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Ask Team Stooge **NEWBIES**

shemps#1 · 1290 · 423316

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Offline CurlySteve

Help!! Im a newbie i dont know how to start topic.Im a stooge fan.I just love it when larry or curly get moe stirred up.

Pilsner Panther

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Well, you already figured out how to post a picture here, which I thought was a restricted feature. Nice choice, though— it always cracks me up when Moe gives Curly, Larry, or Shemp the business like that!

You have to make 10 posts before you can start a new topic. We've had some problems with trolls here in the past, and that's a way of determining what someone's intentions might be before we give them full access to the boards. It seems to work pretty well.


Offline CurlySteve

I got a good question to ask yall.Can they make the new three stooges today? i mean new people to play moe,larry and curly? Or you cant replace the original stooges.Some people think replacing them with new stooges is like making a brand new beatles rock group.Do you feel that way?

Offline CurlySteve

Nope..Hey who gave you permisson to make a phony film?

Offline BeAStooge

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Hi i found 2 stooge films on ebay none i have never heard of.
1. Smashing Tomatoes
2. Milk and Money
Has any one heard of these films? ???

Silent, 5-minute, retitled abridgements from a handful of the Columbia shorts, marketed for home viewing with a toy 16mm projector in the late 1940s, by a company named Excel.

Back in 1988, The Three Stooges Journal published a detailed 2-part article about the projector, and a list of the Stooge titles sold with it.

Offline rhood123

Hey gang,
am a newbie but am unable to download video clips through Windows media player. Any suggestions on what media player to use or comments why I'm having probs?
Go Buckeyes!! POTFI!!!

Offline shemps#1

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I think the clips are for the Real Player.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline jrvass

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I think the clips are for the Real Player.

I watched "Uncivil Warriors" this weekend using Real Player.

This prestigious award, has been presented to you.
Because your belly sticks out farther than your Dickey-Do!

Offline Robbie883

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Hey gang,
am a newbie but am unable to download video clips through Windows media player. Any suggestions on what media player to use or comments why I'm having probs?
Go Buckeyes!! POTFI!!!

Go Buckeyes!!! lol

Offline Myren

I guess this as good a place as any to ask this, so here it goes. And I think I know the answer already but, did the Stooges shorts ever come out in wide screen? Or is this just something newer moives have done? Like the Joe DeRita films.

Thanks for any help.


Offline 3Stooges


None of the Stooge shorts were made or shown in widescreen.

Offline Myren

Thank you. I did not think they where but thought I would ask.

Thanks again

Offline Myren

Yet another question:

Does anyone know how these Stooge shorts became public domain: "Disorder In The Court," "Sing A Song Of Six Pants," "Malice In The Palace," "Brideless Groom,"? And how none of the others did?  I am guessing the copyright ran out?


Offline Dunrobin

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Some clerk at Columbia goofed and left them off the list when Columbia was renewing their copyright back in the 50's.  Presumeably, by the time someone realized the errror it was too late, and those four went into public domain.

Offline nooner

Hello everyone.  I guess I need to get my first post out of the here goes.

Is there any sort of Stooges Appreciation Society in existance?  I know there is the "official" fan-club over at, but I am talking about a real interactive organization dedicated to the love of the shorts.  The kind of thing where people would occasionally get together and share dialog about the stooges?  I remember back around 1994 attending a Stooges Convention in Pittsburgh.  There were movies shown, vending booths set up, trivia, etc.  It was a load of fun, however I have never seen something like it since.

Thanks for having this board in existance.  I have lurked for a long time and figure it was time to dive in and start posting for myself.


Offline garystooge

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Is there any sort of Stooges Appreciation Society in existance?  I know there is the "official" fan-club over at, but I am talking about a real interactive organization dedicated to the love of the shorts.  The kind of thing where people would occasionally get together and share dialog about the stooges?

Sounds like you're talking about the Three Stooge Fan Club Inc. which has basically been doing what you describe since 1975.  This club is not affiliated in any way with the C3 fan club at  We publish a quarterly newsletter ("The Three Stooges Journal") and have an annual meeting which brings together fans, Stooges relatives and supporting actors, films and rare memorabilia.  There's more info available right here at this site....just click on  "Three Stooges Journal" under the heading "Stooge info"

Offline FineBari3

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Hey, are you still living in Pittsboigh??????

I guess you attended at the Syria Mosque??? Man, were those Midnight shows outta control!!! Actually, the man who put on those festivals, Doug Drown, passed away a few years ago. I also think that after the Syria Mosque was torn down, that no one would have them anymore. There were a couple of festivals around Pittsburgh last year, one in Oakmont and one in Butler, but nothing to the extent of Mr. Drown's events.

Hey, check out the Fan Club....and JOIN NOW!!!!  There is a carload of us that drive out to Philly for the Meeting in April! Get yer butt moving....same goes for the rest of you!!!! A truly class organization!!!
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline nooner

You are correct.  It was the Syria Mosque.  Good times.

I'm no longer living in Pittsburgh. That was just during my collage days.  After looking at the address for the fan club you mentioned, I just realized that I am living about 20 minutes from their P.O. Box!!  I will send off my money today.  Can't wait to meet some enthusiastic fans at the next event.

Offline garystooge

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After looking at the address for the fan club you mentioned, I just realized that I am living about 20 minutes from their P.O. Box!!  I will send off my money today.  Can't wait to meet some enthusiastic fans at the next event.

I think you'll find it's a very friendly group as Mar-Jean and others who have attended can attest.  I'll send out your fan club stuff tomorrow....thanks for your interest.

Offline nooner

Can someone fill me on the progress of the effort to put the Stooges on a U.S. commemorative stamp?  I saw mention of it on a 1998 Stooges Journal, but I haven't been able to find any concrete information since.  Are there efforts still afoot to help make this a reality?

Offline 02flhri

I'm looking for the title of the short and/or a copy of the dialog where Curly does the "Mammy" routine.
As my fading memory recalls....
"Who came from Alabammy?"
"And made our eggs & hammy?"
Any help greatly appreciated!!