
General Boards => Quiz Corner => Topic started by: Dunrobin on January 24, 2008, 06:12:14 PM

Title: Trivia Question
Post by: Dunrobin on January 24, 2008, 06:12:14 PM
Here's a trivia question from Violent is the Word for Curly:

In what year was Mildew College established?

(See if you can answer that from memory.  No fair watching the episode to get the answer -- although it is a good excuse to watch it again!)   ;D
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: Dunrobin on January 24, 2008, 06:22:59 PM
I'm watching Violent right now (hence the trivia question), and I just realized that I always got a line of Moe's wrong.  When Moe and Larry are thawing out Curly over the open fire, Moe pokes Curly with a stick and says,

"Twenty minutes to a pound -- he he -- we'll be here for a month."

For some reason I always thought he said "for a fortnight" (meaning two weeks.)  I have no idea where I got fortnight.

I did a quick calculation: assuming a 30 day month, Moe was saying Curly weighed 2160 lbs!  ((30 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes) / 20 minutes = 2160)
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: jrvass on January 24, 2008, 06:29:39 PM
1927(?) What do I win?

(Now I have to watch the episode! Oh woe is Moe!)

Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: Dunrobin on January 24, 2008, 06:45:58 PM
Sorry, James, but you're not even close.   ;D
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: locoboymakesgood on January 24, 2008, 07:21:19 PM
I remember it since it's the same year Back to the Future Part III took place: 1885.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: jrvass on January 24, 2008, 07:57:53 PM
1885? No wonder it is "Mildew-ed"!  :o

Reminds me of the time I was asked by a monument maker why there was moss on the side of a mausoleum across the "street" from our family's.

I guessed that it was the north side.

He said no. Moss doesn't grow on granite. It was due to coffin gasses seeping through cracks because of improper ventilation!  :P

More than I wanted to know!

Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: Dunrobin on January 24, 2008, 08:14:56 PM
Close, but no cigar.   ;)

Added:  I'll give you a hint.  The college would have been nearly three-quarters of a century old when the short came out.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: locoboymakesgood on January 24, 2008, 08:47:52 PM
Close, but no cigar.   ;)

Added:  I'll give you a hint.  The college would have been nearly three-quarters of a century old when the short came out.
Then it's 1865. It looks an awful like 1885. That six sucks.  ;D
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: Dunrobin on January 24, 2008, 09:09:08 PM
Then it's 1865. It looks an awful like 1885. That six sucks.  ;D

Bingo!  That's it.  You get the pie!   [pie]

(When I saw your answer, I suddenly had doubts and re-watched the opening to make sure is really was 1865, as I thought.  I had my brother check it as well, just be make sure I hadn't misread it.)
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: IFleecem on January 27, 2008, 05:30:44 PM
Should have had Miss Bopper from Spooks, look at it with you, She has a beautiful pair of eyes!

Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: s/hemphead on February 29, 2008, 01:21:00 PM
three stooges quiz [3stooges] the 2 times shemp and curly were in a short together?.
2.larry fine was never in a movie with out moe after the stooges started,which 2 stooges where in a movie together without the other 4 stooges[larry moe joe rita joe besser,shemp and curly?.
name the type of harley davison made /named after our boys?
3.besides joe besser name the other 2 who almost [WITH MOES BLESSING]
became the stooges mark 5 the first 4 being heley,shemp,curly,besser,
there are photos on the web of this group?
4,name of the dog in kooks tour?.
5,explain why their are only 3 types of people [moes,larrys, and curlys?,
6,which song put in young frankinstein by gene wilder you met larry as a young man was also used in brideless groom?.
7.why was sam howard called shemp?.
8.why did larry start to play the violin?.
9,name the [person offten caleed the 5th stooge?

good luck and remember spike tv on sundays from 8-9 is the stooges slap happy hour [pie].
your freind the clean siober and stoogafric s/hemphead 8)
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: metaldams on February 29, 2008, 03:33:59 PM
three stooges quiz [3stooges] the 2 times shemp and curly were in a short together?.
2.larry fine was never in a movie with out moe after the stooges started,which 2 stooges where in a movie together without the other 4 stooges[larry moe joe rita joe besser,shemp and curly?.
name the type of harley davison made /named after our boys?
3.besides joe besser name the other 2 who almost [WITH MOES BLESSING]
became the stooges mark 5 the first 4 being heley,shemp,curly,besser,
there are photos on the web of this group?
4,name of the dog in kooks tour?.
5,explain why their are only 3 types of people [moes,larrys, and curlys?,
6,which song put in young frankinstein by gene wilder you met larry as a young man was also used in brideless groom?.
7.why was sam howard called shemp?.
8.why did larry start to play the violin?.
9,name the [person offten caleed the 5th stooge?

