The web site will be closed for a while on Sunday, 2/26/06, while I install an upgrade to the message boards and some style changes to the site. I am currently testing the changes on a different machine, and as soon as I am sure that everything is working correctly I will make the changes online. The message boards will be closed while the upgrade is being installed, although the rest of the site may still be available.
Most of the chnages will be in the posting page, with a much improved preview mode that eliminates waiting for the page to reload, improvements in attachments, additional buttons on the post message page that make it easy for members to include streaming audio and video files, and a number of improvements that should improve page load time in the message boards. There will also be impovements in the search engine, and in the Buddlies List and Ignore features, including the ability to ignore individual boards.
A few features, like the chat room and the games arcade, may not be available for a while, until I can get a working patch to upgrade them to the new version. I wil also be working on adding a "Flag Post" modification that will allow members to send private alerts to particular posts.
I can't say just when the upgrade will happen tomorrow; it will be anywhere from 9:00 AM EST on. Once I begin, it should only take an hour or two to complete the main changes, and during that time the boards will be closed. As soon as everything is completed I will reopen the boards, althouh I may be installing a few modifications afterwards.
I think everyone will like the improvements, and the new style as well. I will post a new announcement when I am done, with more details about the various changes,