keaton review up, SONS OF THE DESERT coming on Friday!
Review for Laurel and Hardy, SONS OF THE DESERT up!
Keaton review tomorrow night
Keaton review is up and we got a real treat this week!
New Laurel and Hardy review up.
New Keaton review is up. Who cares if it's the holidays, shove grandma to the side and watch a Keaton film and comment. ''Tis the season. [pie]
When I'm done with the Keaton shorts in a few months, I've decided to do SOUP TO NUTS and the MGM Healy shorts, so you guys looking for something Stooge related will get it soon for a little bit.
This coming weekend will be another two review weekend. Happy New Year, everyone.
Latest Laurel and Hardy review up. The next Keaton will either be later today or Sunday.
Sorry for the Keaton delay, aiming for tomorrow night.
New Keaton review up.
New Laurel and Hardy review up, we got a good one this week!
New Keaton review up - MIXED MAGIC. Next review this weekend is BABES IN TOYLAND, the only Laurel and Hardy film I have strong childhood ties to. Should be interesting.
BABES IN TOYLAND review up. I hope all the usual suspects and a few newbies chip in, as this is a special film for me.,6043.msg54173.html#new
Speaking of Laurel and Hardy, Rex Reed says the new movie (‘Stan & Ollie’ ) based on their careers is worth seeing:
Speaking of Laurel and Hardy, Rex Reed says the new movie (‘Stan & Ollie’ ) based on their careers is worth seeing:
Thanks! I plan on seeing it this weekend and will post my thoughts for sure.
Will do double duty this weekend with Keaton and Laurel and Hardy. Only three more Keaton shorts to go until we're done discussing him....and the next one is a good one if memory serves me right.
Latest Keaton review up, in JAIL BAIT, and it's a good one. Laurel and Hardy I'm aiming for Sunday night.
Will do the Laurel and Hardy review tomorrow. Hopefully the roads will be icy enough and won't have to work and do it during the day time.
Review for Laurel and Hardy's THE LIVE GHOST, complete with YouTube link, is up. Chief, Sam, let's rock n roll. To anybody else, feel free to watch and comment, your input is wanted.
Next Keaton review up tomorrow. Second from last one and it'll be an interesting one to discuss.
Newest Keaton thread up, only one more Keaton short to go after this one.
Latest Laurel and Hardy review up, linked below. Next weekend we actually finish up Keaton, and judging by the responses of you guys participating, perhaps mercifully. Gives me a thread idea. (Second link below),6050.msg54231.html#new,6051.msg54233.html#new
The final Keaton review up! Thanks to all who have been reading and especially thanks to all who reply. Of course, next week, big business as usual with Laurel and Hardy.
Sorry for the delay, let's just say it's been a Hell of a couple of weeks. Newest Laurel and Hardy review up, next one after this one will be up this weekend like normally scheduled.,6057.msg54275.html#new
New Laurel and Hardy review up (linked below) and we are now done with their shorts. We have nine features ahead, the 8 Roach films plus THE FLYING DEUCES from RKO. At this point in time, as much as I'd like to, I won't be doing the Fox and MGM films unless if somebody steps forward, says they have access and will definitely chip in. After SAPS AT SEA is done, we're probably done with Laurel and Hardy and I haven't decided what I'm doing next. At the very least though, nine more features to go and it's a cool batch of films.,6060.msg54291.html#new
New Laurel and Hardy review up (linked below) and we are now done with their shorts. We have nine features ahead, the 8 Roach films plus THE FLYING DEUCES from RKO. At this point in time, as much as I'd like to, I won't be doing the Fox and MGM films unless if somebody steps forward, says they have access and will definitely chip in. After SAPS AT SEA is done, we're probably done with Laurel and Hardy and I haven't decided what I'm doing next. At the very least though, nine more features to go and it's a cool batch of films.,6060.msg54291.html#new
Can't guarantee anything right this moment, but I'll look into getting access to the Fox and MGM films. I did see NOTHING BUT TROUBLE a few years ago, but otherwise I have yet to see any of them and have been wanting to check them out.
I can definitely do the MGM Features if nobody else has access.
You know what, replies or no replies, I'll review Laurel and Hardy until the end, I'm noticing everything is getting a lit of views regardless. So I think we have 18 more films to go now.
Sam, if NOTHING BUT TROUBLE is all you've seen post Roach, you've seen the worst. It gets better from there.
You know what, replies or no replies, I'll review Laurel and Hardy until the end, I'm noticing everything is getting a lit of views regardless. So I think we have 18 more films to go now.
Sam, if NOTHING BUT TROUBLE is all you've seen post Roach, you've seen the worst. It gets better from there.
Ahhh, while most tend to agree with that assessment, count me in the minority who doesn't consider NOTHING BUT TROUBLE (1944) the absolute worst among Laurel and Hardy's 1941-45 Post Hal Roach Features. Just my opinion.
If the board looks chaotic now, it's because I'm moving all my reviews into organized categories. By tomorrow morning, the reviews should be in a much more organized format, please let me know what you think.
I hope you guys like the new layout and would love to hear some feedback. I'm not done as tomorrow night I plan on organizing the solo Stooge, Keaton and Laurel and Hardy films in separate threads. Again, please offer feedback, but as for me, I think these past discussions are starting to look more organized and easier to navigate.
....also, if anyone is having trouble seeing or doing any posting to the new boards, please let me know. This is my first time setting these boards up so I want to make sure the settings are right where people have access to things.
OK, everything should be good now. The old board has been deleted and everything has been organized into newer categories so shorts should be easier to find. Please let me know what you think and let me know if you have posting or viewing issues.
...also, I'll repost the latest link to the latest Laurel and Hardy review below in case lost amongst all the board confusion. If you look at the Stooge solo shorts, you'll notice I never finished the last five Besser solos, four of which I believe are remakes. I will review those soon to tie up loose ends, but they won't be weekly, I'll do them in bulk and continue Laurel and Hardy as scheduled.,6060.0.html
Ahhh, while most tend to agree with that assessment, count me in the minority who doesn't consider NOTHING BUT TROUBLE (1944) the absolute worst among Laurel and Hardy's 1941-45 Post Hal Roach Features. Just my opinion.
The Boy King is to Laurel and Hardy what talking horses are to The Three Stooges, but maybe a fresh viewing will change my mind.
OK, everything should be good now. The old board has been deleted and everything has been organized into newer categories so shorts should be easier to find. Please let me know what you think and let me know if you have posting or viewing issues.
Nice job on re-organizing the discussions into separate boards, Doug! It should make it a bit easier to find specific episode discussions in the future. :)
Nice job on re-organizing the discussions into separate boards, Doug! It should make it a bit easier to find specific episode discussions in the future. :)
I agree. Great job, Doug!
CHEERS! [3stooges]
New Laurel and Hardy review for BONNIE SCOTLAND up, linked below. No Youtube link this week as Warner Brothers owns this one and it is also not on the 10 DVD set as a result. In the review, I linked to the set where you can buy this double featured with THE DEVIL'S BROTHER in case anyone is interested.
In addition to a new Laurel and Hardy review today, I finally continued the solo Columbia Besser series with SPIES AND GUYS. Hope you have the DVD as no YouTube link available, but a good read if I may say so myself, either way. Four more to do, they'll be done randomly.,6461.0.html
Next review, THE BOHEMIAN GIRL, will be tomorrow night.
In addition to a new Laurel and Hardy review today, I finally continued the solo Columbia Besser series with SPIES AND GUYS. Hope you have the DVD as no YouTube link available, but a good read if I may say so myself, either way. Four more to do, they'll be done randomly.,6461.0.html
Awesome. I will participate.
Awesome. I will participate.
Cool, nice to see you. Will be getting to the final four Besser shorts soon, though be warned they are recycles of the first four! Also, when you're in the position and want to do another comedian or comedy team for reviews, let me know and I'll create a new board for you.
New Laurel and Hardy review up for THE BOHEMIAN GIRL. This one is on YouTube and on the ten DVD set for those of you that have it.
New Laurel and Hardy review for OUR RELATIONS up.,6465.0.html
Next Laurel and Hardy review tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, been busy.
Next Laurel and Hardy review tomorrow. Sorry for the delay, been busy.
No worries! By the way, did you see my post regarding the German version of THE LAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE and its availability on YouTube?
CHEERS! :police:
No worries! By the way, did you see my post regarding the German version of THE LAUREL-HARDY MURDER CASE and its availability on YouTube?
CHEERS! :police:
Yeah I did, just haven't had time to view it yet. Thanks for posting it, will check it out soon.
New Laurel and Hardy review up.,6468.0.html
Next Laurel and review review is up. This time it's SWISS MISS.
Next review coming tomorrow.
Review for BLOCK-HEADS is now up.
New Laurel and Hardy review up for THE FLYING DEUCES.
Review for A CHUMP AT OXFORD up.
Review for SAPS AT SEA up. Next week we will discuss BUCK PRIVATES and go back and forth weekly between Bud and Lou and post Roach Stan and Ollie.,6482.0.html
Back to doing this on weekends, first Abbott and Costello review up! Next weekend will be GREAT GUNS by Laurel and Hardy.
Review for GREAT GUNS is up and there is a YouTube link as well, so you should all be able to watch it. We have entered the Laurel and Hardy Fox years!
Review for Abbott and Costello IN THE NAVY is now up. BUCK PRIVATES seems to be getting the views, so thanks everybody.
Next Laurel and Hardy review for A-HAUNTING WE WILL GO is up. There is a link to the movie online included, but I’m not sure of the website. Use your own judgement when watching. Next week it’s Bud and Lou’s turn with HOLD THAT GHOST. That one I’m really looking forward to.
It’s an Abbott and Costello week, the review for HOLD THAT GHOST is up. Next week it’s Laurel and Hardy again.
New Laurel and Hardy review is up for AIR RAID WARDENS. It’s MGM this week. There are links from Dailymotion to watch the film in two parts, so check it out.
I am trying to catch up on the Buster Keaton shorts. After that (which should be about two weeks), I plan to resume short reviews focusing on Stooges, their supporting cast, and other Columbia comedy series. It will be a mix of laughs, groans, tears, and WTFs!
Review for Abbott and Costello’s KEEP ‘EM FLYING is now up. There is a YouTube link to watch the film as well in case you need it.
I have run out of Buster Keaton shorts to review as the remaining two for me, MIXED MAGIC and HAYSEED ROMANCE, aren't available on the internet at the present moment.
I have, instead, posted a review of the Andy Clyde short HOME ON THE RAGE, which co-stars Shemp Howard.
Next Laurel and Hardy review as well as my thoughts on Home on the Rage will be delayed until Monday or Tuesday. Had a very busy week last week and got out of state family visiting this weekend.
JITTERBUGS from Laurel and Hardy is up, complete with YouTube link to watch the movie.
MONEY SQUAWKS from Andy Clyde is now posted. You can watch and review it here:
Review for Abbott and Costello’s RIDE ‘EM COWBOY is now up.,6505.0.html
It's sad to see this forum die down so much. Many posters who were extremely active when I joined haven't been on in years. I guess I thought the futzes like me preferred forums to social media and would find ways to keep things going strong.
