General Boards => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Dunrobin on July 19, 2008, 08:00:41 PM
I am extremely pleased to announce an addition to the Master Stooge group. Rich Finegan is a brand new member of, but he is a long time scholar of the Stooges. He currently has some 77 articles published in the Three Stooges Journal ( on a wide range of subjects, including the identification of a lot of the music used in the various films. It is truly an honor to have him as a member.
I don't know Rich personally, so I'll leave it to his fellow Master Stooges to say a word or two about him. And Rich - feel free to post something in your own defense! ;D
Welcome aboard, Master Stooge! [pie]
Welcome, my buddy and pal! [wave]
...not to mention Stooge wizard extraordinaire!
I am quite sure that Rich's contributions to this site will be extremely appreciated!
Rich is a kind and gentle man, and not too trustworthy of computers! After much pleading, a few of us got him registered on this site last night, as we were all together at Slapsticon in Arlington, VA the past few days.
Welcome Rich! [dance]
Welcome Rich!
Any friend of Mar-Jean and Rob is a friend of mine.
I was just looking at the staff list and I saw that Rich was last active on December 31, 1969. :D
Anyways, welcome Rich! [salute]
Welcome aboard Rich, were glad to have you [pie]
Welcome Rich!
Any friend of Mar-Jean and Rob is a friend of mine.
I just hope Rich figures out how to reply to this thread (and gets on here soon)!
Rich, whenever you decide to show up, welcome!
I just hope Rich figures out how to reply to this thread (and gets on here soon)!
I just got off the phone with Rich. He is coming home from Slapsticon and the Library of Congresss. He was having problems with his internet provider before he left last week, and hopefully he will stop in and say hello to everybody.
I am greatly looking forward to Richard's contributions to this site. I have been subscribing to The Three Stooges Journal since the mid-1980s, just before Moe Fienberg's passing. I even contributed an article several years ago, which traced the connections between the Stooges and Hanna-Barbera. I have enjoyed Richard's numorous articles and insight through this beloved publication. Welcome aboard, fellow knucklehead.;D
Does this mean even I got here before Rich?? Hilarious!
Does this mean even I got here before Rich?? Hilarious!
It do, it do!
I know who THIS is!!!!! Way to sneak on the board!
You know, I actually saw on TV the other day a guy named Al Brandal....and I thought of you! [suspect]
I am just trying to figure out how to start threads here.
New here to the Forum. Just wanted to applaud Rich Finegan for all he does. A selfless contributor over the years for many organizations.