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Offline dbaxter1991

I was reading the Cookoo Cavaliers page at, and it said that Curly wiggled his ears with invisible threads. How exactly did he get the wires on his ears is my question?

Offline Dunrobin

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Everybody else; when someone acts up like this please DO NOT answer their question in any way. Once you do that you have given them what they wanted, thus encouraging this kind of behavior in the future.
I tend to agree, but SullivanBo's original question did make me realize that I should add some better stats for the Stooges filmography.  I've added a table to the site's home page that gives a breakdown of the filmography, showing the number of short subjects, feature films and "other" (everthing that doesn't fit the other two categories, like newsreels) made by each Stooge Team over the years.  Maybe that will help clarify things.  I also made it "dynamic," so if BeAStooge or the other Team Stooge members discover any other episodes that weren't included, the list will be automatically updated.

I don't know why Moe would say there were 200 shorts, but I haven't watched that interview in years.  He didn't say "a couple of hundred" by any chance?   ;)

There were 190 shorts made by the Stooges at Columbia, and the boys appeared in 6 earlier ones with Ted Healy, which would explain Douglas' comment about 196, and Moe was in a total of 199 shorts, which would account for "a couple of hundred."
« Last Edit: October 08, 2005, 10:52:47 AM by Dunrobin »

Offline dbaxter1991

I was watching "Ren and Stimpy" a few minutes ago. It was the episode where Stimpy is addicted to TV. One of the TV shows he was watching was the Three Stooges. It sound like a real episode. I think it went like this:

CURLY: I wonder how I was when I delivered by the stork.

MOE: Nah! You were delivered by a buzzard!

What episode is that from?

Offline Shemoeley Fine

I am a newbie to this forum however I'm no neophyte when it somes to the Stooges, been a fan since 1957.... Now my daughter and even 2 grand daughters like the antics of the Horowitz brothers and their sidekick Fine.

When I am able to post a new thread, mine will be about how Lou Costello "ripped of Curley", being very influenced by Jerome. he would be on the side stage of many live shows by Larry, Curley and Moe in the early days. We all know Shemp was in several Abbot & Costello films, one of which Africa Screams also features future Stooge and long-time A & C sideman, Joe Besser.  What I am most dismayed by is that Lou Costello individualy and Abbott & Costello as duo seem to garner more respect and held in higher esteem than our favorite trio, such a shame!

A & C's greatest assest are the play of words skits, like Who's On First and others in that vein including a classic math problem done by Shemp on a blackboard in A & C's In The Navy

If I could go back in time, I'd arrange to have one performance where the 3 Horwitz's, Shemp, Moe and Curley would be the 3 Stooges....


Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline Dunrobin

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Welcome to the site, Shemoeley Fine.

I don't think Abbott and Costello are necessarily held in "higher esteem" than the Stooges except in the sense that feature films are considered "more important" than short subjects.  (Unfortunately.)

All comedians have borrowed from others since time immemorial; it's the nature of the business.  The Stooges routines owe a lot to their predecessors and contemporaries, such as Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, and others.  It's not so much where the routine or material came from, as how well a particular performer presents it.  Lou Costello deserves his acclaim every bit as much as Curly, Moe, Larry or Shemp; he was a very funny guy, and his timing was impeccable

I've got to admit, I've always wished for a film or short with all three Howard brothers, myself, but you can't leave out Larry!  He was like an adopted brother, and it just wouldn't be the same without him.

Offline CurlyCue

I've never seen a board that required you to post 10 times before asking questions. I pulled my hair out trying to find this thread. My question is Moe's arm mannerisums. In the early shorts he kept his arms close to his body and swung them up and down and talked out of the side of his mouth in a more tough guy type of talk. By the 50's his hands were no longer cupped and the arms stayed at his side the side of mouth talk all but gone. Why did he change?

Offline Shemoeley Fine

CurlyCue asked <<<<<<  My question is Moe's arm mannerisums. In the early shorts he kept his arms close to his body and swung them up and down and talked out of the side of his mouth in a more tough guy type of talk. By the 50's his hands were no longer cupped and the arms stayed at his side the side of mouth talk all but gone. Why did he change  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This reply is strictly speculative based on logic, obviously no one can get inside of Moe's head to determine the details of this "change" and I don't recall he being asked that question or talking about it in any interviews or articles.  All of the Stooges "evolved" from the beginning to the end as do all actors and performers, it's human nature. Moe may not have even been aware of this change you pointed to. Larry's mannerisms are quite different in the 50's as they were in the 30's, Curly and Shemp changed too. It's no big whoop in my book but it is an interesting observation.

Atheletes evolve throughout their careers as we do too in our daily jobs or family duties, if we remained the same, the world would become stagnant.

Shemoeley El Fino Fine

Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline CurlyCue

Thanks. I recall someone saying that Curly never did a serious interview as Moe did in later years. I can say I never saw an interview with larry that he sat down and did where he answered any questions. I wish Curly had been interviewed at least once where he was serious or answered questions.

Offline dbaxter1991

I found this quote on a website, and I want to know where it's from.

