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shemps#1 · 1290 · 427727

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Offline Oldtime Stooger

How can I get my picture into an official 3 stooges scene print? I know there are copyrights but I have been searching for a while to get this done. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


I am a die hard 3 stooges fan. i also have a strong brooklyn jewish identity and identify with them not just becuase i'm a fellow knucklehead, but becuase of the jewish dialect the 3 stooges used in their films especially the yiddish words like "shikur" which means drunk. and "givalt" which means "oh my God" in yiddish. they really are the best.
anyway back to my request. i really love your site and i figured if many knuckleheads make a request it would have more clout and influence to get them to grant it.
as you probably know the 3 stooges are being aired on spike tv. over the years i have already accumilated most 3 stooges episodes on vhs and have some on DVD, but some i can only get thru network tv. perhaps my fellow knuckleheads can make a request to for some of the ones i still need to complete my collection have the fulfilment i have been seeiking all my life?
I'm sure you understand the empty feeling a fellow knuckehead can get if they dont have the stooges they need. to make my life complete i need a complete stooge library dont you agree?
they can be reached via their feedback form for programming at or by phone at 212-846-2560

Ok. here are the stooges shorts i need.

Pardon My Scotch

mutts to you

three little sew and sews

we want our mummy


Even As I.O.U.




The shemp era:

merry mavericks

all gummed up
















thanks alot.


Offline Joseph Wardell

Spike channel.   The Stooges are on every AM at 9.  They have a lot of commercials though.  They stretch the 17 minute clips out to 30 minutes.  So you get to watch two shorts in an hour.  What is the world coming to.  Especially that they have a habit of cutting some of the material out also.

Offline Joseph Wardell

A little Turtle Wax never harmed anyone.  It's good for the shine.

Dog Hambone

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I'm not sure I'm in the right place for this, & I recently went over 10 in postings, but I couldn't figure out where else I could ask this question.

In "Matri-phony", ancient Rome is called Erysipelas. In "Don't Throw That Knife", when Moe is biting Shemp's ear, Shemp exclaims, "Cut it out! You'll give me erysipelas" (although he pronounces it more as "ear"-ysipelas" - probably making a pun). I hadn't given the word much thought until recently, when it popped up in a Dashiell Hammett book I was reading. He's the creator of detective Sam Spade, & was publishing in the late 1920s/early 1930s. In none of these was the word used in any kind of context, so that you could at least guess what it was supposed to mean. I checked the internet, but to no avail.

I'm guessing it was some type of slang from the 1920s through the 1940s. And like most slang, it fell out of favor or was replaced by a new term. Does anyone here in stoogeland know what in the H E double hockey sticks the word "erysipelas" is supposed to mean?

["I'm trying to think, but nothing happens"] 


Offline Dunrobin

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I'm not sure I'm in the right place for this, & I recently went over 10 in postings, but I couldn't figure out where else I could ask this question.

In "Matri-phony", ancient Rome is called Erysipelas. In "Don't Throw That Knife", when Moe is biting Shemp's ear, Shemp exclaims, "Cut it out! You'll give me erysipelas" (although he pronounces it more as "ear"-ysipelas" - probably making a pun). I hadn't given the word much thought until recently, when it popped up in a Dashiell Hammett book I was reading. He's the creator of detective Sam Spade, & was publishing in the late 1920s/early 1930s. In none of these was the word used in any kind of context, so that you could at least guess what it was supposed to mean. I checked the internet, but to no avail.

I'm guessing it was some type of slang from the 1920s through the 1940s. And like most slang, it fell out of favor or was replaced by a new term. Does anyone here in stoogeland know what in the H E double hockey sticks the word "erysipelas" is supposed to mean?

["I'm trying to think, but nothing happens"] 


I did a quick search on (God I love Firefox) and found the following:
Quote from:
er·y·sip·e·las    Pronunciation Key  (r-sp-ls, îr-)

    An acute disease of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by a species of hemolytic streptococcus and marked by localized inflammation and fever. Also called Saint Anthony's fire.

