General Boards => Quiz Corner => Topic started by: moe-jo on February 25, 2008, 02:25:25 PM
Once again, I have prepared a Stooge video game classification chart.
Moe - Moe would probably enjoy violent shooting games and maybe some anime. Favorite Games: Red Steel, James Bond, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team.
Larry - Tough to say. I would think that Larry would like fighting games and anime. Favorite Games: Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Snap.
Curly - It's anime all the way for Curly. Favorite Games: Pokemon (all Pokemon games), Nights: Journey into Dreams, Kirby.
Ted - Sports games. Favorite Games: Wii Sports, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08, NBA Live 08.
they probably would have hated their old Nintendo "Three Stooges Game". coming up with enough dough to save that lady's orphanage was tough.
Although I liked the "pie fight" sequence, the Larry "punch drunks" Radio sequence always screwed me. (damn lamposts)
there's a three stooges game for game boy advance. I WANT IT!
ps. Curly would love Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue/Red Rescue Team. I don't know why but I've always pictured Curly as someone who loves anime and manga. Anyone else think so?