I have my PhD comprehensive exam this Thursday. I plan to post the thread for BOOBS IN THE WOODS soon, and my review of it will come sometime hopefully shortly after my exam.
It's sad to see this forum die down so much. Many posters who were extremely active when I joined haven't been on in years. I guess I thought the futzes like me preferred forums to social media and would find ways to keep things going strong.
I have my PhD comprehensive exam this Thursday. I plan to post the thread for BOOBS IN THE WOODS soon, and my review of it will come sometime hopefully shortly after my exam.
Forums in general have died down over the years because of so much social media competition. It is sad.
I’m about to finish up Laurel and Hardy and am currently doing Abbott and Costello, which should take me roughly a year. When that year is up, barring a sudden huge interest in new posters, I’ll probably stop after that. These reviews tend to get more views than comments.
Good luck on your PHD exam!
I’m about to finish up Laurel and Hardy and am currently doing Abbott and Costello, which should take me roughly a year. When that year is up, barring a sudden huge interest in new posters, I’ll probably stop after that. These reviews tend to get more views than comments.
I'm amazed more because of how fast the decline was. I intend to continue doing reviews for a while, even if it's just a handful of us!
It's sad to see this forum die down so much. Many posters who were extremely active when I joined haven't been on in years. I guess I thought the futzes like me preferred forums to social media and would find ways to keep things going strong.
I have my PhD comprehensive exam this Thursday. I plan to post the thread for BOOBS IN THE WOODS soon, and my review of it will come sometime hopefully shortly after my exam.
And yet the forum really isn't all that dead; take a look at the forum stats in the attached image. We don't have the activity of the forum's heyday, but that was also back when we were plagued with spammers and the posts were often nonsense. We may have fewer posts these days, but the quality of those posts skyrocketed over the years, and looking at the stats the page views are very definitely up. Your posts are being read, even if people don't often chime in. :)
And good luck on the PhD exam! [thumbleft]
And yet the forum really isn't all that dead; take a look at the forum stats in the attached image. We don't have the activity of the forum's heyday, but that was also back when we were plagued with spammers and the posts were often nonsense. We may have fewer posts these days, but the quality of those posts skyrocketed over the years, and looking at the stats the page views are very definitely up. Your posts are being read, even if people don't often chime in. :)
And good luck on the PhD exam! [thumbleft]
Well how do you like that? Thanks for sharing that Rob, it’s quite encouraging.
And yet the forum really isn't all that dead; take a look at the forum stats in the attached image. We don't have the activity of the forum's heyday, but that was also back when we were plagued with spammers and the posts were often nonsense. We may have fewer posts these days, but the quality of those posts skyrocketed over the years, and looking at the stats the page views are very definitely up. Your posts are being read, even if people don't often chime in. :)
And good luck on the PhD exam! [thumbleft]
That's awesome to see! Thanks for sharing, Rob!
Review for Laurel and Hardy’s THE DANCING MASTERS, complete with YouTube video, is up. This one’s a treat, hope you enjoy.
My review for Abbott and Costello’s RIO RITA is up. Going to have a hard time watching it without going onto some sites I’m not too sure of, so buy the DVD.
My next Shemp Howard review will come this week. Bring lots of alcohol to this and the one that follows.
EDIT: I must note that all reviews are subject to me finding a link to the short.
Next Laurel and Hardy review should be coming tomorrow. Sorry for the delay,
Review for Laurel and Hardy’s THE BIG NOISE is now up, with link to film included.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s PARDON MY SARONG is up complete with YouTube video. We got a good one this week.
Review for Laurel and Hardy’s NOTHING BUT TROUBLE is now up. Enjoy.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s WHO DONE IT? is ready.
Review for Laurel and Hardy’s THE BULLFIGHTERS, complete with YouTube video to watch the movie, is now up. In two weeks, we do ATOLL K, which will wrap up our Laurel and Hardy discussion. Been quite a ride. From then on, it will be Bud and Lou every week.
Just posted a review for SALT WATER DAFFY, a 1933 short featuring Jack Haley and Shemp Howard.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s IT AIN’T HAY is up. Go to it quickly, a YouTube link is included and who knows how long it will be up.
Review for Laurel and Hardy’s UTOPIA is now up and with that, I’m done reviewing Laurel and Hardy. Straight Abbott and Costello from now on.
Review for DIZZY & DAFFY is up. It's an interesting film that I am sure metaldams will have fun with because it's a baseball film!
Review for Abbott and Costello’s HIT THE ICE is now up.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s IN SOCIETY is up.,6546.msg55568.html#new
I spent about 2 hours between today and yesterday going through the Shemp oeuvre; it was amazing. There used to be about 10 of his solo efforts (where he had an actual, not-bit role) that were NOT available somewhere on the internet to watch. Fast forward about two years... I have already run out. Absolutely astounding how strong the push is to keep their films off the web.
Believe me though when I say there is still nevertheless plenty to discuss!
Tomorrow's review will be fun and traumatic.
I spent about 2 hours between today and yesterday going through the Shemp oeuvre; it was amazing. There used to be about 10 of his solo efforts (where he had an actual, not-bit role) that were NOT available somewhere on the internet to watch. Fast forward about two years... I have already run out. Absolutely astounding how strong the push is to keep their films off the web.
Believe me though when I say there is still nevertheless plenty to discuss!
Tomorrow's review will be fun and traumatic.
I hope the day comes soon when you can buy DVD’s and review more than what’s online. The Shemp Vitaphone comedy collection sets are fabulous. About maybe 10 or so shorts are very good and far superior to his Columbia solo days. I hope you’ll eventually see some more of this stuff, especially A PEACH OF A PAIR.
I hope the day comes soon when you can buy DVD’s and review more than what’s online. The Shemp Vitaphone comedy collection sets are fabulous. About maybe 10 or so shorts are very good and far superior to his Columbia solo days. I hope you’ll eventually see some more of this stuff, especially A PEACH OF A PAIR.
It will come eventually. It will come.
Review for this week is now posted. Viewers beware.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s LOST IN A HAREM is now up.
Review for NERTSERY RHYMES, with Ted Healy and His Stooges, is now up.
Review for Here Come the Co-Eds from Abbott and Costello is now up.,51.0.html
I'm taking this week off from posting new reviews. Next week I hope to do one on both Tuesday and Saturday to make up for it.
I'm taking this week off from posting new reviews. Next week I hope to do one on both Tuesday and Saturday to make up for it.
Take your time, I know the way life can sometimes get in the way of these reviews.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s THE NAUGHTY NINETIES, AKA “Who’s on First? plus 11 additional deep album cuts,” is now up for review.
Next Abbott and Costello review tomorrow night. I have the latest film watched and even the first couple of paragraphs written up but my brain is too jellied to carry on. Will finish tomorrow night when my energy levels are better - and the review will be better for it.
Tonight I will be posting a thread for the next film, BEER AND PRETZELS. Lots of fodder for good discussion on this one.
Tonight I will be posting a thread for the next film, BEER AND PRETZELS. Lots of fodder for good discussion on this one.
Cool, looking forward to it.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s LITTLE GIANT now up.
Next Abbott and Costello review tomorrow night. I barely got any sleep last night and would not do my best review. Looking forward to it, as it’s a good one.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES is now up. If you haven’t seen it I hope you seek it out. If you have, please comment, it really is one of their better films.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s BUCK PRIVATES COME HOME is now up.
Next Abbott and Costello review tomorrow night.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s THE WISTFUL WIDOW OF WAGON GAP is now up.,6570.0.html
Since all of the Laurel and Hardy movies are available to talk about, Will Abbott and Costello's first movie One Night in the Tropics get added too.
Since all of the Laurel and Hardy movies are available to talk about, Will Abbott and Costello's first movie One Night in the Tropics get added too.
I didn’t do HOLLYWOOD PARTY or PICK A STAR and gave the pre team silents one thread with the briefest of. write ups for each film. Those first two films are the equivalent of ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS in that Stan and Ollie aren’t real stars in them - in spite of the fact they get too billing in the former.
That said, I’m considering doing ONITT and even 30 FOOT BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK once the proper Bud and Lou films are done. We’ll see.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s THE NOOSE HANGS HIGH is now up.,6575.0.html
Review for Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein is now up!
Had an awful night’s sleep last night so I won’t be able to do a good review today. Also, with the holiday coming up and family visiting, I’ve decided to take a break and my next review will be shortly after the New Year. I’ll be refreshed. Thanks to you guys who read and comment and Merry Christmas to all. 2020 will bring me finishing up Bud and Lou and then reviewing whatever comes to mind. Looking forward to it.
Merry Christmas, folks. Enjoy your time with family and friends, as I am doing. I will be back next week with the next Healy-Stooges review.
OK, the couple of weekends off have done me some good. I have decided a slightly new strategy. Yes, eventually Bud and Lou’s films will all be reviewed, but I have now decided starting next weekend I am opening up a new board where I will review basically any comedy film I want. I will mix in an Abbott and Costello review maybe once a month or whenever the mood hits me until I’m done, but I really need the freedom to do what I want now. Sticking to one team or comedian is way too rigid. I’m really looking forward to this way to start off the new year and decade (!) and I have no idea yet what I’m going to review next weekend. Whatever it is, this shall be fun.
Do you like the James Bond movies?
Do you like the James Bond movies?
Never been a Bond fan - at all. I do know I’m in the minority.
For now I’ll only be reviewing comedies though I reserve the right to change my mind. I genuinely mean it when I say I will review a Ritz Brothers film or two someday.
I have figured out my first review in the new section and all I’m going to say is that no one will be able to guess the film in a million years.
New year, new decade, new review and new section to the board. It’s a film I bet no one would have predicted I’d review. Next week I have a silent comedy classic in mind and the week after the next a Bud and Lou film. After that, anything goes.
What about the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies?
What about the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movies?
I’m not really a fan and haven’t seen any of their films in years. That said, I plan to grab copies of a few to review eventually. They were too big an act not to review. I’m open to letting their films grow on me, I’ve seen maybe five or six of them.
I have seen both the Ritz Brothers movies and Martin and Lewis movies at least twice.
I have seen both the Ritz Brothers movies and Martin and Lewis movies at least twice.
I just checked out The Ritz Brothers on Amazon - I wasn’t aware so many were released on DVD. I only have a PD copy of THE GORILLA, presently. I’ll eventually buy a film or two and review them in the coming months.
As this is being planned more, my goal is to get Abbott and Costello done in November, as I want ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEETS THE MUMMY to be my Halloween weekend film. I’ll map it out somehow. October will also be all horror comedies.
Are you a fan of the Pink Panther movies?
Are you a fan of the Pink Panther movies?
Never saw any of them, but I probably should. I thought Peter Sellers was excellent in DR. STRANGELOVE.
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE GOLD RUSH is now up, complete with YouTube clip where you can watch it. A true classic. Next week I’ll review the next Abbott and Costello film.
Review for PLANE NUTS is posted.
Review for MEXICAN HAYRIDE from Abbott and Costello is up. I have no clue what the next will review will be yet, but there’s a few ideas in mind.
