
General Boards => Quiz Corner => Topic started by: moe-jo on February 25, 2008, 02:25:25 PM

Title: Video Games the Stooges Might Appreciate
Post by: moe-jo on February 25, 2008, 02:25:25 PM
Once again, I have prepared a Stooge video game classification chart.

Moe - Moe would probably enjoy violent shooting games and maybe some anime.  Favorite Games:  Red Steel, James Bond, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:  Blue/Red Rescue Team.

Larry - Tough to say.  I would think that Larry would like fighting games and anime.  Favorite Games:  Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Snap.

Curly - It's anime all the way for Curly.  Favorite Games:  Pokemon (all Pokemon games), Nights:  Journey into Dreams, Kirby.

Ted - Sports games.  Favorite Games:  Wii Sports, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08, NBA Live 08.     
Title: Re: Video Games the Stooges Might Appreciate
Post by: IFleecem on February 26, 2008, 09:37:50 PM
they probably would have hated their old Nintendo "Three Stooges Game". coming up with enough dough to save that lady's orphanage was tough.

Although I liked the "pie fight" sequence, the Larry "punch drunks" Radio sequence always screwed me. (damn lamposts)

Title: Re: Video Games the Stooges Might Appreciate
Post by: moe-jo on February 27, 2008, 09:19:51 AM
there's a three stooges game for game boy advance.  I WANT IT! 

ps.  Curly would love Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:  Blue/Red Rescue Team.  I don't know why but I've always pictured Curly as someone who loves anime and manga.  Anyone else think so?