good luck and remember spike tv on sundays from 8-9 is the stooges slap happy hour [pie].
your freind the clean siober and stoogafric s/hemphead 8)

1. Hold That Lion and Booty and The Beast. (Malice in the Palace doesn't count)
2. Shemp and Joe B. (Africa Screams)
3. Emil Sitka, Mantan Moreland (? for the latter)
4. Saw that film once and swore I'd never see it again.
5. ?
6. ?
7. Because Mrs. Horowitz pronounced "Sam" as "Shemp"
8. Rehab for an arm injury
9. George Martin
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: xraffle on February 29, 2008, 04:30:26 PM
#5-6, I have no clue. But #4, the answer is "Moose."

Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: moe-jo on February 29, 2008, 04:46:21 PM
5.  Because Moe, Larry, and Curly were the first and best known Stooges.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: BeAStooge on February 29, 2008, 05:32:31 PM
2. Shemp and Joe B. (Africa Screams)

That's one of 4 possible answers. The other three are...
 - BROADWAY TO HOLLYWOOD (1933), Moe and Curly
 - JAILBIRDS OF PARADISE (1934), Moe and Curly
 - SCREEN SNAPSHOTS Series 19 # 6 (1940). Larry and Curly

If Ted is considered, another correct answer is STAGE MOTHER (1933), with Ted and Larry.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: xraffle on February 29, 2008, 09:26:34 PM
s/hemphead: I seriously hate to be an annoying idiot here, but I found your post rather difficult to read as the grammar and punctuations are all over the place. Also, there are a lot of typos as well. I'm not a moderator or anything. I'm just some guy that struggles with reading posts like that. So, I hope you can do me a favor and try to type a little better next time. I hope I don't sound too harsh. You seem like a cool person so I don't want to provoke you. Thanks for your understanding.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: s/hemphead on March 03, 2008, 01:36:29 PM
moose ,
knuckelhead mortorcycles, :police:
 [3stooges]moes run the world ,larrys know the moes run the world but dont care, becuse they are higher than curlys in the pecking order and curlys are aware that moes and larrys are above them ,but
dont care becuse they are having too much fun being curly.
thanks what a great site.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: s/hemphead on March 03, 2008, 01:41:25 PM
moose ,
knuckelhead mortorcycles, :police:
 [3stooges]moes run the world ,larrys know the moes run the world but dont care, becuse they are higher than curlys in the pecking order and curlys are aware that moes and larrys are above them ,but
dont care becuse they are having too much fun being curly.
thanks what a great site.
sweet mystery of life was sung at the end of the movie and by shemps bride to be in brideless groom. [pie] [pie] [3stooges]
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: ThumpTheShoes on March 03, 2008, 04:32:31 PM
sweet mystery of life was sung at the end of the movie and by shemps bride to be in brideless groom. [pie] [pie] [3stooges]

Reading this, I feel a little like James T. Kirk in Star Trek V, ever so slightly drunk, dozing by the campfire with Spock saying goodnight over and over again like a child.

Kirk's only comment? "I don't know. I just don't know."
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: BeAStooge on March 03, 2008, 06:19:17 PM
sweet mystery of life was sung at the end of the movie and by shemps bride to be in brideless groom.

That is not correct... in BRIDELESS GROOM, Dee Green sings Voices of Spring, by Johann Strauss.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: moe-jo on March 03, 2008, 07:15:18 PM
in BRIDELESS GROOM, Dee Green sings Voices of Spring, by Johann Strauss.
very badly, I might add.

"You're supposed to be singing about the voices of spring, not about the eruption of a volcano!"  LOL

Shemp's and my advice to Dee Green:  "Gargle with old razor blades."
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: xraffle on March 03, 2008, 07:43:56 PM
It would be great if I can even understand what s/hemphead typed. So much for asking nicely. *sigh*

Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: BeAStooge on March 03, 2008, 10:12:50 PM
name the type of harley davison made /named after our boys?

knuckelhead mortorcycles

Knucklehead motorcycles were not named after the Stooges. "Knucklehead" refers to the shape of the engine heads.
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: Fake Shemp on March 03, 2008, 10:54:14 PM
Shemp's and my advice to Dee Green:  "Gargle with old razor blades."

I suppose gargling with old razor blades may make her singing worse.  :P
Title: Re: Trivia Question
Post by: moe-jo on March 04, 2008, 09:15:36 AM
that's the joke.  :P