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shemps#1 · 1290 · 427741

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Offline Dunrobin

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I think this was the worst stooge short that they made. How did they win an award for this? The comedy was clammy at most. The hiccuping nurse bit was the lamest I have ever seen. The only funny thing was when Moe asks for HANNACONNAPONNA during the operation and neither Larry or Curly know what it is. Other than that, I think it was lousy.

Yours is definitely a minority opinion, Joseph.  60% of the fans who have rated the short gave it 4 out of 4 "pokes," and 84% rated it 3 pokes or better.

Personally, I love that short so much that I'm amazed that anyone could find it "lousy."  Larry is absolutely hysterical in it (the way he leers and starts looming in at the nurse at the desk, while Moe and Curly are arguing, is great - he looks so psychotic!)  Moe and Curly are in top form, and there are the excellent scenes with Bud Jamison and Little Billy, and with Billy Gilbert as the D.T. patient. ("You see that button hole?  RATS used to come outta there!  I'd grab 'em, pluck 'em out and another one would appear!")*  How could anyone not find that funny?

I could see that some fans might prefer other shorts over Men in Black, but "worst" and "lousy"?  "Hannaconnapoona" was the only funny thing in the whole short?  C'mon - do you even like the Stooges?

* Note to any purists:  I quoted that off the top of my head, so I won't swear that I got it 100% correct.    ;D
« Last Edit: October 01, 2005, 10:04:34 PM by Dunrobin »

Offline Joseph Wardell

Yes.  As a matter of fact I love the Stooges.  And sorry to say sir, but my opinion is just that.  I actually don't care what others have said about it as that is their opinion and not mine.  I do agree with the button hole segment, but what I am trying to say is that it was a different type of stooge short.  The acting was a little off the wall in regards to their other shorts.  It seemed more Groucho Marx then Stooges style and with all the other excellent shorts that they made, why was this one given an award over the others?

Offline Dunrobin

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The acting was a little off the wall in regards to their other shorts. It seemed more Groucho Marx then Stooges style and with all the other excellent shorts that they made, why was this one given an award over the others?

Well, yes, I grant you that the style is different from most of their later shorts, and your comparison with Groucho seems apt.  Like I said before, I can understand preferring other shorts over this one, I just can't see why you'd say it was "lousy."  To each his own. :dontknow:

Actually, this did not get any awards.  It was nominated for an Academy Award, but the Stooges lost to a Disney cartoon.  They were never nominated again (which is certainly a crying shame.) 

Hey Brent - couldn't they got nominated for some kind of posthumous "Lifetime Achievement" Oscar?   ???  (If they did I might actually bother to watch the Oscars that year!)

Offline jrvass

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<snips>... and with Billy Gilbert as the D.T. patient. ("You see that button hole?  RATS used to come outta there!  I'd grab 'em, pluck 'em out and another one would appear!")*  How could i]anyone[/i] not find that funny?

Someone who had to share a room in the hospital with a D.T. patient?

This guy was so out of it he thought squirrels were in the ceiling! The nurses aides had to strap him to the bed and couldn't give him enough tranquilizer shots to shut him up. After hours of that insanity, I would have gladly accepted "anesthesia" from the 3 Stooges!  :o

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Dunrobin

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<snips>... and with Billy Gilbert as the D.T. patient. ("You see that button hole?  RATS used to come outta there!  I'd grab 'em, pluck 'em out and another one would appear!")*  How could anyone not find that funny?

Someone who had to share a room in the hospital with a D.T. patient?

This guy was so out of it he thought squirrels were in the ceiling! The nurses aides had to strap him to the bed and couldn't give him enough tranquilizer shots to shut him up. After hours of that insanity, I would have gladly accepted "anesthesia" from the 3 Stooges!  :o


LOL!  That certainly would suck, although I'd be awful tempted to play along.  (Look!  Giant green canaries!)  "Fellas, let's make 'im some medicine!"

Offline dbaxter1991

You guys up for another one? You might think this is all about Curly but he is the AWESOMEST!!  ;D

26. When Moe signed up for Columbia, what other studio did Larry sign up for?
a. Universal
b. MGM
c. Paramount

27. In Movie Maniacs (1936), what was writer Felix Adler’s original ending?
a. Curly clicks his heels together and sends them home
b. Larry whispers, “Moe’s bud.” (Rosebud)
c. They burn the studio down

28. Which song was originally going to be used in Punch Drunks (1934) to make Curly go crazy?
a. The Moon Went Over the Mountain
b. Stars and Stripes Forever
c. Rule Britannia