The schedule for the next three weeks is next weekend will be THE CUCKOOS (1930) from Wheeler and Woolsey, which I just watched and the review is written. After that will be a W.C. Fields film, though there’s a few in mind I’m wrestling with doing. After that is AFRICA SCREAMS from Bud and Lou. If there are any films going forward you want me to review, just say the word. I’ll at least consider it.
The schedule for the next three weeks is next weekend will be THE CUCKOOS (1930) from Wheeler and Woolsey, which I just watched and the review is written. After that will be a W.C. Fields film, though there’s a few in mind I’m wrestling with doing. After that is AFRICA SCREAMS from Bud and Lou. If there are any films going forward you want me to review, just say the word. I’ll at least consider it.
Decided on THE BANK DICK. Thought I’d go familiar for Fields since next week I’m going obscure.
Review for Wheeler and Woolsey’s THE CUCKOOS now up. An obscure one, but an interesting film for pre code comedy fans. Next two weeks should be more familiar films.
Do you want to review the Martin and Lewis movie Scared Stiff for October?
Do you want to review the Martin and Lewis movie Scared Stiff for October?
I’ve never seen that one, but we’ll see. I’d have to seek it out.
I’m definitely reviewing Martin and Lewis in the next few months and AT WAR WITH THE ARMY is an obvious choice because it’s public domain and can be linked in YouTube.
Ah yes, please place your symmetrical digits on the link below and gaze your eyes upon my original prose pertaining to W.C. Field’s 1940 film, THE BANK DICK. Contains a bartender by a guy who looks exactly like Shemp and is even billed with the same name.,6590.0.html
Review for AFRICA SCREAMS from Abbott and Costello is up. Since it’s public domain, you can watch this film on YouTube.
I apologize for being an erratic and inconsistent shithead with these reviews.
Folks, I review A Ritz Brothers film! Hotel Anchovy and the YouTube link is in the review so you can watch, with additional commentary with Ritz fan Mel Brooks. Luke my man, it’s time to party.
Got it up a little early, but there’s finally, after all these years, a Harold Lloyd review. SAFETY LAST! is the film and there’s a YouTube link of high quality attached, so please watch it and comment.
Review for Bob Hope and Bing Crosby’s “Road to Morocco” is now up.
A bonus review has been posted. I review the earliest film comedy ever from 1895! It is 50 seconds long and a YouTube link is provided in the review, so a review from any of you will only take a few minutes - as it did for me. Enjoy the history.
Review for Ernst Lubitsch’s TROUBLE IN PARADISE now up. Great screwball comedy, link to watch online included in the review.
After all these years, you’d think I would have gotten to SOUP TO NUTS by now. Well I finally have, linked below and can also be found in the Shemp era folder.
Review for PARDON MY TERROR, featuring Gus Schilling and Dick Lane, is now up.
Review for Harry Langdon’s FIDDLESTICKS now up. A twenty minute short, YouTube video included, Vernon Dent in a dual role - well worth checking out.
Review for Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion now up. We’ve made it to the 1950’s.
Review for A HARD DAY’S NIGHT is up. Put on your Beatle boots, smoke a doobie with Dylan and check it out.
Review for LOOSE IN LONDON from The Bowery Boys now up. Directed by Edward Bernds and should be of definite interest to Shemp era Stooge fans. Sorry no video available online, but if you know it, great. If not, hopefully you’ll be inspired to seek the eight Bowery Boys films they did with Bernds.
I have decided that the best plan for this week is to forgo reviews, get my act together, and come out strong early next week. It's Holy Week, after all.
Review for NEW NEWS, featuring Monte Collins & Tom Kennedy:
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE CIRCUS is up, complete with YouTube video. Check it out.
Reviews for Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man and Larry Semon’s infamous version of The Wizard of Oz now up. Aren’t I ahead of schedule? Big announcement coming Monday night concerning the reviews. There’s going to be changes and I think for the better. Tune in.,6645.0.html,6646.msg56750.html#new
Review for El Brendel's AY TANK AY GO has been posted:
Have alcohol nearby for this one.
Probably years overdue, but my review for The Three Stooges TV Pilot with Shemp, 1949’s JERKS OF ALL TRADES, is up.
Review for COMIN’ ROUND THE MOUNTAIN from Abbott and Costello is now up. Probably will be my last review this weekend, but vee shall see.,6653.msg56792/topicseen.html#msg56792
Review for W.C. Fields IT’S A GIFT is now up. A true masterpiece, I hope my review does the film justice. There is a link in the review to watch the film online, so please check it out when you get a chance, well worth it.
Review for El Brendel in LOVE AT FIRST FRIGHT is now up.
Review for El Brendel's I SPIED FOR YOU is now up.
Review for Abbott and Costello’s JACK AND THE BEANSTALK now up. YouTube video included in link so you all can watch this one - it’s public domain. Worth watching too.
Review for Charley Chase’s MIGHTY LIKE A MOOSE now up, complete with YouTube video.
Working quickly for the past few days, I have another Abbott and Costello review up, LOST IN ALASKA. Getting down to the home stretch finishing up their films. YouTube video in the link, so you guys can watch this one.
Stooge fans, my next review is ROCKIN’ IN THE ROCKIES, probably coming sometime within the next week.
Review for the 1945 Three Stooges feature, ROCKIN’ IN THE ROCKIES is now up.
Review for Charley Chase's Columbia debut, THE GRAND HOOTER, is now up.
Let’s see - I’m in lockdown, have no work until Wednesday, maybe I’ll just plow through the rest of the Abbott and Costello reviews for my sanity. ABBOTT AND COSTELLO GO TO MARS is now up, more to come today and In the next few days. This one is a true camp classic, if you like sci-fi, Bud and Lou and the idea of Jean Willes parading around with a bunch of Miss Universe contestants, seek this one out.
Review for Zasu Pitts and Thelma Todd’s SHOW BUSINESS (1932) now up. Directed by Jukes White and the original version of A PAIN IN THE PULLMAN. YouTube video linked in review.
Review for Charley Chase's FROM BAD TO WORSE is now up:
Review for Abbott and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde now up. Can’t believe it, only three more Bud and Lou films now left.
Review for Charley Chase's 3rd Columbia short, THE WRONG MISS WRIGHT, is now up.
Review for Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Cops now up. Only two more films of theirs to go now.
On a roll with Bud and Lou today. ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE MUMMY review now up.,6684.0.html
Will the last Abbott and Costello review come today and are you going to review Abbott and Costello's first movie One Night In The Tropics?
Will the last Abbott and Costello review come today and are you going to review Abbott and Costello's first movie One Night In The Tropics?
DANCE WITH ME HENRY is next, most likely not today since my nephew from out of town is staying for the summer and arriving in a few hours - one reason why I rushed two reviews yesterday. I hope to get to DANCE WITH ME HENRY within the next week, it’s just finding a window of time.
ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS, as well as 50 FOOT BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK and random TV episodes will be reviewed someday in the same way you’ll see I’m currently reviewing Stooge related films I didn’t get to on the initial run. I’ll probably review solo Groucho and the scraps of Keaton and Laurel and Hardy I haven’t done in the same manner.
DANCE WITH ME, HENRY review now up, so the main body of Abbott and Costello features is now complete. The horror board will be up in a few days and I will from now on be going back and forth with horror themed and comedy.
Charley Chase in CALLING ALL DOCTORS is now in the review annals:
Charley Chase in THE BIG SQUIRT review is up.
Another horror review up, this time it’s SPIDER BABY from 1967, starring Lon Chaney, Jr. YouTube video provided in the review.
MAN BITES LOVEBUG, starring Charley Chase, now has a review.
The Universal Cycle has begun, my review for DRACULA (1931) is now up.
Charley Chase's TIME OUT FOR TROUBLE has now been added to the collection.,6701.0.html
Review for the Vincent Price film WITCHFINDER GENERAL now up.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Ritz Brothers movie The Gorilla and The Martin and Lewis movie Scared Stiff.
I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Ritz Brothers movie The Gorilla and The Martin and Lewis movie Scared Stiff.
I’m mostly doing horror films now because I need a break from comedy after seven years straight of reviewing. I ironically am thinking about easing back into comedy reviews in October with a bunch of horror comedies. Those two films are definite possibilities.
Charley Chase's THE MIND NEEDER now has its own thread:
Review for FRANKENSTEIN (1931) now up. You’ve all seen this one, please comment away.
Review for Charley Chase's MANY SAPPY RETURNS is now up:
For all you lovers of camp and kitsch, my review of BLOODY PIT OF HORROR (1965) is now up. YouTube video in the review, so I hope you watch it if you haven’t seen it, it’s hysterical.
Review for the Our Gang/Little Rascals short CHOO-CHOO! (1932) now up.
Review for Charley Chase's THE NIGHT SHIRT BANDIT is now up
Got my MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE review up this weekend after all, thanks to a travel ban from the Connecticut governor. Phooey! Anyway, check it out. Next review I do - KING KONG (1933)!
Review for King Kong (1933) now up.
I want to say that (1) I am having internet issues (mother's friggin firewall blocking YouTube again...) and (2) I spent this weekend with an annual conference and thus had no time for reviews.
This week's Charley Chase short is PIE A LA MAID!!
Review for The Old Dark House (1932) now up, complete with YouTube video of the Cohen media print. Worth checking out.
THE SAP TAKES A WRAP deserves a bad rap this week.
THE CHUMP TAKES A BUMP is now ready for your opinions!
THE CHUMP TAKES A BUMP is now ready for your opinions!
I’m going to try to get to both Chase shorts this weekend I haven’t gotten to yet. You’re doing a good job.
This week we address RATTLING ROMEO and SKINNY THE MOOCHER, the latter being our focus.
This week we address RATTLING ROMEO and SKINNY THE MOOCHER, the latter being our focus.
Rattling Romeo is on DVD and I own it. Within the next week or so, I’ll pitch in a review with its own thread.
Rattling Romeo is on DVD and I own it. Within the next week or so, I’ll pitch in a review with its own thread.
Thanks for helping hand!
Another disaster, TEACHER'S PEST, is our Charley Chase short this week.
Will get back to more regular reviews in a few weeks, am taking for the most part a much needed break. I say for the most part because I just posted a review for Charley Chase’s RATTLING ROMEO.
I will let y'all have an extra day before I post the review thread for THE AWFUL GOOF.
I will let y'all have an extra day before I post the review thread for THE AWFUL GOOF.
I’m gonna try to get caught up this weekend.
Here it is, THE AWFUL GOOF:
This weekend or next weekend, going to get in a surprise review. In the meantime, Paul’s doing the Charley Chase shorts with videos to post on YouTube, so post your comments there.
THE HECKLER's thread is now up.
THE HECKLER's thread is now up.
Oh wow, we’re getting close to the end of the Chase shorts. I still got one more to catch up to before getting to it, but The Heckler is one of my favorites.
Got a review in this week, decided to do an early Chaplin favorite of mine, ONE A.M (1916). It’s 26 minutes long, a YouTube link is available and the film is funny as Hell. Please watch it and pitch in your thoughts.
The penultimate Charley Chase short, SOUTH OF THE BOUDOIR, is this week's topic:
We say goodbye to Charley Chase's Columbia shorts with HIS BRIDAL FRIGHT.
