
General Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sadistic Stooge on July 30, 2007, 04:05:03 PM

Title: Butchered
Post by: Sadistic Stooge on July 30, 2007, 04:05:03 PM
There is a lot of 3 stooges shorts that I seen in the 80's on tv in chicago growing up . Most of the ones I love are still shown in full today, but there are alot of them where over the years they got butchered by tv stations and well columbia them selfs .

One of the shorts that comes to mind is THREE LOAN WOLVES . There is a part at the end that I remember that is no longer there . Its when the stooges finish telling the boy on how they got him and the boy slaps all three of them in the face . Now am I crazy or am I the only one that remembers that part ?

There is alot more like that but I want to here form all of you on what ones got butchered ..

Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: ThumpTheShoes on July 30, 2007, 06:50:34 PM
There is a part at the end that I remember that is no longer there . Its when the stooges finish telling the boy on how they got him and the boy slaps all three of them in the face . Now am I crazy or am I the only one that remembers that part ?

[Shemp]Never sawr it.[/Shemp]

I think it was always that way. Now, one that's almost always shown cut is Scotched in Scotland, and it's usually the Dean Gonga bit that is excised.

In case you've never seen it, this page sports a rundown of popular Stooge edits:

Thank heavens for Stooge-A-Palooza and Rich Koz!**

**Although, according to Koz, some edits have still crept up on his show from time to time, all due to the tapes that Sony provides the station. Unbelievable!

Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: 2reelers on July 30, 2007, 08:42:48 PM
I love those butchered Screen Gems prints!

I have a copy of both THREE LOAN WOLVES & SCOTCHED IN SCOTLAND from WFLD-TV Channel 32 in Chicago. These recordings are circa 1980-81. No triple slap in WOLVES, and like Thump said, the Dean Gonga bit in SCOTCHED is cut.

Another bit lots of people "remember" seeing is Curly wringing out the wet dog in COOKOO CAVALIERS.

Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: Sadistic Stooge on July 30, 2007, 09:35:21 PM
what about this new dvd set coming out ? if Columbia does not restore all 190 shorts to the way they were originally , what's the use of buying it ?

Has any one bought the Buster Keaton Collection put out by Columbia in 2006 ? If so how was the shorts on it ? where they complete ?
Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: 2reelers on July 31, 2007, 10:39:29 AM
If the Stooges set is ANYTHING like the Keaton Columbia set, you and everyone else who buys it will be very very happy.

The Keaton shorts look beautiful. There's a documentary, interviews, commentaries, and a mini reproduction script of SHE'S OIL MINE.
Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: Sadistic Stooge on July 31, 2007, 04:08:21 PM
I'm not a big Buster Keaton fan  but, I might check this Collection out . now all that Columbia needs to work on  is getting the ANDY CLYDE Collection out ..
Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: Curley91 on July 31, 2007, 11:47:17 PM
Thank heavens for Stooge-A-Palooza and Rich Koz!

I agree 110%! 

As he's mentioned before, the only time he'll show the shorts cut is when Sony Columbia will send him a print with one or two lines already snipped out.  This happened with "Uncivil Warriors,"  "Three Little Beers,"  "So Long Mr. Chumps" and "Spook Louder." 

"Movie Maniacs" is another short that gets butchered quite often.  The kissing techniques are cut out almost always, even today.  And even though everyone knows this already, "We Want Our Mummy" was butchered to the fullest extent of the word when it ran on the Family Channel. 
Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: Sadistic Stooge on August 01, 2007, 03:23:14 PM
I think there should be a all comedy classics movie channel that shows every comedy movie and short the way it was meant to be seen, uncut . If people are offended by the content of some of the movies or shorts , simply don't watch them . Don't edit the hell out of them and ruin it for the rest of the movie fans out there .

I know what every one is going to say TCM , well TCM could do a lot better . Does any one remember the old AMC before it went commercial ? They use to play movies and shorts on there I didn't see any place else . TCM need to listen to the viewers more on what they like to see in prime time , and stop showing good movies at 2:30 to 5:30 in the morning ....

Bottom Line is this , This is America Stop censoring art !!!!!!!  [splat]
Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: kinderscenen on August 01, 2007, 06:56:59 PM
I'd be willing to bet that no one's seen the uncut Three Loan Wolves...ever, at least in theatres.  I'm almost dead certain that they cut out that triple slap before it was released.  Of course, you'd think that they'd have edited it better so that we wouldn't be wondering if it was cut out some 61 years later, but there you go.

The absolute worst butchering came from The Family Channel, and for some reason, the Besser shorts.  Now, some of you might say they should've cut everything out, but I digress... ;) Rusty Romeos and Flying Saucer Daffy Granted, I don't expect to get the "preview" (or whatever they called the bit before the shorts, but in the case of Flying Saucer Daffy, they cut out half the short (which was quite funny), and naturally led to the part where Moe and Larry spend the money. If someone was seeing that short for the first time on The Family Channel, they'd have no idea who that crazy old lady was and why she was whacking Joe over the head.
Title: Re: Butchered
Post by: Sadistic Stooge on August 02, 2007, 02:15:52 PM
I did see the triple slap in Three Loan Wolves . I started this topic by saying it might have been the 80's but I started watching the stooges on tv in 78'   , so I cant pin point what year it was but , it was around 78 to 80 .

oh well its all memories now , how sad ..... 
