General Boards > Bug Reports

Lots of bugs

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--- Quote from: Pilsner Panther on January 19, 2006, 11:56:18 PM ---
--- Quote from: FineBari3 on January 19, 2006, 05:38:10 PM ---
I am at my Mom's now, but I will give you more specific details when I get back home.I got some surgery done and she is taking care of me. The dialog boxes came up in all of the areas I visited, which are the general discussion, the main homepage, and this area. I also have been getting the same kind of bug errors on a couple other pages.

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Sorry to hear that you've been ill, Mar-Jean— it's no fun; my own lobotomy was sheer hell. I'm much happier now, though!

(puts on Napoleon hat, cackles insanely like Phil Van Zandt in "Dopey Dicks").

Best wishes for a good recovery MJ. I had to go under the knife last summer and had to recupe on my own. Not pleasant. But I had to go through with it as I'd planned on living past 2009. Why, I don't know. However the medicos don't like questions such as that.


--- End quote ---

OK, Rob...I am back home now and can give you more information. I go to the Message Boards main page and what I get is a dialog box that says: A runtime error has occurred do you wish to debug? Line: 979 Error: function expected.

I got the same dialog box with the line number 847 on a reply to a message I was writing, then line 978 when I sent that message. I got another one, line 778 when I went to the Q & A section.


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