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Worst Episode Opinion

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Oddly enough, Joe Besser wasn't bad with Abbott & Costello; he can be really funny as "Stinky" when he works opposite Lou.

But he just wasn't true Stooge material, because you had to be willing to take slaps, pies, seltzer shrpritzes, mallets to the head, explosions, and whatever else came up. Joe B. didn't want to do the full Stooges routine, getting slapped and pied and bonked, and so he's not much of a Stooge.

If I can say anything in his defense, Besser was following directly in the footsteps of two of the greatest comics in American film history: Curly and Shemp Howard. He deserves a lot of credit for even trying to fill their shoes, but I'm still not buying Vol. 8.

At that point, the Columbia Comedy Shorts were just about finished (as in kaput), and it shows.



--- Quote from: Blystone on June 14, 2010, 05:44:56 AM ---If I can say anything in his defense, Besser was following directly in the footsteps of two of the greatest comics in American film history: Curly and Shemp Howard. He deserves a lot of credit for even trying to fill their shoes, but I'm still not buying Vol. 8.


--- End quote ---

Too bad. Guess you're gonna miss out on the set's Easter Egg extra of a detailed retrospect of the Stooges Columbia shorts, complete with rare footage and outtakes, including some of the Stooges home movies. Quite a pity, quite a pity. [shrug]

[Shhhh, Yeah, I know there ain't no extra Easter Egg on the set. Just trying to see if I can fool this grapehead into buying the set. Don't tell him, you morons!!]   [shhh]

I actually enjoyed Scrambled Brains myself. Sitka with the coke bottle glasses, Shemp playing the piano, and Larry's "I think she's uglier than you" line to Moe, are all priceless.   [biggrin]

Assumes Shemp voice: "Easter's over, and I didn't get no eggs yet!"



--- Quote from: Blystone on June 15, 2010, 06:33:40 AM ---Assumes Shemp voice: "Easter's over, and I didn't get no eggs yet!"


--- End quote ---

Oh, taking me illiterately, eh?   [3stooges]


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