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We're back up and running!

Dunrobin · 21 · 10020

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Offline Dunrobin

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We're back up and running!

The upgrades took quite a bit longer than I had expected (mainly because I re-backed up the database, just to be safe), but everything has gone fairly smoothly.  (There may be a bug to two left that I haven't found, but I've tested everything as thoroughly as possible.)

Because things took longer than I thouht, I will wait until tomorrow to post details about the changes (since I've got to go to bed.)  Feel free to look around, especially in your Profile.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 06:49:05 AM by Dunrobin »

Pilsner Panther

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A few early comments, Rob. First of all, the soft blue backgrounds look really good, and they're easy on the eyes. The type on the main page is huge, though, compared to the size it was before.

Also, there's a small typo at the top, where you put "This site is bested viewed..." rather than "best."

Oh, and a couple of oddities: my signature line has reverted to one I used a long time ago (?). More
importantly, where's the personal messaging system? It seems to have vanished.

And I can't log in under "Admin" for some reason, even though the regular login accepts my password. I used to be able to do that, not that I needed to very often.

No doubt some other bugs and quirks will pop up, but there are the first few I noticed.

« Last Edit: February 27, 2006, 10:20:20 AM by Pilsner Panther »

Offline CurlySteve

Hey its much faster too.Im gonna check some things out.

Offline Dunrobin

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A few early comments, Rob. First of all, the soft blue backgrounds look really good, and they're easy on the eyes. The type on the main page is huge, though, compared to the size it was before.

Also, there's a small typo at the top, where you put "This site is bested viewed..." rather than "best."

Oh, and a couple of oddities: my signature line has reverted to one I used a long time ago (?). More
importantly, where's the personal messaging system? It seems to have vanished.

And I can't log in under "Admin" for some reason, even though the regular login accepts my password. I used to be able to that, not that I needed to very often.

No doubt some other bugs and quirks will pop up, but there are the first few I noticed.

Well, I'm not surprised that I have a few quirks to work out.   ::)

I fixed the problem with the font size in IE.  It was caused by IE's quirky way of supporting stylesheets (it looked fine in Firefox, but more about that later.)

I also fixed the typo.  D'oh!

I'm not sure about the signature line, Pils.  It looks like those may not have converted correctly.   ???

I'll check into the login issue a little later.  Must have something to do with the updated permissions module; I'll be looking through those more thoroughly later today.

Somethings have moved around and reorganized (especially in the admin area).  You can get to your Personal Messages by clicking on My Messages on the menu bar, next to Profile.

I've got to run - I'll post a lot more later today!   ;D

Offline FineBari3

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I keep getting those Runtime Error dialog boxes again....with many different lines (611 comes to mind now). This is happening every time I load a new page. Yuk!

Everything else is running way faster, even with my crummy steam powered modem!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline Dunrobin

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I keep getting those Runtime Error dialog boxes again....with many different lines (611 comes to mind now). This is happening every time I load a new page. Yuk!

Everything else is running way faster, even with my crummy steam powered modem!

That sounds more like something wrong with your browser or your Javascript engine on your computer.  I don't see those errors anywhere.

Which browser are you using, MJ?  Internet Explorer?  Is so, try downloading Mozilla Firefox (you can find links for it at the top and/or bottom of just about every page on the site.)  It's a much better browser, and it's free!  (My favorite price!)

Pilsner Panther

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I've already got karma, and I'm not even a Hindu or a Buddhist.

"It's a marvelous world we live in today entirely!"

—Flann O'Brien (1911-1966)

[attachment deleted by admin]


  • Guest
Well as far as I am concerned everything is great however I did have a password problem but it seems ok now.

The only wee small thing that could use an upgrade are the smilleys other than that I give the new look an "A", new smileys would give it an "A+"

Offline CurlySteve

Dunrobin is right.Download firefox.I running it right now.Plus Firefox is great on beating   spyware!!! 

Offline Dunrobin

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Well as far as I am concerned everything is great however I did have a password problem but it seems ok now.

The only wee small thing that could use an upgrade are the smilleys other than that I give the new look an "A", new smileys would give it an "A+"

I'll be looking at installing additional Smiley packages in the near future, and I did set the permission to allow members to choose which Smileys set they use.  (You can change the Smileys set in your Profile, on the Look and Layout Preferences page, found under the Modify Profile menu.)

And there's yet another advantage to using Firefox.  You can install an extension called "Smiley Xtra" that lets you open a side panel with tons of online smileys that you can insert into message board posts.  Here's a couple of examples from it:


Offline CurlySteve

Dunrobin what is KARMA on our names for? What is KARMA?

Offline Dunrobin

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Dunrobin what is KARMA on our names for? What is KARMA?

It's just a fun little feature that doesn't really "do" anything.  You can rate members' comments through "Karma" - either Applauding or Smiting them.  When you do so, you have to give a reason for changing the person's Karma, and that person will be able to see who changed their Karma and why from their Profile area.

Think of it as an overall popularity indicator.  Someone with a high Karma number must be a pretty popular poster; if the Karma is in the negative numbers, that person has seriously pissed people off.

Offline shemps#1

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I wonder what the over/under is on when I'll get -999 karma...
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline ShempRocks

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Seems you guys answer questions faster than I can post them.  I was curious about the "Karma" thing myself.  Yay mine is at one!  :)
Thank's for stickin around Stoogoholics!

Offline CurlySteve

I thought KARMA mean ether Good curse you get or a bad curse you get.

Offline Dunrobin

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I thought KARMA mean ether Good curse you get or a bad curse you get.

Well, that's basically it.  (I'm sure a Hindu or Buddhist could come up with a more precise definition, but that seems close enough to me.)  I think of it as "What goes around, comes around" or "Don't want nuthin', don't start nuthin'!"   ;D

I'm open to suggestions on a better term to use for the feature.  "Rating" would be appropriate, but it seems boring.  A more Stooges-related term would be nice, but I haven't thought of one yet.  :-\

Offline CurlySteve

How bout Pats,,Moe Pats you on the head if youre good.If your bad you get bonks. 5 Bonks and you know what happens?

Pilsner Panther

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For educational purposes, here ya go:

I'm not a believer myself, in Karma or anything else of a supernatural nature. It's not hard to see the appeal of the concept, though, since it states that the bad guys will eventually get their comeuppance, either in this life or in another one. Personally, though, I've seen enough jerks get away with being jerks (and even get rewarded for it... hello George W. and Dick), that I can only scoff. Scoff, scoff!, then.



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Guess I don't have any karma.  Oh well.  Anyone have a spare chameleon in their pocket??

Offline Dunrobin

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Guess I don't have any karma.  Oh well.  Anyone have a spare chameleon in their pocket??

Well, no karma is better than bad karma, but here's a spare chameleon for you:   ;D