Hope that helps!   ;)

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

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To enhance Dunrobin's answer to the meaning of the word, do a search of this word at and you'll get a more in-depth definition, and even what symtoms and risk factors to look out for. It seems that a mini statue of St. Anthony is the usual cure for this illness.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.

Dog Hambone

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Thanks, guys. I'm almost sorry I asked, once I read the definition. Oh well, at least now I can sleep at night (& dream up some more absurd questions)! 

Offline ACMEsalesrep

Can someone tell me what is the Stooges' short where, while making breakfast, they mistake the can of glue for the can of molasses, resulting in the spoon or fork becoming glued in Moe's mouth?  Thank you for help with this.

Offline BeAStooge

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Can someone tell me what is the Stooges' short where, while making breakfast, they mistake the can of glue for the can of molasses, resulting in the spoon or fork becoming glued in Moe's mouth?

THE NEW 3 STOOGES: Outdoor Breakfast (1965)

Offline ACMEsalesrep

Offline randyj

This thread is for newbies with a post count of less than 10 to ask a question about the Stooges. In case the questions begin to pile up the person answering them should quote the question in their reply.

Hello everyone!   

I am brand spanking new here...and I have been looking around...and I think this is a great site!  I love the Stooges!

I do have a question...although I am quite hesitant to ask it because of what I read on "read before you post" thread. hahaha...

I am 48 yrs old...I grew up with the Stooges...everyday after school without 4pm...I would watch the 3 Stooges.  I realize the "Niagra Falls" bit was wildly popular and has been beat to death....BUT....I have not seen it since I was a kid...but I always remembered it...and I always did the bit with my kids as they were growing I do it with my grandkids.

Yesterday....I was channel surfing...and caught the very end of the Niagra Falls episode...I was in shock!  I need to know the name of that episode <ducking>  I want to download the bit...or go buy it somewhere so I can pass the "tradition" on to the Grandkids.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...and I do apologize for asking one of the "dont ask us that again" questions!   I did use the search engine by the way...and I couldnt get any hits at all.  But then again....I am a newbie.


Offline BeAStooge

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caught the very end of the Niagra Falls episode...I was in shock!  I need to know the name of that episode


Go up to the top of the screen for the episode index, find GENTS, and the page for that episode will include DVD and VHS links to buy it on The DVD volume is called "Healthy, Wealthy & Dumb;" the VHS volume is called "A Pain in the Pullman."

Btw -
The Stooges filmed the "Niagara Falls" routine in 1943 for a feature film called THE RIGHT GUY, released/retitled as GOOD LUCK MR. YATES (1943). The bit was cut from the final release. Jules White used the footage for GENTS WITHOUT CENTS one year later, producing the short around this piece of unused stock footage.

Offline JazzBill

When was Shemp born? You have it as '' 1895-03-04 '' in This Date In Stooge History.But I keep finding March 17 1895 in other places. Thank you..
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Dunrobin

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When was Shemp born? You have it as '' 1895-03-04 '' in This Date In Stooge History.But I keep finding March 17 1895 in other places. Thank you..

This is a common confusion, JazzBill.  We had an extensive discussion about it last year, which you can find here.

Offline oldsfan1

I'm a newbie
I need info concerning a an icon (picture) I saw.I need any information  ie short, title whatever can be found.
 This picture shows the Stooges in an office setting standing in front of a desk playing trumpets, behinde the desk is one female and one male actor. The Stooges in the picture are Moe. Larry, and Curly.  I wolud like to find a photo or some where a copy can be purchased. Thanks for your time and help

Offline Shemoeley Fine

<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Judging by your screen name, can I assume you are a fan of the now defunct Oldsmobile?  My first car in high school in the late 60's was a 1957 Oldsmobile 88 Fiesta Wagon, hmmmmm, the stories I could tell you about it and what went on inside its comfy and ample interior.

