
General Boards => News and Announcements => Topic started by: BenStooge9 on May 05, 2010, 01:05:18 AM

Title: New Facebook Page
Post by: BenStooge9 on May 05, 2010, 01:05:18 AM
Hey Guys,

Check out the new facebook page, i still need to make a whole bunch of adjustments, but this way we'll be able to see what we all look like.
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: Dunrobin on May 05, 2010, 10:23:46 AM
Thanks for setting up the group, Ben.  Mar-Jean told me that I should when I joined Facebook a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not on FB that often and have my hands pretty full right now, so I'm glad to see that someone took the initiative.   ;D
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: metaldams on May 05, 2010, 01:52:17 PM
I never did get into the whole facebook thing, though I do like the recent South Park episode that talks about it.  The last thing I need is old high school "friends" and exes trying to contact me, but I guess they have ignore buttons for that stuff.

I dunno, maybe someday.
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: Dunrobin on May 05, 2010, 03:51:36 PM
LOL!  That's pretty much how I look at it, Doug.  That South Park episode really cracked me up, because I had been saying for some time that I didn't want to get sucked into Facebook.  My co-worker is hooked on that stupid "Farmville" game on FB, and she is playing it all day long at work.  (How she gets anything done at all is beyond me.) 

The only reason I finally broke down and joined is because I found out that several relatives, whom I haven't seen in years, are members, and it's pretty cool to be able to catch up and to see pictures of their families, etc.   ;)
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: Dunrobin on May 05, 2010, 03:56:17 PM
Now how is this for timing?  I just saw this in my ZDNET newsletter:  Facebook site flaw exposes live chat sessions, user data (
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: Stooges#1 on May 05, 2010, 07:33:55 PM
I never did get into the whole facebook thing, though I do like the recent South Park episode that talks about it.  The last thing I need is old high school "friends" and exes trying to contact me, but I guess they have ignore buttons for that stuff.

I dunno, maybe someday.

Easy to get around that, the best thing you can do is create a new email account and abbreviate your surname when you sign up on facebook. Noone will ever know you're on facebook. I've done the same thing because of that very reason and even decline "Page suggestions" in case people I know personally are members of that same page. I'm only signed on facebook to get in contact with people from a forum I post on, the forum has a lot of downtime every now and then.

So if I do sign on the Stooges Facebook page i'll just create another facebook account for it.  ;D
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: Sadistic Stooge on May 05, 2010, 09:09:24 PM
Woooooooooooo  Hooooooooooooooo !!!!! Ill be posting a lot of photos there :)
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: BenStooge9 on May 06, 2010, 01:30:52 AM
Doug, were you at the meeting this year?
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: shemps#1 on May 06, 2010, 06:51:41 AM
The GF got me hooked on fuckin' Petville, for crying out loud. Anyway, if you were ever curious as to what I look like my pic is on my Facebook profile.
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: metaldams on May 06, 2010, 10:37:58 AM
Doug, were you at the meeting this year?

Unfortunately, no.  I plan to go someday, but I've been saying that for years now.  This past weekend wasn't good for me because I had tickets for the Sox/Orioles game on May 2nd (I went and should've stayed home) months in advance and spent the rest of the weekend hanging with my friend who moved to Hawaii on Monday.  Between the game and my saying goodbye to my friend, what a depressing weekend!

Anyway, I'm really hoping next year.
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: xraffle on September 11, 2010, 12:51:57 PM
I finally joined the group. I'm a little late, but better late than never. I had a little trouble getting my account to reactivate after I deactivated it 5 years ago. Anyway, it finally reactivated successfully last week and now I'm able to join this group.

I don't know, Facebook isn't really my cup of tea, which is why I deactivated it in the first place. I mean, you do find a lot of old timers there, but people are more into posting stupid pictures of themselves or posting stupid stuff on their wall rather than networking. It's weird. But I'll leave my page activated in case it becomes useful one day. If I find some people on this site on Facebook, I'll friend you. ;D
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: JazzBill on September 11, 2010, 09:46:31 PM

The only reason I finally broke down and joined is because I found out that several relatives, whom I haven't seen in years, are members,

My wife got me to join a few months ago and sure enough, people and relatives that I hadn't heard from in years found me. And after a while I realized why I hadn't been in contact with these people. So I quit Facebook.
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: Dunrobin on September 12, 2010, 12:45:07 AM
My wife got me to join a few months and sure enough, people and relatives that I hadn't heard from in years found me. And after a while I realized why I hadn't been in contact with these people. So I quit Facebook.

I've had a similar reaction to Facebook.  I am hardly ever on it, and when I do look at my page is full of dreck.  I'm probably going to delete my account as well.

I do like Twitter and use that fairly regularly (at least my personal account (  I do have a ThreeStoogesnet  ( account created on Twitter as well, and I just added a mod to the forum that will post a tweet when a new topic gets started.  I'll also post news about the site there occasionally, especially if there is a problem on the site.
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: xraffle on September 12, 2010, 09:22:07 PM
I've had a similar reaction to Facebook.  I am hardly ever on it, and when I do look at my page is full of dreck.  I'm probably going to delete my account as well.

I bet a lot of people are the same way. And that explains why over 10 friend requests I sent are still pending for 1 week already.
Title: Re: New Facebook Page
Post by: Liz on September 17, 2010, 01:19:55 AM
I found out that several relatives, whom I haven't seen in years, are members, and it's pretty cool to be able to catch up and to see pictures of their families, etc.   ;)
Same here, only I found all my old friends from New Hampshire, who surprisingly remembered me after not seeing me since the 2nd grade, and my friends from Ramona (California.  Where I went to school before going to high school in Poway).

Hey, re-connecting with your best friend with whom you literally spent every day with before moving to one giant dump of a state and having your social life 2/3's ruined is always nice. ;)