Nice job Paul on the Chase shorts. I’m going to try to catch up to the final two this weekend. Do you plan on reviewing any more Columbia shorts?
I have some time off from work later in the month. Will try to slip in a review or two.
Nice job Paul on the Chase shorts. I’m going to try to catch up to the final two this weekend. Do you plan on reviewing any more Columbia shorts?
I have some time off from work later in the month. Will try to slip in a review or two.
Yes, I do intend to keep hitting Columbia shorts. Probably will hit some lesser knowns the next few weeks.
Tonight's discussion features the lone surviving short of the boxing duo Max Baer & Maxie Rosenbloom, THE CHAMPS STEP OUT. Here it is:
This week we explore Billie Burke, one of Columbia Shorts Department's few starring actresses, in BILLIE GETS HER MAN:
In addition to catch up on Paul’s reviews, a review of TRAMP TRAMP TRAMP from Langdon coming this week. Good timing since Paul is starting the Langdon Columbias, which I’m really looking forward too.
Thanks for holding down the fort, Paul. The break’s done me well.
We begin Harry Langdon with his Columbia debut, COUNSEL ON DE FENCE:
Review for Harry Langdon’s TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP now up.
Next review will have to wait a day. I have an unbearable headache that is making even thinking a chore.
Here it is, Harry Langdon in HIS BRIDAL SWEET:
Dear Stooge-ophiles:
I need help remembering which short had Moe complaining of a "twitch" in his hand. I think there was painting (or hammering, or something like that) involved. I think Moe painted someones face (or hit them with hammer), then uttered the immortal line to the effect: "SORRY KID, IT WAS THAT OLD TWITCH AGAIN! Please help me identify the short with this gag.
Dear Stooge-ophiles:
I need help remembering which short had Moe complaining of a "twitch" in his hand. I think there was painting (or hammering, or something like that) involved. I think Moe painted someones face (or hit them with hammer), then uttered the immortal line to the effect: "SORRY KID, IT WAS THAT OLD TWITCH AGAIN! Please help me identify the short with this gag.
Three Hams on Rye (1950)....
A disappointment from Harry Langdon this week, THE LEATHER NECKER:
Got Wednesday off. In addition to catching up on the Langdon films, I’m going to try to throw in a Harold Lloyd short. Have not decided which one yet, but feel we’re due another Lloyd review.
Review for the very first Harold Lloyd two reeler, BUMPING INTO BROADWAY (1919) now up.
I just watched Abbott and Costello's One Night In The Tropics. I was wondering if anyone was going to review the movie.
I just watched Abbott and Costello's One Night In The Tropics. I was wondering if anyone was going to review the movie.
I believe that was the only Abbott and Costello movie not reviewed, primarily because they were not top-billed.
I believe that was the only Abbott and Costello movie not reviewed, primarily because they were not top-billed.
There’s that and the fact they don’t show up until about fifteen minutes into the film.
It’s not a Bud and Lou film but a film Bud and Lou are in. Big difference.
To answer Luke, when I’m in the mood for it I’ll review One Night in the Tropics as well as 50 Foot Bride of Candy Rock. I just went through a massive Bud and Lou binge and need a break, but will get to them when I’m refreshed.
There are a few similar non Stooge Stooge films I’ll also get to someday like Swing Parade of 1946 and Time Out for Rhythm.
A Thanksgiving themed short from Harry Langdon is this week-- COLD TURKEY.
Here it is:
There’s that and the fact they don’t show up until about fifteen minutes into the film.
It’s not a Bud and Lou film but a film Bud and Lou are in. Big difference.
To answer Luke, when I’m in the mood for it I’ll review One Night in the Tropics as well as 50 Foot Bride of Candy Rock. I just went through a massive Bud and Lou binge and need a break, but will get to them when I’m refreshed.
There are a few similar non Stooge Stooge films I’ll also get to someday like Swing Parade of 1946 and Time Out for Rhythm.
GOLD RAIDERS is worthy of a true review.
Harry Langdon in I DON'T REMEMBER is this week's talking piece. Here it is:
I think I'll watch and give my thoughts to the Harry Langdon Columbias.
A real treat is in store this week! Enjoy Harry Langdon in A DOGGONE MIXUP:
These past few months I have been on a massive horror film kick. That bubble, amongst others, is starting to burst and I’ve been watching more comedy lately, so expect more reviews. Going to do THE DENTIST from W.C. Fields this weekend and something Stooge oriented soon enough.
Review for W.C. Fields THE DENTIST, complete with YouTube video, now up.
Stooge fans, I have decided my next review, a Christmas present you’ve all been waiting for. Sometime within this next week, I will review......drumroll please...............the one.......the only..........the great Stooge psychedelic classic..........the mighty KOOK’S TOUR. Yes, Santa Metaldams is leaving coal in your stocking this year, ho ho hardee har har! But yeah, we’ll revisit the last gasp of Stoogedom, something I haven’t visited in a long time.
Stooge fans, I have decided my next review, a Christmas present you’ve all been waiting for. Sometime within this next week, I will review......drumroll please...............the one.......the only..........the great Stooge psychedelic classic..........the mighty KOOK’S TOUR. Yes, Santa Metaldams is leaving coal in your stocking this year, ho ho hardee har har! But yeah, we’ll revisit the last gasp of Stoogedom, something I haven’t visited in a long time.
I'll be curious to read your review. It's been 20+ years since I saw Kook's Tour (it was on a VHS tape that Uncle Mortimer or someone made for me) and I'm not even sure that I watched the whole thing.
I'll be curious to read your review. It's been 20+ years since I saw Kook's Tour (it was on a VHS tape that Uncle Mortimer or someone made for me) and I'm not even sure that I watched the whole thing.
Heck, I’M even curious as to what my review is going to be. Probably been about fifteen years for me. I have it on a DVD with Jerks of All Trades.
Harry Langdon in SUE MY LAWYER is jolly way to laugh at Christmas time:
Review for Kook’s Tour now up. Yes, getting in those wayward Stooge films I haven’t done yet.,6777.0.html
This week we discuss WHAT MAKES LIZZY DIZZY?
Luke, if you’re reading this, next review, sometime this week, will be Abbott and Costello’s film debut, ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS.
Next review will be tomorrow night. :)
Next review will be tomorrow night. :)
I’ll make mine this weekend.
Here we are! It's Harry Langdon and Louise Currie in TIREMAN, SPARE MY TIRES:
Going to aim for next weekend with my review instead. I’m moving over the next few months so won’t have as much time, but next weekend is a three day weekend, so I’ll go for it.
Keep the home fires burning in the meantime, Paul, and thanks.
Found the time and energy after all, ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS review is now up. Luke, you can celebrate.
I can... hardly... contain my... excitement.
Sometime this week or this weekend, Clark and Mcullough’s ODOR IN THE COURT will be next, followed by SALLY OF THE SAWDUST. About the only D.W. Griffith feature I’d review on this site due to the Fields link. I’d need another outlet for INTOLERANCE. Probably do another Wheeler and Woolsey and Harold Lloyd film after.
Harry Langdon in PIANO MOONER is now up:
Sometime this week or this weekend, Clark and Mcullough’s ODOR IN THE COURT will be next, followed by SALLY OF THE SAWDUST. About the only D.W. Griffith feature I’d review on this site due to the Fields link. I’d need another outlet for INTOLERANCE. Probably do another Wheeler and Woolsey and Harold Lloyd film after.
You could probably pull it off in this forum. We understand the history surrounding INTOLERANCE.
Review for Clark and McCullough’s ODOR IN TH COURT now up.
I will wait a couple of days before posting the next review so that more people, as well as myself, can watch and review ODOR IN THE COURT.
A BLITZ ON THE FRITZ now has a review:
We now discuss BLONDE AND GROOM this week:
I forgot yesterday was Friday. Here's HERE COMES MR. ZERK, starring Harry Langdon!
Sorry for being late again!
Here is TO HEIR IS HUMAN, featuring Harry Langdon & Una Merkel:
Here is DEFECTIVE DETECTIVES, if you wish to harm yourselves:
Apologies for slumming on the reviews. I’m moving this Monday. Once settled in my new joint, I’ll catch up on everything and add a few reviews of my own.
Paul Pain has nothing good to say this week, as we end the Harry Langdon series with PISTOL PACKIN' NITWITS:,6813.msg59322.html
It's been a while, so I am not doing a review this week. I may have something on Monday or Tuesday night. Probably we'll tackle Vera Vague next.
Really looking forward to Vera Vague. I’m not sure if I’ve watched any of her shorts before, though I’ve definitely heard of her.
Review for a very early Harold Lloyd short, when he was known as Lonesome Luke, is now up.
We begin Vera Vague with YOU DEAR BOY!:
This week we discuss DOCTOR, FEEL MY PULSE:
I'm now working nights from Tuesday to Saturday, so I probably won't be able to watch it until Sunday night.
Columbia has been hard at work... and the many available online resources to watch most Vera Vague shorts are now gone. This is sad as we will miss two fascinating entries: SHE SNOOPS TO CONQUER, the only Columbia WW2 propaganda short to feature a one of their female comics, and THE JURY GOES ROUND N' ROUND, which was nominated for an academy award. As it stands, next will be HISS AND YELL.
Columbia has been hard at work... and the many available online resources to watch most Vera Vague shorts are now gone. This is sad as we will miss two fascinating entries: SHE SNOOPS TO CONQUER, the only Columbia WW2 propaganda short to feature a one of their female comics, and THE JURY GOES ROUND N' ROUND, which was nominated for an academy award. As it stands, next will be HISS AND YELL.
We live in an age when streaming services are becoming more common. I don’t know why Sony doesn’t release all the shorts on something like Amazon Prime. Preferably restored but if not, it’s better than nothing. They’d make a small profit for each stream - which is greater than the nothing they make now and those of us who want to see them can see them.
We live in an age when streaming services are becoming more common. I don’t know why Sony doesn’t release all the shorts on something like Amazon Prime. Preferably restored but if not, it’s better than nothing. They’d make a small profit for each stream - which is greater than the nothing they make now and those of us who want to see them can see them.
Yep. That cuts 4 weeks worth of shorts straight out of the loop; understandably, I'm not happy. They won't release them, but they sure as hell want to protect their monetary rights to the material. Man, I wish US copyright law was 50 or 75 years instead of 95 because that would light a fire under there companies to keep producing quality DVD sets or streaming options if they want to keep the money flowing. Many of these shorts that we are unable to review (whether due to lack of YouTube videos or due to loss of film) have plots entirely unique to the Vera Vague series.
Yep. That cuts 4 weeks worth of shorts straight out of the loop; understandably, I'm not happy. They won't release them, but they sure as hell want to protect their monetary rights to the material. Man, I wish US copyright law was 50 or 75 years instead of 95 because that would light a fire under there companies to keep producing quality DVD sets or streaming options if they want to keep the money flowing. Many of these shorts that we are unable to review (whether due to lack of YouTube videos or due to loss of film) have plots entirely unique to the Vera Vague series.
This is something that really bothers me. A company owns the rights to a work, but they won't release it, and they also take down all of the videos on the internet! Do they want these films to just be in limbo?
