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Worst Episode Opinion

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Now that I hear you guys as Stooge fans:

What would you say is the WORST STOOGE SHORT EVER???

Mine is:
Remakes of those Shemp shorts
Any Joe short

Thus not hating any of the Curly shorts, why do you think?!!!?? :D

I went ahead and split this off from the newbie thread. You should have started a new thread. I'll respond to your question because it has been awhile since I've seen a "worst short" thread, and I found your answer confusing and interesting.

First off, I wish you would have been more specific in your answer. You ask which short is the worst and then give your opinion with two very broad answers. There has to be a Shemp remake or a Joe short that sticks out more than the rest as the worst.

As for the "not hating any of the Curly shorts" part, I think you are blinded by your devotion to him. When you have a canon of work as large as the Three Stooges, you are bound to make some stinkers. They made some with Curly and Shemp as well as Joe. If you were more honest with yourself you would realize that not every short they made with Curly was great, or even good. Also, every Joe short and Shemp remake of Shemp shorts aren't equally as bad.

In my opinion the worst short they made was Sweet and Hot. At first I had an adverse reaction to it, as most people do. Now whenever I watch it it feels like watching a train wreck, I can't keep my eyes off it. There isn't a word in the English language to describe how bad that short is.

Shemoeley Fine:
The worse are naturally the Joe Besser shorts,  Moe must've been in a daze when he chose Besser as the 3rd Stooge, Joe was out of his league. They only positive out of this negative IMO, is that if Moe and Larry had cashed in their chips and retired, we might have not had the Curly Joe era, but then again we still owuld have as it was the TV re-runs of the shorts with Curley and Shemp that made possible the DeRita feature films, cartoons etc etc

Commotion in the Ocean is unwatchable and the other post-Shemp's death shorts are very inferior. Blunder Boys is the last quality short by the crew.

My least favorite Curley 2-reeler is 3 Loan Wolves, but it's still okay, I won't walkaway if it's on like I do with all the Bessers, all the after Shemp died ones and some of the latter years ones with Samuel Horowitz. There's no doubt that Shemp was the most succesful of the brothers as a whole.


If you wanted something specific, you know when Semp died, the rest of the shorts were remakes.

For example: Creeps (1956) was a remake of The Ghost Talks (1949).

I HATE whaen they do that!

Joe as a stooge sux balls!!!  >:( So does Curly JoeDeRita with those gay-ass movies and those dumb as crap cartoons!!!

Sorry for cursing  :'(

You're allowed to curse (except in the review section), but proper spelling would be nice.


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