
General Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Giff me dat fill-em! on August 05, 2011, 02:51:06 PM

Title: New Apes Early Trivia
Post by: Giff me dat fill-em! on August 05, 2011, 02:51:06 PM
Just watched this flick - not bad for an ape film

The lead ape has several lines in this movie, but only speaks four words.
Name them please.
Title: Re: New Apes Early Trivia
Post by: Giff me dat fill-em! on August 06, 2011, 11:07:04 AM
This flick is definitely rife for more issues ...

The "cure for Alzheimer's" has far reaching side effects that become sequel apparent at the end ...

The bumbling lab assistant is exposed to the "smarts giving" gas for the apes but is also the "epidemic giving" gas for humans. He comes to the Alzheimer Cure head scientists home for help and accidentally sneezes on the neighbor, who is an airline pilot. This is supposed to be the impetus for assuming how the apes zoom to the top of the evolutionary ladder while humans crumble in tatters.

Title: Re: New Apes Early Trivia SPOILERS
Post by: shemps#1 on August 07, 2011, 06:58:17 PM
C'mon Fred, some people might not have seen the film yet.

The answer to your question is  no, Caesar, is, and home. I could have sworn he also said "wait" during the big fight scene on a certain landmark.

I thought they did a great job with the reboot, and this is coming from someone who owns a box set of the original films and a box set of the TV series. I also liked the whole pseudo-scientific angle they took, while it was a little wacky it's nothing like the original, where Caesar is the son of Cornelius and is sent on a space ship which travels back in time to when humans were in control and actually started the whole thing in some weird time vortex thingy.