29. How many days does it usually take to film a Stooge short?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12

30. Which Stooge short was the only short to be nominated for an Oscar?
a. Movie Maniacs
b. Punch Drunks
c. Men in Black

31. What’s the longest Stooge short?
a. Outer Space Jitters
b. A Pain in the Pullman
c. Spooks

32. Name the very last Stooge short at Columbia.

33. What Hal Roach star directed some Stooge shorts?
a. Harry Langdon
b. Charley Chase
c. Edgar Kennedy

34. Who is the oldest Howard brother?
a. Moe
b. Curly
c. Shemp

35. Put the cause of death by Curly.

36. Put the cause of death by Shemp.

37. What Stooge short is the only one to have all members of the Stooges in it?
a. Hold that Lion!
b. Dunked in the Deep
c. Fright Night

38. What Stooge short has the unforgettable song “Swinging the Alphabet”?
a. Three Little Pirates
b. Whoops I’m an Indian!
c. Violent is the Word for Curly

39. How many times has Curly been married?
a. once
b. twice
c. 4 times

40. Curly’s movements were used in what Disney movie?
a. Fantasia
b. Snow White
c. Dumbo

41. Name the childhood incident that happened to Curly.

42. Name the childhood incident that happened to Larry.

43. Moe’s wife was a cousin of…?
a. Charlie Chaplin
b. Harry Houdini
c. Jack Benny

44. How long have the Stooge shorts been in theaters?
a. 15
b. 25
c. 35

45. Put the number of Stooge shorts with Moe, Larry, and Curly Joe?

Offline dbaxter1991

what short has Bud Jamison bumping into a guy and he says, "just for that you get no breakfast"


  • Guest
what short has Bud Jamison bumping into a guy and he says, "just for that you get no breakfast"

"Back From The Front"


  • Guest
OK wiseguys, I'm a bit confused...

I was watching an episode of the Mike Douglas show from the 70's (Ted Knight was the co-host), and Moe Howard was a guest. When Moe was introduced, Mike Douglas said there were "196 comedies" in which the Stooges appeared... I found that a little odd until Moe came out and corrected him by saying that "there were 200."

So whats UP with that?
I've always been under the impression that there were only 190 SHORTS, but were these guys also referring to the 6 MGM movies and the 4 at Columbia?

Which is true?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Bo Sullivan

Offline dbaxter1991

There were actually 190 Three Stooges shorts made. Mike Douglas was wrong, but I don't about Moe. Maybe he's right.  ???


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Can anyone else speak to my previous question?
Bo Sullivan


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  • Guest
Well, I guess I appreciate the "response," even though it was only a simple sentence.

Perhaps I should elaborate on my question - I know it must be confusing when I use such a cryptic word like "speak," so for the benefit of those who may misunderstand for what I am asking, I'll try again with greater effort:

Referring to my initial post about the total number of episodes: Does anyone on this list have any idea why both Mike Douglas and Moe Howard would offer such different reports as to how many Stooge shorts there actually were? As questioned previously, and with full understanding that there were, in fact, only ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY shorts, why would such a pulic discrepancy exsist? Is there any chance that the aforementioned people would have access to this conflicting information, AND if so, to what could they be referring?

Is anyone here qualified to and/or capable of responding at-length?
If so, please offer any information you may posses.
Bo Sullivan

Offline shemps#1

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You need to lose the fuckin' attitude real quick.

When anyone (especially a newbie) gets snotty because they didn't get an answer to their liking, no one is going to want to answer them. There are plenty of people on this site qualified to elaborate on your "all important" question, but no one is going to want to. I could chime in with a theory, but have no desire to, especially now.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline dbaxter1991

At least you frikin' got an answer.

Ungrateful, eh?? >:(


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WOW - talk about attitude... and from a "moderator," no less.

Points of general correction:
-In the event that an individual is appointed with an official title (such as "moderator") it would be wise to posses complete knowledge of the appelation. ("Moderator" in the English language is commonly known to be a non-partisan mediator of a given group. Sadly, the sixteenth-century term is also known in intellectual circles as a substance that merely "slows down neutrons.")
-If a one insists on saying that members have an "[expletive deleted] attitude," then please be sure to correctly address the party at fault using proper grammar, citing, at-length, passages that would support his/her assertion. If suitable proof cannot be provided at-length, it is considered somewhat naive to avoid giving proper credit to the benighted author's own opinion.
-Generally, modern intelligentsia consider the adverb "real" to be vaguely informal and more suitable in poorly constructed speech than writing.
-According to Strunk and White's "Elements of Style" (fourth edition), one should avoid adding quotation marks when using a colloquialism as it is said that the person in-question reveals him/herself to frequently practice the "putting-on of airs."
-It is commonly accepted that a sentence should never end with a preposition.
-When writing on a specific topic for public consumption, authors should avoid using wide generalities such as "no one," "plenty of people," and other phrases of overt grammatical callowness.
-Hyphens are most often used when inferring a verb/preposition in the transitive sense. (ex: One cannot publicly denounce the desire to "chime-in" without actually having done so.)
-When writing, keep in mind that sentence fragments are only permitted when used as a declarative expression. These ideas should, however, maintain proper punctuation throughout.
-Frequently considered crude, the vocable "no" should, in most cases, be used as a function word to emphasize a following negative or to introduce a more emphatic, explicit, or comprehensive statement. When a properly descriptive negative connotation is desired, the word "none" is most commonly acceptable.

