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What's the capital of Stooge-Mania?

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Offline Shemoeley Fine

There are certain cities known to have stronger Stooge followings than others, I guess because the Stooges have been part of the television landscape more consistenly than in other places or other reasons I am unaware of.  Let's hear your vote for Stooge Capital USA. Could it be Boston?  How about Philadelphia?  I know fo' sho' it ain't So Cal although it has been home to a myriad of Stooge Festivals over the years including many hosted by Moe's daughter and son-in-law, the Maurers, sharing home movies and insight to their family life.

A curioso-curious  S F
Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado


  • Guest
Well 3 of them were born in New York and 2 of them were born in  Philadelphia however there might be a city that is dedicated to the 3 stooges and that would be the capital 8)
I wonder how would you look that up in a search engine  ???

Offline FineBari3

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Well 3 of them were born in New York and 2 of them were born in  Philadelphia however there might be a city that is dedicated to the 3 stooges and that would be the capital 8)
I wonder how would you look that up in a search engine  ???

I'd have to say Philadelphia (even though I'm from Pittsboigh....which holds several moments in Stooge history).

Philadelphia is 'Stooge Central' right now, with Jon's Bar (Larry's birthplace with a huge mural outside), the Fan Club meeting, and Gary's passion, the Stoogeum.

There seems to be a Shemp film festival/tribute happening there the weekend of the 24th....I AM SOOOOOO jealous!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson