
General Boards => Stooges DVD/VHS/Home Video => Topic started by: luke795 on March 24, 2010, 07:09:49 PM

Title: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: luke795 on March 24, 2010, 07:09:49 PM
What DVDs are they on?
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: 7stooges on March 24, 2010, 07:22:34 PM
As far as I know, these are all of the colorized DVDs.
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: Curly4444 on March 24, 2010, 10:26:36 PM
A good question is which are the good ones? I rented The Three stooges meet Hercules, and saw a trailer for colorized stooges shorts. It looked pretty dam good, I was surprised. It looked really realistic.  The trailer also said it had the B&W version also, leaving it up to you what version to watch. Hmm, maybe sony could have these in a set after they get done with vol.8 and a possible movie derita set?
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: falsealarms on March 24, 2010, 10:44:22 PM
No such thing as a good colorized Stooge short.
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: Curly4444 on March 24, 2010, 10:49:20 PM
No such thing as a good colorized Stooge short.

A purist huh? I also prefer the original, but it still look pretty darn good. Ive seen so many colorized movies that look like crap, but it seems they put a good effort into it. Just kinda nice to see what the stooges might have looked like in color.
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: Shemp_Diesel on March 24, 2010, 11:10:21 PM
Just kinda nice to see what the stooges might have looked like in color.

"In color they're twice as ugly than in black & white."

I believe those were Moe's own words.

Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: falsealarms on March 24, 2010, 11:20:24 PM
A purist huh? I also prefer the original, but it still look pretty darn good. Ive seen so many colorized movies that look like crap, but it seems they put a good effort into it. Just kinda nice to see what the stooges might have looked like in color.

They do look better than some other colorized efforts, but they were not meant to be seen in color. The "twice as funny in color" ad line was horrendously dumb.
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: xraffle on March 25, 2010, 11:24:21 AM
A purist huh? I also prefer the original, but it still look pretty darn good. Ive seen so many colorized movies that look like crap, but it seems they put a good effort into it. Just kinda nice to see what the stooges might have looked like in color.

But that’s the problem, though. The color is not real, it’s fake. Kind of like what people do with Photoshop. It’s all fake!

And by the way, your icon and banner looks awesome! [cool]
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: Curly4444 on March 25, 2010, 11:45:51 AM
Well yeah i know its fake cause the original was filmed in B&W, but it still looks kinda close to what it might have looked like if it was filmed in color.

Thanks, I surprised more people don't have banners here. I'm like the only one.  ???
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: metaldams on March 25, 2010, 03:08:22 PM
This is funny because a few weeks back we had a colorized shorts thread where everybody liked the colored shorts.  Now we have mostly negative opinions.

I made my opinion known in more detail a few weeks back, but to sum it up, I don't like the process of colorizing films.
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: FineBari3 on March 26, 2010, 08:23:02 AM
This is funny because a few weeks back we had a colorized shorts thread where everybody liked the colored shorts.  Now we have mostly negative opinions.

I made my opinion known in more detail a few weeks back, but to sum it up, I don't like the process of colorizing films.

I think this topic comes up about once a year. I always say that I enjoyed the recently colored Stooge shorts from a few years ago.

That technology has really come a long way since I remember reading an article in some magazine at my dentist's office in 1982. It specifically mentioned a Laurel & Hardy film being used, and I was ecstatic, because I had just discovered L&H. (The film was probably "Way Out West").

Would I enjoy seeing a colorized Casablanca or Citizen Kane? Absolutely not!
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: Dunrobin on March 26, 2010, 09:26:32 AM
I tend to agree with you, MJ.  I generally don't mind seeing colorized shorts and films, but it depends on which ones we're talking about and how well they do the colorization.  Some movies, like the ones you mentioned, just belong in black-and-white.  Another example I thought of right away is 1963's The Haunting (, starring Julie Harris and Claire Bloom.  Colorizing that movie would totally destroy the atmosphere of the film.

I have a copy of the Marx Brothers' Room Service that was colorized.  The colorization isn't annoying, really, but I thought it was a bit too obvious; the colors were kind of pastel, almost like a watercolor rather than real life.  Still, I think a lot of comedies, like the Marx Brothers and the Stooges, would look fine with decent colorization, although I personally prefer them in their original black-and-white, since that is what I grew up with. 

Now that I'm going to have the complete Canon of the core 190 shorts restored to their original appearance, I guess I'm feeling more lenient towards the idea of colorizing the Stooges.  If it should happen to bring more young people to the Stooges and we can still have our glorious black-and-white, why not?
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: xraffle on March 26, 2010, 01:15:16 PM
This is funny because a few weeks back we had a colorized shorts thread where everybody liked the colored shorts.  Now we have mostly negative opinions.

I made my opinion known in more detail a few weeks back, but to sum it up, I don't like the process of colorizing films.