We continue with Vera Vague with HISS AND YELL:
Review for Gold Raiders coming this weekend!
So all videos for all remaining Vera Vague shorts have been removed from YouTube. Consider this an off week while I look to see if anything is left.
So all videos for all remaining Vera Vague shorts have been removed from YouTube. Consider this an off week while I look to see if anything is left.
Just a suggestion, but a lot of the Clark and McCullough shorts on the Geno’s House of Rare Films channel are available, and I believe public domain. I already did Odor in the Court. Maybe you can do the rest.
It’s up to you, of course, there’s other stuff out there I’m sure.
Oh, and the official Harold Lloyd channel posted a ton of stuff, so no worries about that stuff coming down for copyright reasons.
Review for The Three Stooges in GOLD RAIDERS (1951) is now up.,6835.0.html
So all videos for all remaining Vera Vague shorts have been removed from YouTube. Consider this an off week while I look to see if anything is left.
There's at least one more here (
There's at least one more here (
Thanks, GC!
This week we discuss Vera Vague's A MISS IN A MESS:
Sorry, I'm working overtime 6 days a week right now, I don't have much time to watch movies and do reviews right now.
On demand, this week we discuss HIGH BLOOD PLEASURE, featuring Schilling & Lane:
Sorry, I'm working overtime 6 days a week right now, I don't have much time to watch movies and do reviews right now.
Quit that hard work stuff, that’s what wives are for. Didn’t The Three Stooges teach you anything?
Good luck with the job.
TRAINING FOR TROUBLE with Schilling & Lane now has a review:
This week, we feature Johnny Kascier in the Vernon & Quillan short A FOOL AND HIS HONEY:
Here we are with Wally Vernon & Eddie Quillan in NOBODY'S HOME:
We end our reviews of Vernon & Quillan with COME ON SEVEN:
We move on to the one-short series with Danny Webb, with A STAR IS SHORN:
Keep posting Paul, and thanks for all you do. I’ll catch up soon enough - I’ve been listening to music and following baseball more than watching any movies as of late, but that will change.
I want to apologize for my recent lengthy absences. I’ve been settling into a new job with longer hours and just haven’t had the time or energy to do reviews. I’ll try my best to catch up as soon as I can.
I’ve finally found inspiration for my next review. It may be in the next few weeks, but expect a review for Wheeler and Woolsey’s jaw dropping pre code, SO THIS IS AFRICA. In the meantime, I should be all caught up with commenting on Paul’s reviews tonight.
In case anyone wants to watch it in advance.
We move along this week to FRENCH FRIED FROLIC, the only short for Wally Brown & Tim Ryan:
I want to apologize for my recent lengthy absences. I’ve been settling into a new job with longer hours and just haven’t had the time or energy to do reviews. I’ll try my best to catch up as soon as I can.
No need to apologize, I definitely know how work and life can get in the way. Review stuff whenever you’re ready.
This week we discuss MEET MR. MISCHIEF, with Harry von Zell:
We continue Harry von Zell's adventures with ROLLING DOWN TO RENO:
Our journey makes its next step with Harry von Zell's final Columbia short, HIS BAITING BEAUTY:
I have PTO next week, so expect that Wheeler and Woolsey review then.
This week we discuss Sterling Holloway's MORON THAN OFF:
Review of Wheeler and Woolsey’s SO THIS IS AFRICA, complete with YouTube video, now up.
I’ve joined the 21st century and figured out how to get my Xfinity box into my TV. So now any YouTube video Paul posts I can watch on my TV instead of my iPad like I’ve been doing.
This week we discuss Sterling Holloway's HECTIC HONEYMOON:
I finally picked up those Mill Creek blu rays with the features (great price) and in addition to catching up on the Sterling Holloway review tomorrow and reviewing a horror film, I will also be reviewing something Stooge related - TIME OUT FOR RHYTHM in the next few weeks. It’s been between 15 - 20 years since I’ve seen this on an old VHS copy, so I’m looking forward to watching this again.
So The Whip and the Body will be reviewed this weekend. Time Out For Rhythm shortly after. I plan to catch up on Stooges odds and ends as far as reviews go in addition to horror. I did a YouTube search last night for Myrt and Marge - it’s there! I’ve never seen it before so expect a review of that one as well.
Any horror related titles you guys are interested in, let me know.
Any horror related titles you guys are interested in, let me know.
Just the usual request from me, specifically one I just watched recently, The Revenge of Frankenstein.
Just the usual request from me, specifically one I just watched recently, The Revenge of Frankenstein.
Love that film and I want to do a Hammer film. Will do it.
Review of the Christopher Lee and Mario Bava film, THE WHIP AND THE BODY, now up. TIME OUT FOR RHYTHM coming soon.,6891.msg59994.html#new
Review for TIME OUT FOR RHYTHM is now up. A YouTube video of both the whole film and just the Stooges scenes included, so watch any way you prefer. My next review will be in a few weeks.
Just checking in to let you all know that I have been in the process of moving with my family to a new place (not willingly, mind you, but that's another story) and that I hope to have the latest review posted today or tomorrow.
Just checking in to let you all know that I have been in the process of moving with my family to a new place (not willingly, mind you, but that's another story) and that I hope to have the latest review posted today or tomorrow.
Moves are a bitch, especially unwanted. Hope you settle in soon.
I finally return! Here we discuss Sterling Holloway's MAN OR MOUSE:
And a quick jump to the next review as well. We end the Sterling Holloway series with FLAT FEAT:
How many more Columbia series do you have left?
How many more Columbia series do you have left?
Let's see...
Andy Clyde (11 shorts available)
Hugh Herbert (5 shorts available)
The Glove Slingers (2 more shorts still)
The Mischief Makers (1 short)
Joe Besser (the 4 remakes that weren't reviewed)
I had many more Vera Vague and Polly Moran shorts lined up, but those videos all got pulled and have never been replaced. As you know from the master list, there are a 50+ shorts that just have no video available online. There is also a Harry Langdon film that is sometimes considered to be a Columbia short, although it's really a government PSA on the importance of following traffic laws merely produced in co-operation with Columbia Shorts.
If you have any Apple device, I can PM you the master list I have been using to keep track of things.
Let's see...
Andy Clyde (11 shorts available)
Hugh Herbert (5 shorts available)
The Glove Slingers (2 more shorts still)
The Mischief Makers (1 short)
Joe Besser (the 4 remakes that weren't reviewed)
I had many more Vera Vague and Polly Moran shorts lined up, but those videos all got pulled and have never been replaced. As you know from the master list, there are a 50+ shorts that just have no video available online. There is also a Harry Langdon film that is sometimes considered to be a Columbia short, although it's really a government PSA on the importance of following traffic laws merely produced in co-operation with Columbia Shorts.
If you have any Apple device, I can PM you the master list I have been using to keep track of things.
The four Besser remakes have always been on my to do list. LOL. Whoever gets to them first.
The Andy Clyde ones are what I’m most looking forward to - especially since the series spanned decades and he has Sennett roots.
The four Besser remakes have always been on my to do list. LOL. Whoever gets to them first.
The Andy Clyde ones are what I’m most looking forward to - especially since the series spanned decades and he has Sennett roots.
Well, you're the third person to say they're looking forward to the Andy Clyde shorts, so I think that's who I will do next!
Have we done International House yet? That’s my favorite ensemble movie.
Have we done International House yet? That’s my favorite ensemble movie.
No but I love that film. Now that I know there’s interest, I’ll review it soon.
Our Andy Clyde journey begins with IN THE DOG HOUSE:
Going to try to get MYRT AND MARGE in this weekend, though my Cult Movie Review is my number one priority, so it might be next weekend. INTERNATIONAL HOUSE will be my comedy review after.
This week's short, IT ALWAYS HAPPENS, receives Paul Pain's trademarked expression! Here's the thread:
This week we suffer through AM I HAVING FUN! with Andy Clyde:
Yet another domestic travesty from Andy Clyde:
Review for the Ted Healy and Three Stooges 1933 feature, MYRT AND MARGE, now up. YouTube video included, so you can watch it.
Now we discuss A BUNDLE OF BLISS with Andy Clyde:,6919.msg60414.html
We have another good short this week as Andy Clyde stars in THE RING AND THE BELLE:
This week we are treated to a poor-quality print of SAPPY BIRTHDAY:
I would still like to see the last 4 Joe Besser solo shorts reviewed.
I would still like to see the last 4 Joe Besser solo shorts reviewed.
Half of them already were. ;)
Either Paul or I will get to them someday.
Will catch up on reviews, existing ones and making new ones by next weekend. Been busy lately.
Our next short in the Andy Clyde journey is HEATHER AND YON, which will be very familiar to Buster Keaton fans!
Since we are in October, I want to take advantage of the opportunities presented during this month. As a result, we are diverging to focus on Columbia scare comedies. Unfortunately, the next Andy Clyde short, SPOOK TO ME, is no longer available and would have been a scare comedy. Instead, we drop back to 1931 to review his Mack Sennett short, GHOST PARADE. The next two weeks we will review a couple of the Hugh Herbert & Dudley Dickerson scare comedies before resuming our normal order through Andy and then Hugh's shorts.
Since we are in October, I want to take advantage of the opportunities presented during this month. As a result, we are diverging to focus on Columbia scare comedies. Unfortunately, the next Andy Clyde short, SPOOK TO ME, is no longer available and would have been a scare comedy. Instead, we drop back to 1931 to review his Mack Sennett short, GHOST PARADE. The next two weeks we will review a couple of the Hugh Herbert & Dudley Dickerson scare comedies before resuming our normal order through Andy and then Hugh's shorts.
We think alike. I have a short I am going to review in the next few days as well, same October theme. I’ll let SPOOK TO ME digest for a few days before printing my review.
Sometime this week, it will be the 1925 Stan Laurel solo short, DR. PYCKLE AND MR. PRIDE. I was going to do the 1931 feature version, and as great a film as that is, I figure this short, both shorter and easily more watchable online, is likely to garner more responses.
I’ll probably throw in INTERNATIONAL HOUSE later this month too. It has Bela Lugosi in it, so for that alone, qualifies for October.
Review for Stan Laurel’s DR. PYCKLE AND MR. PRYDE (1925) now up.
Get Along, Little Zombie, starring Hugh Herbert and Dudley Dickerson, is our next step in Spooktober:
Join me in reviewing ONE SHIVERY NIGHT before Halloween:
Is anyone going to review the Ritz Brothers The Gorilla or the Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis movie Scared Stiff this month. Both of them are horror/comedies.
We toe the line that demarcates the entrance to hell in ANDY PLAYS HOOKEY:
Had troubles with my Xfinity box and got it fixed. Should be able to watch these shorts on my TV again and will catch up soon.
This week it's WIFE TO SPARE:
We have reached the final Andy Clyde Columbia short, PARDON MY NIGHTSHIRT:
Surprised this is it for Andy. I know he made a lot more and shows a lot more of these need to be made available.
Surprised this is it for Andy. I know he made a lot more and shows a lot more of these need to be made available.
