General Boards => Stooges DVD/VHS/Home Video => Topic started by: falsealarms on October 28, 2007, 10:39:46 AM
According to this guy, volume 1 seemingly does not show up in this week's ad for those two stores
Yeah I confirmed it's lack in the Best Buy ad a few days ago in the discussion thread about the set.
Circuit City will not be carrying it, but Best Buy's website has a pick-up in store option for the set, meaning they'll have atleast one copy in.
Wal-Mart won't be carrying it, either. Only on their website.
I'm telling ya, this set is doing great on word-of-mouth alone but Sony REALLY needs to do some advertising!
Yes, the word of mouth is strong for volume one. That is what seems to be moving units. Sony doesn't seem to be doing much in ways of promotion. Based on Amazon's ranking (#32 today), this is an online hit!
Also, the trend in retail has been to eliminate catalog title DVD's and CD's. As both formats sell less than they used to, big retailers have cut back floor space and seem to stock titles that will move in large numbers--progress, shmogress!
It seems that most stores only care about "HUGE" titles. How many stores ignored the Transformers DVD that just came out? Next to none. You could go anywhere and find that movie on DVD. It's sad that the Three Stooges have become a victim of ignorance. There are PLENTY of fans who want this set, and it looks like most stores will carry one set, or none at all.
I'll have to do some searching to see how many stores I can find that will have it in store or online.
I hope that I don't have to order mine online. I prefer getting it at the store and watching it the same day.
Here's my list from searching online. If you want to add a store, just copy my list and add yours to it. Hopefully at the end we'll have a master list of sorts.
Amazon- $16.99 (online)
Wal-Mart- $19.87 (online)
Best Buy- $19.99 (online and maybe in store)
Circuit City- $19.99 (online and maybe in store)
Suncoast- $24.99 (online)
FYE- $24.99 (online)
Target- Nothing found
K Mart- Nothing found
Hastings- Nothing found
I used to have a Suncoast and FYE near me, but they both closed down. So my only places in town are Best Buy, Circuit City, and by any luck Wal-Mart. Hastings MIGHT have it, since their online listings are never right.
Twice last week, I was searching at a local Best Buy for a new DVD TV show and only could find the older titles but I went to FYE in the same mall and they had both of them. I was impressed by their inventory of titles. I know they are basically DVDs and CD's but still very well stocked with stuff.(hot?) Prices were not bad either. I have a Suncoast at a different mall but they are outrageous when it comes to price. Don't know how they stay in business.
So, I guess Tuesday I'll try to see if Local Best Buy Makes Good or FYE comes thru again. I'll let you know what I find.
I just spoke to a girl at my local Best Buy, and she said none of the 3 stores in my area will be carrying it. It's only available on their website.
That's just bizarre.
EDIT: Just talked to FYE, they haven't gotten anything in as of 1pm PST - they got a lot of the tins that was spoken of in another thread, but not the new set. The woman on the phone said they just started selling these tins, and she never heard of the remastered set.
Consumers that don't order online are going to be SOL with this one. There won't be ANY store that'll have it. What a joke!
California-based Fry's Electronics will have "several copies" in tomorrow for $19.99. I'm ecstatic!
Well, here's my story on how I got my 3 Stooges box set. I work night shift. October 30 is my birthday. I woke up at about 4pm on the 30th. We were going to Best Buy in Huntsville, Alabama anyway, since my wife was buying me a new printer/scanner/copier for my computer and we were picking it up. I figured that I could also get the Stooges set there. Well, I got the printer, then I started looking. I looked all through the DVD section and couldn't find it anywhere. I was upset, but I did buy The A-Team Season 5. I was wanting that, anyway.
Well, I had to go to work that night. I left for work at about 10pm. I thought that, since I pass by Walmart on the way to work, that I would go in and check to see if they had it. They did! They had like 10 copies of it! Of course, I got one. I must say kudos to Walmart in Athens, Alabama. I hope they carry all the other sets.
I checked back about a week later and found the Stooges were sold out! I know that's a good sign. If this set sells well, they'll carry the other sets to come. I must say that I'm impressed with Sony and Walmart. They need to keep this up. They're making many people, like me, very happy. ;D
Yeah, I picked mine up at Suncoast on the day of release. They had 2 copies on the shelf. I too am hoping that sales like this encourage retail outlets to carry the sets. There's just something about going into a store on the day of release and buying the DVD's.
I just went to Best Buy yesterday and I looked because I was just curious to see if they would stock any. There was nothing. I don't think Best Buy is going to carry this title. I guess they got fed up with Sony because when the colorized DVDs came out, they had quite a bit in stock. I guess due to those poor sales, Best Buy had it.
That's too bad about Best Buy. Maybe they will stock the next DVD set once they realize how well this set is doing. Really, every major DVD/music/electronics outlet should carry it. There's no excuse. Christ, I got my copy from Music Millennium, a mom/pop indie music store that's been in Portland, OR for many years. If THEY can have a copy on its release date, then these major chains certainly can!
What's more, all 190 shorts should be released and available through the major outlets. Like the DK's final album, "Give me convenience or give me death!" Anything less would be unacceptable.