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shemps#1 · 1290 · 428956

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Offline yuiotta

Well - I guess I'm talking to the right person. Any chance I could look at a photocopy or scan of a couple of them? I would be happy to submit additional books to you if you want them for your bibliography. Thank you.


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Making SPAM posts - Dunrobin
« Last Edit: October 04, 2010, 07:22:03 AM by Dunrobin »

Offline red

how do i post a question? this is the first page on this board where i could get on?  i want to know what episode did curly say i"m trying to think but nothings happen

Offline BeAStooge

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Offline CannedCoin

Hi there,
I just wanted to take the time and thank member "BE A STOOGE" for taking the time to write back and also for posting my comments. It really makes me feel welcome here in Stoogeland!!!! Thank you so , so ,so, so, so,so much!!!  My gratitude is great and eternal! If i was an Elk I could wear it on my watch chain...if I had a watch chain.  : )
Canned Coin :)

Offline CannedCoin

Hey it's Coin again...I was wondering if somebody could please tell me in what episode SHEMP says " A HEY... A HO... A GIMME A PIECE O' PFT , EEP, EEP"? Because every time I hear that I just die!!! It's the greatest!!! Thanks Again.
C. Coin


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Hey it's Coin again...I was wondering if somebody could please tell me in what episode SHEMP says " A HEY... A HO... A GIMME A PIECE O' PFT , EEP, EEP"? Because every time I hear that I just die!!! It's the greatest!!! Thanks Again.
C. Coin

Scrambled Brains

You haven't got long to live, friend! LOL

Offline CannedCoin

Thank you so,so,so,so,so much. I might be DEAD.. but I died laughing. THANK YOU my fellow KNUCKLEHEAD!!!!!

Offline shemps#1

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I am guessing that I am not only speaking for myself here, but could you take it down a few notches?
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Boid Brain

I guess I should have posted here first, but this site is really complicated to a person who "Every time he thinks he weakens the nation"....Just in case anyone is interested I will give a brief bio of my forte's....1st: classic movies...2nd: The Stooges...3rd: Baseball...4th: Every other human endeaver from the Bronze age to now.

I have scanned some of the comments and I am somewhat impressed by the savvy around here. I hope to fit in, and get into some good talk.

Something I have not seen here is stuff about the new Stooge movie, of which I'm totally stoked, yet ignorant. Fill me in Mr. Shemps. I know that it's supposed to be Del Toro, Penn and Carrey, but my info is 2 years old.

Offline FineBari3

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Something I have not seen here is stuff about the new Stooge movie, of which I'm totally stoked, yet ignorant. Fill me in Mr. Shemps. I know that it's supposed to be Del Toro, Penn and Carrey, but my info is 2 years old.

Oh, there is talk. I would say 95% or more of us here are sickened by the idea of the Stooge movie, and wish it would fade away.

I would find a thread on the movie here, but I just woke up.
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline CannedCoin

Hi there,
This letter is in response to a subscriber ( and fellow stooge fan ) asking me in front of the whole wolrd to "please tone takt it down a few notches".
Well i thought about it all night and this is the very best i could come up with. I usually don't reply to such letters, but I plan on sticking around for a while. And yes, I am aware of this peticular clients "Status" around here....well here goes...

Dear sir,
Please forgive me for being a bit overzealous but I am absolutely thrilled to have found a place to celebrate my idols free of shame and ridicule
 (ridicule that i'm sure we've ALL had to endure as STOOGE fans). I was just having fun. Quoting a few lines from one of my favorite episodes...(No Census)and joking around with my new online buddy... MY POST WAS NOT DIRECTED AT YOU.
        I sincerely hope I did not ruin your " vibe " by being "too enthused".  Please forgive the offense. ( Sheesh What A Grouch!!! )

                            Pablo ( CannedCoin ) Trujillo
                   N O W   M A Y B E   W E   C A N   S T A R T   H A V I N G    S O M  E   F U N   A R O U N D   H E R E ! ! !
 Continued annoyance S#1

Offline shemps#1

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I have been a member of this website for about 10-11 years and a Mod pretty much since the Message Boards opened (only the "oldest" among us can remember when the Filmography was the only part of the website). Newbies such as yourself go through a vetting process (which is why you cannot post new topics right away) so it is my job as a Mod to keep an eye on all the newbies that come along. As with any other newbie I have been following your posts for awhile and I have noticed your posting style is akin to someone having downed a couple six packs of Red Bull and is now bouncing off of the walls.

I have seen many of those types come here and suffice it to say they do not last long. Most newbies I do not have any issues with, in fact I can't even remember the last time I had to ban a newbie for behavior problems it's been so long. Most of my recent bans have been for multiple accounts or spamming. I asked you "take it down a few notches" because contrary to what some may believe I do not like banning people BUT I have found you to be rather annoying and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has.

As for who the post was directed to: to be blunt, I don't give a shit. If I didn't respond to the post as I did I wouldn't be doing my job. This is definitely a place for fans of the Three Stooges to come together and discuss their passions in an intelligent manner but just because it is a Three Stooges board doesn't mean you have to act "wacky" or "zany" (i.e. annoying). As for how long you stay here that's up to you. If you do not "slow your roll" and "take it down a few notches" as I previously advised you then might want to make a change of plans.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline CannedCoin

Ooooh a WARNING!!!!
 I guess that's supposed to subdue or "kill" my spirit. Well gues what Nit Wit....YOU CAN'T FIRE ME BECAUSE I QUIT!!!!
 Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!
Aaahhh what price stoogedom...
It's gonna take more than a winy letter on your website to kill the stooge in me...I'll just have to seek out stooge lovers elsewhere ( I'm sure they're not ALL as up tight as YOU.) There are those that give The happines that they get FREEly.
So long FARTFACE....