Spot on. He made over 90 shorts (although it was only 2-4 per year in the late 40s and in the 50s), but only two shorts in the 1947-1956 period are available, and so many of them are lost (as you can see in the master sheet). Not enough interest in comics like he and Hugh Herbert to ever get those shorts repaired and released profitably.
We now visit OH, BABY! from 1944 and starring Hugh Herbert!
This week it's WOO WOO! from 1945!
The Hugh Herbert journey ends with SUPER WOLF from 1949:
This week we dish out Paul Pain's trademarked expression with The Mischief Makers in KIDS WILL BE KIDS:
This week we dish out Paul Pain's trademarked expression with The Mischief Makers in KIDS WILL BE KIDS:
Oh Lord! I saw that one years ago. Has the reputation for being the worst Columbia short ever - and that’s saying something. I’ll revisit it soon and post.
I need to get my ass in gear and keep busy. I decided starting with the new year I’m going to be doing weekly comedy reviews again. I will be going back and forth between the Harold Lloyd two and three reelers and Chaplin’s Mutual shorts. Now I’ve already reviewed Lloyd’s BUMPING INTO BROADWAY and Chaplin’s ONE A.M. but I will do the other shorts. That will last me 23 weeks and after that I’ll figure out what to do from there.
Merry Christmas! This week we get another lump of coal in the form of FRESH AS A FRESHMAN from the Glove Slingers series:
Our journey has come to an end with the Glove Slingers short GLOVE AFFAIR:
Thanks for the Columbia journey, Paul. You did an excellent job. Were you planning on doing anything else, or are you going to take a break for a while?
I will catch up on the final two shorts you posted in a bit.
Thanks for the Columbia journey, Paul. You did an excellent job. Were you planning on doing anything else, or are you going to take a break for a while?
I will catch up on the final two shorts you posted in a bit.
I plan on taking a week off and seeing if any other Columbia's have cropped up. If not, I might move into some other features of interest: contemporary RKO comedies with familiar casts, Educational shorts of people we've discussed, maybe even silent Chase and Langdon shorts/features. All depends on availability.
I plan on taking a week off and seeing if any other Columbia's have cropped up. If not, I might move into some other features of interest: contemporary RKO comedies with familiar casts, Educational shorts of people we've discussed, maybe even silent Chase and Langdon shorts/features. All depends on availability.
Has the Edgar Kennedy RKO series ever been given a release? That's one I'd like to see.
I plan on taking a week off and seeing if any other Columbia's have cropped up. If not, I might move into some other features of interest: contemporary RKO comedies with familiar casts, Educational shorts of people we've discussed, maybe even silent Chase and Langdon shorts/features. All depends on availability.
Silent stuff, mid twenties and earlier, is all public domain. There’s enough shorts on YouTube to last a lifetime.
Silent stuff, mid twenties and earlier, is all public domain. There’s enough shorts on YouTube to last a lifetime.
With the Charley Chase silents on YouTube and the talkies being on DVD that’s a series we could go through. If possible I could start reviews for them (also the Mabel Normand shorts, as I want to watch those).
With the Charley Chase silents on YouTube and the talkies being on DVD that’s a series we could go through. If possible I could start reviews for them (also the Mabel Normand shorts, as I want to watch those).
If you ever want to start reviews on Chase or anyone else, go ahead. We can have a free for all between the three of us. You’ll drive yourself nuts if you try to watch Mabel Normand in order. She made films weekly at Keystone, co-starred with so many different people and so many of those films are lost or unavailable. With her, I’d just watch and/or review her films piecemeal.
I honestly don't know about the Edgar Kennedy shorts. Based on description, I don't think I'd enjoy those much if at all. It sounds like a sequence of in-law abuse trash like we saw in Andy Clyde.
I'm sure I will have something in two weeks time!
Review for Harold Lloyd’s CAPTAIN KIDD’S KID (1919) is now up. The Harold Lloyd Estate provides quality prints with great scores for these shorts on YouTube. It’s from their official channel. If you haven’t done so already check out BUMPING INTO BROADWAY, which I have already reviewed a while back. That is the first film in the series, this newly reviewed short being the second.
For you guys who haven’t watched and/or commented on Bumping Into Broadway. Here’s the link. I again highly suggest that one first, as it’s the first short in the series.,6758.0.html
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE FLOORWALKER now up.,6973.msg61054.html#new
Have you decided on a series yet Paul? I'm planning on starting Charley Chase's Roach silents next week. I can start the threads if you're planning on covering something else.
Have you decided on a series yet Paul? I'm planning on starting Charley Chase's Roach silents next week. I can start the threads if you're planning on covering something else.
Do you own any Chase DVD’s or are you going by YouTube? Also, where are you starting? Roach or pre-Roach? Chase starred in a few Sennett shorts early on but also made brief appearances in tons of films where he wasn’t a star. The early stuff can get confusing.
Do you own any Chase DVD’s or are you going by YouTube? Also, where are you starting? Roach or pre-Roach? Chase starred in a few Sennett shorts early on but also made brief appearances in tons of films where he wasn’t a star. The early stuff can get confusing.
I was going by the films listed by Leonard Maltin, which start in 1924. I'll be watching the silents on YouTube, and the sound films on DVD.
I was going by the films listed by Leonard Maltin, which start in 1924. I'll be watching the silents on YouTube, and the sound films on DVD.
Nice. 1924 would definitely be Roach, so that’s good.
Have you decided on a series yet Paul? I'm planning on starting Charley Chase's Roach silents next week. I can start the threads if you're planning on covering something else.
Haven't had time to get specific, but definitely Harry Langdon silents are coming.
Haven't had time to get specific, but definitely Harry Langdon silents are coming.
Chase, Langdon, Chaplin, Lloyd - this will be epic.
Review for Harold Lloyd’s FROM HAND TO MOUTH now up.
The second in the Charley Chase series: One of the Family.,6982.msg61213
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE FIREMAN is now up.,6983.msg61234/topicseen.html#msg61234
Let's discuss Harry Langdon's SHANGHAIED LOVERS while we're at it.
Review for Harold Lloyd’s HIS ROYAL SLYNESS is now up.
If anybody is overwhelmed by three film reviews a week I can put the Chase series on hold for now. If not I’ll be glad to continue.
If anybody is overwhelmed by three film reviews a week I can put the Chase series on hold for now. If not I’ll be glad to continue.
I’m cool the way we are. Keep in mind you’re doing one reelers now, which are easy and between the three of us, it’s the equivalent of one five reeler a week. However, if you’re overwhelmed, my Chaplin and Lloyd thing has 17 weeks to go. You can continue with the Chase series when I’m done with that and I’ll then lay low with new reviews for a bit. Totally up to you.
I’m cool the way we are. Keep in mind you’re doing one reelers now, which are easy and between the three of us, it’s the equivalent of one five reeler a week. However, if you’re overwhelmed, my Chaplin and Lloyd thing has 17 weeks to go. You can continue with the Chase series when I’m done with that and I’ll then lay low with new reviews for a bit. Totally up to you.
I’m definitely fine to continue. I like watching these short films after I get home from work.
Here we go folks! It's time for Harry Langdon innnnnn HIS NEW MAMMA!
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE VAGABOND now up.
Time to discuss Harry Langdon's THE FIRST 100 YEARS:
Review for Harold Lloyd’s HAUNTED SPOOKS now up.
This week we discuss Harry Langdon's THE LUCK O' THE FOOLISH:
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE COUNT now up.
Like Harry Langdon? Good! Join the discussion of this week's short, THE HANSOM CABMAN:
Review for Harold Lloyd’s AN EASTERN WESTERNER is now up.
The next Charley Chase short, The Fraidy Cat.,7010.msg61738/topicseen.html#msg61738
Long story short: I was extremely sick on Thursday morning, my usual budgeted time for watching the Harry Langdon short. We'll see if I squeeze it into the schedule soon or not.
Long story short: I was extremely sick on Thursday morning, my usual budgeted time for watching the Harry Langdon short. We'll see if I squeeze it into the schedule soon or not.
I hope you're feeling better now.
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE PAWNSHOP now up.
Review for Harold Lloyd’s HIGH AND DIZZY now up.
Let's now take some time to discuss Harry Langdon's FEET OF MUD:
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s BEHIND THE SCREEN now up.
The next Charley Chase short is called April Fool, and since April Fool's Day is next week I thought it was too good of a time not to review it on that day. In the meantime I watched W. C. FIelds' first ever short.,7024.msg61963/topicseen.html#msg61963
Review for Harold Lloyd’s GET OUT AND GET UNDER now up.
Let's really pile it on those who are behind on their reviews and add Harry Langdon's THE SEA SQUAWK to the mix:
I’m going to take the week off reviewing new shorts and albums - even though the album review is already written. Probably is best to give people time to catch up, we really are reviewing a lot. I’m starting to think when I finish Chaplin and Lloyd, which I think there’s about ten or eleven shorts left between the both of them, I’ll just hand over the reigns to the Chase and Langdon discussions and when that’s done, think of something new to review.
I’m going to take the week off reviewing new shorts and albums - even though the album review is already written. Probably is best to give people time to catch up, we really are reviewing a lot. I’m starting to think when I finish Chaplin and Lloyd, which I think there’s about ten or eleven shorts left between the both of them, I’ll just hand over the reigns to the Chase and Langdon discussions and when that’s done, think of something new to review.
I was thinking Paul and I could rotate weeks, one week doing a Langdon review and the next week doing Charley Chase, sort of like you’re doing with the Chaplin and Lloyd stuff.
I was thinking Paul and I could rotate weeks, one week doing a Langdon review and the next week doing Charley Chase, sort of like you’re doing with the Chaplin and Lloyd stuff.
You two can work that out any way you like and I’ll be along for the ride. I’ll be responding to your latest entries tomorrow.
I guess I'm the only one happy with the current state of affairs. ;D
As far as I’m concerned, you all can crank out ten reviews each day and I’d read them.
As far as I’m concerned, you all can crank out ten reviews each day and I’d read them.
Thanks Freddie. I’ll try to get THE RINK in tonight or tomorrow.
Review for THE RINK from Charlie Chaplin now up. Excellent short.
I guess I'm the only one happy with the current state of affairs. ;D
If you guys are cool with the pace then I’ll keep on trucking, probably Abbott and Costello TV episodes, but we’ll see when I’m done with this round of Chaplin and Lloyd.
HIS MARRIAGE WOW is a great short to discuss on a fine spring morning:
Review for Harold Lloyd’s Number, Please? now up.
Harry Langdon, in BOOBS IN THE WOODS, is this week's short:
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s EASY STREET now up.
Latest Charley Chase film.
Review for Harold Lloyd’s NOW OR NEVER now up.
Review for Harry Langdon's PLAIN CLOTHES arrives a week late, but better late than never!
I’ll add the Chase review here.,7043.0.html
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE CURE now up.
Here we are with Harry Langdon's REMEMBER WHEN?:
Review for AMONG THOSE PRESENT from Harold Lloyd now up. Have PTO this week, so expect to see a few bonus reviews, including something Stooge related.
Bonus baseball week, expect a few more entries than normal. Review for THE MOVIES (1925) from Lloyd Hamilton now up. Also this week, expect a Stooge feature, which I have narrowed down to a couple, a Shemp Vitagraph and maybe one or two other things. Taking advantage of good old vacation time. Next week I’ll be back to reviewing one a week.
