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Worst Episode Opinion

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I agree with you. Rhythm and Weep is the far most curly episode in my opinion. As for Beer -Barell Polecats, they have used a lot of footage from the past in the second half i.e So long Mr.Chumps and In the sweet Pie and Pie. What do you guys think? What, in your opinion, is the worst Curly or Shemp episode ever created in stooge history?

Great news Stooge fans!!!! All the Joe episodes are going to be gone on Tubetime on demand!!! Thank God they are over. Now it's all Curly!!! What do you think?   

In my opinion, there are a lot of Joe episodes I really didn't like. BUT, there is one I particuarly liked. "Outer space Jitters." Its kind of weird (like all the Joe episodes) but it's kind of funny. What do you think?

Giff me dat fill-em!:
Yeah, I kinda like that ep too. It also has the distinction of having Dan Blocker as the Space Monster.

Ruler: All our buildings are air conditioned and have every modern convenience. We are way ahead of you earth people.
Prof. Jones: We suspected such possibilities. We seek more knowledge of you, and your friendship.
Moe: Yeah, we'd like to know what's cookin'!
Larry: Such as dames!
Joe: You don't happen to have any spare telephone numbers, do ya?

It's a toss-up for me, between" Horsing Around " and " Sweet and Hot ". It's usually the one I just finished watching that I hate the most.


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