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Worst Episode Opinion

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I wonder if that was because the older shorts were harder to come by in 16mm. 

I would have to guess those were not Larry’s three favorites…

Maybe Cuckoo on a Choo Choo was one of his favorites.

I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'll add my 2 cents:

Worst Curly: Mutts to You. I'm not the biggest Charley Chase fan, as far as his work with the stooges is concerned and this is definitely his worst. Dog-washing machine, not funny at all. The baby scenes are mildy amusing at best & the ending is just meh. I'll even take some of the post-stroke Curly's like A Bird in the Head over "Mutts".

Worst Shemp: I like to break this up into categories: originals, remakes, and of course the "Shemp A.D." shorts:

worst original Shemp: Self Made Maids

worst Shemp remake: Hot Ice

worst post-mortem Shemp: Rumpus in the Harem

worst Besser short: Horsing Around easily, although I think Flying Saucer Daffy and Triple Crossed deserve an honorable mention as well.

And for extra credit, worst Derita feature: Snow White, nuff said!


--- Quote from: Shemp_Diesel on January 14, 2013, 06:22:03 PM ---I know I'm a little late to the party, but I'll add my 2 cents:

Worst Curly: Mutts to You. I'm not the biggest Charley Chase fan, as far as his work with the stooges is concerned and this is definitely his worst. Dog-washing machine, not funny at all. The baby scenes are mildy amusing at best & the ending is just meh. I'll even take some of the post-stroke Curly's like A Bird in the Head over "Mutts".

Worst Shemp: I like to break this up into categories: originals, remakes, and of course the "Shemp A.D." shorts:

worst original Shemp: Self Made Maids

worst Shemp remake: Hot Ice

worst post-mortem Shemp: Rumpus in the Harem

worst Besser short: Horsing Around easily, although I think Flying Saucer Daffy and Triple Crossed deserve an honorable mention as well.

And for extra credit, worst Derita feature: Snow White, nuff said!

--- End quote ---

I like the way you broke them down into categories.  I may have to make my own list like this.  Cool!

Allen Champion:
For me, all the Stooges shorts are wonderful, except for IF A BODY MEETS A BODY through HALF WITS HOLIDAY.  I can't bear to see one of the world's most beloved comedians practically dying before my eyes.  It says a lot for his love of performing and his dedication to his career.  But what a tragic end for someone who brought (and continues to bring) so much joy into the world.

Mine would be Triple Crossed. Did not care for the way Larry was depicted, especially the end-I know it was a remake of He Cooked His Goose, which had, IMO, a more tolerable ending-with (in TC) Moe beating up on Larry. Only saw it once, never again.


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