Been wanting to do this one for a while, MEET THE BARON will be done at some point too. SWING PARADE OF 1946 review now up.
A little late, but here is Harry Langdon's LUCKY STARS:
My review of Charlie Chaplin’s THE IMMIGRANT will be done on Thursday night, so a little later in the week than usual. Looking forward to that one.
So I lied. I was going to delay this until Thursday because I had only a few hours between work and the start of the ball game. I really felt like listening to music for those few hours. However, when the Red Sox give up nine runs in the second inning off five home runs, I decided I have time for my Chaplin review tonight after all. THE IMMIGRANT review is now up.
Review for Harold Lloyd’s I DO now up.,7058.msg62602/topicseen.html#msg62602
Review for Charlie Chaplin’s THE ADVENTURER now up.
Let's talk about SOLDIER MAN too while we're at it!
I'm a little quick with this one because it's an off-topic movie review coming this week with ELLA CINDERS:
Review for Harold Lloyd’s final short, NEVER WEAKEN, now up.
Review for Harold Lloyd’s final short, NEVER WEAKEN, now up.
That is a good short if i do not say so myself lmao
The first review for the first episode of The Abbott and Costello Show is up!
Finally, THE STRONG MAN is here.
Review for Lloyd Hamilton’s TOOT SWEET (1929) now up.
Review for the second Abbott and Costello Show episode now up.
Review for Larry Semon’s THE SAWMILL now up.
We got COV!D in my family (all four of us), hence my recent absence.
We got COV!D in my family (all four of us), hence my recent absence.
Oh no, I hope you all recover.
Bud and Lou review along with catching up on music stuff later this week. Between not having a day to myself in close to a month and being short staffed at work this week, zee brain she is a fried and reviews take too much thought. I’ll catch up soon.
Hope you’re feeling better, Paul.
Episode 3 of The Abbott and Costello Show now up.
We're finally more-or-less past the major part of the crisis now. We're all suffering from lingering effects that otherwise differentiate this from a common cold. I hope to watch the Larry Semon short and get to the next Langdon review this week!
We're finally more-or-less past the major part of the crisis now. We're all suffering from lingering effects that otherwise differentiate this from a common cold. I hope to watch the Larry Semon short and get to the next Langdon review this week!
Hope you all 100% recover, I’m glad things are getting better. Looking forward to THREE’S A CROWD.
Ditto. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better, Paul, and hope you all fully recover. :)
And - LMAO - I just noticed that I moved up to Spongehead recently. [pie]
Review for the comedy team “Ton of Fun” tomorrow night. They’re a trip and a half. Between work, family visiting and trying to make arrangements to rescue a cat or two (!) been busy as Hell. Looking forward to just watching and reviewing something.
Review for HEAVY LOVE from the comedy team A Ton of Fun now up.
Abbott and Costello review will be tomorrow night.
Season 1, ep. 4 of Bud and Lou is now up.
Well, my turn for COVID. Fortunately, my case only turned out to be one day’s worth of a sore throat and cold. I’m feeling fine. More concerned about having to work from home for a week at the same time my air conditioning unit is down. Yeah, literally the air conditioning starts dripping and before I can call maintenance, I get COVID so no one can come over. First world problems at their finest.
Should catch up on music reviews soon and Arbuckle’s LOVE will be later this week. I swear, I didn’t plan for LOVE to come after HEAVY LOVE, just coincidence.
Review for Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle’s LOVE is now up.
Latest Abbott and Costello Show review now up.
I am hoping to get back to reviewing films more regularly soon. Recovery is slow, and life is busy. You guys know how it is, but this week should provide time if I don't make it sooner.
I am hoping to get back to reviewing films more regularly soon. Recovery is slow, and life is busy. You guys know how it is, but this week should provide time if I don't make it sooner.
Take your time Paul and I hope you fully recover soon.
Review for W.C. Fields YOU’RE TELLING ME! now up. If you don’t own a physical copy, watch it quickly, who knows how long it will be on YouTube?
Next Bud and Lou episode review up.,7092.0.html
We're finally reviewing HIS FIRST FLAME! FINALLY! YES!
Ben Turpin’s A CLEVER DUMMY review now up.
Black Sabbath review tomorrow morning. Also taking October off from Abbott and Costello and will be doing horror comedies. Bud and Lou back in November.
The next Bud and Lou episode review is up.
Now for the moment many of us have long awaited... THREE'S A CROWD featuring Harry Langdon!
Review for IT’S A GIFT (1923) from Snub Pollard now up.,7099.msg63133/topicseen.html#msg63133
This week is your chance to watch FIDDLESTICKS, which metaldams already reviewed, if you haven't already done so.
Next Bud and Lou episode review will be tomorrow. I have mostly a free full weekend to myself - much needed.
Next Abbott and Costello review is up.
Keep your thoughts and prayers with our dear friend Big Chief Apumtagribonitz. He, last I knew, lived in the Sarasota area which is about to be rocked by Hurricane Ian.
Keep your thoughts and prayers with our dear friend Big Chief Apumtagribonitz. He, last I knew, lived in the Sarasota area which is about to be rocked by Hurricane Ian.
Absolutely! I hope he and everyone else in the area can stay safe!!
Yes, I hope everyone in Florida is safe. My Aunt, Uncle and cousins live in the area.
I hope he's safe and well.
Oh gosh, I forgot Big Chief was there. I also have family out there. Hoping everyone stays safe.
Let us pan THE CHASER now, shall we?
I’m going to try to get Martin and Lewis in tonight - between that and The Chaser - happy viewing.
Review for Martin and Lewis’s HOLLYWOOD OR BUST now up.
Should have my next review and get caught up on other reviews by Monday. Can’t wait to review the masterpiece, BELA LUGOSI MEETS A BROOKLYN GORILLA. It combines stylistic elements of Fellini, Kurosawa and Welles with a pictorial quality worthy of Michelangelo or Bob Ross.
Review for Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla now up.
Here it is... A SOLDIER'S PLAYTHING starring Ben Lyon and Harry Langdon:
Big Chief here. We're safe, we're fine, we're just far enough inland that it missed us by a whisker. Thanks for your concern, everybody.
Big Chief here. We're safe, we're fine, we're just far enough inland that it missed us by a whisker. Thanks for your concern, everybody.
Glad to hear that! I moved out of Sarasota-Venice just a week before!
Glad to hear that! I moved out of Sarasota-Venice just a week before!
Glad you're both safe!!
Review for The Tin Man from Thelma Todd and Patsy Kelly now up. This one’s not online, that I know of. I have it on DVD but if any of you can see a way to watch it online, list in in the thread.
Next Harry Langdon film is THE BIG FLASH.
Review for The Bowery Boys in MASTER MINDS now up.
Are your feet as sore as Harry's? Then sit back and watch him in TIRED FEET:
The Our Gang review should be tonight or tomorrow the latest.
The Our Gang review should be tonight or tomorrow the latest.
I lied, I was able to get the review in this morning after all! Silent Our Gang in SHIVERING SPOOKS.
A little late, but better than never. Let's discuss THE HITCH HIKER.
I am reviewing this before HALLELUJAH, I'M A BUM because I didn't have time this week.
The new review for the latest Abbott and Costello episode is now up.
City Lights will be reviewed on Thursday or Friday and I gotta say, I don’t think I’ve looked this forward to reviewing a film in a long time.
It was a busy week. I know y'all are quite understanding. I'll get the review for KNIGHT DUTY up in just a little bit! I decided HALLELUJAH, I'M A BUM was just too much of a political musical for my liking.
It was a busy week. I know y'all are quite understanding. I'll get the review for KNIGHT DUTY up in just a little bit! I decided HALLELUJAH, I'M A BUM was just too much of a political musical for my liking.
I’ve never seen HALLELUJAH, I’M A BUM other than clips, but I can tell you it was rhyming musical dialogue that had an influence on Columbia’s Musical Novelties Series and WOMAN HATERS. About the political aspect, based on what I’ve read - don’t blame ya. I had slight reservations doing EASY STREET (though I did it) and there are certain other films I am on the fence about reviewing, if not in my personal beliefs.
KNIGHT DUTY I have on DVD. Looking forward to that one.
A CITY LIGHTS review is now off my bucket list.
KNIGHT DUTY is now up:
I think Harry needs his own section now with how many films we have reviewed for him. ;)
Review for Mabel’s Dramatic Career now up.
Try to keep it all straight in Langdon's TIED FOR LIFE:
My short terms plans are to watch the latest Langdon short tomorrow, review that special early 30’s one reeler next week and sometime after that, the next Bud and Lou episode.
A review for one of my favorite shorts ever is now up.
You can take an extra 30 minutes to also watch and review Harry Langdon's HOOKS AND JABS!
Plan on getting back into the swing of things after the new year with both the Langdon and Elton response as well as new reviews. Next review will be Bud and Lou and after that I’m leaning towards Max Linder.
The next Abbott and Costello episode review is up.
Just wanted to assure everyone I'm still here. Been very busy, but I hopefully will have time tonight to watch the next Harry Langdon.
Cool! Looking forward to it. I’ll be getting to Max Linder either tonight or tomorrow. A real quick short, from 1906, I believe!
Max Linder review now up! My next review I’m thinking will be a Hal Roach short with an actor we all know not usually related to Roach. We shall see.
Finally back, folks, with Harry Langdon in THE STAGE HAND.
Going to both try to get in the Langdon short and get in my next review by the end of this weekend. My next review is WISE GUYS PREFER BRUNETTES. A Stan Laurel directed silent short that has Ted Healy in it!
I finally get my momentum back and... I got C0VID... again. My plan is to review the 1935 talkie comedy movie ATLANTIC ADVENTURE next as it co-stars Harry Langdon.
Hope you feel better soon, Paul.
Review for the Stan Laurel directed WISE GUYS PREFER BRUNETTES is now up. Some guy named Ted Healy appears in it.
Next three reviews will be JOY LAND from Lupino Lane, THE KID BROTHER from Harold Lloyd and the next Bud and Lou episode.
Review for Lupino Lane’s JOY LAND now up. You guys are in for a treat.
Finally at it with ATLANTIC ADVENTURE starring Lloyd Nolan, Helen Murdock, and Harry Langdon.
Break out the Stooge detectors for GOODNESS, A GHOST! starring Harry Langdon:
Just needed a mini break. A combination of being in a horror film mood, a mini cold (nothing major) and plans. Plus the old Stooge threads seem to be gaining traction as of late. I’ll review THE KID BROTHER fairly soon.
After a miserable 5 months, today I finally took the time to watch MISBEHAVING HUSBANDS. Hopefully, soon we can get back to some shorts so that we can get back to more regular discussions. Look for a thread to be posted tonight!
Nice! It’s been awhile, you might inspire me to get off my butt. I’ll check this out this weekend. Whatever it was that ailed you, I hope it’s behind you now and you’re all better.
Nice! It’s been awhile, you might inspire me to get off my butt. I’ll check this out this weekend. Whatever it was that ailed you, I hope it’s behind you now and you’re all better.