Los Tres Chiflados son The Three Stooges
Ma'. Lorenzito y Rizzado

Pilsner Panther

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I'm a newbie
I need info concerning a an icon (picture) I saw.I need any information  ie short, title whatever can be found.
 This picture shows the Stooges in an office setting standing in front of a desk playing trumpets, behind the desk is one female and one male actor. The Stooges in the picture are Moe. Larry, and Curly.  I would like to find a photo or some where a copy can be purchased. Thanks for your time and help

That's from "The Big Idea," an early Ted Healy-Stooges short. Here's a digital copy that I've cleaned up as much as I could, but the picture quality is still pretty poor. One of our members might have a better image, or even an 8x10 glossy that they'd be willing to sell. Stay tuned, if there's anyplace you can find it, it's here!

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline JazzBill

I would like to put a joke in the Bad Joke Of The Day section but it has to do with religion. Rabbi and Priest stuff to be exact.Are those kind of jokes off limits?.......Thank You
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline percytheslice

Did the 3 Stooges ever entertain the troops"live" during WW2?
If so - where & when please ::)

Pilsner Panther

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I would like to put a joke in the Bad Joke Of The Day section but it has to do with religion. Rabbi and Priest stuff to be exact.Are those kind of jokes off limits?.......Thank You

Well, I certainly don't have any objections to those jokes, and I suspect that shemps#1 wouldn't either, since neither one of us is religious. Dunrobin is, though, and he has the final say. Why don't you send all three of us the joke by Private Message, and we'll let you know what we think before we put it on the board.

If you haven't used the PM system yet, give it a try— it's a great feature.

Offline Dunrobin

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Did the 3 Stooges ever entertain the troops"live" during WW2?
If so - where & when please ::)

I imagine that they did, Percy, but I don't know any details, and I'm not sure if they ever entertained the troops overseas.  Maybe one of our learned Stooge scholars will know; hopefully they'll notice the post.

BeAStooge?  Garystooge?  Any info on that?  (I tried looking through the Journal Index, but I didn't find anything about it.)

Offline Dunrobin

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I would like to put a joke in the Bad Joke Of The Day section but it has to do with religion. Rabbi and Priest stuff to be exact.Are those kind of jokes off limits?.......Thank You

I don't have a problem with that kind of a joke.  (I'm a Christian, but I am opposed to "organized religion" so jokes about priests and rabbis, etc., definitely don't bother me.)   ;D

In fact, I'd say (offhand) that about the only thing that I would just delete from the site is anything that is outright, graphically obscene, as we do have younger people as visitors and/or members.  (I don't want cartoons or pictures from Playboy on the site, for example.)

Offline JazzBill

How do you post something that will direct you to another site? I seen it done here, but I don't know how you do it.There is a little clip on a site called Jib-Jab called " Big Box Mart." It really tears into Wal-Mart.  I don't have a lot of computer skills, so if it's really complicated, forget it. It would really fit on the" Hate Wal-Mart' category.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Giff me dat fill-em!

  • Oh, Vici Kid!
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  • Vici Kid
Jazzbill -
When you are posting, look above the comment box and you'll see just above the smileys a row of icons. A pinwheel, a speaker, a realplayer button, a quicktime button, etc. In about the center of this row of buttons is one that looks like a globe with a small piece of paper next to it. This button is called "Insert Hyperlink". After you have copied the link from your browser, or written it down, click this button. Inside the comment box will appear a pair of bracketed letters in this order - url and /url with the cursor blinking in the center. This is where you paste the link, or type it in. Make sure the link is in between the two opposing brackets for the link to work correctly in your post. It will appear in your post as the link you typed in. This is only one way of inserting a link. You may also insert an FTP link (two icons over). I'll let someone else coach you on that one.
The tacks won't come out! Well, they went in ... maybe they're income tacks.