General Boards => Quiz Corner => Topic started by: busybuddy on November 19, 2007, 04:41:14 PM
Since the underrated/overrated topic seemed to be pretty popular, I've decided to post one that I've been thinking about that's along the same lines.
What is one Stooges' short that every fan thinks is a classic? Not the funniest exactly, but one that everyone agrees is a fantastic short.
I personally would have to say Micro-Phonies.
Disorder in the Court
Courtroom shows never go out of style!
Violent Is the Word For Curly
The whole Swingin' the Alphabet routine made its way into pop culture. I enjoy it, although it's not one of my personal favorites. I think everyone would agree though that it's "classic" Stooges at their finest.
Violent Is the Word For Curly
The whole Swingin' the Alphabet routine made its way into pop culture. I enjoy it, although it's not one of my personal favorites. I think everyone would agree though that it's "classic" Stooges at their finest.
I think this one is a lot like An Ache in Every Stake in a sense that although it's nobody's #1 favorite, there's no doubt that it is a classic and quentessential stooges.
I think most fans agree that You Natzi Spy! and its sequel I'll Never Heil Again are classics.
Esp Natzi because it not only was the first satirazation of Hitler from Hollywood (beating
Chaplin's The Great Dictator by a few months) making it historic but its also very funny with
wonderful jabs at both the Natzi's and European Politics of the time. Heil is just as good if not
Three Little Beers. This is probably my all-time favorite.
I'm with locoboymakesgood. Violent Is the Word For Curly is definitely a classic. I never get tired of that Swingin' the Alphabet routine. Though, Three Little Beers comes in second.
I think most fans agree that You Natzi Spy! and its sequel I'll Never Heil Again are classics.
Esp Natzi because it not only was the first satirazation of Hitler from Hollywood (beating
Chaplin's The Great Dictator by a few months) making it historic but its also very funny with
wonderful jabs at both the Natzi's and European Politics of the time. Heil is just as good if not
I agree, and was going to use one, if not both of these as my answer.
"Violent Is The Word For Curly", primarily because of the alphabet song. It's not one of their better films sans that scene. It tends to drag. Best lines: Mrs. Catsby: "Mildew has a lovely student body." MOE: "Your's wouldn't be so bad either if you took off 20 pounds." When Curly was being thawed out in the woods Moe says: "20 minutes to the pound. Ha ha, we'll be here a month."
Other than that, it doesn't have that many great scenes.
I would have to say that I do agree with "Stooged and Confused" "Violent Is The Word For Curly" was great due to the song "Swinging The Alphabet." And the thawing out of Curly and I am not even a real Curly Fan. My real favourite is "Malice In The Palace" and "Hula-La-La." Shemp. I am a Shemp Fan.
I just remembered one that I think is on everyone's classics list, Crash Goes the Hash.
I would have to say that I do agree with "Stooged and Confused" "Violent Is The Word For Curly" was great due to the song "Swinging The Alphabet." And the thawing out of Curly and I am not even a real Curly Fan. My real favourite is "Malice In The Palace" and "Hula-La-La." Shemp. I am a Shemp Fan.
Even though many women do in fact like the stooges, I've never come across one that likes Shemp! My middle school english teacher said she liked the stooges, but she hated "the greasy haired one."
Dear "Busy Buddy:"
Yes I am a died in the wool "Shemp-a-holic." I have my bedroom and office totally done in Shemp (which I painted on the walls from my favourite shorts plus pictures and so forth). And my computer is totally customized in Shemp including my screen saver. It was "Shempers" who made me a Stooges Fan with his short "Malice In The Palace." Glad to see someone who also likes in my opion the "Best Stooge."
I closing please have yourself a very safe and Blessed Merry Christmas and the best to all of you and your family for the New Year.
Shemp Rules:
I would have to say "Brideless Groom." It's probably the most famous Shemp episode. It has two of their best supporting players: Emil Sitka and Christine McIntyre. It has that famous Cousin Basil routine. And, as an added bonus, Christine McIntyre singing "Voices Of Spring."
As said before, this is probably nobody's #1 favorite, but it's definitely a classic.
"Who Done It" is a classic Shemper!
I think this one is a lot like An Ache in Every Stake in a sense that although it's nobody's #1 favorite, there's no doubt that it is a classic and quentessential stooges.
I beg-to-differ. An Ache in Every Stake actually IS my favorite Stooges short. I'd like to add A-Plumbing We Will Go, Brideless Groom and Who Done It? to the list. These tend to be among the most popular titles. While I enjoy both of the Shemp titles, it surprises me that a great number of fans have elivated them to classic status.
For me personally, I'd like to think that Three Little Beers is a classic. It is to me. Micro-Phonies is another short that seems to get the lion's share of praise among fans. As for Violent is the Word for Curly, calling it a classic because of "Swingin' the Alphabet" is like calling Gents Without Cents a classic just because of the "Niagra Falls" routine. What about Punch Drunks? I'd have no problem with it being added to a list of Stooges classics. ;D
The one that has Shemp in the haunted house looking for a phone number......"North east section....south east section...pretty soon we will all be in sections!" The title escapes me at the moment....
or (my personal favorite)
"Yokes on Me!" favorite line, "Look! A pelican!!!!"