Indeed, Mr. Moderator, you have shown yourself as a gleaming beacon of ignorance for all to admire...

Basking in your light,
Bo Sullivan

Offline dbaxter1991

I gots a few things to tell ya, !!SullivanBoy!!

1. Snotty people (like you) SUCK!!!!

2. Does the city Bedrock  8) mean anything  to you?

3. doesn't matter about how many Stooge shorts, at least we all know there is 190.

Offline dbaxter1991

No offense, dude, never teach me grammar. I've had have it up to here with learning!!

Offline jrvass

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OK wiseguys, I'm a bit confused...

I was watching an episode of the Mike Douglas show from the 70's (Ted Knight was the co-host), and Moe Howard was a guest. When Moe was introduced, Mike Douglas said there were "196 comedies" in which the Stooges appeared... I found that a little odd until Moe came out and corrected him by saying that "there were 200."

So whats UP with that?
I've always been under the impression that there were only 190 SHORTS, but were these guys also referring to the 6 MGM movies and the 4 at Columbia?

Which is true?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Bo Sullivan

190 shorts + 10 movies = 200 comedies. Why are your panties in a wad?

You may know grammer, Mr. Englishperson. And I'll bet your hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!


  • Guest
Well, I guess I appreciate the "response," even though it was only a simple sentence.

Perhaps I should elaborate on my question - I know it must be confusing when I use such a cryptic word like "speak," so for the benefit of those who may misunderstand for what I am asking, I'll try again with greater effort:

Referring to my initial post about the total number of episodes: Does anyone on this list have any idea why both Mike Douglas and Moe Howard would offer such different reports as to how many Stooge shorts there actually were? As questioned previously, and with full understanding that there were, in fact, only ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY shorts, why would such a pulic discrepancy exsist? Is there any chance that the aforementioned people would have access to this conflicting information, AND if so, to what could they be referring?

Is anyone here qualified to and/or capable of responding at-length?
If so, please offer any information you may posses.
Bo Sullivan

What more do you want? There were 190 shorts. That's all I know. I don't know why Moe and Mike gave different reports.

Offline dbaxter1991

DUDE.....Chillax! SullivanBo All ya had to tell us was did ya want shorts and movies or just the shorts or just the movies? That's all we wanna know :-\

Offline dbaxter1991

Can anybody answer my quiz?

Remember: I don't care how well you do. There are no dumb Stooge fans.

Offline FineBari3

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I just recently viewed all of Moe's appearances on Mike Douglas, and I noticed several errors and contradictions on Moe's behalf; too bad I cant remember any of them except the '200 Shorts' comment.

I do remember reading the same stories that Moe talked about, but there were subtle contradictions, like the town the event occured in or which short the scene happened in.
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline shemps#1

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Alright fuckwad, I'm going to reply to your post before I ban your ass.

1. The first sentence itself was a colloquialism. In fact, the whole post was. People speak that way every day; and since message boards are more of a "speaking" situation than a "writing" situation, it works. Is it proper grammar? No. Is it acceptable grammar? Yes. Most of that post of yours falls under this category. On a message board people should write they way that they speak, not as if they were writing a fucking term paper. Your nit-picking attempt to correct my grammar and try to make me look like a fool is a "putting-on of airs".

2. Censoring an expletive in a quote when it is unnecessary is another "putting-on of airs". If your reply were being printed in a newspaper or another publication where printing expletives is prohibited it would be fine, but here where it is well-known that foul language does not get censored it makes you look pompous. After all, I was the one who said it, not you.

3. Since your entire post was snotty, there was no need to quote any of it. It is right there for anyone and everyone to see.

4. You are a good example of why we have a ten post watershed before a member of this site can start topics. If you manage to piss people off within your first ten posts, then it is in the best interest of the site's administrators to get rid of you. Don't let the door hit you in that fat fuckin' head on the way out.

Everybody else; when someone acts up like this please DO NOT answer their question in any way. Once you do that you have given them what they wanted, thus encouraging this kind of behavior in the future.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2005, 08:20:36 PM by shemps#1 »
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Robbie883

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Good Riddens, I dont understand why people have to be so snotty, expecially newbies. This is suppost to be a site of good mature friends talking about the Stooges, and other discussions. I for one encourage you getting rid of this guy, and anybody else that acts like this guy Shemps. Good Job.   ;D

This has been my first post in a long while. Glad to be back guys.