Curly: "You know I'm tempermental"
Moe: "Yeah, 95% temper, 5% mental"

Where's that from?

Offline Dunrobin

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I found this quote on a website, and I want to know where it's from.

Curly: "You know I'm tempermental"
Moe: "Yeah, 95% temper, 5% mental"

Where's that from?

Dude, weak!  Now I'm going to go crazy, because I can't think which one it's from either!   Aarrrggghhh!   [banghead]

Help guys -which episode is that from?  (I just know that I'm going to go "D'oh!" as soon as someone posts the answer!)   [doh]

Offline BeAStooge

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Curly: "You know I'm tempermental"
Moe: "Yeah, 95% temper, 5% mental"

Where's that from?


Offline Dunrobin

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Offline falsealarms

If anyone cares, Amazon has a major sale on two Stooge DVDs. They are selling the each of the two 3 packs put out by Columbia for $24.98 - they are usually about 50.00. One includes the DVDs "Curly Classics," "Spook Louder," and "All The World's a Stooge." The other has "Three Smart Saps," "Cops and Robbers," and "G.I Stooge."

Offline Dunrobin

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If anyone cares, Amazon has a major sale on two Stooge DVDs. They are selling the each of the two 3 packs put out by Columbia for $24.98 - they are usually about 50.00. One includes the DVDs "Curly Classics," "Spook Louder," and "All The World's a Stooge." The other has "Three Smart Saps," "Cops and Robbers," and "G.I Stooge."

Thanks, falsealarms, and if anyone goes to through a link on this site, any purchases they make would mean a small commission going to support    8)

Offline dbaxter1991

Hey Dunrobin, since I'm usually giving out quizzes. I should do a Fact of the...whatever and then I put the fact in this forum. I thought this was a pretty good idea.  :D Do you agree??

Offline Dunrobin

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Hey Dunrobin, since I'm usually giving out quizzes. I should do a Fact of the...whatever and then I put the fact in this forum. I thought this was a pretty good idea.  :D Do you agree??

Sounds good to me.  You can just create separate topics for each one here in the General Discussion board.  If they seem popular, I'll create a spearate "child" board for them.   8)

Offline dbaxter1991

Oh but there's a catch. You might know the facts, you might not. I'm gonna start right after I'm done my project.

Offline disgracefulvagabnd

Which short is it where Moe/Larry/Curly are learning to be gentlemen and they have to follow everything "Miss Lulu" does? I thought it was maybe 1945/46 but can't find it.

Offline Dunrobin

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Which short is it where Moe/Larry/Curly are learning to be gentlemen and they have to follow everything "Miss Lulu" does? I thought it was maybe 1945/46 but can't find it.

Disgraceful - I moved your question to the end of the NEWBIES thread, where it belonged.  Please try to post replies on the approriate threads, and not just anywhere.

To answer your question, you're thinking of HALF-WITS' HOLIDAY (1947), Curley's last short.  It's a remake of the early Curly classic, HOI POLLOI.

Pilsner Panther

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Daily Fact #1:
Curly Joe DeRita was the only non-Jewish member of the Three Stooges.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Ted Healy was was Jewish. Of course, technically, he wasn't a member of the Three Stooges, if you want to split hairs, but he was still the founding father of Stoogedom.

Offline Shemoeley Fine

When the Stooges, Shemp, Moe and Larry left Ted Healy for a while before returning later on with Curly, Ted was jealous of their success without him and in Moe Howard and the Three Stooges, Moe talks about when Winnie Sheehan offered the Stooges a solo deal after their work in Soup to Nuts and Healy is quoted as telling Sheehan, "you're ruining my act by signing the boys, I didn't think that one Irishman would that to another Irishman."

Shemoeley Fine
Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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I'm not sure of your assertion about Ted Healy's religious background, but here's a website devoted to Charles Earnest Lee Nash (a.k.a. Ted Healy) that makes almost no mention of his religious up-bringing ...

... and in light of the fact that Ted was born in Kaufman, Texas, I suspect that the quip Moe makes "I don't think one Irishman would do that to another Irishman" line is false, or else Ted is referring to his lineage.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Pilsner Panther

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I'm not sure of your assertion about Ted Healy's religious background, but here's a website devoted to Charles Earnest Lee Nash (a.k.a. Ted Healy) that makes almost no mention of his religious up-bringing ...

... and in light of the fact that Ted was born in Kaufman, Texas, I suspect that the quip Moe makes "I don't think one Irishman would do that to another Irishman" line is false, or else Ted is referring to his lineage.

Giff, a little Google searching indicates that the schools Ted attended were all Catholic. It's not true today, but back then (even before the 1970's) it was really unusual for non-Catholic kids to go through the Catholic school system. I'd say, then, that the circumstantial evidence is pretty strong that Ted was not Jewish.

As to his being of Irish descent, he still could have been Jewish despite that, but it's not very likely.

Offline disgracefulvagabnd

What short is it where they rip the car jack from under the car and the wheel smashes Moe's foot?

(Still can not post in other sections yet.)