I just haven't had the time to sit down and watch a talkie movie start to finish.
Going to get back in the review ring soon, but it won’t be weekly. Frankly, reviewing films for ten years straight without a break left me a little burned out and I have been watching old comedy again after even taking a break from that (Italian giallo films have been an obsession these past six months or so).
I don’t want to do the pace I did before but also don’t want to abandon things permanently. I’ll find the right pace. Want to continue Bud and Lou and do sone Vitaphone Shemp, Essanay Chaplin, Charley Chase and whatever else tickles my fancy at the moment.
I just haven't had the time to sit down and watch a talkie movie start to finish.
I don’t want to do the pace I did before but also don’t want to abandon things permanently. I’ll find the right pace. Want to continue Bud and Lou and do sone Vitaphone Shemp, Essanay Chaplin, Charley Chase and whatever else tickles my fancy at the moment.
Hey, guys - take all the time you want or need. We enjoy reading your reviews when you post them, but I don't think anyone expects you guys to keep to a steady grind of them or anything. Frankly, I'm amazed that you've stuck at it for so long; pleased, but amazed. lol
After a brief delay, we get to DOUBLE TROUBLE with Harry Langdon and Charley Rogers.
Our Harry Langdon journey comes to an end with HOUSE OF ERRORS
Indeed, I am on a roll! We have a thread for Walter Catlett's GET ALONG LITTLE HUBBY:,7193.msg63917
Someone has been uploading a lot of Columbia shorts... so I'm jumping on the train while the getting is good!
Indeed, I am on a roll! We have a thread for Walter Catlett's GET ALONG LITTLE HUBBY:,7193.msg63917
Someone has been uploading a lot of Columbia shorts... so I'm jumping on the train while the getting is good!
A Bert Wheeler short, Mel Blanc’s only appearance in the live action Columbia shorts department, and more rarities? That uploader deserves a medal for their work!
What Columbia short did Mel Blanc appear in? This is news to me.
What Columbia short did Mel Blanc appear in? This is news to me.
GOLD IS WHERE YOU LOSE IT (1944), with Andy Clyde.
What Columbia short did Mel Blanc appear in? This is news to me.
Yes, as GreenCanaries mentioned, Mel is in GOLD IS WHERE YOU LOSE IT. He does his Porky Pig voice on camera, which I had long suspected was the case, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover he even threw a Woody Woodpecker laugh in at the end of his bit!
Yes, as GreenCanaries mentioned, Mel is in GOLD IS WHERE YOU LOSE IT. He does his Porky Pig voice on camera, which I had long suspected was the case, but I was pleasantly surprised to discover he even threw a Woody Woodpecker laugh in at the end of his bit!
All right... Given that it's October, until the end of the month I plan to review all scare comedies. The first will be the infamous SWEET SPIRITS OF NIGHTER, a short that was deemed so scary that the British censors gave it an "H" rated which means horror content that only adults can handle.
When November arrives, we'll do GOLD IS WHERE YOU LOSE IT first since I've never seen Mel Blanc in a regular film.
All right... Given that it's October, until the end of the month I plan to review all scare comedies. The first will be the infamous SWEET SPIRITS OF NIGHTER, a short that was deemed so scary that the British censors gave it an "H" rated which means horror content that only adults can handle.
When November arrives, we'll do GOLD IS WHERE YOU LOSE IT first since I've never seen Mel Blanc in a regular film.
The British have a long history of horror censorship or at least advisory. Their horror film lockdown basically made it so no horror films were made anywhere in 1937 and 1938. Mario Bava’s classic 1960 film BLACK SUNDAY couldn’t be shown in the UK until 1968 and in the 80’s, there was the 72 film “Video Nasties” list.
Should be interesting to see a Columbia short with an H rating.
The British have a long history of horror censorship or at least advisory. Their horror film lockdown basically made it so no horror films were made anywhere in 1937 and 1938. Mario Bava’s classic 1960 film BLACK SUNDAY couldn’t be shown in the UK until 1968 and in the 80’s, there was the 72 film “Video Nasties” list.
Should be interesting to see a Columbia short with an H rating.
It's not very H to say the least.
Here it is, folks, SWEET SPIRTS OF NIGHTER:
I am typing this here so I can make sure I do this. I’m getting off my lazy butt and reviewing a short this coming week. I have a PTO week off work. The short is funny and appropriate for this board.
I have a PTO week off work.
LUCKY! [pie]
Another scare comedy in STAGE FRIGHTS with Monte Collins, Tom Kennedy, and Herman Bing:
I hope to get another scare comedy review before Halloween. :D
Another scare comedy in STAGE FRIGHTS with Monte Collins, Tom Kennedy, and Herman Bing:
I hope to get another scare comedy review before Halloween. :D
Tomorrow morning. [pie]
Tomorrow morning. [pie]
If you really want me to.
Seriously, between Laurel & Hardy and Geno's House of Rare Films, I could do two new reviews each week for a year as long as they stay up.
If you really want me to.
Seriously, between Laurel & Hardy and Geno's House of Rare Films, I could do two new reviews each week for a year as long as they stay up.
I meant from me! Shemp Howard in MY MUMMY’S ARMS.
I meant from me! Shemp Howard in MY MUMMY’S ARMS.
Well, that was my mistake.
On this Halloween Tuesday, let's send off October with MIDNIGHT BLUNDERS:
It appears to be the last scare comedy of the lot available on the Laurel & Hardy Youtube page anyway.
Let's talk about Bugs, Daffy, and Elmer this week! No, it's not Looney Tunes; it's GOLD IS WHERE YOU LOSE IT starring Andy Clyde and Emmett Lynn and guest starring Mel Blanc!
After a brief layoff, let's talk about Joe Smith and Charlie Dale:
Wheeler and Woolsey's first "true film" Half Shot at Sunrise's review is out!
Wheeler and Woolsey in Hook, Line and Sinker.
I have been absent too long without giving y'all a fair explanation. I'm taking my Ph.D. exams this week, and they have had all of my attention for several weeks now. Hopefully I shall return soon with good news :)
Good luck with your exams! Sounds like you’ve been doing some intense school work.
I overheard three of my coworkers having a talk about Ted Healy yesterday, and the history of The Three Stooges. I was quite shocked that I had three coworkers that knew who Ted Healy was.
I freak my co-workers out because I can name supporting actors.
Good luck Paul!
Keep reviewing away, guys and thanks for them. I just need a break. I haven’t been watching that much comedy as of late, just a little. I’ll pitch in when I’m ready.
Robert Woolsey’s solo film, Everything’s Rosie, gets covered!,7264.0.html
I freak my co-workers out because I can name supporting actors.
I mentioned L&H and Harold Lloyd to someone recently in their late 30s and he had never heard of them!
Bert Wheeler’s solo film, Too Many Cooks.,7268.msg64836/topicseen.html#msg64836
Finally, I get back to a Wheeler and Woolsey film proper, with Cracked Nuts!,7272.0.html
Incoming review! I finally have some consistent availability to watch and review shorts :D
This week it is ONE TOO MANY with, again, Leon Errol:
Wheeler and Wolsey’s Caught Plastered,7277.0.html
Things got busy again because I am scheduled to defend my dissertation in 18 days! I should have time though to watch a short or two tonight, so be on the lookout for a review or two because I want to chill out and enjoy some classic comedy.
I come to follow this up by sharing that I am now Doctor Paul Pain, the heart throb of millions!
I come to follow this up by sharing that I am now Doctor Paul Pain, the heart throb of millions!
Congrats Doc!
I come to follow this up by sharing that I am now Doctor Paul Pain, the heart throb of millions!
You need to change your name to Dr. Painless, though. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!
[pie] [3stooges]
I come to follow this up by sharing that I am now Doctor Paul Pain, the heart throb of millions!
For duty and humanity!
Congratulations, Dr. PP!
Doc, you gotta help me...every time I squeeze my Adam's apple, I can taste cider.
I know Paul worked hard for this, so all the better he succeeded.
Hopefully Paul will be able to bypass the pharmaceutical graft and trust the honest man in the street selling wholesome yet cheap products like Brighto.
Congratulations, Paul!!!! :)
CHEERS! [3stooges]
And I'm also troubled with TS.....
I come to follow this up by sharing that I am now Doctor Paul Pain, the heart throb of millions!
Welcome to the club, Doctor! Nice woik, kid.....
Patient: Doc, it hurts when I go like that!
Doc: Don't go like that!
Patient: Doc, my legs hurts when I walk. What should I do?
Doc: Limp.
I knew a guy, his dr. gave him 6 months to live. He couldn't pay is bill -- he gave him another 6 months.
Doc: You'll live 'til your 80.
Patient: But I am 80.
Doc: What did I tell you!
Doc: U need surgery.
Patient: Can I get a 2nd opinion?
Doc: OK, ur ugly, too.
Sorry to disappoint the well wishers, but I am a doctor of "marine science" and specialize in "physical oceanography." I'll try squeezing my Adam's apple and see what happens though...
Suddenly, the Phil Van Zandt evil scientist strikes a nerve...
Sorry to disappoint the well wishers, but I am a doctor of "marine science" and specialize in "physical oceanography." I'll try squeezing my Adam's apple and see what happens though...
Suddenly, the Phil Van Zandt evil scientist strikes a nerve...
Seals and otters can also benefit from Brighto.
Congrats Paul, sounds like a wonderful profession.
Sorry to disappoint the well wishers, but I am a doctor of "marine science" and specialize in "physical oceanography." I'll try squeezing my Adam's apple and see what happens though...
Suddenly, the Phil Van Zandt evil scientist strikes a nerve...
Is that similar to a marine biologist?
I need help everyone!
Actor Tom Herbert
He was actually born in Binghamton, New York, and I need help to update his place of birth. I don't know how else to do it and I need someone to help me help out his page. Someone please help do this.
I need help everyone!
Actor Tom Herbert
He was actually born in Binghamton, New York, and I need help to update his place of birth. I don't know how else to do it and I need someone to help me help out his page. Someone please help do this.
I would send a personal message to Dunrobin. He’s the site’s owner and more importantly, tech savvy guy.
I need help everyone!
Actor Tom Herbert
He was actually born in Binghamton, New York, and I need help to update his place of birth. I don't know how else to do it and I need someone to help me help out his page. Someone please help do this.
Do you have anything that will verify his birthplace? I see it is listed as such on, but they are notoriously inaccurate. Wikipedia (which is likewise questionable at times) shows his birth place as New York City. If you have some source that can verify his birthplace as Binghamton, I will pass it on.
We don't let just anyone update the data on The database is maintained by our Master Stooges, who are long-term scholars of Stooges lore, who have been pouring over the collections at the Stoogeum and other resources.
Tom Herbert, like his brother Hugh, is one of my ancestors. I have records of the family and according to both his genealogy in the family Bible, as well as his baptismal and birth certificate, he actually was born in Binghamton, New York and not New York City as commonly misbelieved. With that said, as a surviving relation of the Herbert's per request of the family and myself, please update his place of birth to Binghamton, NY as soon as you could do so please.
Here is a screencap from the Social Security Death Index regarding Tom's place of birth as Binghamton, NY