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Worst Episode Opinion

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Paul Pain:

--- Quote from: Lefty on March 01, 2014, 10:49:58 AM ---Worst Operating System:  Windows 8

--- End quote ---

Windows 8.1 > Windows 8

Windows 98/00 <<<<< than all other OS's

This debate can only be had by 10 kinds of people.

Worst Curly (pre-stroke) - Spook Louder!

Worst Curly (post-stroke) - Rhythm and Weep

Worst Shemp (original) - Self-Made Maids

Worst Shemp (remake) - Rip, Sew, and Stitch

Worst Shemp (post-death) - I lump all four together

Worst Joe (original) - Horsing Around (Sweet and Hot at least had Moe as a German psychiatrist)

Worst Joe (remake) - Triple Crossed

Worst Curly-Joe (Columbia) - Have Rocket, Will Travel

Worst Curly-Joe (other) - Kook's Tour

I'm part of the group that agrees Besser wasn't really the reason those last 16 Columbia shorts weren't up to par with the Stooges' earlier work. I feel the quality is on par with the last handful of Shemp shorts (and not just the ones with Palma).

Though I will agree that Besser never seemed to fit in as a Stooge. In fairness, he was only with the act for less than two years. I wonder if he would have worked better as a supporting player, a la Sitka and Dent. Overall, I see the Besser era as a novelty.

DeRita was a better fit as a Stooge, and was good enough to keep the act going for another decade or so. But he lacked personality. How would you describe Curly-Joe's character, anyway?

Assuming that the old Mantan Moreland story is true (I have my doubts), I wonder how he would have fared as a Stooge. Ditto for Sitka.

I'll have to say any Fake Shemp episodes, cz it feels so weird, and I'm uncomfortable with the guy's back to the camera.

Also, Cuckoo In A Choo Choo is odd. I can't say their performances are bad, cz they're not. I rather enjoyed seeing Larry taking on a more assertive role. It was the writing that was odd. I mean, why would they be in a stolen train car so that they can wait for Shemp to propose? Weird. And why wouldn't Officer Moe just arrest Larry and come back for Roberta? Instead, he (and the rest) stayed so long in that car that he actually had to shave. They were funny, but the writer/s, man, I'm wondering what they'd been smokin'? lol

Speaking of "Worst Episodes," I thought it was more than a bit funny--and maybe ironic--that on the "Hey Moe, Hey Dad" DVD when Paul Howard cites some of the examples of "Good" Joe Besser shorts, he singles out Hoofs and Goofs as one of them. That got a sly chuckle from me...   >:D

The worst Curly short IMO is "Beer Barrel Polecats" with "Woman Haters", "Restless Knights" and "Saved By The Belle" close behind.

The worst Shemp original short is "He Cooked His Goose" with "Self Made Maids" and "Don't Throw That Knife" close behind.

The worst Shemp remake is "Rumpus In The Harem" with "Flagpole Jitters", "Fling In The Ring" and "Rip, Sew & Stitch" close behind

The worst Joe Besser short is "Horsing Around" with "Triple Crossed", "Sweet And Hot" and "Sappy Bullfighters" close behind.


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