I believe that was "Dopey Dicks". I hope so, been awile since I've seen it.
I think you are right. I will watch my entire collection over the Christmas i will let you know! LOL!
Disorder in the Court
Courtroom shows never go out of style!
I vote this one too.
1). Moe is cute in it.
2). If Curly were a defendant in Judge Judy's court, then the results would be hilarious.
If Curly were a defendant in Judge Judy's court, then the results would be hilarious.
I agree. I'd like to see him in Judge Judy's Court calling her "judgy wudgy" or saying "Thanks courty, you're a pal!"
Attorney: Address the judge as "Your honor!"
Curly: Well, it was like this, my honor.
Attorney: Your honor! Not my honor.
and Judy would probably be screaming at him. And then Moe would be Curly's witness and start screaming back at her.
One Curly Classic I know everyone admires "An Ache In Every Stake" the whole shaving the ice routine and the birthday cake made with gas and the imfamous STEPS! Admit it everyone loves those steps.
and moe tells curly to shave the ice and curly literally shaves the ice. Classic.
"Dizzy Detectives", "Who Done It?", "A Pain In The Pullman", to name a few.
I would like to add my thoughts please if you do not mind. From Malice In The Palace when Vernon Dent (I hope I am correct) as Hassan Ben Sober says I am the great Hassan Ben Sober and Shemp replies I have had a few too many myself.
Plus one more and again I do appologize for being a nusiance. I think it is from "Who Done It? when Shemp is with Christine McIntyre and she is trying to poison him and he says to her "A few pip pips a little bar-be-cue and what have you."
Thank you
Moron4392 [3stooges]
"Disorder in the Court" and my favorite, "Malice in the Palace." I love the part where Moe and Shemp try to eat the food and they think it's the cat and dog. Classic.
I love the part where Moe and Shemp try to eat the food and they think it's the cat and dog. Classic.
Oh yeah! That is so hilarious! That's one scene that's funny every time. I love it when the hot dog licks Shemp's face. That's one of the best gags they ever used. Well, next to those teeth in "The Tooth Will Out." :laugh:
"Catsup" ...Eeeeeek!
You all are going to despise me in a minute, for this one is not even close to popular, yet it is one of the most intruiging shorts I've ever seen. Larry fell asleep while they showed it at the Motion Picture Country Home in the mid-1970s and they showed it because it's been called his most outstanding performance in any of their 2-reelers.
CUCKOO ON A CHOO CHOO shows Larry in a parody role of the Marlon Brando type and I think he did a great job pulling it off. It is a classic for that reason, specifically.
You all are going to despise me in a minute, for this one is not even close to popular, yet it is one of the most intruiging shorts I've ever seen. Larry fell asleep while they showed it at the Motion Picture Country Home in the mid-1970s and they showed it because it's been called his most outstanding performance in any of their 2-reelers.
CUCKOO ON A CHOO CHOO shows Larry in a parody role of the Marlon Brando type and I think he did a great job pulling it off. It is a classic for that reason, specifically.
I really like Cuckoo...and I don't care what anybody else says.
It is so strange, and surreal and unlike the Stooges.
I think Larry goes a bit over the top, but he's still funny!
I really like Cuckoo...and I don't care what anybody else says.
It is so strange, and surreal and unlike the Stooges.
I think Larry goes a bit over the top, but he's still funny!
You see, that's just it! Larry is making fun of the Hollywood "tough guy" image that so many young actors were being portrayed as. Because of the roles they were given, they were treated as such on the street. Larry certainly wasn't like that off camera and I think that might have been what he was trying to get over with this role. It IS one of my top choices to watch and I hope a DVD copy comes before too long because my VHS copy has nearly had it.
"Ohhh, Carrie my dear, I love but you...(whistles)"
Oh yeah. I like "Cuckoo On A Choo Choo" also. A nice departure from the Stooges formula.
I liked the episode 'Disorder in the court' some people may not know it, but Moe, Curly and Shemps father was in the short too. He was sitting in the gallery as Curly and Larry were playing Moe's stomach after Moe swallowed the mouth organ, thier father was on the right side wearing glasses and laughing.
So many to choose from. I agree w/what the folks have posted here. All GREAT SHORTS in which the boys really shine. When you got it, you got it. :D
"The SitterDowners" is another classic. It features an appearance by Ted Healy's sister, Marcia. It was her only film role, I believe. Who could forget her classic "Come down outta there, Tar-zin" line to Curly. :D
"Goof on a Roof". Classic Stooges. Classic Shemp. Haven't seen it in years, but man oh man did I laugh my ass off the last time I saw it. great film. Art at it's finest. Long live Shemp!
I'm not trying to misrepresent you or cast malheur or jurisdiction upon you, but I'm casting a vote for Hoi Polloi. It was the first one where some professors tried to turn the boys ("from the lowest strata of society") into gentlemen. The dance routines where the boys were being taught how to dance and the one at the party where the sofa spring is attached to Curly's derriere makes me laugh out loud every time I see it.
I think this has to be split into Curley's & Shemp's so
Curley: "The Sitter Downers"
Shemp: "Don't Throw That Knife"
these two were certainly at the top of their game on these shorts. Honorable mention: "A Snitch in Time" which was the best short for over-the-top violence (if there is such a thing)