I have to confess, when the colorized shorts first came out, I was excited and couldn’t wait to watch them. Now I hate them. Yeah, they did a nice job, but after watching them, you kind of see the fakeness in it. Like, since when do houses have orange, pink or blue walls? I’m not sure if these colors used are as “historically accurate” as they claim it to be, but I found them to be quite distracting. So, yes, I prefer the stooges in B&W and wouldn’t watch it any other way.

And FYI, the last time I watched my colorized DVDs was when I first bought them, which was over 5 years ago. They haven’t been watched since. But my chronological sets, on the other hand, have been watched repeatedly since I’ve been buying them. I actually could be watching them even more often, but I sometimes can’t decide what short I want to watch since they’re so many of them. So, the new chronological sets win! Pies for everyone. [pie]
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: metaldams on March 26, 2010, 02:37:33 PM
I tend to agree with you, MJ.  I generally don't mind seeing colorized shorts and films, but it depends on which ones we're talking about and how well they do the colorization.  Some movies, like the ones you mentioned, just belong in black-and-white.  Another example I thought of right away is 1963's The Haunting (, starring Julie Harris and Claire Bloom.  Colorizing that movie would totally destroy the atmosphere of the film.

I have a copy of the Marx Brothers' Room Service that was colorized.  The colorization isn't annoying, really, but I thought it was a bit too obvious; the colors were kind of pastel, almost like a watercolor rather than real life.  Still, I think a lot of comedies, like the Marx Brothers and the Stooges, would look fine with decent colorization, although I personally prefer them in their original black-and-white, since that is what I grew up with. 

Now that I'm going to have the complete Canon of the core 190 shorts restored to their original appearance, I guess I'm feeling more lenient towards the idea of colorizing the Stooges.  If it should happen to bring more young people to the Stooges and we can still have our glorious black-and-white, why not?

The thing I agree with is being a bit more lenient towards colorization only because the B&W versions have finally been released properly.  Just slightly more lenient, though.

I never bought the whole "the kids will like 'em more in color" theory.  Ted Turner tried that in the 80's with black and white films.  It didn't work then, and I don't think it will work today.  Today, kids have even more modern toys to distract them than they did 25 or 30 years ago and I believe they are less receptive to older culture in general.  Even if you do colorize the shorts and even if the color is better today than it was in the 80's, we're still talking old films here. 

Besides, being born in '78 myself, I wasn't exactly of a child of the black and white generation.  I learned to appreciate The Three Stooges on their own terms, and I believe they deserve that respect from future generations.
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: archiezappa on March 26, 2010, 04:55:54 PM
The Three Stooges belong in black and white!  Sure, the colorized ones are interesting to watch.  Yes, I do watch one from time to time.  I have a DVD that has "Heavenly Daze" colorized and it's not that bad.  But it's not something I would watch every day.

I believe that the films lose something when you start messing with them.  Colorization is on par with editing.  I just can't stand it when they think it will be superior to the original.  When you start tampering with movies, you lose the original intentions.  Just like when George Lucas re-edited the Star Wars movies.  Sure, they're interesting, but the originals are so much better and more satisfying.

Anyway, I'm glad that we're gonna have all the Stooges shorts and they're in their original black and white glory!
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: mankey8284 on May 01, 2010, 10:52:30 PM
I enjoyed the colorized ones, only problem I had was why did they keep Moe's eyes blue, but changed Curly, Larry and Shemp's? Seems kinda weird that they would do that. Other then that I thought the color ones where alright.
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: Stooge-Adam on June 01, 2010, 03:30:42 PM
Why stop with colorizing the shorts? Let's digitally put more modern clothes on the boys as well. With computer graphics, let's replace all the 1930s/40s cars with ones from this decade.

I was being funny, by the way. I don't want that to happen, lol.

As for coloring the sets, I would have been okay if the Collection volumes had included both B&W and color versions of each short. I would have watched the B&W one, but occassionally check out a color one. But to re-release the shorts all over again - this time in color, seems like a waste for Sony.

When I bought "Bewitched" and "I Dream of Jeannie" from Sony, I bought the B&W ones over the color ones, because I want the shows as they originally were, not doctored copies with color. For those who didn't know, the first two seasons of Bewitched were B&W, but Sony released them in both B&W and color. All the stores kept pushing the color sets, but I waited until I found my B&W sets!
Title: Re: What Three Stooges Shorts have been colorized?
Post by: Blystone on June 02, 2010, 12:42:44 AM
Hoo boy, not this again... as I've said before, some of us who were early members of fought long and hard to have all the shorts released on DVD in chronological order, and uncut (some copies of "They Stooge To Conga" have the climbing spike scene cut out, for example), and in the original black and white.

We bombarded Sony with endless letters and e-mails, and they finally caved in and did the Boys justice. Now their whole film legacy is available to posterity in just the way it should be.


I'm old enough to remember the 1970's, when classic jazz and blues recordings from the 1920's and 30's were reissued on LP's in fake stereo, which sounded absolutely terrible. It was a disgrace to history and to the original artists and even the recording engineers, and so is colorization!


I can't make this point strongly enough. How about "Citizen Kane" or "Sunset Boulevard" or "Psycho," colorized? Excuse me before I throw up!