PS- I'm only 18 years old and a friend of mine recommended this site.... what a meathead!!!!
Pss- you remind me of the foreman in "How High"..HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
(email removed S#1)
Banned for 180 days.  Come back when you grow up. - Dunrobin
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 01:50:21 PM by shemps#1 »

Offline Dunrobin

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I am in no mood to suffer fools today.  If you are really 18, Canned Coin, you should be embarrassed to be acting like such a retarded jerk.  I've instituted a 180 day ban; you can come back then if you've dried out behind the ears and have learned how to act like an adult.   ::)

Offline metaldams

"Fartface?"   :D

I deal with enough idiots at my job, so thank you guys for taking care of this one.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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I can sure spot them, can't I?

I want clarify that I am not out to "kill" or "subdue" anyone's "spirit" (whatever that may be) or the "Stooge within" for that matter. I cannot tolerate people coming here and acting like idiots. I don't think my request that he tone himself down was asking too much and I feel as though I took a rather diplomatic (if stern) approach. If this had happened a few years back circa the Islipp Era or immediately after I would have banned him outright. Perhaps I am getting soft in my old age.

You're right Rob; as I was reading that mess and he stated he is "only" 18 (which is legally an adult just about everywhere) I wondered why he would announce that after acting as if he were 3.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Lefty

Canned Clown is only 18?  Why does that not surprise me?  Maybe he can have fun with his Cindy Crosby dolls until he wakes up and realizes that this is more of a grown-up website.  "If only we could find some a-dult."

Dog Hambone

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PS- I'm only 18 years old and a friend of mine recommended this site
that's ALL I DO ALL DAY is sit and watch The three Stooges. Sometimes if i like a peticular episode like WARBIRDS or GENTS or POLECATS, I'll watch them 10 times in a row. I don't work. I don't have kids, a wife, or a pet. So ALL I DO is Eat, Sleep, and watch The Stooges and commit to memory scenes scripts etc.

When I read that, I immediately got the impression that Pablo "CannedCoin" Trujillo must be still living at home with mommy and daddy (who are no doubt trying to find a cure for his arrested development & wondering how they are going to get him to start looking for a job).

Maybe he should try posting his meth induced psycho-babble on the Three Stooges dot com "guestbook". It just might fit there. Better yet, he might meet up with killarny (that bozo from last summer); surely cannedcoin has already committed to memory that "quicksand scene with 5 to 10 minutes of hilarity". Maybe he can tell killarny and his 7 friends which episode that alleged sketch appears in.   

Offline martainc

In order to find an uncut version of Space Ship Sappy I was told to purchase the Sony Collection Volume 8 where all of the videos are supposedly "uncut".  I just wanted to let everyone know that this version is cut as well.  I have been on a mission to find the uncut version of the shorts and for whatever reason this one doesn't seem to be available anywhere.  If anyone has the uncut version please let me know.



Offline thedon1940

I am trying to locate Marilyn Hanold, was told that she attended a stooges festival a few years back.
I have a photo or two of her and would like to write her for her autograph, can anyone on here help me or
point me in the right direction?

Offline Desmond Of The Outer Sanctorum

In order to find an uncut version of Space Ship Sappy I was told to purchase the Sony Collection Volume 8 where all of the videos are supposedly "uncut".  I just wanted to let everyone know that this version is cut as well.  I have been on a mission to find the uncut version of the shorts and for whatever reason this one doesn't seem to be available anywhere.  If anyone has the uncut version please let me know.
I don't know what may have been discussed on this before (maybe it needs its own topic), but this raises some questions.

How do you know that there's something that used to be in the short but is now cut?
What is it?
What other shorts are apparently cut even on the Sony Collection?
"Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day." -- Samuel Goldwyn


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I don't know what may have been discussed on this before (maybe it needs its own topic), but this raises some questions.

How do you know that there's something that used to be in the short but is now cut?
What is it?
What other shorts are apparently cut even on the Sony Collection?

There are discussions scattered on the internets about the foot tickling scene. Apparently, on some syndication versions it was left out entirely, which led some folks to believe that they remembered seeing a much longer version.

Based on the discussions, it seems like some folks are mixing vague memories of the tickling bit from Self-Made Maids with this short.

Along the same lines, I wonder if anyone has ever located that missing footage from Ferris Bueller's Day Off, where Mia Sara disrobes at the pool! I'm sure I saw that, either on a network airing or in the theater, I'm just not sure which..  >:D

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

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Concerning the phrase "Oh, a wise guy!":

I've been making my way through the shorts on DVD in roughly chronological order, and I noticed something when I got to A Ducking They Did Go. When the duck sprays Curly with a jet of water and Curly responds with the now famous line, "Oh, a wise guy!", it occurred to me that I could not recall any previous short in which Curly (or either of the other Stooges) uses that line. Moreover, I haven't yet found a subsequent short (I haven't yet viewed all of them, but I'm close to the end of the ones with Curly) in which that line occurs. So is this famous line really used only in this one short?

Offline FineBari3

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Concerning the phrase "Oh, a wise guy!":

I've been making my way through the shorts on DVD in roughly chronological order, and I noticed something when I got to A Ducking They Did Go. When the duck sprays Curly with a jet of water and Curly responds with the now famous line, "Oh, a wise guy!", it occurred to me that I could not recall any previous short in which Curly (or either of the other Stooges) uses that line. Moreover, I haven't yet found a subsequent short (I haven't yet viewed all of them, but I'm close to the end of the ones with Curly) in which that line occurs. So is this famous line really used only in this one short?

Interesting observation!   [thumbleft]
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson